• Graded • Breaking The Surface

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Re: Breaking The Surface

Our hands and yours? Faith smiled a little at the memory. She found herself regularly quite astonished that people ever paid attention to anything she said, much less then remembered the words - but equally, she knew that they did. "You're a slave," she said, quietly. Then, looking up at Darius with a half-smile, she explained. "That was what people used to say when they first met me. Now, they say, 'you're Faith Augustin!' and seem equally surprised." Her shoulders lifted in a slight shrug and her words summed up her feelings and then some. "It's all rather confusing to me, I have to be honest." Still, she smiled and shook her head, waving her hand rather dismissively as he thanked her. "It is very much my pleasure," Faith assured him. Better that they were both warm, after all, rather than she was double-wrapped and he was frozen.

They moved forward and they saw the shimmering in the air. Snowballs got flung through and Faith couldn't quite hide the slight grin when Darius had to check that his snowball disappeared too. But when she held out her hand, he looked down at it and then started tying ropes. His voice, a deep baritone, spoke to her and pointed out that holding hands was not going to 'cut it'. Faith's silver eyes twinkled in amusement - he might seem somewhat star-struck, but his head wasn't switched off, that was for sure.

He wrapped his arm around her, after begging her and Padraig's pardon and Faith let out a low - slightly awkward - chuckle. "Well, this is cozy," she said. And, in fairness, Faith held on to him as he instructed her to. It made sense what he did and she was totally on board. Although, Faith had not predicted that he would - quite literally - sweep her off her feet and, as her feet lifted off the ground, she kept running and so was briefly and acutely aware of how strange she must look, and she let out a squeak of surprise. No sooner had the high-pitched exclamation of shock exited her, than the pair of them found themselves right back where they started.

Except it wasn't. Faith's ability to notice thingsGM Detection never outweighed her Immortals-awful sense of direction, but it meant that she saw the slight differences in their surroundings. Darius dropped her back on to her feet, prompting a "Ah, solid ground once more," from Faith. She was just about to say something pithy and deeply amusing, but she heard the chittering sound and she turned. "Well, that's good," she said, gently. "We found them. " After all, she figured, this must be the people that he'd been with. "They're a bit wrapped up, come on,"

Charge in like lunatics? Yes, of course. Except Faith was who Faith was. Her hand fell to her own gladius and she drew it without hesitation. "I've fought big spiders before," she said and her sword flashed as she sliced through the rope between them. Faith had no intention of getting tangled up and, she knew, they were likely to have to move rather acrobatically. She didn't wait for Darius, instead she did indeed charge forward. "Soft spot on the back of the head!" Whether that was true of ice spiders, too? Well, she didn't know.

Faith did not hesitate- she never had when it came to fighting; of course, Padraig knew that it was because she was terrified. Moving forward, Faith sliced at the ice-spider. Her gladius hit one of the legs and it more or less bounced.

"That got her attention!" Faith called and she jumped backwards, making sure that the two of them could fight it. The spider lunged forward, fangs flashing as combat truly began. For her part, she dropped into a more flexible stance, her weight on the balls of her feet and she swung again. This time, however, it was a sweep, aiming to take the spider's legs out from underneath it. The thing was, by virtue of being eight-legged , fairly solid on the ground but it juddered and almost-stumbled and that was an opening for Darius, should he choose to take it.

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Re: Breaking The Surface


In the arcs to come, when the future generations of Scalvorians were passing on the oral traditions of their ancestors, they would have many fine tales to share. And when they spoke of the Baers of Scalv-Town, they would do so in hushed tones, and they would lean closer to the fire, basking in its warmth as their exploits were repeated: of how they'd sailed the Hollow Sea and beyond in epic journeys, escaping leviathans and defeating bandits in distant lands.

But when it came to Darius Baer, son of Josef Baer, tamer of waves and slayer of beasts, one aspect of his life that never seemed to get mentioned was his incredible exploits with the ladies. The legends didn't tell of the beautiful maidens who had fallen into his arms as he'd saved them from certain death, or the damsels he had caught as they'd fainted at his mere arrival, while he had simultaneously kept hordes of enemies at bay.

That was probably because the real Darius Baer was the one who had awkwardly held Faith Augustin close to him for a matter of necessity only, and whose blush had only deepened when she had spoken of the cosiness of their unorthodox embrace.

In truth, the blond seafarer knew he was fortunate. Few people could claim to have swept Faith Augustin - the Faith Augustin - off her feet. But he wasn't the type to make such boasts, and he doubted anyone would have believed him anyway. So, despite being in an unknown set of icy caves, holding out slim hopes that his fellow sailors might still be alive, he still found enjoyment and comfort in the rather clumsy cuddle.

The discovery of the spider provided much less comfort, however, and the human's blush vanished as soon as he began to survey the scene before them. He was still holding his breath when he saw Faith draw her blade.

"There's only one," he murmured, half in realisation to himself.

It was true. Only one form the size of a human body appeared to be in the spider's web. Was that Captain Kale? Was he alive? Had the others evaded the spider? Or was it someone else entirely. Darius was forced to accept that there was only one way to know for sure, and that wasn't by running the other way.

The bearded blond drew his longsword, the metal blade making a musical shing as it left his scabbard, the metallic song echoing off the walls. Unlike his companion, he had not fought spiders before, and he sent the petite woman a nod of understanding when she suggested where he should target his blade.

Darius watched as Faith's gladius sliced through his rope, and he began his charge just after her, not wanting to be the man who let Faith Augustin rush into battle on her own. The severed ropes flapped about behind them, bouncing harmlessly off their legs, the knotted lengths still tied to their waists. His held his blade in two hands as he approached the icy creature, and he caught up to the young brunette just as her gladius bounced off the creature's leg.

The sailor stood a few feet apart from Faith, and slightly off to the side of the spider. It meant not only that neither human would be at risk of hitting the other with their blade, but also that the spider had to split its attention between two foes at two different angles. Faith made the next attack, showing her expertise by evading the arachnid's fangs as she did so and sweeping at its legs. The creature stumbled, and Darius swung his blade in a downward diagonal at its opposite front leg. It wasn't an elegant strike, but he threw his weight behind it, gritted teeth allowing a sharp intake of breath as he felt the adrenaline surge through him, and blade met leg. The arthropod leg cracked, and when the spider attempted to catch its weight, the limb shattered up to its second joint. The creature maintained its balance as it let out a high-pitched squeak, spinning its head to face Darius and baring its fangs at him, causing the human to take a step back as he attempted to regain control of his blade.

His dark grey eyes widened for a moment, before he was able to regather himself, amazed by how hot the ice caves of Ishallr suddenly felt, and attempting to ignore the thumping feeling within his chest.
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Re: Breaking The Surface

"Only one we can see right now," Faith corrected, not looking at him as she moved, but taking the time to point out that fact. It was important, after all, that the didn't lose hope before they began. "Time to move," she said and then she moved. Faith was decisive and ran forward to the spider. Of course, she knew without any doubt that the same was true in terms of 'all we can see right now' and the spiders. There may well be more than one of those and so Faith felt a rush of concern as her gladius bounced off the critter. But, as she swept it's leg and that caused it to stumble. Darius was quick to take advantage of that and the creature was soon missing a leg, which Darius shattered.

If there was one thing which Faith had learned, time and again, it was that things tended to be more vulnerable on the inside than on the outside. So, as the spider yelped in surprise at Darius' shattering of it's leg, Faith shoved her gladius deep into the spider's mouth as it bared its fangs to Darius. Her blade stuck in the creature's mouth and just for a moment Faith felt a brief panic at that; there was a brief few seconds where she couldn't move the blade at all. Faith knew that, if needed, she would have to led her sword go. Better that than be trapped there because she was stubbornly holding on to a blade which was doing nothing useful.

Pulling her blade back, she twisted it as she did and for the briefest of split-seconds, Faith and Darius might consider celebrating as the ice-spider shattered at their combined attack. But then, in the almost-exact second that happened, two more spiders dropped from above, landing on the pair of them. Faith let out a yelp of surprise as she felt the weight of the creature. "Darius!" Faith yelled, squirming as she crumpled to the floor. "Don't let yourself get webbed!"

Good advice, she thought, as she started to turn, twisting and lifting her body up as she did so - Faith had no intention of giving an inch and so she wanted maximum movement. "And don't die!" As two demands went, Faith thought, they were quite reasonable of her to make. She'd said there might be more than one, and in this moment, Faith really wished she'd been wrong.
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Re: Breaking The Surface


Faith might well have been terrified, but it certainly didn't appear that way to Darius. What he saw was a fierce and agile swordmaiden who was at one with her weapon, rushing into the fray and leading from the front.

The sailor had seen people tasked with leading others in the past, but few could inspire as Faith did.

Darius' blade had cracked the spider's leg, then watched as it crumbled away as the creature shifted its weight onto it. But then Faith had seized the moment, ramming her gladius into the spider's mouth, and they had watched as cracks formed down the length of its body, slowly working their way from its head to its abdomen, until, in a single moment, the ice shattered and the monster was no more.

The pair had barely had an opportunity to flinch, shielding their eyes from the freezing shards, before two more spiders were descending upon them. Darius reacted by thrusting his longsword upwards, hoping to meet the creature's arrival with the tip of his blade, but he couldn't bear its weight and he soon fell to the ground. He was not blessed with a sword as short as Faith's, and the longsword was unwieldy in such a confined space. He let the blade clatter to the floor as he grabbed the dagger from his belt and held it in the icepick grip as he swung wildly at the creature, even as he could feel its legs upon his body.

Faith, meanwhile, was proving a far more elusive opponent, and the spider that stood over her attempted to pin her down, but her squirming kept its attempts at bay - for the time being, at least.
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Re: Breaking The Surface

"For the record," Faith said, to the spider, "I hate spiders!" She was squirming and keeping out of its way, but that was costing her the ability to attack. It was something which she knew she had to deal with and so the former slave did something which, she knew, would have Padraig getting that look on his face. Rather than avoiding the spider, Faith did what she always had done, she charged at it. Except, in this instance, Faith was underneath the spider and so, she lifted her legs and wrapped herself around it. Tangling her legs in its caused it to skitter, confused, and she took advantage of that moment to stab her gladius repeatedly at the thing. "OW!" Was yell she gave as she felt the thing bite at her and Faith knew that it had, at the very least, punctured skin. "That's..." she stabbed with the gladius, ".... just and another stab - in it's biting, snapping mouth, keeping her legs around it and trying to twist her body out of the way, "rude!"

Meanwhile Darius was fighting his own monstrous beast and he too decided that the trick was to get close to the thing. Faith heard his longsword clatter to the floor and she briefly hoped that he had another weapon but, frankly, in that moment she was just a little too busy dealing with her own issues. The spider kept trying to bite at him, but Darius found that, as it did that, it opened itself up to his attack and he would soon be able to dispatch it. But, no matter how soon that did happen, in the meantime, it was on top of him, biting and snapping at him - trying to get him to be still long enough that it could devour him. Also, of course, from it's back end, ice-cold web started to spew out. The sticky, dangerously freezing stuff was growing at a fantastic rate and very soon he would find himself with his legs entwined, if he did not do something about it.

Of course, if he did do anything about it, the spider would likely be able to bite him. Bit of a Catch-22 for Darius.

As yet, Faith's spider hadn't started webbing her, because her legs tangling with its had stopped her from being in a place where she could be targeted, but she continued to stab at it, and internally wished that she was a little bit taller, so she'd be a little bit longer while laying down and thus, have just a little more available wiggle-room and ability in this instance. Well, she thought, this was interesting. She blamed being a slave, she decided as pain in her shoulder caused her to let out a yelp as she stabbed; it didn't stop her, but it hurt. If only her mother hadn't sold her, Faith was sure that the woman would have warned her about helping strange men in ice caves.
word count: 505
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Re: Breaking The Surface


Faith Augustin might have been famously small for a human, but that didn't mean she didn't have a weight worth throwing around. Likewise, her arachnid opponent was presumably not renowned in the ice-insect world for being a master of piggybacking.

And so, as Faith managed to wrap her legs around the spider's abdomen, she forced it to bear her weight. That might not have been so bad, had the creature not also been getting stabbed by its passenger. It bit at Faith, hissing and clicking wildly as it staggered about, and it even managed to puncture her skin a couple of times, but its attacks were withering. The petite brunette's blade was deadly and swift, and its wielder fierce, which combined to send the spider's legs out from underneath it. Three icy limbs shattered as soon as the creature toppled over, and Faith's gladius was able to finish it off and ensure it would trouble her no more.

Nearby, her companion was not faring quite so well. Although he had longer legs and would have made for a heavier burden, Darius lacked Faith's combat experience. His longsword, which had been too large and unwieldy to use in such a small space, rested on the icy floor of the cave beside him, and his dagger lacked the reach that he so desperately wanted.

He was so focused on fending off the spider's attacks and stabbing at its mouth to notice the icy web it had begun to weave. It wasn't until he felt it beginning to coil around one of his ankles that he reacted, kicking wildly and shattering the ice with the sole of one of his boots. But the web kept coming, and soon both of his feet were bound, causing him to flail ever more desperately with arms and dagger.

"Help!" he yelled, his voice echoing off the walls of the cave.

He didn't know how Faith was faring. All he could do was keep struggling as the creature above him continued to click and chitter. In a change of strategy, he stabbed at the spider's many eyes, convinced that he was about to breathe his last.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:37 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 371
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Re: Breaking The Surface

The only good spider - as far as Faith was concerned - was a dead one and, at last, this monstrous and hideous critter which she'd been fighting transitioned into just that. A good - dead - spider. She breathed out a shuddering breath and then heard Darius' cry of "Help!". Suddenly, memories of a time when Padraig had screamed like a 7-arc-old girl flooded her mind and Faith rolled and stood, ready to help where she could.

Darius' problem, Faith saw, was that he was all big and long and flailing around. He'd dropped his sword as too long, she assumed, but that meant that he wasn't really able to defend as he was too busy flailing, trying to get his dagger into a place where it was useful and, generally, hitting a state of panic. So, Faith dived forward with her usual complete lack of regard for her own safety. Since they'd first met, Padraig had continually tried to get her to step back, to not charge ahead. But it was as much an automatic response as catching something thrown to her.

Faith was not a large person; far from it. Her small frame and diminutive height was what caused Katie (aka: the glitter monster), her grandmother-in-law, to call her a "pocket person". It meant that Faith didn't weigh an awful lot and so, when she threw herself on the spider which was currently atop Darius, it really only served to irritate it. But, irritated was good, as far as Faith could tell. "Now is not the time to panic!" Her voice was sharp, commanding, and held a level of authority which would have surprised her before the war.

"You don't.....," she twisted herself so that she had a better grasp of the enormous thing; this led to it trying to shake her off, "....need your feet..." it was quite an agile thing, and as it bucked and writhed trying to get rid of the nuisance on it's back, Faith's head appeared around its, popping in to view even as she held on for dear life, "....to kill it. Here we go!" The last three words were little more than a squeal as the spider did what Faith had sort-of hoped it might.

It rolled over.

"OOOF!" The air exited her lungs and the weight of it was .. "Heavy!" But it meant that Darius - and his dagger - had a free shot as Faith wrapped her arms and legs around it's legs and it flailed about. Breathing was tough, but she had enough in her for one word. She thought it rather summed up the urgency of the situation.

word count: 451
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Re: Breaking The Surface


Darius had not expected the sense of calm that came over him. Everything seemed to slow down, his attempts at stabbing at the lunging spider becoming more controlled and focused in his mind, even though his strikes were wild and frenetic in reality. Perhaps there was an air of acceptance - that he was about to breathe his last - but that did not last long. He couldn't allow it to linger. This was not how he would meet his end, meekly submitting to an icy arachnid. If the Immortals wished him to die, then he would do so, but he would meet the moment fighting to the last. He didn't know if Immortals paid any attention to the plight of an average human, but if Cassion wanted a story worth telling, then Darius would rage!

Faith's sudden appearance, her face entering his field of vision over the back of the spider who was attempting to bind him, changed everything. The thought that the petite brunette might have bested her eight-legged opponent gave him a sense of hope. Perhaps his tale would be better told as one of survival than of tragedy?

As if the Immortals themselves were giving their answer, Darius suddenly found himself free of the spider's grasp as it toppled onto its back - and Faith - in an attempt to unhorse ... unspider ... unseat its rider.

The woman's command was not missed by Darius, the solitary word echoing off the icy walls of the cave. He seized the opportunity, leaping to his feet and stabbing at it in a frenzy. It clicked and screeched, its legs pinned back by Faith's own, but its fangs could not reach him. His stabs were swift and deadly, for he was unhindered now that he was back on his feet. Icy eyes shattered, the shards falling from its face, and still Darius attacked, slicing away at each leg until it stopped struggling and its clicks had long fallen silent.

Adrenaline gave him the strength to heave what was left of the spider's body off Faith, and as soon as it hit the ground, a crack formed down its length, and it split in two.

Silence filled the space, though Darius' heart was beating so hard that he could have sworn Faith must have been able to hear it. He bent down to offer the petite woman a hand up, a cloud of air leaving his lips as he tried to catch his breath.

"Are you okay?" he asked, partly because he was genuinely interested to know the answer, and partly because it meant not having to address the human-sized cocoon in the room.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Wed Oct 14, 2020 11:05 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 447
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Re: Breaking The Surface

Faith really didn't like fighting - it unnerved her. But at least they were fighting creatures - and horrid spider-shaped ones, rather than people. It was against her nature to hurt people in any way - although there had been times when it was necessary. She still hated it.

As the beast split in two with a loud crack, Faith looked up to see the tall blond man standing over her and offering her his hand. She smiled and took it, pulling herself up. Then, Faith started the pointless task of shaking the ice and dust and snow and .... detritus off herself. With a deep in-breath, she calmed herself down and then looked at Darius. "I'm fine," she said with a smile. "You?" He was perfectly fine physically, she was sure - her eyes had taken in his form with a flickering glance - but the shock of it all was a much more complex thing. "I hate spiders," she admitted with a rueful expression. "When I was a slave, in Athart, we used to sleep in a communal room, on the earth floor." She spoke in a calm and no-nonsense manner. No suggestion of needing or wanting sympathy, but she simply stated the facts. "It was crawling with spiders, the owners wanted to make sure that we understood that sleep was a privilege, a reward. It was vile." She considered it and shrugged. "But I am illogical, because I have no such feeling towards rats or roaches. Most illogical."

With the slightest shake of her head, Faith turned to look at the cocoon and she sighed. "I'm not sure just what we're going to find when we open that," she said. Looking up at Darius, her gaze was serious. "I've seen people who have been eaten by spiders, it isn't pleasant." Her gaze on him was weighing up how he was likely to react. "How are you with pus and gloop and goo?"

Because, if he was going to pass out, or throw up, then he could do that over there. Not in her way. If, however, he was good to go, then they could start the process of cutting the web. "We're going to need to be very careful, to make sure that we are cutting web, not flesh. You with me?"

Either way, Faith would get on and start the process. But whether she did it with his help, or alone, was up to him.

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Re: Breaking The Surface


Darius shifted his weight onto his heels, leaning back to counter Faith's weight as she regained her feet. He watched her brush herself down, but a quick glance around them ensured that the blond did not do the same. There was ice in every direction; any amount that he managed to remove from his clothing would surely be replaced by other shards finding their way onto his person almost immediately.

He appreciated Faith's candour as she spoke of her time as a slave, and her hate of spiders. He had heard many rumours about Faith Augustin, and being a slave was one of the more mild ones. He nodded politely, but resisted the temptation to try to sympathise with the brunette's experiences. She was not a victim any longer, that much was clear, and she didn't need to be treated like one.

The respite was all too brief, though. His heart was still racing, adrenaline tingling through his body, when Faith turned to the elephant in the room cocoon in the cave. Darius nodded, knowing that it was something that could not be avoided.

"I've seen a bit of gore," he grimaced under his breath, recalling some of the injuries he'd witnessed at sea. "I'll be okay."

His words were more confident than his tone, but he joined Faith in approaching the cocoon.

He drew his dagger, and, delicately tapping at the frozen web near the top, used the blade to cause tiny fissures to form across the ice. When one seemed deep enough, he carefully wedged the tip of his dagger into it, then wiggled it in an attempt to widen the split. A small block of ice broke off, and fell to the cave floor, where it shattered.

Almost immediately, a foul stench invaded the space, and Darius reeled back for a few moments, before taking a deep breath of supposedly fresh air and returning to his work.

As the pair chipped away at the cocoon, more lumps of ice fell, and the smell worsened. Each piece that was removed revealed more of what was inside. Facial features became visible, though it was clear that they were distorted. One large chunk broke away, and Darius gasped at what it revealed, flinching as he took a pair of steps back to take it in. The face of a man, intact on one side, and caved in and liquefied on the other, stared out of the cocoon. The man's one remaining eye was wide with fear, his half-mouth agape in pain, while brain matter oozed across his deliquesced face. Ice still encased the rest of his body from the shoulders down.

"I recognise him," Darius' gravelly voice spoke quietly. "He's from U'frek's Duty. He was immediately in front of me on the rope."
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Mon Jul 05, 2021 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 475
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