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Re: All the world's a stage

Faced with the endless vistas of the ever-changing cityscape, Aldebaran wanted nothing more to explore. To search for signs of life, for people or animals, or something completely different. However, it seemed unwise to run off without awaiting anything resembling an explanation from the mage that had brought her here. For all she knew there were deadly traps and predators lurking just around the corner. Besides, if you had access to information –or at least the potential of it—you always had to at least attempt to leverage that advantage. As with many things, while running in blind usually tended to be the most fun option, it usually wasn’t the best.

Also, she really wanted to know what the deal was with the Cube. How long had Magpie had it? Where had he found it? And why—no, that was obvious. To flaunt, of course. For a moment, it seemed the mage would provide the desired explanation, but instead the tall Biqaj gestured to one of the many alleyways and began walking. The message was clear. Indulge and get your answers. Stay, and do not. The thief rolled her eyes, extended a deep exhale, and followed.

The information gained was more than worth it though.

“So, this is a place that connects many locations on Idalos and in locations otherwise inaccessible though mundane means.” That was the gist of it, more or less. “So it’s a shortcut… or a hub, of sorts.”

Magpie revealed that this was the technique he’d been planning to teach Aldebaran should she have delivered the Cube. Yet, he held it in his hand here? And he’d showed her this Veil anyway? That did not add up, it did not stroke with her assessment of the mage’s character. Well, neither did him taking away the Webspinner underneath Rhakros. Wasn’t Magpie on Sintra’s side? Oh wait, he’d claimed neutrality when the bargain was made, though Aldebaran had not believed him. This made her doubt, but it wasn’t enough to shake the suspicion.

“I take it the Cube is a fake, then?” A very convincing one at that. Close as it was, the artefact behaved exactly as she remembered it doing. Its looks were identical to the Cube that existed in her memories –and her memory for interesting objects was quite sharp, far better than it was when it came to recall anything else—and she suspected the feel of it would be identical too. Not that Aldebaran thought for a moment that the Magpie would let her touch it. Well—perhaps touch, but he’d not release it. Unfortunately for the lanky mage, if Aldebaran could touch it, she could take it too, and he’d be powerless to stop it.

She did no such thing though, instead pushing against the underside of Magpie’s hand to gauge the weight of the fake Cube. Similar, if not exactly the same to the real thing. It was a little hard to tell with the Mage’s hand and arm pushing back and adding mass. “Interesting. Is that why I’m here anyway?” Which would mean she had given it to Magpie. It sounded ridiculous, since she did not remember such a thing happening –she did not even recall getting such an accurate counterfeit at all—but that was the only explanation she could come up with.

Magpie surely hadn’t shown her one of his –according to himself—most used tricks to get some information about the state of Etzos.

“Which side are you on again, Magpie? Still neutral, as before?”

It didn’t really matter, even if the youth claimed to have turned against the Arachnid Immortal, there were things Aldebaran would not discuss. Confidential and classified and secret things. The Mortalborn wasn’t skilled enough at reading people to detect liars as effectively as she’d like. Besides, even if Magpie did speak truth, it was better not to share information that should be kept away from Sintra’s ears. Those things were best kept within the ranks of the Resistance and herself.

“Well, as you might expect, her Highness--” the sarcasm rolled off the title in thick and viscous droplets “—has been steadily winning favor within Etzos, as you might expect. Crime rates have dropped. Domestic violence too. The Underground is mostly deserted. She helped keep warmth inside and snow outside of houses during the blizzard by covering them in thick webs. Her Web Guard are more frequently seen. Urchins and beggars and other kinds of folk that won’t be missed way less. She’s been restoring some of the ghosts to life. More and more people have started accepting her as part of Etzos now.” Aldebaran did not sound happy about that, and made no effort to hide it.

“Her followers have started attacking people who speak badly of her in the streets. People who soapbox and speech anti-Sintra sentiments are either beaten up afterwards, when their audience disperses, or are attacked by a mass of pro-Sintra citizens while the speech is still in progress. A dozen days ago or so a group of Web Guard was transporting street urchins through the city. All bound in chain. One of the Web Guards used to be a ghost, but had their body restored. During an argument, he seemed to lose control over his body, and started laughing in the voice of a little girl. Some bystander recognized it as the voice of a girl who recently went missing. Seems like Sintra is using urchins as sacrifices to accomplish the restoration of ghosts. That argument escalated into a brawl spanning a couple city blocks.” Aldebaran shrugged. “So, you know, same old, same old. Only a teensy bit better than during the plagues.”

There was a bit of a pause as Aldebaran ran through the recent events Etzos had lived through. Was there anything else worth mentioning?

“Oh, and I still haven’t spotted even a trace of the woman with the Cube. Speaking of, how highly would you rate that one--” she pointed at the fake in Magpie’s hand “—as a counterfeit? As in, how good of a fake is it? How does it hold up under scrutiny?”
word count: 1046
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Re: All the world's a stage

"A shortcut... no," answered Llyr to the simple suggestion in a neutral tone. He walked along the Veil, though he glanced at Oberan. "A hub... perhaps. A bit closer. It does not connect, not in such a direct manner. Though perhaps, it is anchored to Idalos by the people themselves, I am unsure. It is a difficult world to travel, however, and I do not recommend it until you have greater understanding of such things lest you risk getting lost."

A slow smile showed on his lips, and he added in a more light-hearted tone, "Though, I suspect I could leave you right here and you could be lost for many arcs if so. Trying desperately to figure out how to return to the waking world, but never doing so..."

Llyr looked over the faux-cube, and flipped it between his hands. Upon the question of whether it was a fake, Llyr simply nodded in return. He held it between his fingers and lifted it up. For a moment, he stopped walking to examine it. His smile returned, thin though it was, when Oberan touched the underside of his hand to test the cube's weight. He hesitated, in a moment's thought to hand it over, but then decided otherwise.

"No, you're here because your dreams are absolutely tedious, Oberan, and yet you refused to open your eyes," answered Llyr. "And I wished to speak with you about matters. I do not go traipsing around dreams just for the frolic."

“Which side are you on again, Magpie? Still neutral, as before?”

A laugh escaped Llyr, an exasperated sound. He flipped his bangs aside, and halted their walk. The tall biqaj turned to look at the other mortalborn and considered him for a silent moment.

Finally, he answered, "There is no place for me, on any side, within Etzos. There never was. I am a foreigner, and a Promised by the nature of my blood, and now Blessed as well. If I were to assist those who wish to oust Sintra due to her Immortal nature, I am doing nothing more than preparing my own noose for the next arc to come."

"If I were to assist Sintra though, it is nothing more than what she already feels entitled to. Sintra cannot be trusted, not even by her own side, even her higher ranks are at threat while they do her bidding. It is Sintra's nature. She cannot change this, and she never will. It is likely why she allowed for the assassination of Marshal Webb to occur even though he had been her loyal agent," continued Llyr without concern for the sensitive information he shared, or that he was in the Veil while he did so.

"So, I will no longer assist either," concluded Llyr. He considered what else had been said of Sintra or Her Highness as Oberan put it. Llyr walked aside, then sat on a thin glass sculpture though it likely looked like nothing more than a bench to Oberan's perspective of the Veil.

Llyr set the cube beside him, and let go of it. He left it there, while he steepled his fingers and leaned forward in a posture of contemplation. His blue-eyed gaze stared forward while the biqaj closely listened to all that Oberan deemed willing to share about the state of Etzos.

Once it was all said and done... with the conclusion of question about the fake cube, Llyr absently waved a hand at the geometric object.

"It is a near perfect replica, but it does not hold the power within. It is nothing more than an empty shell without everything that made it an artifact, a faux piece of art but not the masterful tool that the real one is," Llyr sighed and he shifted to lean back instead. His hands went behind him to rest against the surface of the bench, and he looked up at the sky of the Veil. The biqaj closed his eyes, as if appreciating a breeze, while he said, "I suspect the true cube involves a degree of control over ether manipulation between this place, Emea, and the waking world of Idalos. It might even allow for portals to be made for those who do not have similar capability of magic. I also suspect that if this is the case, the purpose of this object is to reverse that in a way so that ether is sucked out of Idalos in a perpetual state of nullification."

"This would be why and how the Etzori territories remained severed from Emea, while other places recovered fairly early on in the season," explained Llyr. He opened his eyes again and looked at the other mortalborn. "I do not care in the slightest if the Cube belonged to Sintra, or Lisirra, or even Lord Vuda - who, by the way, is almost certainly still alive and I suspect residing in the territory while he allows Sintra to accomplish all that you have told me."

"To waste an artifact as mere evidence in some ridiculous trial against an Immortal is astoundingly stupid," decided Llyr. He glanced at his fingertips, where under the gloves, his ether fractures glittered around the nails. "It will likely result in nothing more than Lord Vuda acquiring this object, regardless if he ever makes himself known again or not. And what might he use it for? Hm? What purpose, Oberan, do you think is there in allowing an Immortal to come into Etzos and do these things you describe?"

Llyr left the rhetorical question to reside within Oberan's mind. He stood and picked up the cube. Though it might have been an empty shell of an item, it still held the structures that he wanted to analyze. He added, "I warned them of this, long ago in the first trials after the Rhakros defeat. Of the violence to come under Sintra's presence. I told Mister Tagley of such potentials, and of the cube, and both were dismissed. I would be very very careful, if you remain in Etzos, who you choose to speak with and who you choose to work alongside."

"Thank you, Oberan, for the..." he lifted the cube slightly, with a slight smile. "...and the information. Perhaps you might want this cube for yourself, but unfortunately, I doubt you would be capable of carrying it through into the waking world. Allow me to brand you, however, and I will be able to find you far quicker, yet again. In return, I could create a replica of this object, or a like favor."
word count: 1103
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Re: All the world's a stage


Aldebaran didn’t comment on Magpie jokingly considering whether or not to leave the thief behind in this… Veil. Even if the threat had been serious, the Mortalborn wouldn’t have been worried. Certainly, she did not know where she was, how she got here, or what she could expect of a place like this. Perhaps she would wander here for years upon years in search of an exit. That did not matter though; the Mortalborn did not age like mortals. Being only half Immortal, she suspected her lifespan likely had a defined length, but that still could allow her to live for hundreds of years. Spending some of her time adventuring through an unknown world in search of an exit did not sound half bad at all. In fact, the thought excited and enticed her. Yes, she’d definitely come back here to simply wander around to explore a little. Or a lot.

There was no doubt that she could get back here on her own, just like there was no doubt that she could get out. Aldebaran was the Mortalborn of Larceny, after all. The patron of burglars and pickpockets and thieves. Getting in and out of places where she wasn’t supposed to be, places inaccessible to her was something of a specialty.

Just like their meeting before, in the waking world, the mage laughed Aldebaran’s question away. Or at least that’s what she thought. Yet a moment of pondering followed the dismissive sound, and an answer did come. Far more in depth than expected, less vague. What’s more, the thief could finally understand why the Magpie chose to remain neutral, what side he was on. Not on the side of the Etzori, not on the side of Sintra, but on his own. Seeing nothing but demerits in helping out either side, so what point was there in supporting one of the two? Aldebaran could understand that. Even if she didn’t quite understand what Magpie meant with being ‘Promised’, she understood the gist well enough. If things had been different, she’d not be helping the Etzori either.

“You should have led with that, Magpie.” While it wouldn’t have gotten the man the Cube he desired, at least Aldebaran might have been a little more trusting towards him. Well, maybe. The tall Biqaj did admit to having helped one of the sides before, and Aldebaran really couldn’t be sure which. But if he wasn’t assisting them anymore, than that was fine, right? It sounded so awfully naïve. However, the constant second-guessing was becoming more and more tedious. That sort of mind games had never been the Mortalborn’s strong suit, often just going on instinct tended to work out better for her. At the moment, the vibe Magpie gave of was a genuine one.

Even before, she’d been pretty convinced that the mage only wanted to Cube to study and possess it, not to use it or hand it over to someone else. For safekeeping purposes, Magpie probably was an excellent choice. Second only to the Vault.

More importantly though; Marshall Webb was a pawn of SIntra’s? The Resistance would be very interested in that kind of information. Sure, the man was dead already –probably by the hand of certain assassin, if Aldebaran had to guess—but that didn’t mean the intelligence was less valuable. Maybe it would be a good idea to rummage through Webb’s house or office in hopes of finding some more evidence against Sintra. If she hadn’t already gotten rid of it, that is.

“Of course it doesn’t house the original’s power, it’s just a shell. Even I can tell that much, despite not being well versed in magic.” Though she was decent at appraising items of various make and rarity. “But it’s only because I’ve held that Cube before that I can tell.” As far as she was concerned, the replica was a very convincing counterfeit, definitely able to fool people who’d seen it before, but not held it. However, what about people with knowledge of magical properties, who could see or feel the presence of ether and power within an artefact, would they be fooled? According to Magpie, they would not. A shame, but not entirely unexpected.

“You’ve come up with such a hypothesis after only seeing it once? Impressive.” Aldebaran took a moment to recall what Joderall had deduced from his brief moments studying the item. “As far as I’m aware, it is an object that draws in energy, analyses it, and outputs more of the same. Some sort of amplifier of sorts.” Not exactly an artefact that nullified ether, instead something far more versatile… and dangerous. You didn’t have to be a magic scholar to realize that. “As such, the reason Etzos was… wait, severed from this place? Really? Does that mean this place powers your magic, then?” Interesting. “Then, you couldn’t get in here during the Ether Storm? I thought it just interfered with Domain Magic… Anyway, the Cube was used to isolate the energy from the Storm, and continuously output the same kind of signal, thus extending the effects around the region. At least, that is the working theory. There hasn’t been much opportunity to study it.”

She sighed then, at the mention of Vuda, and what to do with the Cube. “So basically, Vuda is allowing this all to happen to further his own goals, is what you are saying?” The Chief Advisor did have the reputation of being a crafty little rat. Nothing new, but still. Disappointing.

“I… I can’t really refute those notions,” Aldebaran conceded. “Believe me, I would rather not give the Cube to anyone if it wasn’t necessary.” She’d add it to her collection of rarities and trophies, stare at it every so often, laugh, and perhaps find a use for it. Or simply let it collect dust. Either way, Magpie would get an aneurysm if he found out. “However, it is one of the strongest pieces out there, and might singlehandedly convince the populace of Sintra’s deception.”

Nevertheless, it still put the Cube in a prime position to be stolen. And as the Mortalborn of Thieves, Aldebaran refused to be stolen from. It simply was unacceptable. Magpie was right, there needed to be some safety measures implemented. The Vault was theft-proof, but if she took the Cube out of there, the protection did no longer extend to it.

She cast a sidelong glance at the fake Cube. Perhaps they should keep the genuine article safe, and hand over a counterfeit. That could work, though it’d need to hold up under magical scrutiny as well.

“As the magic expert on hand, do you believe it possible to add or inject a magical signature to the fake that closely resembles the original and could fool even mages that can detect and read magical signals?”

Magpie prepared to leave then, but not without making a final offer. Honestly, Aldebaran did not like the idea of being so easily found. Not that she couldn’t see the benefits of having easy access to a powerful mage and their deep source of magical knowledge. Not to mention, copies of the fake would definitely be useful too.

She pondered.

Until finally: “Alright. You may brand me in return for a copy of the fake.” Since the thief had create the first fake herself –apparently—she could likely produce more if she had a template to work with. One fake could become a dozen. And if a magical signal could be added, she could sow some confusion among Sintra’s ranks if given the opportunity. “But I’d like you to look into the magical signal thing too if you don’t mind. If I can hand over a very convincing fake, then I would not need to endanger the real Cube. Improves the chances of it getting in your possession…”

word count: 1344
Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I won't.

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Re: All the world's a stage

“You’ve come up with such a hypothesis after only seeing it once? Impressive.”

"Ha," a sharp sound, almost like a laugh, escaped Llyr. His eyes flashed white, for a brief moment, before they returned to the cool blue tones. He said, "That is one of many."

Still, he listened while the details were shared. His eyes glittered again, though, the gradual white to them. "Imagine... an amplifier, like you say, but any energy... why, I wonder, if it could be implanted and sewn to a spark whether it would-" Llyr paused, not speaking aloud though his thoughts clearly continued on regardless. He tapped his fingers together, then looked back up.

"Of course it was severed, that's why no one could dream," returned Llyr in a matter-of-fact tone. He waved a dismissive hand, uncaring for how interesting the other mortalborn found any of it. "Interesting... if the Storm's energy was only ether though. No, no, it had to be more than that. If it impacted the Immortals themselves. It is not the same, not the same at all. Whose theories are these? They sound like the theories of a sparkless."

Llyr lifted his shoulders slightly, then said, "What claim do you have to the Cube anyway? Does it have something to do with your... nature?"

"Yes, it might. The populace of Etzos does not seem all that..." Llyr hummed, and twirled a hand in a slow circle. "How do you say... capable of thinking about more than a single thing, it seems. The only evidence they should have needed was Sintra's very nature by which she is unable to hide. Yet it seems that the freedom the ancient Etzori fought for, so long ago, has been discarded and abandoned by the simplicity born from such luxury as their's."

“As the magic expert on hand, do you believe it possible to add or inject a magical signature to the fake that closely resembles the original and could fool even mages that can detect and read magical signals?”

"Perhaps. It could be possible to do something that buys a little bit of time, literal trills and nothing more, as it wouldn't hold up over any close looks. But fooling attuners? or etherists? No, no, not if they- well... perhaps... if you, but no.. though, if one were to utilize alchemy in the process... or no, but that might show as... and it can't be any spell either," Llyr got up and paced to one side. His halo flickered from dim to light above his head, and his wings fluttered, both unhindered by conscious thought as Llyr momentarily lost himself in consideration of the idea. "A magical signature that resembles the original, but it is not only the original but the original misshapen and malformed. Ah, a broken signal then. Maybe, maybe. If... a Transmuter could imbue a similar sense into it as a quality, perhaps, perhaps... or no, no, that couldn't. Or it wouldn't, not unless... it could, though. It might."

"Possible? Yes. Closely resembles? Maybe not so much. Fool any mage? No. Fool most mages? Yes. Fool an Immortal? ...probably not. Buy a few trills of confusion? Yes." replied Llyr while he moved to stand in front of Aldebaran. He looked down at the female form, and offered a thin sardonic smile. "But it will cost you."

"This brand is assurance that my time will not be wasted on this work," explained Llyr. "And then, once this is completed... I will research this matter for you. However, payment in monetary sum will be expected as I will consider this a matter of a client. I assume this won't be an issue for someone in your particular line of work, either. I will either find you, or I will have one of my contacts find you, and to receive the fake, then you will offer final payment."

"Now, do try to relax and not act ridiculous about this," he forewarned while he stepped closer. "It's not like you haven't seen this already..."

He drifted a hand near Aldebaran's face, then tucked her hair behind her ear. Llyr traced his thumb over her cheek, then he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. A flash of light, a warm glow, and the brand was done in the next trill. He leaned back up, held out a hand to shake on the deal, and said, "I will be in touch, Oberan."
word count: 754
Please — consider me a dream.
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Re: All the world's a stage


For a man obsessed with study and getting to know the truth of matters of magic, Magpie was quick to dismiss the theories of anyone but himself. While not entirely unexpected, the mage clearly looked down on other scholars of a similar pursuit –be they sparkless or no. His own hypotheses were gospel, those of others were worthless. If anyone other than himself dared to refute Magpie’s theories, they likely would awaken then mage’s anger.

“To be fair, there was only a few minutes to study it. It’s only natural some details would be overlooked.” Aldebaran shrugged. Debating over who was right and who was wrong wasn’t an activity she wanted to engage in. Especially since she herself knew next to nothing about the artefact or magic as a whole.

“My claim?” The thief grinned. “I found it. I fought for it. I took it. I loaned it out. It is mine.” She tilted her head slightly to the side, anticipating several responses the Magpie might throw her way. People always did. “That I chose to loan it to someone who disappeared with it does not change the fact that it is mine. The fact that Sintra might have it in her possession again also doesn’t change that. It’s mine, I’ll take it back. Perhaps not right away, but sooner or later it’ll come back to me.”

The lanky Biqaj considered the strength of the artefact as a piece of evidence, and mused on the idiocy of the Etzori people. Aldebaran couldn’t help but agree. “I’m as disappointed as you are. I believe we’ve been over this before. Etzos has fallen. Or perhaps it already was in decline, now simply going into freefall rather than sliding down inch by inch.” Another shrug, and a sigh. “Either way, for a city whose identity is based around despising Immortals, they were awfully quick to embrace one, indeed.”

More disappointment came when Magpie pondered aloud the possibilities of faking the Cube’s unique energy and magical signature. “A few seconds of confusion is better than nothing, I suppose, but not enough.” So swapping the real one Sintra had for a fake wasn’t going to work. Well, she’d have caught on instantly if she tried using it anyway. “Hm. I can still use it, I’m sure. If only as a prop to show to the people. Real or fake shouldn’t matter. They’ll either believe what is said, or they won’t. Even with the real one we can’t demonstrate its power without knowing how it works and what it does… Even if it’s just a few seconds of confusion, it will do.”

Naturally, the talk of cost was not appreciated, and the mention soured the expression on Aldebaran’s face. It recovered quickly enough though. “The recompense for your work will mirror your results,” she responded. “Give it your best shot, oh Magpie. Show me what caliber of mage you really are. Is your patronizing attitude towards other mages warranted, or are you nothing more than talk?” The Mortalborn giggled. “Well, I’ve got high expectations either way.”

He branded her then, and she prepared herself mentally. Having seen Magpie do it before, she knew what was coming. In essence it was not a big deal. Not at all. Yet she’d rather not have to do it. Not the kiss, mind, but the branding. She wondered if there was a way to get rid of it afterwards, when Magpie had delivered the fake.

Hand cupping her cheek, ear tingling where his finger had pushed her hair out of the way, Magpie leaned in. Closer, closer, and closer still. And stopped, not going as low as she was expecting. Lips on her forehead, surprisingly soft. A brief peck, and the deed was done. She felt cheated somehow. Tricked. Aldebaran crinkled her nose, and pushed whatever zipped across her mind back down into an infinite void.

“Yes, you will,” she agreed, shaking the extended hand without second thought, aware of what it symbolized. There was no intent to cross him this time though, no reason to hesitate. Whatever product he delivered would surely be worth the trouble and the coin. “Well then, if you’d excuse me, I have a seemingly endless city to get lost in. Let’s see if I find the world a hundred years older or not when I return, eh?” Her eyes twinkled with excitement even as she turned to do exactly that.
word count: 761
Just because I shouldn't doesn't mean I won't.

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Re: All the world's a stage

Llyr looked as unimpressed as he felt by the explanation of Finder's Keepers in regard to Aldebaran's claim to the magical cube. What a ridiculous notion, considered the mortalborn biqaj, but he did so silently. Of course, the reality was that no one had a right to the cube except whoever had actually created the thing. Llyr figured that whoever had done so, they deserved a bit more authority over the object. Next in line, of course, was not some thief - no matter how apt they were at swiping things. Instead of comment on it though, Llyr simply noted the logic aside under the little file of how Oberan thought about this or that.

After all, this wasn't an initiate of his - so he felt no obligation of tutorship in the views of the world. Nor was Oberan an ally. With the deal made, and the brand sealed, however, Oberan became something nearly as important: a client.

"I can likely do a few trills," returned Llyr in promise that he could craft something that would be distracting enough, for even a short amount of time. He suspected he would delegate the task to an alchemist or two, between anchoring the artifact's replica through Emea itself. There were more than a few books and scrolls he'd already thought of - as to research to further the endeavor.

Llyr caught the slight look of... distaste? ...when he had kissed, and branded, the other mortalborn on the forehead. His ice-blue eyes surveyed the feminine features, then he nodded with another step backward. The biqaj smiled at the farewell, and as the other seemed certain to wander the Veil without him.

For a moment, he walked alongside her. He held onto the cube, and glanced around what looked vastly different to him than to the other's perceptions.

"It's easy enough to return," he mentioned. "All you have to do is..."

And with that, Llyr vanished into his own dreamscape. He looked over the cube, but didn't remain long as he dragged it through into the waking world of Idalos with him. Immediately, he headed for his research notes...

...Far later, after several trials...

Llyr set the cube's replica in a box. He packaged it tight with twine. The biqaj took a few breaths, then handed it over to the courier. He told her, "When you meet with this Oberan, the others will go with you to provide backup if you need it. Do not bring this with, yet, have it hidden in the headquarters. Once he has paid the agreed upon sum, then you might retrieve it and hand it over."

The courier went off. Whether the cube would hold up, Llyr didn't know... but it was out of his hands now. He would keep an ear out though, to hear whether or not Oberan found such a thing useful in his fight against Lady Sintra.
word count: 492
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Re: All the world's a stage


Negotiation: (All the world's a stage) x3
Intimidation: (All the world's a stage) x3
Appraisal: (All the world's a stage) x4
Detection: (All the world's a stage) x3

Dreamwalking: the Veil lies beyond dreams
Dreamwalking: the Veil is a hub of sorts (but not really)
Dreamwalking: Dreamscapes
Dreamwalking: Lucidity
Dreamwalking: Branding allows you to find people faster

Loot: +1 Replica Cube (sent from Llyr)
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Intelligence - Contact: Oberan, a tricksy mortalborn who resides in Etzos.
Intelligence 1/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Intelligence 2/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Logistics 1/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Logistics 2/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Appraisal 1/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Appraisal 2/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Politics 1/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Politics 2/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Persuasion 1/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Persuasion 2/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Intimidation 1/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)
Intimidation 2/2: All the world's a stage (21 Cylus 720)

Dreamwalking – Brand: Oberan "Aldebaran" (on forehead).

Loot: +1 Replica Cube (anchored; and then sent to Oberan, though)
Lost: -
Wealth: +12 (PC Patron for Client Services of Curious Constellations business)
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15
- - -
Comments:This was one of the more creative dreamwalking initiations that I’ve read. I like the premise, with people arranging a play and Llyr being one of the actors and Oberan more or less playing Oberan. Llyr’s thoughts about chaos and order and his observations of what was happening in Oberan’s dream in his first post were fascinating to read – as were Llyr’s and Oberan’s conversations about Etzos, Sintra and the Cube.

I found your two writing styles quite different which made things interesting in my opinion.

I hadn’t expected Aldebaran, and I couldn’t help but wonder how exactly she came to be and why Oberan appeared as a woman in this thread. She does seem to have a lot in common with Oberan, but at the same time, there seemed to be something slightly different about her. Or maybe, it was just the fact that you used a different post template for her …

I found it interesting that Llyr wondered whether Aldebaran was Oberan’s actual self.

I like in how much detail you described what the Veil looks like to Oberan/Aldebaran. The city Oberan saw sounds like a fascinating place! With that being said, I look forward to the sequel (it sounds as if they might meet again as Llyr told Oberan that he would be in touch).

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 516





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