First Quest: Hunting a Problem

The woodland around Rharne is growing increasingly unsafe for the unwary. With the issues at Storm's Edge and so on, more and more people are turning to the woodland Asegirr has noticed a distinct increase in animals fleeing their homes and setting up new territories around the area, but there is some kind of predator in the area also, some large beast which works alone and is scaring away the usual wildlife. Will Asegirr investigate, and try to restore balance?

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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First Quest: Hunting a Problem

First Quest: Hunting a Problem

When Aesgirr woke up that morning he expected to hear the sounds of nature prey eating plants and leaves, birds cawing and predators hunting down prey to viciously or lazily kill it and or eat it depending on their situation. But when he woke up that day all he heard was the wind and nothing more no prey no predators not even the birds, Something was wrong. To Aesgirr's mind this meant one of three things One a alpha predator was on the prowl and nothing wanted to be heard Two Something vile nasty and unnatural was in his forest or Three Poachers were in his forest yet again which makes him wonder if he should start making sure he leaves marks of dead past poachers for future poachers to see and wonder if they should come into his forest and end up dying like past poachers before them.

But he was getting ahead of himself first he handled his morning things then left his cabin armed with some hunting clothes and his Bow. Failnaught honestly wondering if he can find the thing that is making his forest, his home feel so wrong and be so quiet. So leaving his home area he walks out into the wilderness now hunting, looking for the source of all this quiet wondering if it will be another alpha predator he did need to prove his worth of owning his family bow after all.

With everything settled he sets out of his home area. With the trees around the cabin marked in case someone finds it and thinks no one lives in it, which has happened to him before but back to the searching while he moves as silently as he can his eyes look around trying to find any tracks from marks on trees to prints in the dirt and mud
word count: 315
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Basilisk Snek
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Re: First Quest: Hunting a Problem

It didn't take long for Aesgirr to start finding tracks and traces. Something large had come through the area recently, trees were damaged, even pushed apart as if something had forced its way between them. There were large scales and feathers all over the place, as well as broken branches and such. However, the most unusual thing was that most of the damage was several feet off the ground, as if what had been tearing up the forest weren't a terrestrial creature.

If Aesgirr chose to follow the path to the end, he'd find the source of the forests troubles. A large, winged serpent, coiled up in a clearing that had obviously been expanded to make room for it. If Aesgirr knew enough about animals to tell, he'd notice that the snake was not getting enough to eat, as it looked rather thin for its size, and there were several clear wounds on the animal. It was not a local Rharnian predator, which was why it had scared the animals off, and the authorities could be interested in what it was doing there.

Of course, however, first Aesgirr had to decide what he was going to do about the large reptile. When he entered the clearing, the big snake raised its head to look at him for a long moment, then apparently decided he was too small to be worth a meal and didn't look threatening enough to provoke a fight, because it promptly laid its head back down and coiled itself into an even tighter ball.
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Right, so the animal in the clearing is a Xiuhcoatl. This thread can be self-modded from here until Aesgirr has either dealt with the snake for fled. How Aesgirr deals with it is entirely up to you, just tag me when you're done with the thread and I'll review it and deal with any lasting consequences.
word count: 323
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Re: First Quest: Hunting a Problem

Aesgirr found a path seeing it's large size and above the ground as if it was a flying animal following the damage he slowly walks along. He then comes upon a ill large serpent large enough to devour a man he looked upon the sickly looking wounded and obviously very starving snake with feathers.

while Aesgirr may be a hunter he is one that prefers a healthy prey not one at deaths door. This wouldn't do for a hunt much less give him anything to work with in terms of scales and feathers to be put nicely killing this creature wouldn't satisfy him or satisfy his ancestors who hunted using Failnaught before him, to be honestly blunt Aesgirr knew he was either gonna have to get this thing to leave maybe try to chase it off so it can heal somewhere else where it can be safe and not ruining his forest. Problem with that option he doesn't have a single clue what this thing is , what it eats how it kills he knew how it moves seeing the feathers and remembering the damage left in it's wake so many unknowns he would have to play caretaker and help this thing recover then send it on it's way where it has a chance in nature.

But now he may need to prove to this creature he means it no harm, so it doesn't attempt to kill him or swallow him whole, so he holds his hands away from his sword his hatchet and his bow Failnaught and looks around to see if he can spot any medical herbs he knew from trial and error since he also been hurt on the hunt sometimes seriously and he had to use rough medicine so he can return to his cabin to recover, he hopes the creature doesn't take this action as hostile. Otherwise he may have to fight this wounded creature so he doesn't die. Which he already knew would be against his code and standards as a hunter to himself and his ancestors.
word count: 352
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