[Approved by Pegasus] Neis Wood Crafts Topic is solved

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Neis Wood Crafts

Neis Wood Crafts
Neis Wood Crafts is a family run shop that has been passed down from parent to child for many generations. Most of the family works in the shop in one capacity or another, and it is a matter of pride when a child is deemed old/skilled enough to be hired on full time. Unlike many shops of its kind that will buy goods from craftsman to sell, everything that is sold here was made by a member of the Neis family.

The shop is filled with all manner of things that are made out of wood. Everything from jewelry and sculptures to bowls and utensils to chests and other types of furniture can be found here. Customers can also make special requests for a fee.

Azira Neis

Name: Azira Neis
Race: 1/2 Sev'ryn, 1/2 Biqaj
Age: 99th Ashan 685
Title: Wood carver
Skills: Appraisal: 50, Basket Weaving: 35, Caregiving: 30, Gardening: 40, Jewelry Crafting: 50, Painting: 50 Teaching: 50, Woodworking: 90
Other Information: Azira is the only daughter of a well known wood carver. Now that he is getting on in arcs, she and her brother have inherited the shop that has been passed down in their family for generations. Azira follows in her father's footsteps in that she is far better at carving wood than in running a shop. So she focuses on what she does best for the most part. Her specialty is making wooden beads, and creating all sorts of things with them. She is also quite skilled in judging the quality both of various types of wood, and the finished products made out of them. When someone shows a genuine interest in her craft, she is happy to teach them everything she knows in the hopes that the skills she was taught will never die out. She will also hold woodworking classes when she has the time as an additional source of income for the shop.

When her mother, younger sister, and infant son died in a devastating house fire many arcs ago, she was devastated. Her depression left her unable to work the wood that she loved so much, and left her with little will to live. She spent much of her time wandering the Sweetwine Woods aimlessly hoping that some animal might find her a suitable meal and end her suffering. That changed one trial when she found a mysterious clearing where a strangely twisted tree stood. She continued to return to this clearing, finding a measure of peace there. In all the times she returned to that clearing, the tree never sprouted any leaves. Despite that, it was very much alive and healthy. There was a beauty in that stubborn old tree that defied explanation. After a while, Azira decided to create a memorial for her lost loved ones in that clearing. Over time, she cleared away debris and planted flowers, turning the clearing into a hauntingly beautiful garden. The process of creating the memorial eased her grief and she regained her ability to work with wood once more. When she was finished, she began hearing the voices of her lost loved ones echoed in the wind that always seemed to blow through the garden. She continues to maintain the garden to this trial, and can often be found there when she isn't busy at the shop.

Azira is a member of the Guild because she has inherited his beliefs as well as his skills when it comes to working with wood.

This NPC is free to use within the shop she works at, and the memorial she created.

Tarik Neis

Name: Tarik Neis
Race: Biqaj
Age: 1st Ashan, 655
Title: Wood carver
Skills: Appraisal: 75, Business Management: 30, Jewelry Crafting: 50, Painting: 50, Teaching: 30, Woodworking: 100
Other Information: Tarik inherited his shop from his father as it had been handed down from parent to child for many generations. Unfortunately, he was far more skilled at working with wood than with running a shop, and business might have suffered because of it if he weren't as skilled at what he does. He can create just about anything it is possible to make in wood except for sailing vessels. But he prefers to make practical things such as chests, furniture, and bowls. Tarik can teach if he wants to, but he has no patience dealing with anyone who isn't as passionate about wood as he is.

In the last few arcs, his hands have begun to give him trouble, so he has turned his shop over to his children, and cut back on the amount of work that he does. But his love of working with wood refuses to let him give it up entirely while he still lives.

Tarik is a member of the Guild.

This NPC is free to use in the shop where he works.

Ren Neis

Name: Ren Neis
Race: 1/2 Sev'ryn, 1/2 Biqaj
Age: 16th Cylus, 683
Title: Manager
Skills: Business Management: 80, Logistics: 50, Negotiating: 80, Woodworking: 30
Other Information: As a young boy, Ren tried desperately to please his father by following in his father's footsteps. But he had little interest in working with wood, and less skill in it. His mind was filled with numbers, and ways of making his family's shop truly thrive. So while he is something of a disappointment to his father in one way, Ren has an important role in the family business. He runs the shop while the rest of his family provide goods for him to sell. His passion for business rivals his sister's and father's passions for working with wood. And because of that his father is proud of him for that, even if he favors his sister more because of the passion that they share.

This NPC is free to use in the shop where he works.

Quinn Neis

Name: Quinn Neis
Race: Sev'ryn
Age: 15th Saun, 683
Title: Wood carver
Skills: Appraisal: 35, Business Management: 40, Negotiating: 50, Persuasion: 75, Woodworking: 80
Other Information: Quinn grew up on the streets of Scalvoris Town. He survived because he quickly discovered two natural talents; the first was that he was quite good at whittling carvings out of bits of wood that he found, and the other was that he was very good at convincing people to buy what he made. When he met Azira at the age of 15, it was love at first sight. His natural talent with wood got him a job at Tarik's shop, and he quickly fell in love with working with wood. As he grew older, his love for Azira grew stronger, and she fell in love with him in return. Quinn got Tarik's blessing to marry his daughter when he created his first master work at the age of 20; not a bad feat for someone who grew up on the streets. They were married soon after that.

Now Quinn works at the shop. He works with wood whenever he can, but he will help Ren run the shop whenever is needed.

This NPC is free to use in the shop where he works.

Erin Neis

Name: Erin Neis
Race: 3/4 Sev'ryn, 1/4Biqaj
Age: 63rd Ymiden, 705
Title: Wood carver in training
Skills: Appraisal: 15, Basket Weaving: 10, Jewelry Crafting: 45, Painting: 25, Woodworking: 45
Other Information: Erin has been learning her mother's craft ever since she was five. With a natural talent for working with wood, and arcs of hard work, she has made a lot of progress in learning her chosen craft. But she is determined to become the very best that she can be, so she will never stop learning. Like her mother, her specialty is making wooden beads and using them to create all manner of things.

This NPC is free to use in the shop where she works.

Price List / Goods Available

Anything that is made out of wood can be bought here. See The Shoppe for prices.
Wood carving classes are also available - for anyone of Tier 5 of above. If you are below Tier 5, then you can get some training in exchange for completing odd jobs etc -- which must be written.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
There are jobs available here!


Credits to: Ari'sora
Submitted for Development: 3/31/20
Developed by: Ari'sora
word count: 1406
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Neis Wood Crafts


I love this - can you let me know where you'd like it placed? I'm thinking Scalvoris Town, but I don't want to assume. Soon as I know, I'll post it. Thanks!!!
word count: 36
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Re: Neis Wood Crafts

I'd like the shop to be in Scalvoris Town, please.
word count: 11
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Neis Wood Crafts

You got it!
word count: 3
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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