Complete Tea for Three

Yeva vists the orphanage to see her new friends.

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Tea for Three

18 Cylus 720

"My friend Bert, the large stuffed bunny, thinks that you're being rude."

The bickering children silenced at once and spun around to lay eyes on Yeva, a red haired maiden holding up a plush rabbit, hand crocheted and made of taffy pink yarn. Beside her stood the caretaker, whom she thanked, although the words were quickly drowned out by the shrill sounds of cheers, "Yeva's here! Yeva's here!"

Three of the children rushed forward, jumping over discarded toys to barrel through the doorway and bury their face into her legs, tiny hands grabbing onto her cloak, "You smell good!"

"What's that!"

"Is that for us?"

"Easy," Yeva laughed, gently shooing them all backwards while Ms. Hounsworth tried to assist in calming down their new wave of excitement, "I brought you some gifts, if that's alright," she glanced over at the matron who nodded with a smile. Yeva lowered the rabbit first, well received by Nicolette, a sweet girl standing in a brown smock dress and a single loose sock. The other was no where to be seen, neither on the floor, nor by the small table where they had all been gathered before interrupting, chipped teacups and faded teapot hinting at a little party. She hadn't quite heard the disagreement, but from what she gathered outside the door, someone had taken one too many biscuits and that had sent a flurry of name calling, "I hope you know that it's not nice to say mean things. Even when someone else makes us mad."

"Lucan told me to eat sand first!" Nicolette whined on the defensive, the bunny clutched to her chest.

"That's cause you were being a real Nellie!"

"That's enough!" Ms. Hounsworth looked mortified and began to put space between the children, "One more word and I'll wash your mouths out with soap! Do you even know what any of that means?" Hands on her hips, she stared the children down, each of them tucking their chin to their chest and pouting, clearly wanting to say more, "I'll have Miss Yeva take those toys right back, I will!"

"NO!" Nicolette looked close to tears, "I love it! Please don't!"

"Then behave yourselves!" she turned towards Lucan, finger wagging "And you! Apologize to Miss Yeva for using such crass language. Honestly, this behavior will not be tolerated and in the presence of guests! I've never-"

Yeva felt a tinge of guilt, somewhat responsible for drawing attention to the orphans. She grimaced but did not interfere, smiling in forgiveness as Lucan muttered his apology, "Thank you for that. Here, this is for you." Yeva reached into her pocket and pulled out a small bag of jacks and marbles. It seemed to briefly pull Lucan out of his mood, and he gave a soft thanks before retreating back into the room. At last, Eli shuffled forward shyly and Yeva crouched down to take his hands in hers, "Oh, what happened?"

On the little boy's face was a scratchy bandage, stretching across the length of his chubby cheek, "I was running and tripped on some ice."

"You poor thing," Yeva reached out, fingers hovering just beneath his jaw, "Maybe this will make you feel better?"

She handed him a handful of chocolate coins and smiled as he beamed, "Can I look at your face?"

Eli twisted away, shaking his head, "No, it hurts too much."

From across the room, Nicolette looked up from her rabbit, "He wouldn't even let Ms. Hounsworth put any medicine on it!"

"You know medicine will make it feel better, don't you?"

"Not Ms. Hounsworth's. It hurts! And it's stinky!"

"Like cabbage," Lucan added over his shoulder, hunched over and half distracted by the colorful balls of glass on the floor. He favored the blue ones, rolling them in his tiny hand and listening to them clink together.
Last edited by Yeva on Fri May 22, 2020 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 660
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Re: Tea for Three

18 Cylus 720

"What if I'm really, really gentle?"

Eli remained unconvinced and shook his head so hard, Yeva thought it might fly across the room. Perhaps now wouldn't be the best time to push it.

Smiling, she sighed softly, "Alright, then. Well... Why don't we have another tea party?"

He seemed to think it over and shrugged. Nicolette, however, came bounding up behind her, stuffed bunny held high above her head, "For princes and princesses?"

"Well, and knights, of course. And maybe anyone else you like."

The little girl seemed to think this over sincerely, "Hmm... Rich people!"

Yeva resisted the urge to snort in amusement, "What kind of rich people?"

"The really rich!"

"They should be in the guild," one of Lucan's marbles went rolling across the floor and he pounced upon it.


"The one for merchants!"

"There's a merchant's guild?"


"Okay, okay," Yeva wondered if this was something that actually existed in Scalvoris or if they had thought of it on their own completely. It surely sounded real, and she made a mental note to poke around the city. Maybe Friell or another shop owner would know a little, "I'm sure it'll be the event of the season. I better grab a seat before all the other guests arrive."

Yeva stood and turned towards the small table where the children had been playing and went to go settle upon one of the floor cushions.


"What's wrong?" Yeva spun towards the sound of frantic panic, as did the two boys. Nicolette barrelled into stomach, grabbing her arms in dramatic haste.

"Is that what you're wearing!"

"Uh," Yeva laughed, deciding to refer to their last game, "It was. What's wrong with it? Can't a fire princess wear what she wants?"

"Of course not!" Nicolette smacked a palm against her forehead - clearly something she had observed from another - "There's a dress code. Here, I'll get you a gown! Eli, help me."

The two bound towards the small crate of mismatched toys in the corner, but not before Nicolette gave Bert a seat first, and rummaged until they found a mix of loose ribbon, an old baby blanket, and a wooden crown that had the tip of its monde broken clean off.

With Nicolette's decisive instruction, the two tied her hair up and wrapped her so securely in the blanket, she felt somewhat like a rolled sausage. Apparently her dress was supposed to be quite fitted, "How do I look?" she asked, once the children finished tying the blanket's corners into a knot about her shoulders, "Like royalty? You know, I don't normally wear gowns." In fact, she didn't own a single one! Not in Scalvoris, anyway.

"Almost," Eli wandered off to rummage again in the toybox while Nicolette put the crown atop her own head. She proceeded to tie the remaining ribbons around the necks and ears of a number of stuffed animals, Bert included, and set them around the table. Eli materialized beside Yeva once more, "Close your eyes!"
word count: 521
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Re: Tea for Three

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Yeva turned her head after reopening her eyes before a mirror, having been guided blind by the hands of the children. She smiled at her reflection, praising them for their skills in beauty. It was perhaps a bit over the top, but their proud reactions delighted the older red head, who was soon guided to her seat, while Nicolette took the lead narrating the event. It was quite a dramatic affair and the child's skills in improv were something to marvel. Nicolette came up with elaborate gossip and backstories for their toy guests at the drop of a hat, ranging from surly members of courts to love stricken princes who were not from kingdom worth marrying into. Yeva kept up, asking questions and gasping when appropriate. She smiled sipped her empty tea cup and watched Eli take the role of court jester, more interested in racing around the room and whooping like a monkey for laughs than pretending to care for the story his friend was trying to weave.

After awhile, when Nicolette was pouring another round of tea and asking if anyone wanted any more finger sandwiches, Eli came storming towards the table and 'gobbling' up the food' like a wild animal. At once, Nicolette began to shriek at the shattered facade and he continued to 'eeee eee oooo ooo' around the room, smears of chocolate still on his lips.

Maybe gifting candy hadn't been the best idea.

"Everyone, calm down! Eli, please stop running!" Yeva tried to watch him for a moment before reaching out to sooth the little girl who was screaming that the game was ruined, "It's alright, Nico-"

Lucan shouted behind her and then there was the sound of a small thud, followed by a beat of silence and a shrill scream. Eli was sprawled on the floor, clutching his face, Yeva jumping to action, "What happened! Let me see!" Lucan looked scared, jumping back.

"He slid on a marble and fell!"

Nicolette had stopped crying and looked worried, looking at the door when Mrs. Housworth called up the stairs, soothing a crying baby from the sounds of it.

"Fetch me my bag, and tell the matron it's alright," Yeva ordered, pointing to where she had left her satchel by the door, scooping the little boy up into her arm. He was heavier than she had expected, but she managed to carry him to a seat, panic setting in when she saw the blood on his face, "Sweet darling," she hugged him tighter as he cried, rocking with him in her lap and carefully trying to peel his hands back from his face, "Let me see. Shhh... I have to look."

His scabs had been reopened, but when he inhaled between wails, it didn't look like any of his teeth had been busted, "You poor thing."

Nicolette had rushed to grab the medic's bag and hand it off, already racing towards the hall where her high voice yelled an explanation to the guardian below. Yeva reassured Lucan, who still lingered and fretted, and focused on reaching down to loosen her water skin and dampen corner of her sheet dress.

As she cleaned the wound, Eli screeched and she tried her best to calm him with little effect. Afraid Mrs. Hounsworth would soon burst into the room and demand what on Idalos she was doing to the poor children, Yeva hoped Nicolette was calmly explaining the situation and not embellishing it like her games. Another high pitched scream and she held his hand from pushing her away while dabbing the cool water on his chin. Softly, the medic began to sing just like her mother used to, the lullaby notes a helpless contrast to his cries, but as the blood was cleaned and his struggling lessened, Eli sniffled in shuddering breaths, twisting to now cling to her dress while she applied a minty salve on the edges of his wound, "There, there," she pushed back his hair with her dry hand, tilting his cheek to finish administering his medicine, "That's not so bad, is it?"

He sniffled, burying his face against her.

Lucan seemed to visibly relax, "He stopped crying?"

"Yes, he did. But it's okay to cry sometimes," Yeva set aside the jaw of salve, dropping it back into her medical bag and hugging the child close to give the best remedy - a little bit of love.

Down the hall, Yeva could hear the matron and Nicolette coming quickly towards the room. When the older woman burst through, eyes wild as she searched for the injured, she clutched her chest, a swaddled infant in her other arm. Yeva gave a small smile, looking down at the boy with liquid crystals clinging to his lashes, "Don't worry. We're fine. We just a had a little fall, is all."

"Oh, thank the spirits. Nothing's broken?"

Yeva shook her head and then chatted with the concerned woman, explaining the tea party and the injury. With the immediate panic over, she gave a great sound of alleviation.

Everything was alright. And so Yeva began to hum once more.
word count: 864
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Re: Tea for Three


Show Patience with Excitable Children
Indulge Their Fantasies in Active Play
Spread Out Attention Evenly Across Multiple Parties
How to Soothe a Child Crying Because of Pain
Give Reassurance Often with Distressed Children

How to Detect the Age of a Wound

Loot: -
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Renown: 5
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Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: This was a cute thread. You did a good job when it comes to writing the children’s dialogue, and the first scene instantly made me smile. The way that you incorporated the challenges for the Scalv-enger Hunt into the thread felt natural. If I hadn’t participated in the hunt as well, I wouldn’t have noticed anything. Yeva is such a nice and gentle young woman, and she seems to be good with children. The tea party was quite amusing as well. I’m glad that Yeva was able to help!

Literally my only complaint is that I wanted to read more. The thread was so entertaining that I was disappointed when it ended, even though it was more than long enough for a solo!

Anyway, enjoy your rewards!
word count: 192





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