Emea Development Submissions.

Got an Emean Beast to develop? Or some Emea flora or fauna? Put them here!

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Emea Development Submissions.

And so, to sleep. Perchance, to dream....
A place for players to submit development pieces for Emea. Maybe a creature, maybe a mushroom or a small blue sphere which contains pink bubbles! Literally, the limit is your imagination and, as such, there are no templates here. However, that said, please keep in mind that I require sufficient detail to approve - and all completed and approved articles will go on the Emea City Wiki - here. Thanks!
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Re: Emea Development Submissions.

Crystal Tree Approved
Crystal Tree

Description: These trees are exactly what they sound like; trees that are made out of crystal. They can be any type of tree, and they can be made out of any color crystal. The crystal that these trees are made out of are faceted, similar to a cut gem. But they appear to have an opalescent shimmer the way that pearls do. Their leaves are made out of the same crystal that the main part of the tree is made out of, but they can be a different color (or different colors) than the trunk and branches. The leaves can be picked, but it is harder to do so than it would be to pick a leaf off of a tree in the waking world; more like trying to pull a very stubborn weed out of the ground by the roots. Should a dreamer succeed in picking one, the tree will scream, a shrill, agonized sound that hurts the ears, and echoes in the mind as well as the ears. It can be heard for long distances that vary with the height of the tree; the taller it is, the further its cry can be heard. Any Emeyan within range of that scream may or may not come to investigate it. The leaves can also be found on the ground beneath the tree from time to time, because like trees in the waking world, they shed their leaves periodically. But unlike trees in the waking world, this does not necessarily happen with the change of the seasons, or for any discernable reason. The leaves feel like bubbles to the touch, and if squeezed too hard, they will burst, coating the hand of whoever squeezed it with a thick, syrup like liquid that is the same shimmery color the leaf was. This liquid begins to glow upon contact with anything it touches, and will be absorbed into whatever it comes into contact with in a matter of trills.

The most notable aspect of these trees is that it will begin to glow every so often. When a tree does start glowing, its leaves will rustle madly as if caught in a strong wind. Trills after that, brilliant beams of light will shoot out in every direction from every leaf and the tips of the branches. Each tree has its own cycle for when this happens. So it could happen once a trial for some, once a trill for others, and once every forty five bits for still others. And so on. It is a beautiful sight to behold.

Intelligence: This varies greatly from tree to tree. Some are merely that; trees. Others have a presence, and anyone who draws near has the feeling that someone is watching them. That "presence" can be felt as being amused, hostile, or anything in between. Still others are capable of communicating with those who come within a few yards of them. This communication isn't as simple or as clear as words or emotions would be. The person the tree is "talking" with simply knows what it wants in a general sense. They might feel unwelcome, and know the tree wants them to leave, for example, but not why they are unwanted. Or the tree might want them to do something for it, and they will get the impression of what they should do as if they themselves decided it would be a good idea to do whatever the tree is trying to get them to do. These impressions can be ignored, but the cost of doing so is a feeling of intense disappointment, and anger directed towards them, and a severe headache that lasts for the rest of the dream. The headache may linger into the waking world for a few breaks if the tree's anger is strong enough.

Abilities: The beams of light that are produced by the crystal trees will change anything that they touch. Dreamers, Emeyan beings, the landscape around the tree...nothing is immune except for the trees themselves. The changes can be drastic, such as a patch of dry land turning into a swamp, or a rock turning into a book with legs that runs around begging people to read it. They can also be internal rather than external, such as a wolf suddenly finding that it can't eat meat, but has started craving plants instead. The changes can also be subtle such as a personality trait being gained, enhanced, or lost, or a physical trait such as strength or speed being enhanced or diminished. Other possibilities can include, but are not limited to suddenly being able to see in infrared or ultra violet instead of (or in addition to) the normal visible light spectrum, changes in age, gaining or losing limbs, etc.

The liquid inside the leaves can cause changes as well. The changes that the liquid can cause are just as varied as the changes caused by the beams of light, but are limited to the area where the liquid was absorbed into, so usually a hand, or a foot. The greater danger is that the afflicted Dreamer will find it harder to awaken from their dreams from a time, ranging from a few trials to a Cycle. This comes with the risk of becoming trapped in their dreams for that period of time. Only Dreamers are ever affected by the liquid of the leaves because it will only effect living creatures, and the Emeyans know better than to crush the leaves and get the liquid on themselves. Even the lowest level Emeyans have an instinctive fear of the leaves, so they will avoid touching them.

If a dreamer is changed by one of the crystal trees, the changes will persist as long as the dream does. Getting hit by another beam of light from the same tree, or a different one may reverse the change...or it may simply add a new one. In most cases, the changes fade away as the Dreamer wakes up. Once in a while, a change might persist for a time (a trial, or a cycle, it varies). These changes affect the dream self only, however.

Frequency of Appearance: Semi common. The older/taller trees are the ones who have a presence, and/or are able to communicate, and these are more rare than the younger trees.

Danger Level: Moderate; the changes are completely unpredictable, and can be drastic, but it is easy enough to stay out of range of the tree's beams of light if one knows what they are dealing with. The effective range of the beams ability to to change what they touch is 25 yards from the tree that produced them. Beyond that, the light is too diffuse to do anything.

Credit to: Ari'sora
word count: 1136
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Emea Development Submissions.

Moderate Emeyan: Black Horse.
Appearance: Stands at just over 7ft tall, appearing as a vaguely humanoid shape with many horse-like traits, including a feral horse's head, hooves for feet, a horse's tail and tufts of fur sprouting from around its body more comparable to a horse than anything seen on a human being. Its skin is pitch black, as is all hair/fur on its body. From the top of its head to the middle of its shoulders is a long crest of fur that sticks up and out in bunches. It is never seen without a curved double-sword that bends back on itself at odd angles.

Purpose: Acting as a watcher and defender of the Veil, Black Horse was created to protect those within the Veil, and the Dreamscapes of sleeping mortals from Emean Beings that do not belong within them. However, Black Horse acknowledges mortal Dreamwalkers as rightful denizens, and has been known to come to their aid in some occasions when fighting off Emean Beings that attack them.

Skills (150): , Exotic Weapons (Emean Blade) (50), Detection (30), Intimidation (30), Hunting (20), Endurance (20).

Minor Traits (4):
- Bestial: The Emeyan has many of the characteristics and the appearance of a specific kind of beast (Horse). While it doesn’t have to be exactly like the beast it’s based upon, it takes many of the defining traits of said beast. An Emeyan based on a wolf may have the snout and fur, or be entirely wolf-like. Taking Bestial means that the beast has enough defining characteristics based on the animal that they are easily identified by it.
- Painless: An Emeyan that is Painless suffers no pain and is therefore not deterred by taking damage or by effects that specifically aim to cause pain. It continues to take damage as normal, but will not be distracted by the pain of their injuries.
- Armoured: The Emeyan has armour, armoured scales or tough hide, or otherwise some form of protection over their body that serves to shelter them from physical assault. It doesn’t make them completely immune, but makes their exterior more difficult to penetrate with physical means.
- Fast: The Emeyan is able to move at superhuman speeds and has an impressive reaction speed, moving quick and lithe over the ground (or other surface or lack thereof), requiring a keen and attentive defense from their victims.

Major Traits (2):
- Regeneration: The Emeyan is able to regenerate their flesh, recovering quickly from the most grievous of wounds. If not immediately slain, they are able to stabilize and recover with time and may regrow lost appendages and limbs. In order to completely destroy a creature with Regeneration, the head must be severed or destroyed from the rest of the body or the vital organs rendered nonfunctional before the body has a chance to start regenerating again.
- Supernatural Sense: This Emeyan possesses a sense of a supernatural kind, the likes of which is difficult to otherwise replicate. Whether it’s the ability to see the movements of Ether, see through invisibility, see through solid walls or objects temporarily or feel the subtlest of movements and tremors in the ground or air around them… The sense manifests in a dramatic and powerful way.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
I approve this, meets parameters for a major Emeyan.
word count: 556
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Re: Emea Development Submissions.


Maluids are a species of Emean Being that can be found throughout Emea, individually and within small 'families'. They have no territory where they are most common, as an entirely nomadic type of Being, and are created from high concentrations of imagination smashed together in the chaos of the chromatic void until it gains free will. They act as feeders of latent energy, continuously feasting on emotions, imagination, memories and more from the Emean landscape and especially from the creatures that live within it, and have a special interest in feeding from the domain ether and spells of mages, or the divine ether of the blessed.

Appearance: Each Maluid varies massively in its shape because it possesses a partially malleable body capable of reshaping itself on a whim, however this is mostly limited to adding and removing extraneous limbs/organs; however, they can be identified by their unchangable colours, which are oily and pitch-black with assortments of coloured spots appearing almost like tears in their skin showing new flesh underneath. Also, while shape-shifters, they are uniquely terrible at mimicking specific forms, unable to take on a single 'normal' form. They tend to lean towards excessive numbers of human limbs, sometimes upwards of twelve, even when attempting to take on vaguely animal-like forms, and any attempt to create something humanoid often creates a horrid mash of stretched limbs and bloated torsos.

Personality: As beings of pure sensation, Maluids have a tendency towards sudden mood flips, random actions and entirely unpredictable thought patterns, which means that they must be handled very carefully - there really is absolutely no telling what they might decide to do next, or what their reasons for it will be. Generally, they are very curious beings, interested in exploration and discovery, and respond well to new stimulus. They are also extremely creative, taking constant enjoyment from 'restructuring' their bodies for the sheer fun of it, or rearranging Emea around themselves at will to manifest new places to explore. They never grow tired.

Development: As generally a collection of sensations given sentience and a limited amount of self-awareness, Maloid lack a traditional development. Survival, and later development is dependent upon how much of this energy, and other unknown energies they are able to consume, however though Maloids are capable of gaining an 'enhanced sentience' of sorts that makes them more self-aware and capable of independent thought, they are constantly, wildly consumed by their own chaotic energy, and therefore have limited intelligence, short attention spans and utterly wild thought patterns, even if 'older' Maloids with more energy are more adept at controlling these outbursts. Maloids do not have the ability to create children, nor do they age - they simply die when their energies run out, growing too small and too sporadic in their pulses of energy until their form collapses on itself.

Feeding: To be fed on by a Maluid is a disturbing, but not a painful experience, because Maluids only feed on the energy, not the creator themselves; when they consume dreams, they do not consume the user's ability to make them. Likewise, to be leeched from one's divine ether does not remove the mark, though in cases where a person may have limited uses of certain abilities, it can remove unspent uses, and will certainly remove uses of abilities used against them. To be leeched of domain ether is a different story, as it can eventually lead to overstepping, and Maluids are, while not inherently malicious, sometimes careless during feasting. To have one's mind fed upon can leave a person feeling very drained and personally invaded, like knowing someone has just shuffled through your underwear drawer, and make it slightly more difficult to summon up specific senses/emotions/imagination for a time afterwards. Memories are not removed, but can feel difficult to remember for a time... and dreamless sleep will be more common for a few trials.

Subspecies: While the massive variety of Maluid makes them mostly indistinguishable, there are definite classifications of subspecies between Maluid in a similar vein to that of Emeyans, however acting less as a hierarchy and more as a community, with each Maluid subspecies gaining abilities specific to its place in the group - which they can activate at a cost to their own body's energy, depleting their mass and ability to form limbs. Maluids subspecies are determined at their moment of creation, depending upon what type of energy created them.

Ak'klash. Created by imagination.
The most proficient at manipulating Emea to its whims, Ak'klash are unofficially considered the strongest of the Maluids, at a cost of also being the most unstable. At a cost to their own energy, they are capable of amplifying this latent power and manifesting large and complex constructs from the chaotic energies of Emea, acting defensively or offensively.

Balueal. Created by senses.
Unsurprisingly, Balueal senses are probably the keenest that someone can find, since all five of their senses are hyper-focused, and being a creature literally manifested as sensation given form, they do not suffer from over-sensitivity - instead it feeds them and grants them even more energy. At a cost to their own energy, they are capable of overloading this into a literal supernatural sense, making them capable of sensing others through walls and across large distances, whether they are in close proximity, and able to pick out the tiny hints of a being's presence and how long ago it was; there is nothing they can't find, given enough time.

Chthr. Created by emotions.
Even though Chthr have very little control over their own emotions, they can sense them easily in those around them, making them capable of reading the feelings and motivations of other beings they encounter, capable of reading them in ways that even Balueal would struggle. At a cost to their energy, Chthr are able to manipulate the emotions of other beings as well, but this can only be done one of two ways; either by dulling all emotions to make the creature so calm that they lose any reason to fight or flee, or by enhancing all emotions into a complete emotional overload.

Drendrite. Created by memories.
Considered to be potentially some of the most calm, given their near-static energy, Drendrites can read the memories of others without activating any abilities, and often do so without thinking. At a cost to their energy, they can reach into a person's mind and manipulate those memories as well, most often editing themselves into recent ones, or removing them to make a person more susceptible to manipulations.

Eifth. Created by dreams.
Created by the dreams of all creatures, not just mortals, Eifth are those that wander closest to the Veil and the most likely to be found wandering alone, which is good, because they are the most suited for wandering; being able to navigate the chaos of Emea using a sixth-sense at a greater speed and proficiency than any other in order to find the next dreams to feed from. At a cost to their energy, Eifth are capable of trancing other Beings, putting them into a false sense of non-lucid dreaming into which they can inject scenarios and alter what the being is seeing. Once the false-dream wears off, the events of the dream often vanish from memory quickly, like a real dream.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Approved Emean beings, Maluids.
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Re: Emea Development Submissions.

Major Emeyans
Name: Mimics
Purpose: Mimics exists to frighten and terrify mages who use magic within Emea, but not outright kill them. They do so by taking the form of the mage and following them throughout their dreamscapes. The mimics try to avoid direct conflict by hiding and assailing their targets with telepathic images. Mimics will attempt to hide until they are discovered and once they are discovered they seek the quickest way back into hiding- be it hiding again or murdering the person who sees them. These creatures specifically take the form of the mage who used magic in Emea, not the dreamer who's dream they are in. However before the mimic has seen the mage, they will move around in a faceless, vaguely humanoid form.
Skills: Combat (Unarmed) - 50/100
Combat (Blades) - 50/100
Intimidation - 30 /100
Psychology - 90 /100
Strength - 50 /100
Running - 30/100
Minor Traits: - Shapeshifter
- Chameleon
- Painless
- Fast
- Breathless
- Emotional Aura (Fear)
Major Traits: - Humanoid
- Telepathic
- Swarm
- Regeneration
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Approved Major Emeyans 'Mimics'
word count: 172

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Emea Development Submissions.

Moderate Emeyan: The Onus

Purpose: The Onus seems to serve little purpose but to stake out the dreams of those who are insecure or unsure of something in their waking life. They will often haunt these mortals' dreams, propping themselves up as an obstacle or enemy to be overcome. Many fall short when they come into close proximity with the Onus, as their noxious miasma, when released, saps the will to move.

Often they will guard something of value, an important or cherished memory or source of knowledge within the dreamscape. Often something the dreamer would very much like to get their hands on or at the very least is curious about.

Minor Traits:

Armored: Thick Hide
Bestial: Pig-like, but can be any kind of beast
Natural Weapons: Tusks or claws or teeth etc.
Poison: Noxious flatulence or miasma

Major Traits:

Regeneration: Can regenerate. Regeneration is hindered only by heat/fire.
Humanoid: Bipedal Pig (Or any kind of beast). High intellect and ability to speak.


Strength: 50
Endurance: 50
Unarmed Combat (Wrestling): 30

 ! Message from: Squirrel
Freaky. Approved Major Emeyan "The Onus".
word count: 185

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Re: Emea Development Submissions.


Known by many names through different cultures and cities, Darklings are an ancient Emeyan type. Before Jesine and Kielik merged into Unity, different Darklings resided on both the side of Dreams and the side of Nightmares. After Unity came into existence, the Darklings united as well... for better or worse.

The appearance of Darklings varies a great deal, and is also dependent on the type of Darkling. While their personalities can also vary, they all serve specific functions that supersede any unique identities that might form around them.

Darklings have a society built around their respective functions and relations to one another, and the mortals of Idalos. New ranks were made among the darklings in the aftermath. Hierarchies shifted and changed, and now the Darkling society is in a continual process of discovering how best to fulfill their respective purposes.

What is the purpose of Darklings? It depends on the Darkling's rank.

Minor Darklings
The majority of darklings are Minor Emeyans. Any person on Idalos who has a shadow, has a darkling assigned to them. Their purpose is to witness and observe those dreamy moments that aren't sleeping but yet... altered consciousness. Drug stupors, daydreaming, deprivation, etc.

These moments are meant for the Imp Darklings to coax the individual into proper dreams, to bring the Idalosian into Emea.

Minor Darklings are referred to in Darkling Society as Imps. It is common for them to introduce themselves as "Imp of ____ (the Moderate Emeyan that they report to)" as one of the only things they might be able to communicate... if one can understand darkling-speak that is, which sounds like high-pitched nonsense to any average person on Idalos.

Every Minor Darkling has a symbol branded somewhere on them that is the symbol of the Moderate Darkling they follow.

Appearance of Minor Darklings can range greatly. Most often, Imps will take on a shadow-like mockery of a beloved pet of the assigned individual. They prefer to be small and petite, though not small enough to accidentally squash - but enough to hide under or behind things.

To be large and noticeable would go against their purpose of mostly-unknown observation.

However, Imps are solid beings. An Imp is born when an Idalosian is born, and they develop their shape as that individual grows. When the Idalosian dies, they are eaten by the Moderate Darkling who they follow. They aren't actually made of shadows and sometimes camouflage themselves depending on their surroundings.

Everything that Minor Darklings (Imps) do are based on their reports and any orders that come from the Moderate Darkling they are linked to. Without the Moderate Darkling link, they become feral and frightened - often throwing themselves into danger until they are returned to the body of their Major Darkling.

Sometimes, at peak feral, Imps will attempt to get their Idalosian to be killed just so they can return to their Moderate Darkling again.

In cases where they lose track of their Idalosian (but the individual hasn't died), they sometimes attempt to steal a different Idalosian from another Minor Darkling. In these cases, a duel to the death takes place between the two Darklings and the victor consumes the loser.

If a Minor Darkling/Imp consumes enough other Minor Darklings, there is a chance they may develop into a Moderate Darkling. Due to their limited sentience and fairly loyal countenances, Imps don't think of this on their own unless driven by feral terror into such acts. An Idalosian who loses their Imp means that there is a purpose going unfulfilled and Darkling Society suffers as a whole because of it.

Key Points:
  • Limited Sentience
  • Minor Traits
    • Fast: The Emeyan is able to move at superhuman speeds and has an impressive reaction speed, moving quick and lithe over the ground (or other surface or lack thereof), requiring a keen and attentive defense from their victims.
    • Chameleon: The Emeyan is able to change the colouring and texture of their flesh subtly in order to blend into their surroundings, effectively camouflaging themselves into the background. It’s not flawless, but nevertheless effective for stealth.
  • Skill Points:
    • Stealth 30/100
    • Detection 30/100
    • Deception 15/100
Moderate Darklings

Moderate Darklings keep track of Imps and make sure they are fulfilling their purposes, as well as handling anything that goes off or wrong. Their purpose is purely the management of Minor Darklings. Roughly for about every 1000 Minor Darklings, 1 Moderate Darkling supervises them.

Because they hide through other methods, and often remain in Emea, shades don't care to maintain petite or small appearances. They often will go the opposite and take large, towering, and intimidating forms to dwarf any Idalosians who have the misfortune of actually witnessing them.

Sometimes Moderate Darklings will take over the role of a Minor Darkling, temporarily, and it is also common for Moderate Darklings to choose an Idalosian to stalk. They let the Imps continue to fulfill their purpose with the individual, but they are there for another reason.

Because Moderate Darklings are drawn to the power of ether, they are frequently lured to stalk powerful mages in Idalos - especially through Emea if the mage ever wanders in. They also sometimes attach themselves to Mortalborns (and more rarely, Blessed) for similar reasons. Moderate Darklings can vary in personality and what other kind of aspects they look for in an individual to stalk.

The Symptoms of having a Shade stalking you is...
  • A persistent sense of paranoia.
  • Looking over your shoulder, even though nothing is there.
  • Frequently feeling cold, no matter the actual temperature.
  • Waves of drowsiness to actual narcolepsy.
  • Lost swaths of time to black-outs.
Most Idalosians stalked by Shades never become aware of this, not even after their death! When the individual stalked by the Shade dies, the Shade simply moves on to another individual to do the same with.

Some Shades like to increase the power, or help the individual along in their pursuits. Others like to simply observe. And others like to try and hinder and create obstacles, or tempt an individual away from their set paths.

Moderate Darklings defer to Major Darklings, and they always have the branded mark of faction loyalty somewhere. Before the time of Unity, these factions varied a great deal more and were hostile toward each other. This would result in Moderate Darkling duels over certain individuals, but now there is just tense encounters from those Shades that remember the old factions... but for now, there is peace and compromise of the new hierarchies.

If one ever happens to visit Darkling Society, they will find that most of the areas are maintained by Shades instructing Imps about.

Key Points:
  • Sentient.
  • Minor Traits
    • Fast: The Emeyan is able to move at superhuman speeds and has an impressive reaction speed, moving quick and lithe over the ground (or other surface or lack thereof), requiring a keen and attentive defense from their victims.
    • Chameleon: The Emeyan is able to change the colouring and texture of their flesh subtly in order to blend into their surroundings, effectively camouflaging themselves into the background. It’s not flawless, but nevertheless effective for stealth.
    • Levitation: The Emeyan is capable of levitation, giving them a permanent state of weightlessness where they float harmlessly off otherwise deadly heights, traverse over liquid surfaces and may elevate themselves slowly into the air, maintaining altitude for a few moments before descending again to floating a few inches above ground level.
    • Malleable: The Emeyan has a physiology that enables them to flatten themselves, bend their joints dramatically out of place, or otherwise readjust their bodies for the purposes of accomplishing impressive feats of contortionism and agility.
  • Major Traits
    • Invisibility: The Emeyan is capable of rendering itself completely invisible to the physical eye. It is a visual illusory effect and as such has no effect on other senses, and the creature still physically impacts the world around them as they normally would. They do not cast a shadow from light sources, however. They are still vulnerable to physical interaction and may be perceived by magical means.
    • Commander: Setting themselves truly apart from their lesser brethren, the Commander is a Emeyan with the ability to command and dominate other creatures and Emeyans of lesser rank than itself. It is able to impose its authority on creatures around it, commanding them according to its own will. This authority is executed in the form of direct verbal or telepathic commands (based on the Commander's communicative abilities), independent of if the creature in question possesses the ability to understand their language. The commanded creature will be compelled to execute the command, as long as it does not go against their Purpose, and unless they possess natural resistances to mental magics and control or high Meditation or Discipline, they must obey.
  • Skill Points:
    • Stealth 50/100
    • Detection 50/100
    • Tactics 50/100
Major Darklings
The Unseen

Major Darklings are completely different than Imps or Shades. The Unseen rarely visit the physical world of Idalos - and if for some reason they do end up on the mortal's side... they are incredibly dangerous and must be sent back to Emea as soon as possible, to limit possible damage. Not because they purposefully seek to kill, but because mortals cannot comprehend witnessing them.

They are even more dangerous within their home of Emea.

Major Darklings are few and rare. It is rumored that there are only six in total, though because of their secretive nature, it's hardly something that can be confirmed.

Despite the secrecy surrounding them, The Unseen do enjoy exploring Emea. It is unknown if Major Darklings were ever Shades, or if they came into existence as Major Darklings already.

They truly do not care about appearing like humans or anything close to resembling humanoids. They do not care to understand mortal beings nor the way they operate, nor how to seduce, tempt, persuade, or otherwise socialize with them.

One of the most dangerous aspects of The Unseen is that their very presence can cause ordinary mortals to go sheer mad with terror... to the point that those miserable souls unfortunate enough to witness them - whether accidentally, brought into Darkling Society by a Shade, or an Emean explorer who got too ambitious - often return to Idalos in complete gibbering, drooling states of inability. Such victims almost never recover from such madness.

The Unseen have learned about the mannerisms of the mortals over the centuries, and they are aware of what they cause... but they don't care. They don't derive any enjoyment from it, but they also don't consider it something bad. It just is.

The sole purpose of Major Darklings is to consume the other Darklings and continue the cycle of maintaining the Darkling Society.

As such, they don't have any need or purpose to interact with Idalosians directly. They only care about the other Darklings.

Before Unity, The Unseen were split into separate factions based on Nightmares and Dreams.

Now they've joined into an unified council. There is no bickering, nor underhanded planning, or anything of the like. The hierarchy has changed. They chose it to be so. The Unseen do not operate with human-like tendencies, so they are incapable of emotional logic. What is practical, in terms of their Emean logic, is what they follow through with.

If one truly goes looking for Major Darklings... at least one of them can always be found within the terrifying habitats of Darkling Society, but the risk makes it a suicidal mission for any Idalosian. Only certain Immortals can enter the heart of these habitats with a fair amount of ease and security.

The Unseen worship the Immortals, as well, and encourage this worship in the Shades.

Key Points:
  • Intelligent.
  • 6 Minor Traits
    • Fast: The Emeyan is able to move at superhuman speeds and has an impressive reaction speed, moving quick and lithe over the ground (or other surface or lack thereof), requiring a keen and attentive defense from their victims.
    • Painless: An Emeyan that is Painless suffers no pain and is therefore not deterred by taking damage or by effects that specifically aim to cause pain. It continues to take damage as normal, but will not be distracted by the pain of their injuries.
    • Levitation: The Emeyan is capable of levitation, giving them a permanent state of weightlessness where they float harmlessly off otherwise deadly heights, traverse over liquid surfaces and may elevate themselves slowly into the air, maintaining altitude for a few moments before descending again to floating a few inches above ground level.
    • Malleable: The Emeyan has a physiology that enables them to flatten themselves, bend their joints dramatically out of place, or otherwise readjust their bodies for the purposes of accomplishing impressive feats of contortionism and agility.
    • Breathless: A creature who is breathless doesn’t need to breathe. While other creatures are normally susceptible to this by virtue of possessing organs like other creatures, the Breathless do not have this restriction and are able to exist underwater or in inhospitable air conditions indefinitely, and are immune to gasses and similar effects.
    • Keen Sense: A single one of the Emeyan’s existing senses are keen and improved over the normal, giving them increased benefits. This can account for any of their natural, normal senses, or any acquired through other Traits.
  • Major Traits
    • Extreme Biology: An Emeyan possessing this trait possesses a biology that defies all reason. They may be entirely made up of stone, crystal or metal or even partially be composed of them, or have several of their organs replicated or replaced by others. Any other beast would not be able to survive with this type of biological make-up.
    • Commander: Setting themselves truly apart from their lesser brethren, the Commander is a Emeyan with the ability to command and dominate other creatures and Emeyans of lesser rank than itself. It is able to impose its authority on creatures around it, commanding them according to its own will. This authority is executed in the form of direct verbal or telepathic commands (based on the Commander's communicative abilities), independent of if the creature in question possesses the ability to understand their language. The commanded creature will be compelled to execute the command, as long as it does not go against their Purpose, and unless they possess natural resistances to mental magics and control or high Meditation or Discipline, they must obey.
    • Telepathic: The Emeyan is capable of communicating with thought, and to a limited degree perceive the surface thoughts of those they focus on in their vicinity. Their communications are limited to images and emotions unless they possess proficiency with any language.
    • Conjurer: Perhaps more impressive still than the commanders of their kind, the Conjurers take their ability to dominate and command the step further, gaining the unique ability amongst Emeyans to create more of its own kind. Designing their own personal vanguard, they are able to create and subsequently control three Minor, or one Moderate Emeyan, following all the normal rules of creation but tailored to the needs and desires of the Conjurer.
  • Skill Points: 300 (max 90)
    • Intimidation 90/100
    • Logistics 90/100
    • Leadership 90/100
    • Basketweaving 30/100
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Approved Darklings, minor/moderate/major. Excellent work. I enjoy these very much and they seem to be within parameters.
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Re: Emea Development Submissions.

Two related but different items of interest as far as possible "Darklings " go.

In this old event thread by Aegis in Yaralon, we have the Yardrae Kitty, which has a decidedly darkling look about it.

We also have, and my PC, Brodon received, as a sort of pet/reward, an invasion of "Snatchers". The link is in this post in particular.

Now due to Brodon not immediately going at them with genocidal intent, he was able to establish that they were driven by desperation to attack our real world dimensiom. But I don't believe it really suggests an Emean origin. On the other hand, based only on my lazy, hazy recall, it doesn't really say they that don't.

So both of these might be darklings. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
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Re: Emea Development Submissions.

Okay, so these potential Darklings need review upon wiki transfer. For now, since this thread is obsolete and Emean Development should be happening through the universal portal 'Creating The World', I'll be locking this thread now and transferring it towards the Creating The World forum for eventual wiki conversion. If there are any further queries or issues that spring up for any of the items listed here or working of this thread, give me a shout.
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