• Graded • Finding Faith

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Re: Finding Faith

22nd Ashan 720

Hearing of Ishallr and all its wonders made Yeva's heart ache. It was the same feeling of need she had experienced when Azrael had once described the blooming jungle of Athart, and the crumbling ruins that lay inside. A low, gnawing envious interest. She wanted to see the never melting ice and the statues of perfect cold. The last time she had felt it, she had ended up across the world, nearly losing her freedom. All for a missed adventure, caution thrown to the wind, "I hope to see it, one day." her voice was a bit breathless, followed by a slow smile, "Well, maybe not the spiders."

Who was she kidding? She'd be pleased with a glimpse. Yeva reached out to pat Darius knee, smiling. She felt pride for him. Perhaps their mission had not gone to plan, but he had gone on an expedition with one of the most renowned women in all of Idalos. How could he lounge about so casually! The sound of writing drew her attention and with every letter etched, she felt another butterfly flutter in her stomach. This was it? A recommendation? She tried not to buzz right out of her seat.

Faith mentioned Famula, and wondered what it must have been like to not be bothered by the cold. She had no idea what laid in store for her in the trials to come. How the hunger she felt would only grow, "Hm?" she was still reading the parchment, processing what it meant for her future, what doors it could open, when Faith inquired about the institution.

"Oh, well... I'm studying medicine at the university... I've been planning to add Linguistics as well..." Why did she feel embarrassed to admit that? Was it because Faith was an icon and she was... well... Yeva? "Um," she had to clear her throat, least she start stuttering again, "I've always heard about Viden branch. I... I don't know if I would have ever called myself an innovator."

Was that a horrible thing to admit? She was so used to working on her own, following her passions where they took her. Didn't joining like minded individuals sound nice? "I appreciate the sentiment, but," But what? "I just might have to make sure I don't bite off more than I can chew. I can get carried away, jumping in to the first topic of interest."

She sighed and then waved a hand towards the sailor, "Maybe Darius could enroll?" she smirked turning to face the man. She had not imagined him in a classroom setting before, but he had a keen mind, "Although, I'm afraid I've not looked into the institute much. What programs do they have? Would credits transfer or is it something else entirely?"
word count: 472
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Re: Finding Faith


It was only after Darius had silently expressed his gratitude to Faith that he caught himself. He had wanted to thank her for nigh on two arcs. It was Faith Augustin who had organised the recovery efforts after the docks collapse, and though Darius himself had helped with the cleanup, he had never had the opportunity to voice his appreciation.

And now that such an opportunity had presented itself, he had instead thanked her for helping him out in an awkward social setting.

One trial, he hoped, he would have the courage to speak with her about the collapse, but that would require confronting some of the pain from his past[/URL]. In time, that would happen, but this was not that trial.

Darius allowed himself to be distracted by Faith's revelations about blood. And, for what it was worth, it was a topic worth being distracted by.

The bearded blond had seen his fair share of blood, but he had never considered that it might be possible to see into it. It was all a bit difficult to comprehend for the seafarer, but he glanced across at Yeva, wondering what the medic thought of it.

Darius felt as though he could contribute to the conversation once again as Faith began to describe Ishallr.

"Aye, it is beautiful," he agreed. "The walls of the ice caves are the brightest you've ever seen. I'd say Ishallr is as beautiful as it is dangerous."

Darius was less familiar with the place than Faith was, but it had a harsh climate, and people had died there.

"Perhaps I can take you there, some trial," he added, shrugging his shoulders lightly at Yeva.

The redhead's suggestion that he might consider studying brought a snort from Darius. He enjoyed learning new skills, but he'd never considered attending a university.

"I've never been very good in a classroom," he admitted, before his tone significantly changed to an earnest one. "But you should consider it, Yeva! I'm sure you'd be excellent!"
word count: 342
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Re: Finding Faith

22nd Ashan, 720
That Yeva didn't want to bite off more than she could chew prompted a nod from Faith. "I understand that, and it's sensible," she said. Embarking on a course of study was something that needed to be considered carefully. The questions about what the institute was, and did, prompted a frown of concentration as she explained. As always, Faith was keen to be clear. "I set up the Institute with the ... well, I wouldn't go so far as to say the blessing of Viden and Scalvoris." Her eyes twinkled, just slightly, as she spoke. "In truth, I don't think they felt they could say no." She had been hired, she explained, by the University in Scalvoris, along with her husband, to work on expanding education. Her smile was slightly wry as she shrugged. "I don't think they entirely expected us to embrace that job quite so much. But, to cut a long story short, yes. All credits can be transferred, we offer the same system as Viden and Scalvoris, but there are some differences."

This was, of course, the important bit. "Tuition is free to members of the Order of the Adunih, so long as it can be related to the work. So, if you undertook a Linguistics qualification, for instance, we'd ask that you put it to use in the Order. Maybe making some signs or information leaflets in languages you know, things like that." Faith glanced at Darius and nodded. "You have a quick mind and an inquisitive nature. I think you'd do well." But that was all she said. It wasn't Faith's way to push, she wasn't selling anything. However, there was another difference and that was relevant to them both. "Also, we aim to innovate. Not to be bound by the confines of 'I study Medicine', because really Medicine is so many things. It's chemistry, it's needlecraft, it's psychology .... " Shrugging she grinned. "Some of the most important things I've learned have been maths, physics, cooking. It's all related. So, the classes are much more practical and often have more than one professor there."

That all said, Faith fell silent - she'd explained the Institute as well as she could and, while there were other differences - like the way they treated slaves. That wasn't relevant to either of these people, and Faith didn't intend on wasting their time. Although, one final thought hit her. "Oh, it's free for members of Isonomia, too." The faction she'd set up, a few arcs ago now, and which was very much an active part of what they did here.

Ishallr was a beautiful place, although it was dangerous. Faith raised an eyebrow when Darius said that he'd take Yeva. "Be prepared to fight off Zach, he's twitchy about people going in. Because they get lost and things," she said. But, nodding to Yeva she added, "but he never argues with a member of the Adunih." So, wearing that cloak might be beneficial if they went there.
word count: 519
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Re: Finding Faith

22nd Ashan 720

If credits could be transferred, Yeva saw no reason why she couldn't further her education in Rharne. She was in the midst of getting her letter in linguistics, but had been concerned about the timing of it all with the war in Rharne. If she could find a way to balance both, that would be wonderful! Yeva listened closely to the description of the Institute, feeling the itching of excitement. How she wanted to go out the door and find out for herself! The idea of practical application had always been her favorite, and best of all, Order members attended free of charge, minus a bit of volunteered labor, "What a great exchange," she enthused, looking at Darius to see if he too share her excitement, "I could certain do that! You've given me so much to think about."

Her mind was reeling with possibilities to contribute to, subjects to take.

Faith said that quick minds and inquisitive natures were welcome, and both of those descriptions were practically her calling card. She gathered her new gift and listened as Darius talked of Ishallr. The same desire to see it, just as she felt with Athart stirred within her. The itch of secrets and adventure. She grinned at the blonde seafarer, an almost impish expression that seemed to hint that there was never a choice in the matter, "I hope that's a promise," she teased him, looking back at Faith who had warned them of Zach. A man who just wanted to protect those he could, she would need to do some preparation to show she was ready. But, if he never argued with an Order member...

"Then it's settled. Ishallr has officially been added to the list."

Places to see.

Things to do.

Puzzles to unlock.

"Thank you," the red head said genuinely, reminded of her earlier fretting. Recited conversation? How silly! "For everything. Getting to talk to you has been such a treat!" Yeva stood, hugging her new possessions with such love, "We know you're a very busy woman. I should probably let you get back to it." She looked over at Darius, scooting away from her chair and seeing if he would follow, "I hope our paths cross again," then to Darius as she was practically bouncing happily towards the door, "Let's get lunch. I'm starving!"
word count: 398
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Re: Finding Faith


Darius was content to listen quietly as Faith explained the benefits of getting an education at the university. Much of what he himself had learnt had come from his own experiences, both good and bad, but he would never argue that learning from others could not be effective. Indeed, his acrobatics lessons had been guided in a large part by the writings of Demetria Safora.

In fact, the brunette had such a vast depth of insight into the topic of learning that Darius himself couldn't help but reflect on how it applied to his own favoured vocation of sailing the seas. There was more to it than simply standing on the deck of a ship and not throwing up over the side. He had to be able to climb, and maintain his balance, and have enough strength to endure a long journey. And if he were to become a captain of his own ship one trial, that would require an ability to lead, as well as to navigate.

He still wasn't planning to attend the university, but the thought process had at least given him an opportunity to pause and take stock of his own situation.

Darius nodded when Faith urged caution. Ishallr was, he knew all too well, a dangerous place. But he imagined that the brunette knew enough of him to know that he would not knowingly endanger Yeva.

"Aye, we'll be careful," he acknowledged.

When Yeva teased him lightheartedly, he nodded again.

"Aye," he chuckled lightly. "It might cost you a banana cake, but that's a promise."

He was still smiling when the redhead rose from her seat and thanked Faith. Darius did likewise.

"Thank you so much for this," he offered the brunette. "Your time and generosity have been quite the gift."

Looking back to Yeva, he knew that to be true. The poor woman had been overwhelmed when they had arrived, but a brief audience with Faith Augustin had been enough to settle her nerves. He felt proud of himself for having facilitated his friend meeting her idol.

Yeva's excitement was contagious, and Darius found himself joining her enthusiastic departure, and he offered Faith a departing wave.

"You see?" he whispered half a trill before they were out of earshot, a smile stretching wide across his face. "I told you she was nice!"
word count: 393
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Re: Finding Faith


Skill Knowledge:
Caregiving: Supporting a friend when they're feeling nervous.
Caregiving: Encouraging a friend to do something that scares them.
Discipline: Don't take gentle teasing personally.
Etiquette: Introducing two people to each other can create a new friendship.
Etiquette: Thanks someone when they give up their time.
Persuasion: Offering to take someone sightseeing.
Rhetoric: Some people use cue cards to help them remember what they want to say.
Storytelling: Personal experiences can provide storytelling opportunities.
Storytelling: Remember key points when telling a story.
Logistics: Arranging a meeting.
Psychology: There are different levels of nervousness.

Non-Skill Knowledge:
Faith: Is very generous.
Yeva: Can get flustered.
Yeva: Is braver than she thinks.
Item: Magnifier.

Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Knowledge:None requested.
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Persuasion: Getting Recommended by a Strong Reference Helps
Teaching: The Institute of Innovation (Rharne) Has a Unique Approach to Education
Research: The Contents of Faith Augustin’s Licentiate Thesis
Research: Reference Former Academic Papers
Rhetoric: Utilize Note Cards for Conversation

Loot: Faith Augustin's Licentiate Thesis (book), a magnifier, reference to the arcana professor for the institute of innovation.
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 5, for getting a reference from Faith.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15
- - -
Comments: Poor Yeva! You described her being nervous because she was going to meet the famous Faith Augustin very well in my opinion. When you had her practice greeting Faith, I couldn’t help but be a little amused though. Fortunately, she didn’t have go enter the Outpost alone. I loved how reassuring Darius was even though he was a little nervous as well!

I actually think that Yeva’s using note cards for her introduction to Faith was a clever idea.

I wish I had gotten to see one of those notecards though!

I loved how friendly Faith was and how interested she was in hearing more about Yeva’s own work. I was curious about that as well – and about the time that Darius got his legs all tangled and screamed like a girl. That must have been quite an entertaining thread, and what more, it seemed as if teasing Darius did indeed break that feeling of discomfort!

Fortunately, Darius didn’t take the teasing personally!

It was very nice of Faith to share her thesis, give Yeva her the magnifier and write that letter. I appreciate that you included the actual letter in the thread rather than mentioning that Faith wrote it – and all the information on the Institute. I have to admit, I didn’t know much about it prior to reading this thread!

That being said, I cannot help but wonder if Darius really wouldn’t be very good in a classroom now. Darius as a university student is something I wouldn’t mind seeing one day!

All in all, I found this thread very entertaining, and I loved how you covered a wide variety of different topics from research over Darius’ and Faith’s adventure to university!

Yeva, I’m afraid that I cannot award you the three “Intelligence” knowledges that you asked for in the review request. In my opinion, this was a mostly social thread, and the “Intelligence” skill did not play a part. Your PC simply observed that Faith was generous, for example. She did not find out that Faith promoted the Institute of Innovation by gathering intelligence either. Faith just talked about it and readily shared the information in question.

I would have requested such knowledges as non-skill knowledges, like Darius.

Furthermore, I cannot award you the following two knowledges: “Research: The Origins of the Magnifier” and “Research: How to Use a Magnifier”. Yeva did not find the information out by using research techniques, and she wasn’t investigating the magnifier either. “Interrogation” might have played a part as she asked questions about the magnifier, and Faith answered, but in that case, I would have worded the knowledges in question differently.

The same goes for you, Darius. I do not think that the "Research" skill played a part when it comes to the two knowledges you requested about the magnifier.

Feel free to suggest replacements for the knowledges that I didn’t award you, and don’t hesitate to PM me if you have questions, please!

Enjoy your rewards!

P.S.: Faith, you didn’t list which skills you used in the review request. Please remember to do so next time!
word count: 763





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