"Are we running this as a cigar club?" Kalortah coughs at the scent of smoke as Devin offered him the vile stick of rolled leaf... The nerve of that bard? Had he no notion of propriety? And didn't he know smoking was bad for one's voice?! "You all may be content to sound like old men who drink sand, but some of us make a living on the sound of our voice? Smoke is bad for your voice. It'll make the throat all raw, and yes..." Kalortah squirms uncomfortably as Devin continues to smoke.
Nevertheless, he had a job to do, and was determined to do it well and to the best of his ability. He was to bring up an issue of relevance to the council about the Desnind Delegation.
"Anyway, I'd like to bring the next issue up to the table." Kalortah began, clearing his throat as best he could while the smoke wafted his way. "The emmisaries from Desnind will be arriving anyday. As Foreign Relations Councilor, it falls to me to welcome these folk. I hear they will be bringing an exchange of scholars in terms of people and material goods in exchange for whatever we have to offer... As you are aware, Desninders do not deal in nel. Are there any issues the council wishes me to bring before these emmisaries?"
"None from me." Said the Devout.
Then, not unexpectedly, the one Sev'ryn on council began to speak. The Natural Affairs Councilor, "I have some matters I'd like to hear their opinions on... and I wouldn't mind approaching them to discuss a potential arrangement. An offering of an exchange."
"First, for those unaware, there are rumours running around of... well, we're not entirely sure what they are, but sightings suggest animals imbued with powers of the elements. As someone that has faced creatures such as these in Rharne, there known as Flameborn, this is no laughing matter; I hold nothing but sincerity when I say that approaching these things unprepared could lead to the destruction of Scalvoris." His face was especially grave. "Investigations will begin shortly, I've made arrangements beforehand. But seeing as these creatures have some connections to plantlife and forests, I would like to hear the opinions of the Nafaka and Tsabar."
"Secondly, Desnind currently holds a monopoly over the population of Flutterbuses... but barring them, lack any other flying creatures at their disposal. To hold control over a couple more Flutterbuses and arrange further routes within the islands, and of course to other nations, could quarter the time otherwise needed for travellers. If it is alright with our emissaries, and our own Menagerie, an exchange of single-mount flyers for their twenty-mount beasts of burden would be a massive boost for our economy... and I don't need to tell you how vital establishing a breeding pair would be in that endeavour."
"Hmmm... I could try and persuade them. I feel we'll need a substantial gift in order to gain a breeding pair." Kalortah tapped his chin, "Perhaps there's something they already want."
Tio simply suggested, "Alcohol."
The Councilor of Natural Affairs ignored Tio's suggestion, but went on to speak to Kalortah, "That, I leave entirely in your capable hands. I wholeheartedly believe that given a pair and a little more manpower, we could make something of even a single Flutterbus offspring. Their value is not to be underestimated."
"Yes, they are very fast on the wing." Kalortah said, "I spent my hunting arcs in Desnind and I have seen them in flight myself. I couldn't hope to out pace them, as strong as my wings are..."
"Come to think of it I don't recall there being a library or similar such building in Desnid. Perhaps they'd appreciate books or other technologies they could put to use?"
Tio spoke next, "The Sev'ryn have a strong oral tradition for the transmission of knowledge from what I know. But perhaps books would be appreciated. Certainly they'll enjoy the many resources we have to offer." Tio said, actually making a decent offer.
Devin was the next to chime in, and it grated Kalortah that he actually made a decent suggestion that he couldn't disagree with, "Medicine. Send a few doctors to Desnind. I worked as a specialist for Northern Medicine in Desnind for a while, and they were really curious about how we do things!" smokes some more and offers Kalortah a cigar,mostly because he doesn't approve of smoking
"... Medicine? Northern medicine has its charms, to be certain, but you'd be better off trying to sell alcohol to Rharne." The Natural Affairs Councilor said "... or racism to Rynmere."
Kalortah smirked, and then chimed in, perhaps unwisely, "Or slaves to Athart."
Tio was next, "Or pirated good here."
Shania spoke her own concerns "Actually, I'd like to learn from them. Maybe their medics can work with ours to help with the more natural healing techniques?
Unsurprisingly, Devin attempted to twist Kalortah's jibe as a sincere suggestion. The nerve of that slippery bard! "Slavery is illegal! Are you proposing that we take back the esteemed Faith Augustin's law, councilor Kalortah?" Devin narrowed his eyes while probably secretly wishing he could buy a slave or two.
"It was a jest?" Kalortah softly said to Devin, and then went on with business, "What I'm really looking for, is what we can do for these Desninders?"
The Natural Affair's Councilor went on to respond, to Shania"That's an excellent idea, Councillor, only, we're currently trying to come up for suggestions for things we can offer them."
Shania responded, "Resources. The sands, the strange flora and fauna - and the ability to teach - the place to teach - if they want it."
Kalortah touched his chin thoughtfully, looking up at the ceiling for a moment in pensive posture, "Hmm... yes a way to transmit their traditions might entice them. As well as resources. Whatever they want."
Devin blurted out, "That's a great idea! If you remember, I already proposed that we finance the education reform with sand. Let's give them sand!"
The Natural Affairs Councilor spoke to Tio, "Devout Tio, as long as you agree to relent and let the tree-priests in... I believe I can arrange suitable resources."
But Devin wasn't don't speaking his mind, and chimed in again, "In fact, let's market sand as a valuable resource!"
Kalortah turned to face Devin, smiling unctuously and suppressing the urge to throttle his rival, "I think our sand is best left to the glassmakers of Egilrun, no? "Finished products fetch better prices. Perhaps incentivize glassmaker industry."
After a few moments passed, TIo responded to the Natural Affairs Councilor, "What? Oh yeah sure, go ahead. It's not like it's a crime to worship Moseke around here or anything." But he wasn't done, "You know just for the sake of being devil's advocate, have we considered that maybe, during their visit, two of the flutterbuses could end up being... shall we say..." coughs "misplaced?"
Kalortah coughed pointedly. "It would cause an international incident."
Devin mimicked Kalortah, coughing as well
"We must protect their moths at all costs." Kalortah insisted.
"Oh they worship Ymiden over there. I'm sure they could find it in their hearts to forgive an honest mistake." Tio jibed. Kalortah was slightly outraged. "Or we're liable not to get anything. we'd need more than the actual flutterbuses
Despite Kalortah's objections, or perhaps because of them, Devin actually seemed to be considering the proposal of Tio! "Assuming that two flutterbuses went missing, where might they be found?"
"We'd need their expertise in breeding them." Kalortah nearly groaned at the scheming going on in the open in the council chamber. No wonder Scalv was a sesspit of crime and debauchery! "So doing it without their consent is a bad idea."
Tio kept going, "Oh you know, maybe they get found after having just enough time to breed in a secure hidden facility. Naturally we'd give the original flutterbusses straight back, but as for the kids..."
Kalortah palmed his face, but said nothing further.
Still, Devin and Tio kept discussing the issue of pirating the Flutterbuses, "How many kids does a flutterbus have on average, and how long does it take to breed flutterbuses? Just for curiosity's sake, of course ..."
Tio insisted as the coucil, with the noted possible exception of Devin, expressed grave misgivings toward his proposal, "I'm just saying we should, as responsible council members, be willing to discuss more creative options." Tio turned to answer Devin's question, "I have no idea. Councillor Nir?"
The Natural Affairs Councilor appeared most displeased, "... Councillor Mareth, your insight please. I am refusing to even educate the thought right now, for obvious reasons."
Tio made the slipper suggestion that he was only speaking in hypotheticals. "I'm not sure what you mean councillor. We're just discussing what hypothetically might happen if such an unfortunate sring of events was to occur. I'm not suggesting we do anything." He winked at them.
"It must be avoided at all costs." Kalortah insisted, "Mobilize the elements to guard these Flutterbuses."
Finally the Natural Affairs councilor, after a moment of silence from Mareth, spoke on his own behalf, "I must admit up until this moment I did not think it necessary, but I am now going to remind the Council, very politely, that I am in fact Sev'ryn, born and raised in Desnind, and while I refuse to let that impact my duties to this Council, I will not be held accountable for my actions should you continue to discuss this blatant, disrespectful, and frankly disgusting insinuation of discourtesy, no, hostility against esteemed guests and representatives, of my own home nation."
Kalortah asserted himself for a moment, "As Foreign Relations Councillor, I have half a mind to call for a censure Councillor Tio. If he persists in this suggestion."
Tio seemed to throw up his arms in surrender, "Ugh, fine. You guys are such buzzkills."
Kalortah went on, "The Sev'ryn will be more valuable as allies than adversaries. There is much we can offer each other. But only as long as we deal honestly with them."
Finally, Councilor Mareth weighed in, "I would also remind Councilor Tio that our island is not, in the grand scheme of the world, particularly strong. Several of our already existing alliea are on good terms with Desnind. While Desnind is no great power either, we can't afford to risk alienating our allies for the sake of cheaper transportation.
Speaking the Flutterbus, however, before we start looking into getting any, we should be certain they can survive extended periods in our climates, especially in the winter."
Shania spoke up, "We are used to breeding and caring for animals which live in a very varied climate. Let us offer to work with Desnind. By doing that with Viden, our University is now as well-considered as any on Idalos."
Devin again spoke, further grinding on Kalortah's nerves, "Yes, let's do that. That's an excellent idea, Shania! We should definitely stop talking about misplaced Flutterbuses!" As if he hadn't just now been pondering Tio's suggestion!
Mareth spoke to the avriel, "Councilor Kalortah, is there anything else related to foreign treaties you wished to bring to the table?"
Kalortah paused, opened his mouth to speak, but then went silent. After a long pause, he finally said, "No nothing else." So he yielded the floor, for the moment.
The snippets of dialogue were taken from ic chat. The narrative is from Kalortah's point of view, and entirely subjective.