Thread Name: Mage, Archer, Hunter, Killer
City/Area: Stormwastes
Notes/Warnings: Language, violence... gore?
Kasoria Skills Used: Abrogation (Master), Transmutation (Competent), Medicine (Expert), Leadership (Expert), Tactics (Master), Endurance (Master), Research (Untrained), Fieldcraft (Untrained), Mount (Horse) (Untrained)
Mathias Skills Used: Transmutation (Expert), Ranged: Shortbow (Expert), Detection (Competent), Endurance (Novice), Mount (Novice), Strength (Novice), Tactics (Novice), Leadership (Untrained), Teaching (Untrained)
Requested Rewards:
Kasoria Knowledge:
Detection: Being Alter for the Tiniest Sound
Detection: Hearing is Your Greatest Asset Underground
Fieldcraft: Choosing a Campsite with a Commanding View
Hunting: Guessing How Long Prey Passed Judging By the State of Tracks
Logistics: Never Leave Supply Lines at Risk During a Siege
Medicine: Pure Alcohol to Clean Wounds and Numb Pain
Medicine: Keep Pressure on a Laceration
Medicine: Some Wounds are Too Catastrophic to Survive
Mount (Horse): Trusting the Horse's Sense of Direction
Research: Connecting Live Lessons with Book Learning
Tactics: Splitting Your Force - One Half Covering, the Other Half Moving
Transmutation - Brilliance: Can be Brighter or Fainter Depending on Flow of Ether
Transmutation - Brilliance: Illuminates a Limb, a Hand, or an Entire Body
Transmutation - Brilliance: Can be Maintained While You're Busy With Other Things
Non-Skill Knowledge:
NPC Ser Zebon: Lightning Knight, Lieutenant, One-Armed
Mathias Knowledge:
Transmutation (Brilliance) - Maintaining Brilliance during combat
Transmutation (Brilliance) - Conjuring a ball of light
Transmutation (Pathway) - Establishing a pathway from skin to stone
Transmutation (Shapecraft) - Creating hands out of the earth
Transmutation - Unconsciously drawing ether from your initiate
Teaching - Explaining Brilliance to a student
Teaching - Talk in simple terms
Teaching - Give a demonstration
Ranged (Shortbow) - Feeding arrows from your hand to the bowstring
Ranged (Shortbow) - Aiming while holding other arrows
Ranged (Shortbow) - Firing fast in a confined space
Socialization - Being a smart ass
Socialization - Cracking jokes to ease the tension
Loot: Heath Hound body parts for study.
Injuries/Overstepping: If applicable.
Renown: If applicable.
Wealth Points: None
Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: Yes, Transmutation