Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

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Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

Favord of Ymiden

Gennadiya Lyosha

Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

Ashan 1 720

The period known as Cylus was coming to an end. The trials on perpetual twilight and darkness would soon pass for another arc. Genna stood at the edge of the courtyard in the darkness breathing in deeply. Personally she always found this time of the arc to be the most difficult. She needed the sun, and she needed light. Strangle enough it was also her busiest time of the arc. The young woman had found that by keeping busy she could fight the dread of the cold, and the dark.

This trial though was the first of Ashan and after thirty trials she would once again be able to see the light of the suns. She also felt it was an important date for her patron Immortal. Ymiden was over summer, but he was also over the dawn and rebirth and this trial would see the return of dawns, and to Gennadiya was a sign of a rebirth. So it was that she dragged herself out of bed early on this trail and stood prepared for the coming dawn.

Genna had made it generally know that she had plans to great the dawn and would celebrate afterwards. Her plans were to gather any who would like to and then they would go up on the walls to get a better view of the coming light. So it was that she stood there waiting to see if any would join her. The Favored of Ymiden had taken effort to dress for the event. She was in an all white dress, she did wear a cloak to help fight against the cold, but it was positioned to enhance her image. Her platinum blond hair had a small braid on either side of her face with a complicated series of braids braided together. Much of her thick hair still cascaded down her back, neatly brushed and almost seeming to glow.

Genna smiled at a few of the knights she had worked with over the trials joined her, and a few of her fellow healers from the Orders. Her sapphire blue eyes looked out to see if anyone else would be joining. They would soon need to go to the walls. While she waited she looked at those around her and then spoke up. “Thank you for joining us this morning. We are here to great the dawn and to celebrate the return of light, but there is more.” Genna paused. “Ymiden teaches us that people and situations can change and can be reborn. We have witnessed that this past season. When I arrived with the other healers the fortress was in disrepair, but we have pushed through the night and the dark, and with the dawn we can celebrate a rebirth of this fortress, even better than before. We will also be celebrating that this trial.” Gennadiya looked at those there and anymore who had gathered. “I personally always like to pick something I want to be better at, if you care to join me you can. You don’t need to share, but please do join me in celebrating the return of light and the rebirth of this fortress and its defenders.”

Genna waited to see who else would join before turning to led the crowd towards the wall.


Rebrith, Dawn, Forgiveness, Summer

“I give you this to take with you:
Nothing remains as it was.
If you know this, you can begin again,
with pure joy in the uprooting.”

~ Judith Minty, Letters to My Daughters
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Re: Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

Mathias Blackwood

Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge
1 Ashan 720

Mathias liked the dark. You could always rely on the darkness to keep you hidden and in Cylus there was always plenty of darkness. Ashan would bring light and while Mathias did not prefer light to dark, he had to admit that it felt good to have a little warmth once in a while. Still that wasn't adequate motivation to draw Mathias from his other activities in Storm's Edge. He enjoyed the forge which was almost always poorly lit and hot because it gave him a sense of accomplishment. Watching the steel shaped before your eyes with no magic was a magic of it's own. Better than that it was hard work- harder than shapecrafting anyways, and it made Mathias sore every "night" when he went to bed. Mathias would have stayed in the forge while the sun rose over Storm's Edge, but he heard Gennadiya was leading a little event.

Mathias couldn't quite get any details on what that event was exactly but he got the idea that it was to celebrate the sunrise in some way. Mathias thought back to their conversations in the forge but he didn't know enough about the Immortals to make the connection. So on the first trial of Ashan, nine trials before the one of Mathias's birth, he joined the group celebrating the return of the light. There were Knights and healers all around him so Mathias couldn't see Gennadiya at first but when she began speaking, it was hard to miss her. She looked better than Mathias was ever going to admit in the white dress with her elaborately braided hair. How long did she spend every morning working on that braid? Mathias shook the thought from his head and tried to put some actual attention into listening to Gennadiya.

She spoke of Ymiden's teachings and Mathias zoned out for a moment while watching her. She really stood out, a light in the dark... but maybe that was because she was in white. People changing and being reborn? Mathias wasn't sure that he bought it because he didn't believe he could change. There was no path for him but the path he'd been set on and he had to follow it to his end... but maybe he didn't? Maybe she was right? He chose to come try and defend Storm's Edge rather than leave it to decay. He'd felt guilty about leaving it to fall to the flameborn. Maybe there was hope for his moral compass. When Gennadiya was done with her speech and Mathias thought for a moment she might have made eye contact with him, he nodded to her and moved with her and the others to the wall.

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Re: Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

"You could come down for a while."


"It wouldn't kill you, you know."

"Sure 'bout dat?"

The Knight gave a theatrical roll of his eyes, capped with a sigh equally as vaudevillian, but didn't press the issue. Not a moron, was Sir Fredrik. Nor was he some fanatic bet on doing good even when the doing would cause more harm and ill-feeling that any good. Kasoria appreciated pragmatism in a man, even if he was a Knight. In his experience, such folk were priggish, inflexible, judgmental and above all, arrogant. Indeed, most he'd met since arriving had confirmed his opinion. But Sir Fredrik? Well... there was that saying about the exception that proved the rule, wasn't there?

"Fine, be that way," the older man said, snuffling his bushy white mustache and wiping the ale foam from it. "I rather think I'll go down and watch the dawn."

"Y'could do dat frum 'ere."

"Not among the people, Karim."

Kasoria just gave a "harrumph", telling the Knight just how important that sort of mingling was to him. Again, Fredrik did not press. The Etzori was still a gruff and unsympathetic human; his deeds and his undeniable bravery were... well, he didn't quite not how to describe it. He fought because he was good at it, trained at it, both by instructors and brutal experience, he'd wager. But there was no deep belief or conviction when he swung a sword or shot a bow. Fredrik didn't doubt that this was a mercenary he spoke with now, a sellsword, a cutthroat who worked for coin and not honor.

He knew this because he'd been there. Seasons ago. He hadn't mentioned that yet, nor the fact he knew "Karim" was not what he appeared to be. And why?

Because he's still here, and fights with us. He protects the people, just like you. Only difference is, one trial he'll leave... and it'll probably be soon.

"Fair morning, Karim."


Kasoria watched the man go for a moment, until he disappeared into the doorway of the tower. The Raggedy Man stood on one of the towers dotting the walls ringing Storm's Edge, looking down on the crowd gathering, ready to journey up to the walls facing the burgeoning sunrise. After thirty nights of darkness, thirty trials without a hint of light in the skies, everyone could all but feel the hint of illumination when it peeked over the flat horizon. The white-clad woman with matching hair was giving a speech and Kasoria listened idly. He rolled his eyes when, of course, she had to drag the Morties into it. As if any of those wankers contributed a cat's cock to seasons and sunshine. But the feeling of disdainful derision passed quickly. He'd been here for well over a season now; irritation at every mention could only come so strongly.

“I personally always like to pick something I want to be better at, if you care to join me you can. You don’t need to share, but please do join me in celebrating the return of light and the rebirth of this fortress and its defenders.”

That made the Etzori quirk an eyebrow. Hmm. A little more useful, he thought. Something like a resolution one made at the start of a new arc. More practical and valuable than mumbling praise to some mutant masquerading as a god, anyway. He thought on her words and admitted, they had accomplished much in the last season. When Kasoria had first arrived, everything about Storm's Edge was crumbling and hopeless. From the walls to the garrison to the supplies... hells, he'd a good mind to Cross out of there on the first night. But they'd held, and maintained, and fortified, and built, and grown... and he'd been part of it. He'd helped, much to his continuing shock. Now the walls were strong and the garrison full and every wave of monsters and abominations had broken against them like foam on cast iron.

So what of Ashan, then?

Kasoria grunted and bit on the edge of the stem of the pipe he'd been idly packing. He lifted a scrap of straw from the brazier burning on the tower and lit the tobacco within. Anyone looking up would see the long-haired little killer from Etzos watching in silence from above, eyes lidded and inscrutable, grey smoke curling from the void hidden by shadow. He thought of what he wished to be better at. A couple of practical things sprang to mind... but one soon eclipsed them. Older and stronger and more urgent, yet ill-attended. This arc, he would put paid to that.

Starting in Ashan.

The little man chuckled, sending puffs of smoke rippling from his mouth, and kept watching.
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Re: Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

Favord of Ymiden

Gennadiya Lyosha

Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge
Ashan 1 720

The marked of Ymiden moved across the courtyard and approached the stairs leading up the walls. She didn’t rush nor did she drag out her walk. Normally Genna didn’t have much of an audience to watch the sun rise as people still preferred to be abed, but here in the Fortress when an enemy could attack at any time there was more activity in the day, but there was a lot the rest of the time, and dawn was a time for shift change.

Genna felt the wind blowing cold against her as she came up on the wall. She wrapped her arms around herself against the cold, but resisted shivering. She moved along until she came to the spot that would be perfect to watch the sun’s return. There were others who had come to join her as well, and she smiled at Matthias when she saw him coming to watch. As she looked around she could see that some of the people she had talked to about playing music where there with their instruments ready to be used afterwards. She could also see some of the cooks from the kitchen had joined them. Genna smiled at everyone and gave nods to those she specifically knew.

As they stood there watching color begin to touch the sky Genna began to sing. Working with the orphans at the clinic she had become more acquainted with local songs. So she raised her voice in a traditional bedtime song. Each mother might do it differently, but the message was the same. Do not fear the night, for the dawn would come was the very simple message. It also was a song that conveyed that you weren’t alone. The young healer had a pleasant voice, but she sang it like she would sing to the orphans she cared for, as a mother encouraging.

Genna had a lot of training in psychology and so was aware that there were those who laugh, or who had terrible home lives growing up, but many of those would have the memory of returned that song and feeling of comfort return to them. Adults needed comforting as well. It was also a way to bound them together. Her voice trailed off as the sky began to change color in welcome to the dawn. All was quiet then and Genna sent a prayer to Ymiden within the confines of her soul.

‘Please be with us this morning as we celebrate this rebirth. Let the joy and hope that abound with the day be here. Father Ymiden help me to help those around to feel strength, joy, and companionship.’

As the sun came across the edge of the world Genna let out a cheer. Others around her also began to cheer, as the touch of sunlight came upon them. Genna herself felt something at its touch. It made her feel happy and pleased. The sun could be dangerous yes, but it was so critical to life, and its rays on her skin was like greeting an old friend. They stood there for a few minutes, but once the sun was up there wasn’t really much more to do after the initial pleasure. So the young woman turned around, her expression happy, and her smile broad.

“Lets get this party started.” She looked at a fiddler who picked up his instrument and started a patriotic tune. Genna and several others started to sing about the greatness of Rharne. They were here to celebrate the survival of this fortress and they were doing it for Rharne and its people. As the song continued the cooks brought out the breakfast dishes, and the other musicians prepared. There was much left to celebrate, and now was the fun part.


Rebrith, Dawn, Forgiveness, Summer

“I give you this to take with you:
Nothing remains as it was.
If you know this, you can begin again,
with pure joy in the uprooting.”

~ Judith Minty, Letters to My Daughters
Last edited by Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor on Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 687
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Re: Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

Mathias Blackwood

Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge
1 Ashan 720

Oh crap that's Karim. There was always a discomfort that passed over Mathias when he saw Kasoria and in this setting Gennadiya was not nearly enough to calm him or distract him. In the dark he could try to slink away from the Raggedy Man but soon the sun would rise and there would be no hiding... that was if Kasoria hadn't seen him already. It was strange. Mathias respected that man more than most of the knights because of the sheer ability he'd seen. But unlike Vega who had the skill and didn't seem to mind Mathias, Karim seemed to dislike him. So Mathias avoided him. He didn't want another forced lesson with the sword. He liked his bow... but he was beginning to like swords as well... all that damned time working on them in the forge. But he was good with a bow and frequently embarrassed with a sword so he wanted to avoid another 'spar' with Karim. Mathias turned his attention to Gennadiya, thinking Karim hadn't seen him yet. If he had, Karim hadn't approached him.

She began to sing her song and while it comforted the mass around him, it did not bring pleasant memories back to Mathias's damaged mind. His brow furrowed slightly at the words. He'd heard it before, a long time ago. He was in a tavern and a woman was singing her child to sleep. He couldn't remember thinking how odd it was that she'd brought her child but he never found out why. He'd enjoyed the song then and it had been ruined by his foul purpose. He'd killed a man that night... for far less nels than a life was truly worth. The song came to and end and the memory ended with it. Gennadiya lead the group in a prayer and Mathias kept his head bowed despite his doubts about the Immortals.

The sun rose and a small warmth washed over the chill of the night like a blanket. A cheer went through the mass but Mathias just stood, enjoying the sun for a few trills of peace. He took a deep breath and tried to push away the noise of the world around him as another song began and the celebration went underway. Just a few trills of peace before festivity. His mind cleared for only a moment and then Mathias opened his eyes to see the dawn. Gennadiya was singing, so he couldn't exactly talk to her, but he would wait for a moment that he could. Mathias thought he might sing but decided not to. It wasn't something he'd practiced and his face grew a little red at the thought of Gennadiya hearing him... but color drained at the thought of Karim hearing him sing.

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Re: Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

“Lets get this party started!”

Bollocks to that.

Kasoria had better things to do with his time than sing with a voice that sounded like cat being gutted with fishing wire. He'd come to see the sunrise, as much for himself as any feelings of belonging. That worm, that squirming, growing feeling... it was there, and he could admit that to himself. Being valued, instead of just being feared? It wasn't all bad. But it couldn't last, and getting attached wouldn't help him.

The Raggedy Man knocked his pipe against the stone parapet as the others sang, emptying it of smoldering ashes. Then he turned to leave and-

Wait... sausages?

His nostrils quivered. His mouth watered. They hadn't had decent meat since before this siege bollocks started, a season ago. Now he could make out the aroma of sizzling, crackling pig meat on the air. He turned and saw the cooks bringing out platter after platter, meats and breads and cheeses and fruits and anything else a hungry man might gorge himself on. They were feasting, after all, not just eating. Drink followed, from mead and wine to coffee and tea and simple, flavored water.

"Well... since it's offered," he murmured, rubbing his tired face without taking his eyes off the mound of sausages. "Might'swell get youse a feed, boy."

By the time he'd come down to the courtyard, sunlight was bathing everything once again. The Raggedy Man paused and studied his hands in the half-forgotten sensation. Nothing like sunlight. Nothing so... comprehensive. Lamps and torches and hearths, even magical lightning... it all left something to be desired. The suns would always lay everything bare, just by hanging up there, vast and immovable... well... apart for thirty trials of the year. Kasoria snorted softly and wondered just how much like shit he much have looked.

Man tends to let his grooming slide, when he knows hardly anyone will see him.

"Ah, Mister Karim!" Fucking Fates, he was "Mister" Karim, now. No quavering voices timidly sought him out now. Instead, Frida the smithy's wife came at him, smiling like a siege engine in an apron. "Banger's n' tater cakes for yeh, hmm? Mebbe some coffee wiv' a wee dram in it?"

Kasoria managed a smile. It actually reached his eyes.

"Would'ne say no, ma'am."

The big woman made a dismissive little sound and favored the man with a wink. "Don't you be ma'am-ing me, old sod. S'Frida, to you."

Kasoria took the plate and the mug and nodded low, almost a bow. The smile grew wider, but vanished before sight of it could spread too far. He was, after all, who he was. "I'll remember."

He wandered away from her and found a spot at the end of the table. There was Sir Fredrik a few seats down, raising a glass in a toast that was more than a touch satirical. Always seemed to be, from him. Kasoria grimaced but there was a smile buried under his beard and squirming lips. He looked around. Cast about for something and nothing. As if, just... taking it in. Swept his eyes over the whole canopy of humanity, noble warriors and desperate volunteers and all the teeming sorts that sustained them.

Kasoria sighed gently and turned to his food. Nothing lasted forever. Nothing could. But a fine meal on the First Light? Such a thing was to be enjoyed.
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Re: Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

Favord of Ymiden

Gennadiya Lyosha

Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge
Ashan 1 720

The group rather chaotically moved down from the walls to where the celebrations was occurring in the court yard. A few tables had been set up to allow people to eat on or to hold food, and a spot was cleared for dancing. None of this was fancy, it was a good home style gathering the type that any farmer or community could strike up at a moment’s notice. The singing stopped as they entered the courtyard as anyone could tell that food was the calling. Nothing could compete with that.

Genna actually found herself standing among almost complete female population as the men rushed towards the tables with their sausages, breads, juices and other edible seductress. The young woman was glad to see people enjoying themselves. Genna enjoyed these kind of gatherings. They weren’t too hard to plan, and peoples only expectation was good food, music and fun. Luckily most of these people were musical critics so they could enjoy the music of people who just enjoyed playing.

Looking around Genna saw that Kasoria had come down and was seated at one of the tables eating. As she looked more she could see Mathias standing a bit back watching her. She smiled at him but could see him hesitating about coming forward. Genna was growing to like the man more every day, there was still something thought that was between them. Genna suspected it had to do with her following Ymiden and Moseke, and something that clashed with a past event for Matthias, but she couldn’t guess what it was.

She turned her gaze back to one of her fellow healers who was tugging at her sleeve. “We have lost the guys.” She said with a depressed voice. It was true that the men’s focus was more upon food then the ladies who were beginning to get into line behind the devouring horde. She looked around and saw there was a group of women who for whatever reason were more interested in the musicians and the empty dance floor.

“Once they are done eating we can start dancing.” Genna said trying to calm the ladies.

“Done eating.” One of them said. “Where have you been?” she indicated to a dozen or so who were already hovering to get seconds. The Lysorian woman found the Ladies worries a bit amusing, but they weren’t entirely wrong. Guys could be a bit dense especially when there was food involved.

“Okay Ladies then we just have to get their attention.” Genna said. “Lets go dance ladies.”

“I don’t want to dance with you Genna.” One of them started.

“Oh no it’s a brilliant idea.” Another said. “Lets do the Wild Flower.” Everyone seemed to catch on then and grinned.

After a very quick explanation to Genna. The musicians struck up a lively tune and the woman began to dance. The young healer fudged her way through the dance, but the precises foot work wasn't necessary. Attitude was the important part and Genna meet Mathias eye as the music began and she grinned broadly, and with other ladies began to strut through the motions of the dance. Often as not her foot work wasn’t precises but she moved with the ladies and twirled her skirts at the right time.

Every time she could Genna would meet Mathias’ eyes and grin broader. She stood there in the early morning light with the other women swaying and flirting. Genna did stand out among the other woman in there earth tones with her white dress and fair skin that was slightly flushed from the dance. Each time she meet Matthias eyes there was an invite for him to dance with her.

The combine efforts of the woman was working. While many of the young men still waiting eagerly for a second helping, a equal number set down there plates and came to watch the show as the woman twirled around in the circle dance, each getting a chance to be showcased. The musician were soon joined by clapping hands. Genna could see that all of her friends were smiling. Normally the song would have come to an end but the musician was good and added an extension to hook the crowd. Luckily the steps were simple, the best group dances always were so by this point Genna foot work was looking better, not that many people could tell through her skirts.

“Okay Ladies grab a partner for the next dance.” Genna stepped away from the circle her eyes meeting Mathias asking to see what he would do. Even as she did that others began to move forward to accept the hands of the other dancing ladies.

Genna breathed waiting for her answer but please at the celebration of Dawn’s return.


Rebrith, Dawn, Forgiveness, Summer

“I give you this to take with you:
Nothing remains as it was.
If you know this, you can begin again,
with pure joy in the uprooting.”

~ Judith Minty, Letters to My Daughters
word count: 860
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Mathias Blackwood
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Re: Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

Mathias Blackwood

Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge
1 Ashan 720

One of the most considerable disappointments of Mathias's life would be that he did not see the small shift come over Kasoria as the murderer realized there were sausages for them to have at the feast. He would have given a lot to see that moment where the call of food overshadowed whatever doubts about the celebration Kasoria had. Mathias had lost Kasoria in the crowd because he was a little bit more focused on keeping track of Gennadiya. He wanted to talk to her but he didn't know what to talk about. So he got some food and tried to think it over. He didn't end up getting anything despite his initial impulse because of a lingering fear a pesky firespitter would come over the wall and ruin the party. He would rather not have to abandon a plate full of good foods.

Nothing like that happened. Instead Mathias milled around the crowd, slowly moving with the line while he looked around at everyone else celebrating. He spotted Kas sitting with a few others and eating. Should I approach him? Nah. He'll probably make you work out. You're still a noodle. Then he looked towards the performing musicians and the little crowd of women that had gathered near them. He saw Gennadiya talking to another woman who seemed a little concerned about something and thought that might be his window in. He could offer to help? But Gennadiya seemed to have it in hand. The women conspired and cued the band to play a different tune before they began a dance that Mathias had never seen because frankly, Mathias didn't dance.

He watched them going through the steps- no not them, he watched Gennadiya dancing. He saw her large grin and couldn't help his own from forming. It was only after a twirl that he realized the grin was inviting him to come dance with them. His grin faltered to shock. Oh Fates, no. You don't dance... but why not? Mathias took a step towards the dancing women but paused when he remembered Kasoria was around. He couldn't let Kas see him fumble through a dance. Mathias stepped back to where he was and watched with a few other men. Then the call went out.

A call to action.

A call to find a dancing partner.

And Gennadiya was looking right at him.

Mathias's face must have gone a little red but he'd insist it was sunburn despite clearly not having been in the sun long enough. He was far from confident enough to accept but when he saw another man moving towards the healer, Mathias quickened his pace reach Gennadiya's before the other man could. "Shall we?" Mathias asked as he offered Gennadiya his hand. "But I feel like I should warn you I don't know how to dance."

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Re: Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

Fuck me. Dancing, now?

It was hard for a rough old dog not to snarl at people. Even harder when "rough" was "utterly unmoved by the act of murder" and "dog" was "a grown man who should and often did know better". Force of habit, he supposed. He hadn't danced in decades, and that wasn't just pithy alliteration. He hadn't the need or reason to. Hardly one of his job requirements, and when he was off the clock, well... no, if he recalled, there'd been a handful of times. Powder- or (and, likely) alcohol-driven in those bleakening arcs before his son was born. Where every job was worse than the last and every trial he woke alive was both surprising and unwanted. Why not dance, when the intoxicants were pulsing through you? Who was made to look a fool, when the fool cared not who looked?

Kasoria kept those thoughts in his skulls as he watched sullenly over his piled plate of meat, bread, and cheese. Fine stuff, if he was honest. He washed the latest mouthful down with a slug of wine and saw figures drifting onto what passed for a dance floor. Tentative, at first, but wasn't that always the way? You never wanted to go first and look like a muppet. But the new light and the atmosphere - even Kasoria was not immune to it - was irresistible. First and trickle, a drab here and there, a shy face and a hesitant wish... then there were people dancing all about.

The Raggedy Man studied those faces idly, until he saw one in particular... and stopped chewing.

Daring little shite.

Mathias was apparently making his move. Kasoria watched him approach the white-haired healer, the one who'd been leading the who festivity. He could see the worry etched onto the boy's face even from where he sat. Sweating more than the chilly dawn would warrant. Fidgeting, nervous... but moving onward. Not immune to fear but mastering it. Overcoming it. Kasoria's eyebrows shot up as he extended a hand... and the young lady seemed to accept.

The Etzori grunted and nodded. Youth was so often wasted on the young. So it was good to see a chance not go to waste. Selfish fuck that Kasoria was, he wasn't so up his own arse that he couldn't appreciate that... but, all that said, as the two young people started to move into something resembling rhythm-


The word boomed briefly out across the courtyard, along with half an under-chewed sausage. But if Mathias or Genna happened to look over, all they'd find would be Kasoria waving genially in their direction, still eating with his mouth open. Glinting black eyes utterly at odds with the smirk across his face. Point made and fun had, Kasoria would go back to his meal... until a breakfast roll rebounded off his chest.


"You know what," said Ser Fredrik.
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Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor
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Re: Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge

Favord of Ymiden

Gennadiya Lyosha

Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge
Ashan 1 720

Genna smile so broadly at the edges of her eyes crinkled as Mathias slowly then quickly came forward. The young woman for once noticed that someone else had started to approach her. The beautiful woman often missed how men viewed her. She was fairly observant but on her own beauty she was a bit blind. Despite this she was so blind to miss the significants of what just happened. There was a little glow of pleasure deep within her as Mathias took her hand.

Genna wasn’t at all concerned when he said that he didn’t know how to dance. “I don’t know this dance either. There were three things I learned about country dancing. If you look at the people around you can fudge it, and look confident.” Her blue eyes twinked as she looked into his dark eyes. “The most important thing is just to have fun, no one cares if you dance well.” With that she laughed and moved to join the circle. Unlike the wealthy balls were you were showing off your spare time and spare wealth with complicated dances these country dances were about people having fun together.

The men stood in the outer circle and the woman the inner circle and the faced each other. They took each other hands and just as music stared and the circles started moving the two heard an unmistakable voice call out “WANKA”. Genna glanced over it time to see food flying across the open space to land on the ground and Kasoria grinning at them. The Lysorian woman just shook her head and laughed and indicated with her hands for Mathias to go to his right.

The dance continued on and while the well trained it was beautiful foot work Genna hand fun shuffling through, her bearing said she was enjoying the dance as the moved one way and then turned so they were back to back and grabbed each other’s hands while holding them out to their sides and went the other way. The dance continued some times separating the two and then bring them back together. Unlike fancy dances there was much laughing and humor in the circle. No one here was an expert and dancing like this was really just about the fun.

Genna felt her heart lighten as the dance and celebration continued. She had greeted the dawn and was now revealing is the sun’s light. The past Arc had brought growth, and she was ready to the face the new one to make new changes to face this rebirth of her and the arc. Also the pain of past season disappointment was fading as she held two warm hands and meet her dance partners gaze. Who knew what the future held, but she honor Ymiden and her loving parents and face this new her with courage and joy.


Rebrith, Dawn, Forgiveness, Summer

“I give you this to take with you:
Nothing remains as it was.
If you know this, you can begin again,
with pure joy in the uprooting.”

~ Judith Minty, Letters to My Daughters
word count: 537
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