Thread Name: Tangled Branches
City/Area: Scalvoris University, Scalvoris Town, Scalvoris
Notes/Warnings: none
Skills Used: Flying (Competent, 75/250 exp, 20 knowledges), Linguistics (Expert, 76/250 exp, 35 knowledges)
Requested Rewards:
Skill Knowledges
Flying: aerial somersaults
Flying: unexpected loud noises can be disastrous
Flying: crashing into a tree is humiliating
Linguistics: the purpose of a language is to be able to communicate thoughts and ideas with others
Linguistics: some languages are made to be written, and have no spoken aspect to them
Linguistics: some languages are made to be spoken, and have no written aspect to them
Non Skill Languages
Language: Ancient Language
Ancient Language: is a very difficult language to learn
Ancient Language: is the language of the Immortals
Ancient Language: originated in Viden
Ancient Language: is spoken by the Eidisi
Ancient Language: is a language that few mortals other than the Eidisi can understand
Ancient Language: has both spoken and written components
Language: Avrielian Script
Avrielian Script: is a written language
Avrielian Script: originated in Athart
Avrielian Script: is used by the Avriel
Language: Euthic Sign
Euthic Sign: is a gestured language
Lorien: does not have a written form
Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: assorted scratches and bruises from colliding with a tree and getting caught in its branches; these will heal in a few trials
Renown: Possibly slight (5) for being seen when she collided with a tree and having to be rescued from its branches
Wealth Points: none
Collaboration: no
Magic Experience?: no