• Solo • An Honest and Honorable Man

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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An Honest and Honorable Man

Ashan 10, Arc 720

On the 10th of Ashan, Devin Thorn, thief, conman extraordinaire and esteemed member of the Scalvoris Council (he was the new Academic!) walked into Petyr’s Potions, a huge smile on his face and a spring in his step, because he had come up with a way to increase his popularity, actually do something for the council – and possibly annoy the alchemist at the same time.

This trial, the Mortalborn was dressed in an unusually understated suit of midnight black. The hat on his had that sported a gigantic bright purple feather more than made up for his rather normal and tasteful outfit though. That was not his only accessory though.

Behind Devin walked Leonard Appleman, a young man that he had met at the Knight’s Rest a trial earlier and that he had taken a liking to because they had turned out to have a lot in common. Both of them loved to occasionally blow things up and prank people. Leonard was twenty-one, had red hair, bright green eyes and a freckled face, and he wore clothes that were at least two sizes too big and had been mended several times.

Petyr who had just been about to sort a few containers with dried herbs into shelf, turned around abruptly upon noticing that someone had opened the door and entered his shop, smiling as he did so because he was quite looking forward to making some money.

When he saw Devin, his smile disappeared again though, and he almost dropped the glass jar in his hand.

“You!” he exclaimed, recalling their past couple of meetings and shuddered.

“Yes, me”,
Devin replied, beaming at him and came closer, gesturing for Leonard to follow him. The young man did so somewhat hesitantly, looking around with curiosity as he did so. “I see that you are still advertising your terrible hair growth serum!” he observed and glanced at the sign on the counter and the vials with hot pink liquid that were standing in front of it and looking oh so harmless.

“Do people know that you can get a really bad allergic reaction from it?” he asked innocently. When he had been new to Scalvoris and really needed money, he’d volunteered as a test subject every now and then. He had gotten blue hair, boils on his head, fur on his tongue, and he’d nearly choked, among other things – because of the hair growth serum alone.

He didn’t even want to think about what had happened when he had tried out the flight potion!

He had definitely not grown wings!

Before Petyr could say anything and possibly try to defend himself and justify his actions, Devin continued in an almost overly sweet tone of voice, “I’m not here to criticize you because you don’t always inform your test subjects about the possible side effects sufficiently. Everybody forgets something every once in a while. Instead, I’m offering you the chance to become known as a Good Samaritan and great benefactor throughout Scalvoris – and maybe even beyond. What do you say, Petyr? Are you interested?”
word count: 524


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: An Honest and Honorable Man

Ashan 9, Arc 720

“Watch!” Devin’s newest drinking buddy Leonard who was dressed in somewhat plain, but otherwise nice and clean clothes told the Mortalborn, hiccupped (because he’d already had a glass of wine) and proceeded to open the little bag that he had at his belt in order to remove what looked like a tiny purple ball from it and drop it into the glass that was on the table in front of him.

Devin leaned a little closer in order to get a better look. When a sound that resembled a small explosion could be heard, he immediately drew back again though, his eyes wide and his mouth forming a small “o”. A moment later, Leonard’s drink started to sizzle before it turned purple and small bubbles started to rise from it. It also began to smell of oranges!

“You … you …”
the Mortalborn stammered because he had never seen anything like that before. “You are an alchemist, aren’t you?” he asked before he exclaimed. “This is totally awesome!”

He meant what he had said. In his opinion, it was awesome!

Leonard beamed at Devin before he slid the glass towards him and remarked, “Try it! My little invention is quite delicious!”

Devin reached for the glass a little hesitantly because he didn’t trust it entirely before he shrugged his shoulders and took a sip. As he did so, a smile spread across his entire face.

“Wow!” he remarked. “This is good! How did you make it? Do you have more stuff like that? You should try to make money with it! Where did you learn that anyway? Are you going to university?” he wanted to know. He was talking incredibly quickly, and he barely stopped to take a breath between his questions because he was so excited.

“I wish”, Leonard admitted and sighed. “I can’t afford the tuition fees. I barely make enough money to pay the bills with my job as a dishwasher I’m self-taught. I made this little thing here by mixing different chemicals with ground and dried orange peels, for example. I can also make explosives and blow stuff up though! My explosives are really loud!”

Devin looked at him for a moment before his eyes lit up because he was really fond of a little explosion every now and then. That Leonard had managed to teach himself how to make explosives and blow stuff up was quite impressive in his opinion and not at all irresponsible and dangerous! Such a person needed to be supported with any means possible!

“You may still go to university!”
he proclaimed. “I have an idea! Did you know that I’m actually the Academic councilor? I’m responsible for the university, more or less. Just a few trials ago, a nice lady named Yeva sent me a letter and asked me to implement scholarships for all those gifted young people who wouldn’t be able to go to university otherwise. You are a prime example of what our esteemed business owners and faction leaders miss out on by not supporting anybody financially. Your clothes are still too nice though”, he observed and made a face.

"Do you have any really old clothes?” he wanted to know. “We’ll go somewhere together tomorrow, and we need to make the man that I’ll introduce you to pity you!”
Last edited by Devin on Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 567


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: An Honest and Honorable Man

Ashan 10, Arc 720

“Leonard, show Mister Lovan how you make your magic drink, please!” Devin told his new friend, and the young wannabe alchemist stepped forward and dumped another one of his balls into the glass that the rather suspicious looking Petyr handed to him.

This time, the drink turned lime green!

“This is very nice …” Petyr began.

“Leonard is only one of countless incredibly talented young people that may never be able to go to university because they don’t have enough money”, Devin interrupted him. “Imagine, what he’d be able to do if his talents were fostered! Wouldn’t it be a shame if he had to clean dirty plates for the rest of his trials rather than follow his true calling?” he asked.

“By sponsoring a scholarship, you could literally change someone’s life!” he exclaimed brightly. “And who knows, you may even get a new assistant out of it once the student that you helped has completed their studies! Wouldn’t that be great?”

he continued before Petyr could say something and removed Yeva’s letter from a pocket of his jacket. “Do you want to disappoint the lady who sent me this here?”

“She’s really cute!”
he pointed out, as if that might help convince Petyr, in case Leonard’s amazing drink alone hadn’t been enough.

“I’m not asking you to give my friend preferential treatment – I’m an honest and honorable man after all and an esteemed member of the Council”, he claimed, flashing him a smile and briefly rubbing his neck that felt kind of hot (he got a weird rash every now and then since an adventure in Viden approximately two arcs prior). “He’ll still have to go through the usual application process, although I don’t think that anybody else in all of Scalvoris can make stuff like this!”

He pointed at the lime green drink.

“I just ask you to do a little good for all those young men and women in need – and try to convince your friends and colleagues to do the same. Scholarships for medical students, students of linguistics and so on would be a good idea as well!”

Petyr furrowed his brow, looked at Devin, at Leonard and back at Devin.

“I’ll even mention your name in my announcement and tell people how grateful I am and that you were the first to sponsor a scholarship! People will admire you!”
the Mortalborn proclaimed as it seemed as if the alchemist might need just a bit more convincing before he finally gave in.

“Alright, I’ll do it and try to persuade other people to sponsor a scholarship as well”,
Petyr decided.

“Perfect!” Devin decided. “Of course, I still expect you to give your test subjects a proper contract from now on and tell them which side effects they might experience!” he added because that allergic reaction that he’d had had been really unpleasant, and he was still slightly mad; besides, it might cause problems for him if it became public knowledge that he was okay with something like that. Of course, he’d still engage in questionable activities himself!


“Don’t worry about the application process too much”, Devin told the slightly disguised Leonard once they had left the alchemist’s shop, put an arm around him and grinned at him. “I had to say that in order to avoid possibly getting in trouble. I already have an idea on how you’ll convince people to give you the scholarship. This is what you should do …”
word count: 599


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: An Honest and Honorable Man


Experience: 10 No magic


Persuasion x5
Alchemy x1

Renown: 10

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: More people may come to pester Devin for scholarships, due to the announcement he makes. Many of them less qualified than others.

Comments: I like the way you put the screws to Petyr in something that bordered on extortion, but then offered him a deal that makes him look like a hero. Devin truly is a expert of persuasion and you play him well to that point. I wonder how many other promising scholars Devin might find in his searches, and how he might turn their rise to his benefit...

Enjoy the rewards, and keep up the great writing!

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.
word count: 136
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