After everything they told, and everything Patrick desperately grasped at; the story of the two Barnell brothers began to add up for him. However the story they told hardly contributed anything in their trial, if anything it merely revealed all their dirty secrets to the world. Now... with the Immortals ready to make their statements once more, the younger brother visibly tensed in his chair as he gripped the arms tightly. By now all he wanted to do was scream and shout, to profess whatever excuse might help his case; but he knew even that wasn't going to change anything. No matter how much he wanted to beg for forgiveness, to plead for one final shot at redemption, none of it was going to make a difference on his behalf. Not only that but it would've made things worse, so much worse than they already were. Here he was wanting to face his crimes, do everything in his power to make amends, and yet never could he once face the truth.
Until now.
When Qylios stepped forward she highlighted the aspect of Light and Darkness, and how neither were comparably 'good' or 'evil' in their own innate way. Whereas Patrick had blamed his actions on darkness alone, he had failed to perceive the bigger picture at large. This led him to consider the words She told everyone, to contemplate the real truth behind his fallacy. Light and Darkness did not matter here, nor did they define the actions he took last Arc. It was Patrick's own selfish and whimsical nature, his impulsive greed and tenacity that led him down that path. He may have not wanted to be that person, but deep down the fact was right there; he really was this awful person that just ruined everything. He wanted to think of a reason why, to find comfort in another pointless justification... but with the truth now realized, he knew such a thing was pointless anymore.
Hiding his head in shame like he always did, running away when his problems only got worse; it was all pointless means of running from his actions. And for what? Because he felt entitled to be miserable, to self-loath and depreciate his way into this mess? No. He was through being that guy, done with being afraid of the things he'd done. That evil that was born in him stemmed from all this, from all the negative shit he held onto like a hefty sack. Now that he became aware of it, all he wanted to do was discard it and find a way to fix everything... But that was it wasn't it? Making amends for his actions wasn't going to change anything, no matter how sincere or even endearing he tried to be. This was the result of his actions, the consequence of running away from your own truth.
Ilaren seemed displeased, and pretty much done, with the trial now as she was ready to speak. Not before Famula stepped in however, as the older brother's form still remained bowed. Yet when Famula addressed him and he rose, the somber look of regret still in his eyes, he and Patrick both listened to what she had to say. To the words Famula herself had to share. All of that, everything that Dominek shared... changed nothing. Suddenly Pat's fate looked more and more certain, leading the younger sibling to clench the chair's arms even tighter than before. By now his hands were visibly white from his grip, the blood more pooled within his fingers because of how intense his grip became. What Patrick had done was taken lives, lives that mattered to others he didn't know; therefore to pardon him of anything wouldn't settle the matter. Therefore his fate was already decided... but for Dominek?
Famula saw into the ghost somehow, looked deeper than Patrick ever could and realized something. Dom's own actions were brought on by obsession, consuming him as he slowly degraded overtime. Yet for him there remained salvation, for She would not let the ghost fade into oblivion; instead she gave him the will to pass on. Immediately Patrick looked to his brother in desperation, not ready to see that his older sibling leave him so suddenly. Yet there was nothing, not even the chance to say goodbye. For when Dominek had been told to cross-over and find peace, the former lightning knight almost seemed reluctant with a sigh; before finally fading entirely from view before Patrick. "Dom! No..." His thoughts were echoes of grief now, as he'd been stricken with another sense of deja vu. It was like he had lost Dominek all over again, much like the first time he was shown the inquisitor's body. While Patrick would've given anything for the chance to say goodbye, deep down he came to realize that ultimately this was the best outcome possible. He was after all a dead man sitting, so who was to say he couldn't see his brother and mother once more... when he finally found peace and crossed over.
He didn't want to think like this, but he was fully aware that nothing could change the outcome. No matter how much he wanted to redeem himself, no matter how far he would've gone; the fact was the Immortals were certain of his punishment. And so was he... For Ilaren's cold words were the constraints he felt closing in around him, the certain death he knew would be coming for him in just a matter of time. It was almost too ironic really that when Ilaren judged him guilty, that the mutterings of those who watched covered one distinct sound. "No..." It sounded so far off but the tone was so distinct, enough to the point Patrick knew right then and there who it belonged to. "Daxter!" All of his anger right then and there instantly washed away, and instead Patrick became consumed with an emotion he was all too familiar with. Fear. If his family had been here the entire time, then that meant they had all heard everything. Every. Single. Thing.
Yet he couldn't say or do anything otherwise, for the trial was awaiting it's final conclusion now; and sure enough within all that fear stemmed something. The possible curtain of hope for him, yet also the very sole person who could determine his fate. Ilaren prompted Faith once more to speak, giving her the opportunity to pitch in on everything. Patrick watched her vividly as he expected the worst to come, for he knew his actions against her could never be redeemed. No matter how much he wanted to, nor what he did to make things right with her; she had every reason and right to damn him with execution. And would anyone blame Patrick for believing this? For wanting to hope that she'd come up with a solid reason as to not execute him? Every fiber in his being wanted to plead to her now, to the point where he literally held himself down in that chair.
What would happen come his execution? What would become of the ones he'd leave behind? His child and his friends, would they remember him for what he was? Or remember him for all the good things he used to be? His mind nearly went into another spiralling tangent now, ultimately leading him to bury his head as he still listened closely. Everything about Faith's words reminded him of his guilt, of the burden he would never be able to leave behind now. All of this was something he deserved, and something he would have to live with up to his very death. Yet... Patrick's tear filled eyes rose from the hands that covered them, utter shock and awe in the words he just started to hear. Had... had she forgiven him? He questioned it, denied it even as he thought it beyond himself. Here he believed himself undeserving, destined to die at whatever poetic or horrible way the Champion could conjure...
Yet she fucking forgave him! Furthermore elaborating on what his real punishment would be, as the antics within his death being a easy means of getting out sunk in. He didn't deserve death? But didn't he? Confusion. Utter total confusion wracked his brain, and suddenly all the energy he felt ready to put into desperation suddenly diminished. "W..." He couldn't even utter the word, not without almost choking on it to say the least. All Patrick could do was look up at those stained glass windows, and finally think that maybe for once... he did have a chance at this. What Faith proposed went against everything Patrick stood for, as freedom had always been his greatest liberty as a child; but also his greatest vice as a man. He knew the stipulations that were posed upon him now, and while the costs were steep enough to instill minor concern; that part of a whole within him took it as a sign of good Faith.
Yes. Faith had not only found a solution, but the chance Patrick had been hoping for all along. He still answered for his crimes and that he was aware, but for everything else that came with it? He'd finally get the chance to be a better man, hell he'd finally become the father he never had; a father that would do everything in his power to protect his son. It's... it's honestly what he wanted, but also highly unlikely given the circumstances. For he would have to serve Rharne and Ilaren solely, disregarding every personal freedom he ever cherished before. Considering his actions implied him throwing all that away, he knew he was better off this way in the end; particularly if Ilaren seemed inclined to accept the notion. He almost stirred as he hoped, literally hoped, against all odds that She would consider this, and that this would actually be the turning point in his miserable life.
Until now.
When Qylios stepped forward she highlighted the aspect of Light and Darkness, and how neither were comparably 'good' or 'evil' in their own innate way. Whereas Patrick had blamed his actions on darkness alone, he had failed to perceive the bigger picture at large. This led him to consider the words She told everyone, to contemplate the real truth behind his fallacy. Light and Darkness did not matter here, nor did they define the actions he took last Arc. It was Patrick's own selfish and whimsical nature, his impulsive greed and tenacity that led him down that path. He may have not wanted to be that person, but deep down the fact was right there; he really was this awful person that just ruined everything. He wanted to think of a reason why, to find comfort in another pointless justification... but with the truth now realized, he knew such a thing was pointless anymore.
Hiding his head in shame like he always did, running away when his problems only got worse; it was all pointless means of running from his actions. And for what? Because he felt entitled to be miserable, to self-loath and depreciate his way into this mess? No. He was through being that guy, done with being afraid of the things he'd done. That evil that was born in him stemmed from all this, from all the negative shit he held onto like a hefty sack. Now that he became aware of it, all he wanted to do was discard it and find a way to fix everything... But that was it wasn't it? Making amends for his actions wasn't going to change anything, no matter how sincere or even endearing he tried to be. This was the result of his actions, the consequence of running away from your own truth.
Ilaren seemed displeased, and pretty much done, with the trial now as she was ready to speak. Not before Famula stepped in however, as the older brother's form still remained bowed. Yet when Famula addressed him and he rose, the somber look of regret still in his eyes, he and Patrick both listened to what she had to say. To the words Famula herself had to share. All of that, everything that Dominek shared... changed nothing. Suddenly Pat's fate looked more and more certain, leading the younger sibling to clench the chair's arms even tighter than before. By now his hands were visibly white from his grip, the blood more pooled within his fingers because of how intense his grip became. What Patrick had done was taken lives, lives that mattered to others he didn't know; therefore to pardon him of anything wouldn't settle the matter. Therefore his fate was already decided... but for Dominek?
Famula saw into the ghost somehow, looked deeper than Patrick ever could and realized something. Dom's own actions were brought on by obsession, consuming him as he slowly degraded overtime. Yet for him there remained salvation, for She would not let the ghost fade into oblivion; instead she gave him the will to pass on. Immediately Patrick looked to his brother in desperation, not ready to see that his older sibling leave him so suddenly. Yet there was nothing, not even the chance to say goodbye. For when Dominek had been told to cross-over and find peace, the former lightning knight almost seemed reluctant with a sigh; before finally fading entirely from view before Patrick. "Dom! No..." His thoughts were echoes of grief now, as he'd been stricken with another sense of deja vu. It was like he had lost Dominek all over again, much like the first time he was shown the inquisitor's body. While Patrick would've given anything for the chance to say goodbye, deep down he came to realize that ultimately this was the best outcome possible. He was after all a dead man sitting, so who was to say he couldn't see his brother and mother once more... when he finally found peace and crossed over.
He didn't want to think like this, but he was fully aware that nothing could change the outcome. No matter how much he wanted to redeem himself, no matter how far he would've gone; the fact was the Immortals were certain of his punishment. And so was he... For Ilaren's cold words were the constraints he felt closing in around him, the certain death he knew would be coming for him in just a matter of time. It was almost too ironic really that when Ilaren judged him guilty, that the mutterings of those who watched covered one distinct sound. "No..." It sounded so far off but the tone was so distinct, enough to the point Patrick knew right then and there who it belonged to. "Daxter!" All of his anger right then and there instantly washed away, and instead Patrick became consumed with an emotion he was all too familiar with. Fear. If his family had been here the entire time, then that meant they had all heard everything. Every. Single. Thing.
Yet he couldn't say or do anything otherwise, for the trial was awaiting it's final conclusion now; and sure enough within all that fear stemmed something. The possible curtain of hope for him, yet also the very sole person who could determine his fate. Ilaren prompted Faith once more to speak, giving her the opportunity to pitch in on everything. Patrick watched her vividly as he expected the worst to come, for he knew his actions against her could never be redeemed. No matter how much he wanted to, nor what he did to make things right with her; she had every reason and right to damn him with execution. And would anyone blame Patrick for believing this? For wanting to hope that she'd come up with a solid reason as to not execute him? Every fiber in his being wanted to plead to her now, to the point where he literally held himself down in that chair.
What would happen come his execution? What would become of the ones he'd leave behind? His child and his friends, would they remember him for what he was? Or remember him for all the good things he used to be? His mind nearly went into another spiralling tangent now, ultimately leading him to bury his head as he still listened closely. Everything about Faith's words reminded him of his guilt, of the burden he would never be able to leave behind now. All of this was something he deserved, and something he would have to live with up to his very death. Yet... Patrick's tear filled eyes rose from the hands that covered them, utter shock and awe in the words he just started to hear. Had... had she forgiven him? He questioned it, denied it even as he thought it beyond himself. Here he believed himself undeserving, destined to die at whatever poetic or horrible way the Champion could conjure...
Yet she fucking forgave him! Furthermore elaborating on what his real punishment would be, as the antics within his death being a easy means of getting out sunk in. He didn't deserve death? But didn't he? Confusion. Utter total confusion wracked his brain, and suddenly all the energy he felt ready to put into desperation suddenly diminished. "W..." He couldn't even utter the word, not without almost choking on it to say the least. All Patrick could do was look up at those stained glass windows, and finally think that maybe for once... he did have a chance at this. What Faith proposed went against everything Patrick stood for, as freedom had always been his greatest liberty as a child; but also his greatest vice as a man. He knew the stipulations that were posed upon him now, and while the costs were steep enough to instill minor concern; that part of a whole within him took it as a sign of good Faith.
Yes. Faith had not only found a solution, but the chance Patrick had been hoping for all along. He still answered for his crimes and that he was aware, but for everything else that came with it? He'd finally get the chance to be a better man, hell he'd finally become the father he never had; a father that would do everything in his power to protect his son. It's... it's honestly what he wanted, but also highly unlikely given the circumstances. For he would have to serve Rharne and Ilaren solely, disregarding every personal freedom he ever cherished before. Considering his actions implied him throwing all that away, he knew he was better off this way in the end; particularly if Ilaren seemed inclined to accept the notion. He almost stirred as he hoped, literally hoped, against all odds that She would consider this, and that this would actually be the turning point in his miserable life.
"Patrick", "Follower", "Ri", "NPC"