• PM To Join • Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]

Known colloquially as the "Realm of Dreams", Emea is a mysterious place accessed primarily beyond the realm of consciousness as the mortal body sleeps in Idalos. The mind travels far at night and Emea's not without its unique risks and dangers, though Jesine's vigilance keeps mortals mostly safe.

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Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]


Cylus 3rd, 720

Ah-ahhowooooo!” howled a beast into the night.

Crescent wave-forms disturbed the shallows, ripples beneath a moonlit sky, water splashing from galloping limbs. There was nothing here, save the fresh air, the water, and the smooth stone beneath Aylune’s feet, another set of paws by his side quickly following. A corona of fire glimmered far above around the great lunar orb, and as the clouds passed in front, it glowed a brilliant gold.

Deserts and forests came and went as they rose and fell from the icy waters, always returning to the shallow seas. Time flowed in suspect ways, here in this place of the subconscious dreaming. His soul reached out, far into Emea from a deep sleep brought on by an aching, exhausted body tired of running.

Soon the dark stone walls of someplace beneath the world he knew phased into this pseudo-reality with a transition his unconscious mind couldn’t register. Water cascaded down the stones, gaping muddy blisters opened where the bricks had fallen. Torches wavered, flaunting dull embers in the thin air. A corner ahead, the Becomer’s eyes shined from a darkened section of the tunnels, seeing the shadow of a figure ahead approach.

The smallest hint of fear drew Aylune’s mind into a cursory observation of what lay ahead, and his subconscious began tugging him lucid. Pulling on the offered tether, clarity filled his senses, the scent of dusty, humid air on his nostrils in this warm, humid place.

”An ...interesting dream. I don’t usually dream of crypts or castles. What is this place?” rumbled Aylune to his Familiar, voice echoing with detail far ahead. The air, his Kin, was weak here. He was a wolf, the same beast he had fallen asleep in the form of. Something felt ...off, here, but he couldn’t figure out why.

word count: 312
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Balthazar Black
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Re: Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]

3 Cylus 720
How did I get here? Balthazar wondered as he looked around. He was was lucid. He'd been in this dream for some time now wandering the dark hallways of the crypt. At first it had been fun to go around, blissfully ignorant that he was in a dream, but the halls just went on and on as if the dream was waiting for something to move it forward. Balthazar had thought the solution would be turning lucid. He thought that in doing so he would be able to go into new rooms when he opened the doors he found... but the winding crypt continued and the Attuner was almost certain he was walking in circles. Part of him was beginning to think of ways to wake himself. If he ran into the wall would it do it? Or maybe if he laid down to sleep? Maybe he could try meditating? That was when he saw the dark figure against the dim light in the crypt. Was it another dreamer? A beast? He couldn't tell but curiosity got the better of his discipline.

"Hello." Balthazar called out. At this distance he knew he could prepare himself for any attack though without his magic he was beginning to think it would be a good idea to dream with weapons. Yet as Balthazar looked at the dark mass he saw a form more beast than man. Not good. He thought to himself as he backed away slightly- but then he stopped. How many wolves had he met that turned out to be more than simple beasts? Too many... then again this was Emea so it was better to be careful. Balthazar backed away from the distant figure, watching it carefully.
word count: 292

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]


As that black mass took shape, another stepped into view, this one horned and striped. It seemed to keep behind the flank of the bigger wolf. It seemed to tilt its head, peering from the shadows before it leered with an uncanny sentience behind its glowing, reflective eyes.

A growled, deep voice emanated from the shadows. “...Balthazar? Is that you?”

It had to be him. He was certain of it.

Trotting forward into the light of a dim torch, Aylune sat back on his haunches, joined by the other white-furred stripey-thing that must have been his Familiar. “It is you,” said Aylune as he lifted a paw which dripped with the water of another Defier. “It’s been Arcs. You knew me as North, but I answer to Aylune now, and my Familiar as Needle.” His tail swept across the floor of the crypt, and he leaned to the side to see beyond him down the corridor.

He could recall their last encounter, at the Fracture. “I was fairly certain you’d died at that Fracture. That place became a maze for me when we split up, but I found my way out. You seem to be Lucid, am I correct?” asked Aylune.

Clearly the friendly nature of this one hadn’t changed much, but Aylune had a thought of weariness running in the back of his mind, as if this old friend might harbor ill will towards him for what had happened.
word count: 245
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Balthazar Black
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Re: Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]

3 Cylus 720
"North?" Balthazar repeated curiously as he looked at the wolf before him. He didn't have a clear memory of the dream that had passed so long ago but within a few trills he was able to pull it to the forefront of his mind. He remembered the fracture he'd been trapped within for so long. He remembered the power it had awakened inside him. Dreamwalking. That was what Isabella had called it in the few lessons they had together. Yet this wasn't North, the being before Balthazar had presented a new name. Aylune. "What caused the change?" Balthazar enjoyed being Balthazar... it would be odd to be someone else.

"I hardly remember how I escaped that place. When I lived in Yaralon I spent far too much time inside of Fractures and met far too many Emeyans. Now that I'm in Scalvoris, I've drank far too much to help my memory." An unfortunate truth of the world he lived in and the job he did. As a detective, Balthazar spent most of his time in bars and the best way to blend in when inside a bar was to drink... but for some reason Balthazar didn't seem to get better at drinking. "I am lucid." Balthazar confirmed. He didn't have to ask Alyune because he knew that if the very word was mentioned, the dreamer probably was. "Is this your dream or mine? I often find myself in a castle or parts of one but this... this is new."
word count: 259

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]


Flagging his ears, Aylune leaned forward, waving a paw side-to-side with a hushed voice, eyes shifting to the side. “Well, if you must know, I’ve forsaken my old life as a shaman of Melrath to broaden my horizons.” Peering down at his feet, he saw his eyes staring back at him through a reflection. “I am far too wild to stick to tradition. I will help the Spirits elsewhere, and help to save the people of Etzos from Immortal incursion; Sintra has appeared, and has the eyes and ears of the people.”

A deep, deep breath ran through his lungs, head rising to meet Balthazar’s gaze. “I’m bringing together allies to fight the Immortal, but it isn’t easy. Information is the main battle.” Pausing to shift the subject, he imagined in his mind how interesting Balthazar’s travels must have been. “Scalvoris? I’m not sure I’ve bridged a dream to a place so far before. Is the world beginning to ice over at that place? Cylus encroaches upon Etzos day by day; its getting colder.”

At the subject of Emeyans, Aylune’s thoughts wandered towards the individuals he had met in his dreams. Rakvald came to mind, as did another winged fairy-boy. Curious people, though he was weary of both. Mostly, he held prejudice in his heart towards the Lotharro, a race tightly bound to the teachings of the Immortal Thetros that had raided and clashed against Melrath for generations.

“I’ve met my fair share, though nothing too bizarre,” said Aylune. “One of them could... shift the dreamscape at will, an ability I’ve not yet attained. I suspect that this Dreamscape is a melding of our two subconscious minds. Mindscapes? It is not quite the crypt of my family that I had visited as a child, yet it holds some resemblance. A fusion between the two, with stains from our Sparks as they live upon our souls reaching out to this place.” The theory made sense in his mind, with how he imagined it.

“Perhaps with your adventures around Fractures, we could share notes sometime about how this world works, so postulations can become working theory.” Tilting his head, something bothered him. “Why drink?” Aylune asked. “Do you need something to do with yourself? The only drunkards I know are all lost men with no purpose, at odds with their path in life.”
word count: 404
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Balthazar Black
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Re: Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]

3 Cylus 720
Balthazar noticed all the cues Alyune gave off to indicate he was not comfortable with the topic but he didn't recognize them in Alyune's wolf form and so it was not until he heard Alyune's words that Balthazar realized he shouldn't have asked why North had become Alyune. The explanation made as much sense as any that Balthazar might have imagined for himself. Sometimes a fresh start required you to really shed everything from your past- but you could never shed the memories and forget the people. Balthazar couldn't help but grin at Alyuna's comment that he was far to wild to stick to tradition. Balthazar could understand that. Yet the grin faltered when Balthazar heard what Alyune said next.

Etzos? When was the last time he'd gone to Etzos? After he'd been forced from Yaralon he had gone to Viden and a few other places but Etzos? It had been too long since he'd gone there. Then again he had unfinished business in Viden that beckoned for him. He'd have to go back eventually and maybe when he did , Balthazar could take a small detour to Etzos. Then again the last thing Balthazar had heard about Viden was that it was infested with Lisirra's plague. Now Alyune suggested a different Immortal plagued the land and Balthazar couldn't help but think it would be best to avoid the danger altogether. "Sintra is in Etzos?" Of course she was, she'd been leading the humans against Lisirra hadn't she. For all the power Balthazar had amassed and all the power he still had plans to obtain, he knew better than to test fate against the Immortals. When Alyune suggested he was gathering allies to combat the Immortal, Balthazar's grin had almost completely faded.

"Just be careful, Alyune. Immortals are not to be trifled with lightly." Part of Balthazar was thrilled by the thought of battling an Immortal, but then his logic took over and Balthazar remembered why Immortals had been around as long as they had. The topic shifted to the weather and Balthazar shook his head. "I haven't encountered much frost yet, just the darkness. Then again I'm fairly good at staying warm." He confessed. Balthazar didn't seem to have much to say about Alyune's assessment of what had conjured the dream around them. It was always hard to tell what lead to the dream one found themselves trapped inside of but at a certain point it stopped mattering. All that really mattered was whether or not you could find the door out.

"Fractures were different than this." Balthazar admit to Alyune. "With a fracture I was really there. These dreams... they're real enough to people like us but this isn't truly my body." He gestured to himself "It's just another part of the dream. Though maybe there is more too it than that as well. I too have seen some interesting things in the dreamscapes I've been to. As for the drinking, I'm an investigator and drinking helps me blend in when I'm looking for leads at bars."
word count: 536

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]


Picking up on Balthazar’s expression, Aylune wagered the man wasn’t so keen on helping out with an Immortal of all things. “I can’t blame you for finding it a bit foolish, even my Familiar thinks I have a death wish,” said that gravely wolf voice.” There was still much to do, and roping old friends into conflict they had no part in seemed wrong enough in and of itself that he dropped the subject entirely. “You’ll help me enough just as an escape, old friend. It seems I’ve been Dreamwalking every Trial since Cylus began, and I’m still vastly dwarfed by her pawns and her power.”

Rising to his feet, Aylune circled Balthazar and came around the other side, looking up at him. “I’m glad you’re staying safe and comfortable. With the Immortals so active, and all that is going on in the worlds... there was an Etherstorm in Melrath following Emea being closed off. I was certain my Sparks would drive me to Flay, they were so starved. I hope the same curse did not befall you.”

Nodding to that statement about Fractures, Aylune agreed with a “that they are,” and fondly recalled the memory of that Fracture, how it tried to trap them. Such a scary place, far more than any he had visited with his mentor Ragnum. “It may not be your body,” said Aylune, “but it’s your Soul standing here when you’re Lucid. My Familiar normally resides within the Beneath, where the Spirits and the Dead roam, but he comes here when I am Lucid, as my Soul tugs him along, just as it does my Sparks. It’s easy to reason that when you are not Lucid, your Sparks are not with you, nor is your Soul fully there. If your Soul were wounded, you’d be wounded. I could bite you now, and you’d have teeth marks to remember me by,” joked the Becomer, but he shook his head and exhaled a long, windy sigh. “I may be wrong about some things, but that’s the working theory in my mind.”

Eyes flicking upward about the investigator work, Aylune smirked. “Ah, what a hound you’ve become. Can you give me any tips on digging up dirt or grand conspiracy? She’s got eyes and ears everywhere from those spiders I’ve heard, but sometimes I’m able to hold a private conversation out in the wild, or in a dream. It’s been difficult to suss out details, but mostly I just listen to people talk and gossip on the street. From what I know about the people of Etzos, I can spot a nurtured lie of hers by comparing it to the truth I once knew.”

Needle had been largely silent until now, always weary of others in dreams. His form stepped into the light more prominently to sit alongside the mage, starting to warm up to Balthazar. “Memories of this one smell like fire,” remarked the eccentric creature. “I wonder if we bite him, will he taste like charcoal?”

Aylune snorted, shooting his friend a look and a dismissive head-shake. “Sometimes Needle can be a bit bizarre, at other times profoundly wise. He’s been instrumental to me in my training as a Mage and a Shaman, helping me to poke at different angles, and keeping me company where my Sparks would not suffice.”

word count: 575
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Balthazar Black
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Re: Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]

3 Cylus 720
Now Balthazar felt bad. He found himself rationalizing Alyune's quest to slay Sintra... or at the very least looking to understand it more. "Not foolish exactly, but proceed with care, old friend. Ask yourself if whatever vengeance you are after is worth losing your soul. If not, leave the Immortals be. If it is... then if you really need me I will do what I can to help those who have helped me." That didn't mean Balthazar would stand with Alyune on the front lines in a battle against Sintra, but he had connections- he had resources, that might be able to help. Though he didn't have many of those resources in Etzos so an expansion was in order. Balthazar was more than content to let that issue rest with that. He wouldn't leave Alyune with nothing but he wouldn't actively raise a hand against an Immortal when he stood to gain nothing but friendship and death from it. The sly Balthazar avoided the topic of Emea's collapse by giving Alyune something else to focus on- a goal for the future. It wasn't that Balthazar didn't want to discuss it, it was just that Balthazar still felt some measure of shame for having learned to flay fire in those days. He'd never done it completely, but he had learned how.

"Three lucid dreams are but a drop in the vast pool of your experience with dreams, you just don't realize it yet." Balthazar said to Alyune. It was rare that he felt so informed in the dream world. Normally when Balthazar found himself with other dreamers, they were the more experienced sort. Sybil, Praetorum, and Wald had shown Balthazar that much could be done in a dream that could not be done in the real world and vice versa. Balthazar didn't know how to control the world around him as some of them had, but he knew how to navigate it better than he did a season ago. "But you are not wrong. I can be injured in my lucid form. It makes me vulnerable. Just as having my sparks here makes me more vulnerable to the threats of this realm. I have the magic with me but I can not use it. 'To cast a spell in Emea is to light a beacon for all the monsters to find you'- my old master used to say that."

Balthazar paused in thought for a trill before continuing. Alyune's questions couldn't help but direct towards his goal of stopping Sintra. Balthazar understood in some abstract capacity the danger of his mission but he didn't really know what it was like on the ground in Etzos. "I'm afraid I don't have any tips on uncovering an Immortal's dirty secrets. If I were there I might be able to help but there are too many unknowns as it is. Just be careful who you let in on your operation. A knife in the back is all it takes to end the best of plans. On the bright side, as you progress in this power we share you'll find it easier to organize meeting without her notice." To Balthazar the world of dreams had become just that- a bridge to other places and people far away. A place where he could coordinate with all those he knew regardless of where they hid.

Then the familiar- at least Balthazar thought it was a familiar, came into clear view and made a comment that caused Balthazar's brow to furrow slightly and his eyes to narrow. Balthazar had an undeniably Yari urge to hurl a ball of fire at the little devil- not that he would in this place. "Well he wanted to bite me and you wanted to bite me, I see a trend." Balthazar pointed out, referencing Alyune'searlier comment about Balthazar's soul. "How does it know of my memories?" More importantly, why did his memories smell like fire?
word count: 677

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]


With all that is and was, Aylune couldn’t deny that he felt the same fear. “No, definitely foolish, but I’m willing to pay the price necessary. Maybe I have too much zeal in these bones, or maybe I’m fighting a pointless battle, but were these deities without flaw they would have conquered the known world given their proclivities, or at least taken every inch to divide amongst themselves. They rely on worship, and hide behind followers. I do not see an almighty being there; I see weakness within them, and to me they are little more than Emean monsters with mortal ambition whom have grown out of control.”

Tilting his head to the side and shaking slowly, Aylune wondered if he was far too hardened to them all. “If there truly were an Immortal beyond reproach, who genuinely cared for Idalos and the Spirits as I do, then I might lay my trust upon them, but I have been across the world, and I have only seen their efforts to subjugate and manipulate.”

With the topic shifting to dreams, Aylune gave an abrupt nod. “That makes perfect sense; there are many nights still in which I am not Lucid. It’s all a balance, for my weary mind and body to overcome, and my emotional fragility. I have grown, but perhaps I should test my limitations more.” The Becomer stood and stepped over to the wall as his Familiar watched on. Aylune peered upon the stones, probing them with some deep feeling inside himself. Reality seemed to shudder and melt. “Hmm...”

Ears flicking up at the mention of Sparks, Aylune looked back. “Is that so? It’s always felt strange asking of my Sparks here, but now I have good reason not to.” Raising a paw and placing it upon the cool, wet stone, he looked over his shoulder to peer up at Balthazar. There was a new connection in his mind, as if he could Govern the realm as he had seen another Dreamwalker do so long ago. All he needed was the picture of a door in his mind’s eye, and it began to emerge with its colorful stone design marred by Melrathi runes and odes to the Spirits. A door to anywhere; a door to the veil, or perhaps to wake, should the one who opened it have that intention.

Gazing upon his work, Aylune grinned. “We learn more Trial by Trial, little secrets and expressions of our Soul and our Spark. This is the race we must contend with before we die, and even perhaps before we allow our souls to pass on. What is death but another journey, so long as the soul remains?” Shrugging, Aylune’s tail whisked the earthy cobbled stone floor before he turned around and sat a paw upon his dear Familiar’s head.

Rubbing back and forth until his companion began to calm and shut his eyes, Aylune continued his conversation with Balthazar. “They are a different quarry than man, so it makes sense that the normal tools of your trade would not work. I suppose that means I’ve chosen the right trail for dealing with this dilemma, then.” Those words regarding the knife in the back hit far too close to home, and he wouldn’t give a response. Such possibilities were constantly on his mind. Aylune did not fully trust. Not easily, anyway.

“His memories of you,” Aylune said as Balthazar questioned his Familiar, who remained largely silent. “He was there when we met, and knows of the Sparks we share. He did not mature among the world of men as you and I, but rather the world of Souls and Spirits with total aversion to their company, so he’s ...eccentric, and also shy. Isn’t that right, Needle?”

The Familiar chuffed a hot waft of air, somewhat frustrated by it all. “I try, but you confuse the mind just as well, Aylune,” said the Diri-like companion.

word count: 666
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Balthazar Black
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Re: Jailbroken Souls [Balthazar]

3 Cylus 720
Alyune's perspective on the Immortals was fascinating to Balthazar and there were some points he couldn't argue with. If they were truly without flaw then why would they need followers? Balthazar believed the answer rested in the small vanity that seems to persist through the majority of the widely worshiped Immortals. It was rare that Balthazar found someone worshiping the Immortals related to death, but combat, elements, and vanity seemed to be worshiped in abundance. Then there were Immortals like Lisirra. Who worshiped the Plague Queen? How did they justify it? She'd almost brought Etzos to it's knees with her efforts alone according to the reports Balthazar had heard and the city was still reeling from the massive blow to it's population.

"I have traveled many places as well, my friend. I've seen the same things." Balthazar spoke softly as if trying to assure Alyune that Balthazar was on his side in the issue... yet there was an uncomfortable 'but' hanging in the air after Balthazar spoke and finally he finished the thought. "Are there any mortals who are beyond reproach? I've always found Immortal's behavior was not all that different from mortals. Should they have to be?" Was that a scathing review of Immortals or a scathing review of mortals? "When mortals gain power they more often than not use it to manipulate and subjugate those around them to their own ends. Immortals just play the same game on a grander scale because they have the power to do so." Balthazar paused again and then shook his head.

"So I suppose that would be my recommendation to you. Find the mortals trying to climb Sintra's web of power and cut them down." Ideally it would impact Sintra negatively but Balthazar couldn't be sure. All the same the topic moved forward to the realm of dreams and the power they had within it. Alyune governed a door into existence and Balthazar realized that mean they were within his dreamscape. When he'd first seen Rakvald govern a torch into existence he hadn't understood what it meant or how he'd done it- but he'd had many dreams since then. So how did he get to Alyune's dream? Emea was far too complex for Balthazar to understand in the moment and so he shook the thoughts from his head. Alyune has posed a question to Balthazar that the Defier often thought about.

What was death when you could refuse to pass on an remain? Another step? But what was death when you allowed your soul to become so warped by magic that it couldn't be recognized? To Balthazar that seemed like a final end and it was the finality of that event which frightened him. Yet before too long to linger on those thoughts Alyune addressed the question about the familiar and Balthazar nodded. Balthazar was just about to respond when suddenly he began to hear a voice only he would hear. Balthazar looked up and around him.

"Do you hear that?" Balthazar asked as he looked around. Someone was calling his name. Loudly. Balthazar turned to Alyune and opened his mouth to speak only to suddenly blink out of existence... someone had woken him quite suddenly.
word count: 553

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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