[Mistral Village] Supply Lines II

Couriering for Supplies and Don't stop fiddling 2.

25th of Cylus 720

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[Mistral Village] Supply Lines II

25th Cylus 720
There was something about Rharnians, Vega had decided, that was just plain weird. She knew that they were given to extremes of mood, and she'd seen that before. Once, she'd had several burly men try to beat the living daylights out of her because she had red hair, they'd been angry and passionate and they were terrified. Other times, she'd been a hero. It was all very silly as far as Vega was concerned, but there it was.

And now - she and a few others had gone back to Mistral Village to bring back more supplies and again, all she found here were people in the depths of misery. It was, in some ways, disheartening, but in truth mostly what Vega felt was irritated. "The thing is, Isobella," she said to the Rharnian Thunder Priestess who had become her friend, "it right flibberties my gibbet, it does. I mean, me an' Mathias, an' Yrmellyn, we was here an' this lot didn't wanna come with us, didn't wanna help. Righ' bunch o' miseries they were." She grinned at Isobella and shrugged slightly. But the Thunder Priestess considered her words and spoke. "I think they're afraid, Vega, don't you?"

Vega sighed slightly and nodded."Of course they are, I know that. But do they think I'm not, or any o' us are not? We are. It's jus' what you do with it. That's all." Isobella smiled and said nothing, causing Vega to huff slightly. "I know," she admitted, finally. "I mean - I do know." She gestured towards the Inn where they were all congregating - and she gave a sudden grin. "An' since I do know, I should do somethin' about it, even includin' the misery-mogs what were travellin' with us right?" Isobella did not reply, but she gave a slight smile and Vega knew that her companion approved. She frowned, already irritated because she hated the idea of anyone approving - or disapproving - of her. Like they had a right to.

"Alrigh' stop it now," she said and then gave a good-natured smile. "I take yer point, the one you've not made. I'll see what I can do. Schnizzle my snoot an' pickle my pinkie, but this whole thing's jus' a lot of work." Vega had grumbling down to a fine art, in fairness. "It's jus' a whole lot easier when I spend my time not likin' people an' so not botherin' innit? Jus', you know, sayin'," she said and then motioned to the Inn. In there were people and they were grouchy. It wasn't just the folks of Mistral village either, it was the volunteers who had come with her, it was the whole atmosphere and Vega knew she was going to have to work hard in order to get any results here. People were miserable but - more than that - there was a part of them that was happy being miserable. She sighed.

"Come on then, lets start there," she said, and walked towards the Inn.
word count: 515

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Mistral Village] Supply Lines II

25th Cylus 720

The Inn, such as it was, was fairly standard. It was pleasant and quite large, it was clean and there were a lot of people there, comparatively speaking. Vega looked around and she spotted a few things. First, there were the people here - they were villagers that she knew, many of them. There was an air of gloom around the place and, her swirling multi-hued eyes noticed, there was an area cleared for musicians. That was good. There were even a few instruments left laying up against one wall and Vega walked over.

There it was, she thought.

Standing on the slightly raised platform, she grabbed a chair and pulled it to where she wanted. No, that wasn't quite what she did. She dragged it along and, as she did, Vega pressed down on it slightly. So much so that it made a loud screeching sound as it moved. She didn't say a word, she didn't have to, but every pair of eyes in the place was on her by the time she - and the chair - were in the center stage.

"There were a well-horrible noise, weren't it?" The red-haired daughter of Faldrun stood, next to the chair which had made the sound. Looking around, she spoke and Vega's voice rang out into the Inn and the patrons looked at her. Vega had got much better at leading groups and holding their attention - not that she noticed such things, in fairness. But that didn't make them less true. "It's because it's ugly. It's an ugly, ill-fittin' sound an' it makes us uncomfortable. I can still feel the vibrations of it, in my arms." She looked around the room and Vega looked - sounded - was angry.

"It don't fit, see. But look - listen to this,"

It was a cello. Old and well-used, one of the instruments which had been leaning against the wall. It was dusty, but a quick inspection had said that it was well tuned. So, Vega sat and she nestled the instrument between her knees and started to play.

And, again, they listened.

She played a song resonating deeply, it was sombre and melodic but then, gradually, it started to build in tempo and rhythm and when she was sure that they were not only all listening, but really paying attention, pulled into the music.

And then, she stopped.

As the final note reverberated around the room, Vega stood up again. "That's what's happenin' you know. That vile sound, that screechin', it's happenin' in Storms Edge now. An' you lot ... we all - we all need to realise that it's not goin' to stop there. Mistral Village is worth savin' you know I believe that. I've fought to save it before," there was no doubting that, she'd been part of the relief effort against the attacks. She'd fought off invaders. These people knew her because she'd weathered a siege with them.

"An' I'm fightin' to save it now. If Storm's Edge falls, this village will. Rharne will. You don't believe me?" Her hand flew out, the bow still in it and she pointed at one of the customers - a man in his later arcs who had rolled his eyes at her. Vega was not the kind of woman to ignore that. "You think they won't come here? Of course they will. When Storm's Edge falls - if it does - then here is where they'll come on their way to Rharne." He shook his head.

"Rharne will protect us," he said, confidently and Vega shook her head.

"Well, there's the problem, innit? Rharne - the Lightnin' Knights an' the Wardens an' the Thunder Priestesses? They' busy tryin' to protect Storm's Edge right now. They're there. So, if they fall ...." She waited for a moment and saw the realisation hit him. "Yeah. Well worked out. If Storm's Edge falls, there's no one comin' to protect you. So it's in everyone's best interest that Storm's Edge don't fall, isn't it?" Vega personally thought that she deserved some kind of medal for not adding an insult to her words.

But she didn't.

"So. We need to get resources, an' people to Storm's Edge, an' we need to do it now. Any questions?" The man who had rolled his eyes raised a tentative hand and Vega glared at him.

"Will you play some more?" He asked and there was a murmur of agreement. She sighed. "It were so much easier when I weren't bothered," she muttered to herself. "So much easier."

But, of course, being who she was and who she had always been, despite her own tendency to grumble and grouse about people, Vega was fundamentally a good-hearted soul who believed that ... well, in fairness, she believed that people were stupid and largely just irritating, but she still wanted to help them. Often, because they were too stupid and irritating to help themselves, but that was besides the point. So, she played. And this time, she played a song of hope - but this time it was a cry to war. A battle, an emotional, a determined song which meant that they would feel fired up. Ready.

"We need to go to Storm's Edge" Vega said and she smiled as the irritating dweebazoid who had annoyed her earlier nodded his head.

"Storm's Edge!" He cried.

Bloody idiot, Vega thought, as she shot him a grin and carried on playing. Thankfully, the majority of people that were there were reasonable folks who might actually be of some use - and almost certainly would be more use alive than dead. Therefore, she was pleased. So, Vega kept playing and, she was hopeful, in the morning they would have more troops for Storm's Edge.

Even Useless McPantsFace.

word count: 995

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Mistral Village] Supply Lines II


Experience: 10 no magic


2 x Leadership, 4 x Psychology

Renown: 10

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level

Loot/Losses: 1 cello

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: To storm's edge! You'll be dealing with Useless McPantsFace for a while yet.

Comments: LOL, Vega is such a treat to read about. I <3 her.

Through narrative dialogue and action, you really drive across her personality. It's evident in every word of your posts, how do you do that???

Vega has some good insights into this conflict. Afterall, if they can't hold the front, Rharne will also inevitably fall. So they gotta stop it somewhere, and draw a line.

I look forward to seeing how it all ends, but hopefully Rharne survives.

Good luck, good writing, and enjoy the rewards!

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.
word count: 145
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