[Note by Pegasus] Cunyuega's Linguists

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Natalie Cooper
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Cunyuega's Linguists

Cunyuega's Linguists
Cunyuega's Linguists is a small hole in the wall tavern in the south east corner of Scalvoris Town. The outside of it is made of ship wood and while not dilapidated isn't exactly the most well kept either. But it is has a nice simple sign that reads its name in Common and Scalveen. Inside is the expected atmosphere one might find of a standard tavern. There's a warm fireplace, several wooden tables, a large wooden bar, games in one corner, small stage for bards in the opposite corner.

But this isn't a tavern just anyone can drink at, for it is exclusive to members. And members must prove themselves to Cunyuega, the owner and only bartender that ever works there. All members must at a minimum speak Common, Scalveen, and one other language, and must be willing to "trade tongues" as Cunyuega likes to put it. Trading Tongues means partnering with another member in order for both members to learn the other's language. They hold one another accountable in this, and may practice within and without the tavern. And when ready, they return to the tavern to be tested.

Testing in a new language comes with a variety of tasks set by Cunyuega, and three others fluent in the select language, chosen by Cunyuega. The tasks must be performed before the whole of the tavern on the day of testing. At a minimum, they must perform one song, piece of poetry, or small theatrical performance native to the selected language; must compete in a drinking game with three of the judges using only the language; must write and read aloud a self evaluation in the native language (if a written language is applicable, otherwise must be spoken); one additional task custom made for the applicant; and finally be interviewed in the language by Cunyuega herself.

All members get special flagons, made from a special blend of the various Scalvoran Sands, by a master glassblower in Egilrun, to be incredibly durable so that it is terribly difficult to break, even when trying. Members get a gemstone added to their flask for each fluent language beyond Common and Scalveen they have obtained. All of this is paid for and provided by Cunyuega herself, and all services in the tavern are free to all members.

New applicants must undergo the same tests for each of the three languages they wish to apply for in their initiation, and others if they so choose. Additionally, they will need at least two professional recommendations for their work as a translator.

Many people in need of translation services will come to Cunyuega's to find and hire a translator. Cunyuega herself no longer takes jobs, but she does maintain a vast network of contacts to help find jobs for her members. Cunyuega's prices for hiring her translators is often steep, but she does guarantee the quality of their work. She does not give them an insignia or any form of documentation, and their flagons stay in the confines of the bar, for she believes word of mouth and reputation is the only identification her translators need.

Excluding the hiring of translators, all services are refused to nonmembers. However, services include food, drink, temporary board (no more than 30 trials), access to translating jobs, games, shows and performances (often in a wide variety of languages).

Translation Services

The cost of translation services vary based on the difficulty/rarity of the Language. Easy languages are available at Tier 7, medium languages at Tier 8, and hard languages at Tier 9.
Developed by: Natalie Cooper

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Re: Cunyuega's Linguists

I'm happy to approve this - but since the University is in ScalvTown - what (if any) is the relationship of this place with the University itself? If you've got nothing specific in mind, I'm happy to go with the flow / my thoughts on it - but wanted to check with you first.
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Natalie Cooper
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Re: Cunyuega's Linguists

I had no particular relationship in mind for it, but I am also open to hearing your thoughts on it as well. I would say if were to have a preference, it might be something a bit more casual in terms of relationships, be it friendly and welcoming, a casual rivalry, etc etc. But end of the day, I'm not particular and am happy with whatever you feel is best.
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