The Great Lock-Down Plot

A better title is coming soon.

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The Great Lock-Down Plot

The Great Lock-Down Plot

Welcome to the plot planner! This is where we're going to post ideas and planning to make this adventure the most outstanding thread we can possible manage!
Could I ask that everyone please make a post below giving me some information to draw up an initial idea for the plot with. I'm going to need timestamps your character is available in Scalvoris for, and ideas for a personal storyline we can weave into the main plot so that each character gets to enjoy their own lovely character arc. (These could be things like a romance, an old enemy returning, a family drama, a conflict with their fears/inner demons. This could be something you've left hanging from you character history or a previous thread, or even something entirely new. As many ideas as possible would be appreciated.)

  • Tio
  • Yeva
  • Balthazar
  • Woe
  • Darius
  • Victor
Main Plot Prompt Ideas
  • Explore Fae's Grand Fractures. (Essenstye?) (Would need to wait until development is approved.)
  • Phoenix Stone. (Needed to save someone important's life?)
  • Pirate Lords (The Pact? Pirate invasion/conspiracy?)
  • Rob the bank of Scalvoris. (Turned into frogs?)
  • Fountain of Youth. (Scaltoth Tribal Warfare.)
  • Leviathan rampage. (Sotong.)
  • Phoenix Faction rebellion. (Empathy user + Sadstones?)
  • Break in to Slag's Deep. (See what's at the bottom level.)
  • Ishallr Expedition. (Something frozen beneath the ice.)
  • The Red Ravens. (New drug?)
Character arc ideas.
  • Balthazar: Morgan Lafeyette working for the bad guys. Conflicted over how to handle this?
  • Current sign-ups have goals for faction advancement (Elements, Order of Adunih.) Something that would gain official recognition would be good for their development.
  • Current sign-ups make a well balanced party: warrior, healer, thief.
  • Use Balthazar's backstory character, Morgan (Isabelle), as one of the villain's henchmen?
  • Devin wants to meet Zanik and Yeva wants to meet an Immortal. Make the plot a threat to Zanik somehow?
Last edited by Tio Silver on Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:13 pm, edited 18 times in total. word count: 321
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The Great Lock-down Plot

Pretty in Pink

Cylus Availability

5th-13th, 17th, 19th, 21st-28th

Ashan Availability

1-2nd, 4th, 6th-25th, 29th-59th, 70th-95th, 101-118th

Yeva's Personal Plots & Goals

Yeva's party specialty is healer and would be classified best as a support character. She's friendly and gets along with just about anyone. She's patient, even with arrogant individuals such as Avriel and Tarouz marked.

Miscellaneous To-do

Save the life of 1 PC.
Obtain a favor from an Immortal.
Have her first kiss.
Become a dream walker.
Earn Blue Cloak (Order of Adunih).
Join another faction or guild.
Explore ruins in the Scaltoth Jungle.
Decipher secret message (cryptography).
Buy a house.
Give another PC a piercing.
Give another PC a tattoo.
Explore a fracture.
Tame Stroyski, Yeva's Hafrein.
Open a medical practice.
Learn about the spirits of Idalos.
Learn Graft (or any magic theory).
Discover the fate of the Pirate Lords.
Increase investigation & linguistics to competent.
Visit the ice caves.
Make a new discovery for the island.
Last edited by Yeva on Thu Apr 02, 2020 3:12 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 171
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Re: The Great Lock-down Plot

The Great Lock Down
Cylus Availability
Balthazar is pretty much booked for all of Cylus, he was a busy bee.

Ashan Availability
Relatively free from the 35th to the 120th. Working out with Ari'sora on the 75th and investigating flying boats on the 65th.

Balthazar's Personal Goals
- Become a better mage. Not necessarily more powerful, just better at using the sparks he has.
- Learn to use a spear in combat. The Element's want him to use one.
- Rise within the ranks of the Elements. Who doesn't prefer giving the orders? Therefore he also needs to work on leadership... well I guess he could be a bad leader and just be really famous. Gilderoy Lockhart did it.
- More to be added later... probably...

Balthazar's Notable Feats
- Killed a lot of mage hunters in Yaralon.
- Discovered Madame Nellie was abusing her own girls and had her arrested.
- Joined the Elements (Ashan 18).
- Joined a fight club, The Decked Halls.
- Worked to solve the Missing Children cases in both Almund and Scalvoris Town (both in progress)
- Investigated the Flying Boats
- "Investigated" the lights in the sky but really just hung out with Abigail.
- Several bar fights... he's Yari at heart.
- Saved Isabella from a member of the Church of Eternal Mercies, might have pissed them off.

Balthazar's Personal NPC
Isabella (formerly Morgan Lafeyette), a recovering drug smuggler, competent alchemist, Rupture, Attunement, and Abrogation Mage, who is currently living in Scalvoris and looking for decent work. Balthazar joining the Elements put a little strain on their relationship because Isabella frequently struggles to find legal employment, but for the most part Balthazar has been able to avoid the issue.
- Isabella arrested would motivate Balthazar to help in the prison break idea.
- Isabella could be smuggling the Red Raven for someone as part of a plot if that is a drug. She'd smuggle drugs, alchemical supplies, and weapons but not people.
Last edited by Balthazar Black on Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 323

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: The Great Lock-Down Plot

Deleted. Decided to sign up with a different PC after all.
Last edited by Devin on Thu Apr 02, 2020 6:04 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 11


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Great Lock-Down Plot


Character Class for balanced party: Sadsack (Empathy mage/psychology grand master/ and sort of a diplomat type)

Cylus Availability: after the 10th of Cylus roughly. Note that during Cylus he'll feel compelled to self-harm/flagellate himself every other day, so having a healer on hand might help.

Ashan Availability: Up to the 50th of Ashan. After that, it gets dicey because I can't have three characters in Scalvoris at the same time.

Woe's Personal Goals:

Figure out what he wants from life.
Break ties with the Webspinners officially (lose his Lethroda Mark by gaining the blessing of Vri)
Meet Labrae
Get rid of the ghost of his old enemy, Emma Heen.
Find Llyr

Main Plot Points listed that I'm interested in:

Phoenix Faction rebellion. (Empathy user + Sadstones?)
Ishallr Expedition
Phoenix Stone (Need to save Emelia Enners' life)
word count: 142
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain
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Re: The Great Lock-Down Plot

Cylus Availability: -

Ashan Availability: Every trial, starting from the 5th, apart from approximately the 59th to the 70th and from approximately the 99th to the 107th/108th. That's when my PC Doran holds his guest lectures at the university in Scalvoris, and I can't have three PCs in Scalvoris at the same time (Devin is there throughout the cycle).

Generally, between the 5th and 50th of Ashan would be preferrable due to Doran's presence later in the season.

Possible role: Victor is a mage and a swordsman (Expert in both) and a researcher of unusual phenomena and magic (100/100 Research). He also has a falcon familiar that could be used to scout. Furthermore, he can see quite well in the dark due to one of his mutations and knows the Ancient Language.

Personal Plots & Goals:
  • Rise in Delroth's favour
  • Obtain a favour from a second Immortal
  • Find out why his old mentor Roman disappeared
  • Finally get over the death of his Aberrant lover (the Aberrant was more or less executed because of something Victor's brother did which kind of broke Victor a little)
  • Prove himself to his older brother Stefan, the Lord of Lysoria, and show him that he's more than just the wayward sibling who supposedly abandoned his duties
  • Become powerful in his own right
  • Return to Melrath/Ne'haer/Lysoria as a famous man (he may or may not have a job in Melrath, depending on how things go)
  • Find the treasure (he has a treasure map with a X that is in the graveyard in Scalvoris Town)
  • Investigate unusual phenomena and magic, solve mysteries, discover artifacts and so on
  • Master Transmutation
  • Master Blades
  • Find a purpose/happiness/love
Last edited by Victor Amielle on Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:41 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 288


Due to one of his Awakenings, Victor's eyes glow with a soft silver light.


Victor owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Re: The Great Lock-Down Plot

The Great Lock-Down Plot

Okay, so I think I have an idea for an outstanding plot that will a) incorporate a personal issue or goal for each character, giving them an opportunity for growth, and b) be a lot of fun. If all goes as planned it should span the course of three threads. I'll keep the exact details of the plot a secret, but it's got adventure, action and a few opportunities for some emotional drama. To refine this idea further could I please ask you guys to send me the following things.

(Edit: As the rules of guest storytelling just recently posted forbid the GST from using their own PC in any capacity I need to rethink how to do this. Sorry for the delay.)

Balthazar: Could you post a more in-depth profile of what Morgan Lafeyette is like. Her appearance, personality, skills etc. She's going to have an important role in the story, and if it's okay with you I'd like to control her.
Victor: Could you devise and describe a few memorable interactions Victor would have had with his older brother Stefan, particularly ones that show the relationship between the two brothers and what Stefan's opinions on how a lord should act are. Also could you tell me what the uniforms of House Amielle's soldiers look like.
Yeva: Could you direct me to any threads you've previously been in where Yeva has interacted with a spirit.
Woe: Could you provide me with more details on Emma's personality. I believe I'm right in saying that she sold your character into slavery, then killed Erastus, and then was stabbed by Woe when going in to hug him right? Is she just a cruel, manipulative b***h or are there other sides to her that should be portrayed? I'd like to have her haunting you throughout the story, and if it's okay with you I'd like to control her.

Additionally I would like to keep the momentum in this thread going so it doesn't fizzle out, so I'd like for everyone to post once per week unless something serious comes up OOC (in which case please PM me to let me know.) If this is going to be a problem for anyone please let me know.

Last edited by Tio Silver on Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:27 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 394
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The Great Lock-down Plot

The Great Lock Down
Balthazar's Personal NPC
Name: Isabella
(Formerly known as Morgan Lafeyette )
City Location: Travels around
DoB: 35 Vhalar 689
Race: Human
Organization (if any): Presently none.
Attunement (76/100),
Rupture (51/100)
Abrogation (26/100)
Alchemy (51/100),
Persuasion (30/100),
Blades (Daggers) (8/100)
Dreamwalking (8/100)
Bio: Isabella was born as Morgan Lafeyette and she spent the first twenty five arcs of her life with that name before circumstance forced her to shed her former identity. Morgan was a nice girl who's mother was an alchemist in Viden. She lived with her mother until she was fifteen when she set out on her own with the knowledge her mother had imparted. Morgan quickly found a mentor who taught her the more disciplined methods that her mother didn't know about. The mentor- who was growing into their older arcs- also initiated Morgan into Attunement to help her with her alchemical studies as well as to impart somewhat of a legacy... the mentor had an ego and unfulfilled dreams. When age took her mentor from her Morgan used the assets her mentor left behind to buy supplies and set up her own traveling alchemy shop. In the arcs that she traveled, Morgan fell in with a bad crowd. More often than not she was in the company of smugglers and eventually one of them took a liking to her. He thought they'd be together forever and so he initiated her into Rupture... then shortly after he was killed by city guards. Morgan kept to the road and one trial she met Balthazar. He was buying supplies for his master. Their relationship is explained below but once Morgan and Balthazar separated, she changed her name to Isabella and has continued her work as a smuggler and alchemist ever since. Isabella has done much work to get past her hunger to flay and done a good job of setting herself back on the right path socially.
Appearance: Image above.
Relationship: Balthazar was an efficient tool to Isabella in many ways before she actually developed feelings for him. As a Rupturer he was able to aid with the smuggling and as a friend he was always helpful for relieving tension. Yet as time went on Isabella grew jealous of Balthazar's master and one confrontation later she'd flayed the man. That drove Balthazar and her apart for what she thought would be forever. He burned down the building she was in. But when they reunited in Yaralon it seemed as if time had not tempered her old flame. Isabella fled from Yaralon and Balthazar pursued her to Viden, then to Scalvoris where they reunited and have begun their romance again. Isabella currently hangs around Almund looking for work while Balthazar travels the islands.

Recommended Readings: (Recent Events of Isabella, though Balthazar almost always thinks of her at some point in his threads)
- The Debate of The Season
- Enter the Frequency
- The Man With The Plan
- That's Not What Mercy Means!
- A Birthtrial To Forget

General Advice for Playing Her:
- Dry humor is a plus.
- Air of elegance that is somewhat debased by her behavior.
- She always Attuning to stuff to try and get an edge on it.
- Ladylike, but not a "lady"
- She prefers dresses to pants because of freedom, so if she's in pants Balthazar will know something it up.
- Making Balthazar choose between her and the party would go poorly. Either for Balthazar or for the party.
word count: 587

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: The Great Lock-Down Plot


Woe: Could you provide me with more details on Emma's personality. I believe I'm right in saying that she sold your character into slavery, then killed Erastus, and then was stabbed by Woe when going in to hug him right? Is she just a cruel, manipulative b***h or are there other sides to her that should be portrayed? I'd like to have her haunting you throughout the story, and if it's okay with you I'd like to control her.

Heya, that is a very brief outline of Emma's involvement with Woe, but there's much more to it if you wanted to delve into it... I'll include a list here of threads where she's appaered, as well as what she did in them.

viewtopic.php?f=192&t=5461 ~ Here, Woe pursues a bounty on the fugitive Emma Heen. She's killed a few guards, and is hiding out in the wilderness. Woe finds her, and ends up in a bit of trouble when a rival bounty hunting gang interferes with him. They're forced to team up as they intend to take her in dead rather than alive. Their shared danger ends up bonding them slightly. Woe decides to spare her and not turn her in at the end, and gives her a place to stay. Because he is a sucker with stunted emotional development.

Sometime after this, for whatever reason (which is unclear whether ti's for greed or some other reason) she manages to subdue him and sell him to Naer slavers. He ends up in Augiery for a time, before being able to free himself through a convoluted plotline. Anyway, he ends up getting free to where he can sail to wherever he wants. So he goes back to Rynmere to confront her.

viewtopic.php?f=365&t=14048 ~ This is his lethroda mark story. He confronts Erastus in order to find out who his parents are, so he can choose whether or not he wishes to go through with the advancement in the Webspinners. This is where he ends up shanking Emma, after she helps him kill Erastus. He ends up turning the knife on himself, but before he can kill himself, Labrae shows up and stops him, then Sintra shows and marks him out of pity.

viewtopic.php?f=88&t=21047 ~ Here, he's being haunted by Emma Heen, and it's described that Woe has been using a copper scourge on her, experimenting on her ghostliness and sort of torturing her spirit in an effort to find out how to rid himself of her. It may be that she's becoming an empty at this point, as her memories are beginning to fray.

As for her personality, she's very much one to play the victim card, even though she's far from saintly. She's given as good as she's gotten out of life , but still feels that something is owed to her. She can be cruel and manipulative, but often uses a shield of false innocence and denial of responsibility to hide her own culpability for her situation.

Otherwise, you're good to control her, I don't mind at all. As a a ghost that's drifting toward Emptiness, her memories are beginning to warp and twist, to where it would be viable for the details of the events involving them both are kinda fuzzy. Which we can use to explain away anything you maybe make up on the fly for her. As a ghost she mainly uses emotional prompts to get to Woe, and the feeling of things she conveys to him are more impactful than their veracity to him.
word count: 622
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
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Ignorance Domain
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Re: The Great Lock-Down Plot

The Great Lock-Down Plot

Sorry for the delay ladies and gentlemen. Some stuff was going on behind the scenes regarding guest moderating rules. However I have been given approval to run the plot I've cooked up as a guest mod and use Tio as a guiding Immortal NPC (he'll get no rewards for it, but that's fine with me.) As such we are good to go!

I'll have the first post up and ready in a short while; by the end of tomorrow at the latest. Prepare yourselves... it's going to get intense.
word count: 99
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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