Collab A brief vacation.......

20th of Zi'da 719

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Re: A brief vacation.......

There was a lot to take in here, more that Varlum could comprehend. Dragons had been one thing, but his connection to one was something else, as the idea of them being in Idalos. Varlum glanced up to the creature and gave a small look of confusion, unsure of how to explain the situation to a being that he didn't understand. "Forgive me. But I don't know where to find them, any of them. This is the first time I've seen a Dragon" he said as politely as he could, not sure where to find any Dragons in Idalos, or if they even existed there. How else had he never seen one, never really heard of one? There was due to be a mountain dragon set to destroy Rharne, but nothing had ever come of it.

Faith and Padraig had more in the way of questions than Varlum did, he never really had to ask questions in his line of work. Either he agreed with a command and followed it or he didn't and refused. It was a miracle he hadn't been removed from duty. Then again, his commanders had often been reasonable. There was little he had ever said no to - and when he had his argument had been as reasonable as could be. Perhaps he had been spared punishment on those grounds, or perhaps those that ordered him feared what would happen if they pressed further. Either were likely or possible, and neither were exclusive.

"As for the knowledge, I stand by Padraig. What he chooses to share is up to him and I intend to leave that knowledge with him. As far as the world knows, I know nothing. I only ask that I can tell one man. Ralaith - with his word that his secrets stay between us both. After all he has done for me, it's the least I can do in return" he said, glancing to Faith and Padraig. He had just made a request of a dragon. He sincerely hoped it didn't backfire. But Ralaith had done a lot for Varlum. At the very least, he wished to repay the Immortal, and perhaps this was the way. Assuming the Immortal hadn't already known of this place. Nothing would surprise Varlum after everything he had seen, done and heard in the past few Cycles.

Especially with a Dragon stood in front of him. That had trumped it all.
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Re: A brief vacation.......

Frosvinndur was quiet as the trio conferred among themselves regarding the answers he had given them, and in listening to their conversation, the Dragon realized something. However, as was apparently his wont, he remained quiet as they debated, before speaking up when a gap appeared in the conversation. "Idalos has changed a great deal since the sealing. You speak of beings that are as unknown to me as, it appears, my kind is to you and yours. Neither the Immortals or Originals of whom you speak existed in Idalos when we fought the First War, so I cannot say if your comparison would be accurate, Seeker. Nor can I say that if your ideas regarding blood and ether are correct, Faith, for while blood is a known quantity, and I do bleed, Ether is a word that has never before been heard in these lands." he said, and all three would notice a strangeness to the way he said "ether", as if he suddenly acquired an accent when speaking the word. Then he looked at Varlum. "As to what happened to my kin in Idalos, you might seek out the person responsible for the creation of your kind, if you know who that may be. They are likely to know far more than I what happened beyond the Wall." he said, his tone slightly amused, as if Frosvinndur thought he had just given an obvious solution.

Then he fell silent as the trio, or at least Padraig and Faith, began to discuss the Walls themselves. "We cannot pass through them, no. The Walls were created by the World Spirit to contain beings as powerful as Dragons, and those beings creators. As to why we were sealed away, if you decide to travel to the lands behind the other Walls, then it may become important. I cannot speak for those other lands, but those of us here in Vetrarstig have long since decided that the reason for the First War and our Sealing is no longer of import. Suffice to say, that happened so long ago that even before the first humans appeared, as if from nothing, in our lands, those events had lost all meaning to us, and the time elapsed had grown beyond counting. More-over, the time between humans first appearing and now is so vast that calculating how many generations of humans have lived and died in this place would take a humans lifetime." he said, before turning to Faith.

"There Walls were all erected in different places, enclosing different parts of Idalos. This one in the north, then one each in the south, west, and east. They are all completely enclosed, and as to height, they are higher than any living thing can climb. Even being such as I need to be able to breathe, and there is a point where that becomes impossible due to the height. The Walls are much higher than that point. I have not really bothered to investigate beyond that, as it would be a rather pointless endeavor." he said, a note of amusement in his voice. "The Walls are round though, rather like a dome." he said.

When Faith drew her rough map of Idalos, Frosvinndur pondered it for a moment, then raised his tail and used the point to draw three more spots, one to the each of the cardinal directions that his own barrier did not cover. "If you choose to seek out the other Walls, be warned. Others may yet cling to old grudges, or have grown so fond of their isolation as to look upon outsiders with suspicion. Do not presume such a welcome at every Wall, lest you be caught all unaware by those who greet your very existence with hostility." he said, his tone somber. Then his mood lightened. "You are all, of course, welcome to return here, though I would advise against bringing large crowds. I would also advise you make any return trips in warmer seasons, so you are at less risk of freezing." he said, his tone gentle.

When Padraig and Varlum explained their decisions regarding whether to share the existence of the world beyond the Wall, and why, Frosvinndur nodded. "Your caution is wise, Seeker, and I appreciate your concern for the safety of those here, even though they are not your people." he said, before pausing in thought. "In truth, the world beyond our Wall has changed. Far more, from what I gather, than we here have changed. It is not right that I should give you free reign to share the existence of our land without discussing it with the others who dwell here, both human and otherwise." he said, his voice a low rumble. "However, if you desire to learn more about the Walls, you will likely need help from those you trust. Moreover, it is not right that I should ask you to conceal things from those you call friends and family. So, for the time being, I ask that you tell only those who you consider true family or true friends, and those who you feel you can trust with your greatest secrets." he said, his tone calm.
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Re: A brief vacation.......

There was nothing ordinary about conversing with dragons; in an alternate world at that. Though alternate might not have been the best description of where they were, or the nature of it. But then none of them here who'd come from the Idalos they knew, had led a very ordinary life. Padraig's had been; at least until he'd met Faith. He wouldn't have had it any other way. Not even this. How many of those alive on Idalos has experienced something like this? No one, perhaps, save for Faith, Varlum and himself.

So when the dragons, this one and those like him, had walked on the commonly known lands of Idalos and glided across it's skies, not even the Immortals or indeed the Originals has existed. Just how old was the world of Idalos, Padraig wondered? "The World Spirit?" he asked. "Can you tell us more? Part of my work is as an astrophysicist," he explained. "I track and study the stars, their origins, and their relation to the passage of time." Some scholars attempted to do that by looking at rocks. Padraig did it by gazing at the heavens.

The potential height of the domes was mind boggling to consider, and he suddenly found himself wishing he had a decade or more, just to remain here to study and learn. His theory had appeared to be correct in large part, however. The barriers, according to their new scaled friend, were dome shaped. "I've met some of the others," he said with a curious frown. "Briefly and my memories of it are in bits and pieces. But in short, I don't recall a very cordial interaction before I was thrust out again." Faith before most, was fully aware of it. The nightmares had continued to plague him long after he'd returned.

He grinned a little though, when their host advised choosing a different season during which to travel. "Very good advice," he admitted. And advice he'd certainly take. "No crowds," Padraig also acknowledged. Ordinarily he'd have prepared an extensive set of papers upon his return, and many a scholarly eye might gaze upon it. But then as a natural course, word would leak out to others who wouldn't be able to resist. Padraig couldn't imagine a world in which something like that might go well. Knowledge was a dangerous thing. Both too much, and too little. It would be dangerous for those who came, and dangerous for those whose lives were lived behind these barriers.

"Perhaps that might change some trial in the future?" he posed. "But only with the agreement of all involved." As for only their most trusted friends, allies and families, who were in fact a very select group, he dipped his head and said, "You have my word."
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Re: A brief vacation.......

25th Zi'da, 719
.... looking for clues ...
Faith noticed something and, in the first gap in the conversation, she spoke. "It's not a word you have here at all. You said the word I did. Everything else is you talking your language, and us understanding it, isn't it?" The young Zuuda was intrigued by this. When he spoke to Varlum, though, Faith glanced up, looking between the dragon and the two companions. "The spirit? Like... the spirit? Shule?" She glanced at the small spirit which accompanied her since she'd become a Warden. Shule was different, Faith thought - because PB was part of her Bellinos mark.

Then, she looked at Frosvinndur and she gave a slight smile. "The creators of our races are, we believe, the Immortals we speak of. But not all races. Not mine. May I ask you, Frosvinndur - is the word Emea known to you?" It seemed to Faith that words defined the world -if there was no word for ether, it was because it didn't exist. Did Emea exist here? "For us, it's where our minds, souls, consciousness, I guess, go when we sleep." So many similarities, so many differences, also. Padraig asked about the World Spirit, so Faith was quiet on that - but when Frosvinndur described the barriers height - and then that they were dome-like, Faith's hand in Padraig's twitched. It was the closest she'd get to screeching "I told you so" in public, but it was what it meant.

As Frosvinndur spoke, he and Padraig, Faith was quiet. This was very much Padraig's deal, she knew, but when they were done, she had to ask. Ever, since her time as a slave, ever had Faith's curiosity been her greatest strength and weakness both. She agreed wholeheartedly with Padraig's ideas of keeping things quiet, of course, but Faith looked at Frosvinndur and she spoke. "There's a difference between us, and there's probably a lot of them. But, the humans you have here, are not the same - I would wager - as I am. I study blood, it's my specialism in medicine," Blood, incurable diseases, and stubborn refusal to let people die, if she was going to have the full range. "I'm not asking for anything, but I am suggesting something. We exchange blood. Mine, with one of your humans, or with you or... anyone. Frankly. Padraig, as the child of an Immortal, Varlum as an Ithecal. If you have scientists who study blood, we can simply exchange samples. If not," she said, with a genuine expression of helpfulness on her face. "I can transcribe my Licentiate here - or I can make you detailed, very detailed, notes. You can compare the differences. Things here do not obey our laws of physics," Faith said, softly. "It's fair to say that we might not obey yours."

With the slightest of shrugs, she looked between the two of them, Padraig and Frosvinndur. "I have to offer. The only boundaries in science are the ones we put in place. Sharing blood voluntarily seems to me a very sensible step for some people who chose not to shed it involuntarily." Then, she slipped her hand back into Padraig's and gave a slight, almost shy smile. "Just my thought of how the world should work."

And then, she waited and hoped that Frosvinndur was the calm and friendly person - dragon-person - that she thought he was.

Not a closet human-eating monster.
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Re: A brief vacation.......

Ask his creator?

Varlum had spent enough time in Ivorian to know who the Ithecal praised, and who was their primary god. He was never much of a scholar, so his "creator" was very much unknown to him. But Ethelynda was a place to start. It would be an excuse to return home. Visit his old friends, his blacksmith. Everyone. He'd been taken from Ivorian in the night, beaten and interrogated. Afterwards, he'd never come back, never once thinking to revisit. Maybe it was fear or guilt, maybe just his new love for Rharne. Either way, it was a place he had all but left behind. Now, he supposed, going back was the best thing he could do.

"I'll do what I can" he replied with a polite and respectful nod to the Dragon, maintaining the same quiet he had been for most of the encounters with Faith and Padraig. The Ithecal wasn't much one for talking, not unless it involved giving or taking orders. Combat was all he had ever known. Politics, debates and deals with Dragons seemed much more of a task for the others than it was for him. All he could do now was keep his eye contact respectful and his posture up straight as any soldier would.

What caught his attention was the idea of more worlds, more Dragons in their own isolated walls. Some potentially hostile, others not. Nobody would know until they found out. Yet they might have more answers, more ideas. More of a connection to the man. This Dragon lived in a cold and isolated wasteland, yet Varlum had surrounded himself with Earth and Fire as his kins. What if a Dragon lived similar to him there? A Dragon with traits like him, more of a connection to him. So many ideas and thoughts rushed through his head, so much he couldn't understand yet. Nothing made sense about it yet all the parts begun to click, as if a question he had been asking was beginning to be answered. So his mission would be simple.

He would return to Ivorian.

"I ask one request" he said with a glance to the Dragon. "When I find answers, I wish to return. I know you said we were welcome as it was. But I want to learn why I feel what I feel - and bring it back to you. Perhaps for a longer time, if we can understand what is stopping us from remaining here. So I can learn, truly, what connects us. Whatever it may be" he said with a look to Frostvinndur, glancing to Faith and Pad with a small nod in the hope they would join him, or at least help him find his way. "If there is anything I can bring past the wall, in exchange, tell me and I will do what I can. You have my word."
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Re: A brief vacation.......

When Faith caught onto the hitch with the word "ether" Frosvinndur considered her words for a moment before speaking. "You are correct. Given the shape of my mouth, any tongue spoken by humans would be quite impossible for me to speak, and the same is true in reverse. But Dragons are a part of Idalos itself, and so all creatures that live upon the world can understand our speech, and so we can understand the speech of all others. A gift of our creators, but it does experience some difficulty with new concepts." he said, his voice pleased at her awareness.

When Padraig and Faith asked about the World Spirit, Frosvinndur tilted his head to the side in a show of confusion. "That you have not heard of the World Spirit before is surprising indeed. It is the Spirit of the World. As there are Spirits of lakes and mountains, forests and deserts, fire and ice, so the World Spirit is the Spirit of the Idalos. It is the mightiest of its kind, and the creator of the lesser Spirits. It is with its aid that my own kind came to be." he said, his tone calm and thoughtful. "I wonder why it is no longer living among the rest of the world." he mused before turning his attention back to matters at hand.

When Padraig mentioned his meeting of others, Frsovinndur looked at him. "You refer to your first attempt to cross the Walls, Seeker. I cannot say how accurate the impressions you got from that attempt are, but do not discount them. We became aware of you because of that attempted crossing, it's why we were expecting you. The others may have felt that attempted crossing as well, so do not be surprised to find they know of your existence." he said, his voice cautioning. "As for Emea, this is not a word that is known to us." he said to Faith when she asked, his voice carrying the same oddness to it that had been present when he spoke of Ether.

When Faith asked about blood, Frosvinndur pondered her suggested exchange for a moment, then looked at Adalsteinn and Hallvardur, speaking to them for a bit in that strange language unique to this world. Both nodded, then stood up and left the room. "Your idea to exchange blood for study has merit, but with one flaw. There is simply no place here that has the means to conduct such a study. We are not given much to the study of sciences, beyond those of geology and limited biology. The climate and terrain is, among other things, rather terrible for such endeavors. We are more versed in the studies of the supernatural, or to the arts. It would take time to build proper a proper facility for such a study and longer to teach people how to use them. And since we don't have anyone who knows what to build or what to teach, we cannot do much with your notes." he said, before looking at Adalsteinn and Hallvardur as they returned with two sealed bowls.

"However, we can give you blood to research. There is logic to your request and your view of the world. These containers are used to carry liquids up the mountains, so the contents will not freeze or spill. How much blood would you need to conduct your research?" he asked politely. When the topic of what Varlum could bring back from beyond the barrier came up, Frosvinndur looked at him. "All of you can bring back the same thing, little one. Knowledge of the world outside the Walls." he said.

As Faith, and probably Padraig, worked to properly extract the blood from from Adalsteinn, who appeared almost eager to donate, and Frosvinndur, who barely reacted to the process, Frosvinndur looked past the walls of their room with an abstracted expression. When the process was done, he turned to Adalsteinn and Hallvardur and spoke to them in their language. The two looked shocked a moment, then bowed to Frosvinndur before doing the same to Padraig, Faith, and Varlum before they started getting their heavy clothes back on.

Frosvinndur looked at the trio. "You should get your coats and such on. There is a blizzard coming, and it may well last longer than you can afford. I will take you back to the Wall myself." he said, his tone urgent. Once the three were ready, and their vessels of blood properly marked and sealed, the Dragon used his tail to help the three explorers onto his back before the great door above them began to open. As soon as it was open far enough, Frosvinndur took off, great flaps of his wings easily giving him the altitude he needed to clear the buildings in the village and start flying back to where the group had passed through the Wall.

When they arrived at the Wall, they could see the blizzard Frosvinndur had spoke of starting to reach the village. "One moment, Seeker. When speaking to those beyond the Wall, you may need proof that you visited, something that cannot be mistaken. Such proof will be arriving shortly." he said, before falling silent. A moment later, a smaller dragon swooped down to land beside the group. The dragon was almost as tall as Faith, and a few feet longer, but no bigger. It also looked to be made out of a solid chunk of ice, but when touched, and it would allow anyone who wished to touch it, it was not particularly cold. "This is a Kaldvind. It will travel beyond the Wall with you, for it is the nature of my flight to follow their riders. You will find that it convinces most people of what you saw beyond the Wall, I think. You will also find it a very good mount, I should think. It is yours, Seeker." Frosvinndur said, as the Kaldvind snuffled at Padraig's hand.

Then Frosvinndur looked at the blizzard, then back to the trio. "It is time for you to go. I welcome a return visit, from all of you." he said, before he took off from the cliff, leaving the group to return home, though if they asked, he would stay to protect them from the Blizzard until they reached the sleep state the needed to pass through the barrier.
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Re: A brief vacation.......

Faith proposed an exchange of blood with this dragon and the people who'd temporarily taken them in, and while as a scientist and scholar Padraig could certainly recognize the potential usefulness of the trade; as a man who didn't particularly care for the process of bloodletting in any of its forms, or even the sight of said blood, he found himself somewhat relieved when Frosvinndur suggested that his people had no use for the stuff. Padraig didn't need to comment on the matter. She knew that while he'd cooperate, he'd probably rather not.

As for the World Spirit, while Padraig found the concept a fascinating one from a scholarly perspective, a religious man he was not. In spite of his origins, it was more Faith's thing. Still, while he couldn't explain while more wasn't said back on Idalos about these naturally inclined spirits, as for time, it made a connection with time and age. Things he was more inclined to focus on. "As someone who studies the stars and universe, I've often thought that the world, or the vast universe around it was much older than many scholars have been willing to contemplate." So far as what they could take back with them from this place, knowledge to Padraig, was as always prized above all.

Nonetheless, if there were indeed others besides Frosvinndur, which Padraig was convinced there were based on his previous experiences beyond the barrier, he wouldn't begin to take that remembered exchange lightly. But at the end of the process of collecting the blood, things changed abruptly. Apparently the time had come for them to go. While Padraig could only trust that Frosvinndur's sense of rapidly changing conditions outdoors was far more attuned than his own; the truth was that though he was disappointed, he also realized that if he had ten arcs of his lifetime to spend here, twenty arcs even, there still wouldn't be enough time to study it all.

With a smile of acceptance and a nod, he began pulling on his heavy clothing again. "I wish we had more time," he couldn't help but say. This time they would all ride aboard their host, who would carry them back to the place where the others had first found them. Once he'd helped Faith aboard, in spite of the conditions he found it an even more thrilling experience than he had before. As for what he could take back for proof for the sake of others? Knowledge would have been more than enough for him, and more than he could have expected. But it was true that others who'd become privy to what they'd experienced here, might decide he was stark raving mad. It happened a lot with some scholars, and even him to an extent already when he'd stubbornly maintained that Idalos wasn't flat, but spherical.

He could never have anticipated what that proof would be, however, and holding Faith's hand as he watched the newly arrived creature drop out of the sky, Padraig was transfixed. A dragon, if a much smaller one than Frosvinndur, that appeared to be formed completely of ice. And yet when he placed his palm on the creature and stroked its unusual hide, it didn't feel like ice at all. Padraig smiled and dipped his head in greeting to the creature.

"Beautiful." A world that Faith knew that as a scientist, he tended to use sparingly. "A mount?" Padraig said, then extended his hand to the creature's snout to allow it to investigate his scent. "Kaldvind," he added, trying the word on for size. Faith was managing the language barriers better than him, but nonetheless, he grinned a little. "Brings to mind, cold wind. Suits him. Words are not adequate enough to express my, our gratitude for your hospitality, and that of your people. Or all you've given us by way of knowledge. But, thank you." Once the enormous dragon took his leave, Padraig would watch him until he disappeared and then turn back to Faith and Varlum, along with his new companion who'd be going back with them. It was that all important sleep state that they needed, and only that to return back to where they'd come from. "Ready?"
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Re: A brief vacation.......

25th Zi'da, 719
....blood, blood, glorious blood... ...
Who created Dragons, Faith thought to herself and it took all her self-control not to ask. Her curiosity was more than piqued, it must be said, but there was a time and a place for incessant questions and this probably, she had to admit, was not it. Frosvinndur explained why knowledge exchange would not be possible, and Faith nodded. It made sense, although it was a shame. But then they brought bowls and she smiled in delight. "When we come back," she said, earnestly, "I will bring notes, and equipment that may help. Books for learning. The more that we can share knowledge, the better." She spoke then to the father and son, Adalsteinn and Hallvardur. "Thank you," she said quietly. "I appreciate it, very much." Padraig knew his wife well and she was more than a little excited and keen to get to work here, but she kept quiet after that, just glancing at him and giving the slightest grin.

She worked alone to extract the blood, telling Padraig that she'd rather do that. It was true, he was squeamish and she didn't quite trust that he'd do it right with his eyes shut. So, she took samples, not too much, from them both and labelled the containers carefully. She had dragon's blood! Faith could barely believe it, in truth, she was closer to overwhelmed than she had been the whole time they were here. "This will help. Thank you." And then, of all things, the dragon let them - helped them - to get on his back. Faith clutched on to the blood as she made her way up and then, nestled safely in Padraig's arms, she watched everything, committing it to memory and drinking in everything.

The gift which Frosvinndur gave Padraig, though, when they got there? That was astonishing and Faith watched her husband's face light up with delight. Frosvinndur explained what this was, and what it was called, and how it was Padraig's companion and Faith felt emotions which she would not have been able to express. Even if she had tried, which she did not.

Instead, she watched as things unfolded, as Padraig was given a great gift, and then she realised that there was something she could give back. "I'm sorry we weren't more prepared," she said, and then she took off her cloak. "I made this, it isn't magic, it doesn't use ether. But it keeps the person who wears it at a comfortable temperature. In the most biting cold, this will keep one of your people warm. Please, accept it with our thanks." Faith smiled and hoped that he would accept it. It was something - and other than that all she really had was some biscuits.

And she didn't think dragons ate biscuits. Although, she wondered for a moment if she should ask and then decided, resoundingly, not.

But then, goodbyes- albeit for now - said, Faith was prepared with the vials of sedative which would put them all, briefly, in to the state they needed to be to pass back through.
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Re: A brief vacation.......

This may have been the first time in Varlum's life he was called little one by anyone or anything, especially without offense or disrespect intended.

"Then I shall bring what I can. I'll return to this place when I have answers, when I have asked what I can of the people who may help me" he replied simply with a polite nod to the dragon, preparing himself for the blizzard and the flight back. Truth be told, he wouldn't miss the cold of this place. But the physical pain of being here was second to his curiosity, the answers he'd been pondering for a long time. Why dragons, why did they surround him so frequently? Now he'd met one, one who had said they had a connection somehow. He couldn't just walk away from that.

Once they were done, Varlum put on all the warm clothes he could and prepared himself for the flight. Frosvinndur took to the skies once they were all aboard, Varlum glancing down with a sort of amazement in his eyes that few people had ever seen. It was inspiration for something more. Almost all of his time as a soldier he had aimed for one thing, to protect people. This felt like a purpose beyond that, perhaps even beyond the fight with Ellasin. It wasn't noble or honorable or heroic like the situations he usually found himself in. But it was defining.

When they landed, Varlum gave one last kneel of respect to the dragon. "Thank you for the hospitality, and the company. I look forward to our return" he offered, standing himself up before glancing to Faith and Padraig. He had to admit, Padraig being given the dragon of ice made the Ithecal almost jealous. It was cool, no pun intended. But who knew what his next visit would bring, when he had answers. He had a destination coming up. Ethelynda. If she couldn't come to his prayer, he would go to her. He knew where to find her, he always had. What better time to go back home than now? Visit some old friends. Some old enemies.

After their host left, Varlum quietly nodded to Faith and Padraig with a small smile. "Ready."
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Re: A brief vacation.......

First off, sorry about how long this took. I thought I'd already reviewed this, but apparently not.

EXP:20 for a moderated and significant thread
Magic: No
Renown: +20 for leading the party beyond the Barrier, and for being known as The Seeker in Vetrarstig
Knowledges: Linguistics: 3
Riding: 1
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Research: 5
Other: One Kaldvind, details at the bottom of the review. Note that there may be some slight changes to their write-up as they aren't quite finalized yet.

EXP:20 for a moderated and significant thread
Magic: No
Renown: +15 for being part of the party and for being the most proficient at picking up the local language
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Etiquette: 2
Research: 3
Other: One container each of human blood from Adalsteinn and Frosvinndur.

EXP:20 for a moderated and significant thread
Magic: No
Renown: +10 for being part of the party and for having some strange connection to Dragons
Knowledges:Linguistics: 3
Riding: 1
Etiquette: 3
Research: 3

Sorry for the low number of knowledges, there was a lot more discussion than there was skill use, and Varlum was a quiet croc for much of the conversating. And sorry again for how long this took, but I hope you all enjoyed the thread. I know I did. In addition, have this: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=23411

That's a plot tracker to help you guys, and me, keep track of everything going on in this plot. As always, if you've got questions or concerns, please PM me.
Name: Kaldvind
Speed: Subtract 50% from travel time
Size: 6 to 7 feet long, 4 to 5 feet high, 150 to 250 pounds
Carrying Capacity: Can carry up to two times their weight in addition to their regular rider.
Associated Dragon: Frosvinndur

Appearance: Kaldvind are generally a light blue in color and tend to look like they were made out of a solid piece of ice. Though opaque in the main party of the body, their extremities such as their wings, horns, spikes, and the tip of their tails are more translucent. Their horns and spikes generally look like ice crystals, as do the feathers of their wings. Their eyes tend to look very similar to the main part of their body and they have no visible pupils. All Kaldvind possess a small blade at the end of their tail.

Lifespan and Development: Kaldvind are one of the shorter lived of the lesser dragons, only living to about 150 years. They hatch from eggs that need to be covered by the snow during the incubation process, and grow to maturity in about three years. During the last five years of their life, Kaldvind start have trouble mainting their body temperature and start to lose the ability to do well in warmer environments. In the last year of their life, they start to tire more and can only live in below freezing temperatures.

Abilities: Kaldvind are one of the slowest lesser dragons in combat, but they make up for their lack of speed by being incredibly durable, with a hide that's incredibly hard to damage by normal means. They also have powerful jaws and claws, and their tail blade gives them a surprising amount of range for purely physical attacks. They also very intelligent, being able to understand complicated commands and possessing a degree of situational intelligent that lets them be effective even if their rider leaves them to their own devices. They also posses the ability to make snow drifts with their breath. A not uncommon tactic of Kaldvind is to make large snow drifts to use as either defensive walls or to roll up into giant snow boulders that they then try to roll over their targets, attempting to freeze or crush them. They also possess the ability to regulate their internal temperature so that it never goes above freezing, allowing them to survive in even the hottest climate.

Temperament: Kaldvind are generally fairly calm creatures, rarely being prone to anger or excitement. Their intelligence also means they're able to keep themselves amused and tend more methodical when they need to fight. They are also capable of fairly advanced problem solving. They are, however, prone to blowing snow on their riders when they feel their being particularly stupid.
word count: 725
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