Rewards Requested
City/Area: Quacia
Notes/Warnings: A smidgen of violence
Skills Used: Unarmed Combat [Novice], Tactics [Novice], Politics [Unskilled]
Requested Rewards:
Combat: Unarmed: Leg Sweep/ Shove Combination
Combat: Unarmed: Knee Strike
Politics: The Value of Success When Witnessed by Commanding Officers
Tactics: Winding a Larger Opponent to Weaken Him
Tactics: Using One's Natural Environment as a Weapon
Tactics: Applying Dirty Techniques to Regain Control
Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: Reviewer's Discretion
Renown: Reviewer's Discretion
Wealth Points: N/A
- If you are claiming Wealth Points, please link to your Wealth Thread for this season, as Wealth Points can not be awarded before this is completed:
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: No