• Closed • Call for reinforcements #2

Thread in The Last Knights of Storm's Edge - Rharne event 1st-20th of Cylus 720.

The surrounding lands of Rharne boast several towns and settlements that lie on the northern shores of the River Zynyx. This includes Mistral Village, Caervalle Town, Zynyx Market and Volta.

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Call for reinforcements #2


Call for reinforcements #2
Cylus 8 in Mistral Village

Now it was time to begin the work. As a painter, Yrmellyn had spoken to many customers and persuaded them. But, she had never before tried to recruit volunteers to a war operation. Certainly not! She was aware of that. It was good to start on a small scale. Mistral Village would serve as a chance to test and refine her approaches. It would be gold to get that done before it would be time to recruit in Rharne.

For a start, she was going to dig where she stood, or ... where she sat. She was in the dining room of a small and simple tavern. Yrmellyn had already finished her breakfast. But a small group of labourers sat at the table next to hers, eating and speaking. They weren’t loud, but as they were sitting so near her she overheard their conversation all the same.

“There’s nothing we can do about it,” one of them said. “Nothing except taking the family and flee if the keep falls. Wish we could do something, but it’s impossible.”

“Yeah,” another labourer agreed. “If I only had the money I would already be on board a boat, with the wife and the kids. All we can do is sit here and wait to be fried.”

“Ilaren ...” said the third labourer, a woman who looked strong and tall and a bit “mannish”. But, her voice was light. “We can pray.”

A massive silence followed. Yrmellyn, coming from Rharne, could guess what it meant. Ilaren was the main immortal of Rharne. She was the one the people expected to keep them safe and protect them against evil. The cathedral with its priesthood and knights were above reproach. So was of course also the holy Ilaren herself. Expressing doubt in the capability of the resident deity and her forces was unthinkable to most people in Rharne. It was not done.

It would also be like letting go of all hope. They were still hoping, the labourers at the next table...

Yrmellyn had found her test target. She would see how those would react to her attempts at recruitment. Steeling herself for a possible rejection she rose and walked the few steps to their table.

“Mind if I sit down? I arrived here late in the evening after riding from Storm’s Edge. Now, I’m wondering about the situation here in Mistral Village.”

Nobody objected. Work, as usual, was going on in Mistral, they told her, but people were feeling worried. They for one were more curious about the situation at Storm’s Edge. Yrmellyn told them about the need for repairs and replenishment of almost everything. They nodded, looking tired.

“The keep seems halfway lost already,” remarked the man who would have left by boat if he hadn’t lacked the money. The pessimism in his voice felt palpable. “We don’t stand a chance!”

But, Yrmellyn told them about the fight against the frog-like monsters. She spoke of how awed she had been when she had seen knights and brave volunteers in action. When she had seen it she had felt that they could win the war. They would stand a chance if more people joined the defenders. That was why she was travelling. She was a kind of herald, spreading the word and asking people to volunteer. The defenders of the keep could use people for so many things.

“Listen, miss, I understand what you are hinting at but we aren’t soldiers. We can’t do anything against the kind of monsters you spoke about.” It was the woman. Her voice was kind, but her tone was dismissing.

“They need people for other things. For example, labourers to rebuild damaged parts of the walls. People like you! It would take that work off of the knights. It would mean a lot.”

The man who had wished that he could do something looked up from his breakfast while she spoke. He watched her with a certain intensity. Yrmellyn hoped it meant that this man was more susceptible to persuasion. He had already expressed a need of doing something...she would try to give him something to do.

“I’m only a civilian from Rharne but I do what I can though I’m not a soldier. I’m a painter. If I can do something, everybody can. Right? All people can contribute. Isn’t it better to repair the walls of the fortress than to sit and wait for the end?”

“Sure. But, I didn’t’ know that they needed common folks like me. I had no idea that they need labourers to repair the walls and such. Thought it was all about battle. “He paused a bit. “I can’t say anything at once, miss ...”

“Cole.” She realized that she had forgotten to introduce herself. “And you are ...”

“Bertram Ames. Bert. Or Ames. Whichever.” He paused again. “I have to speak to my family. But, it would be good if I can do something. If can make a difference it’s better than waiting like a sitting duck on a pond.”

Yrmellyn kept to what she had told them in the keep. She was going to influence people and persuade them, but she wasn’t looking to pressure and trap anybody. It was best to not make the man say too much while the other two listened. It was also best to not make the two other people paint themselves into a corner. She didn't want to make them say no so many times that pride would prevent them from changing their minds later.

She thanked them for their time and left the tavern. Speaking to all people in Mistral would be impossible, but rumours would do part of the job. Yrmellyn would continue to speak to people she met. She would also look around for the other people from Storm's Edge.
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Re: Call for reinforcements #2 Mistral Village

Some time after this
"An' yeah, that's the thing," the voice of the red-haired woman carried as Yrmellyn left the Inn. Vega was sitting, perched on a wall and she was talking to a group of not-as-young-as-they-had-been people. The Mortalborn of Children, Faldrun's daughter, had been here before and she had helped these people. She had bled and wept with them, too, when they'd saved the building which had been burning. "I stood here an' fought off those bandits with you. You remember, yeah?" The young people in question nodded. "An' when the adults here, they wouldn't let you do nothin', I did. An' now, I'm askin' you again. You, Grandmother Ivy, all o' ya. Like we came to Mistral Village, we need you lot to help us at Storm's Edge," and that was the simple truth of it.

There were questions, though, of course there were. "What will we do there, Vega? We're not warriors," one of the lads said and Vega grinned. "You think I don't know that, Tom?" Tom was someone she'd worked with last time they were here. "But I know what you are, an' that's strong o'back an' strong o'will, an' that's what we need. Mistral Village needed hope an' we brought it, didn't we? Well Storm's Edge needs hope now, like nothin' I've seen."

The young lad shook his head, but he smiled. "There's jobs for everyone there, an' they need supplies too. If fifty people arrive there, an' they bring enough supplies for themselves an' one other person per head, that's suddenly a hundred well-fed an' clothed folks, it's two hundred pairs of determined an' helpful arms an' it's a promise for the future too." That caught a few of them by surprise, and there was a question from one of the young girls. "What do you mean, Vega?"

"I mean, Lucy," she said softly. "You remember, when I were here before an' I told you that we had to win? That we had to, because if we didn't, then the Ring, those people would go into Rharne an' then after Rharne, they'd go somewhere else?" Lucy nodded. The young girl had been eleven when Vega was here before. Now an early teenager, she watched the red-haired woman as Vega explained. "Well, if Storm's Edge falls, the things what are attackin' it won't stop. I'm not goin' to lie to you, I never did," In fairness, she had a way with children and always had. "An' so I'm sayin' to you, you who were children last time I were here an' are still fairly short-lookin' now," there were groans and cries of protest, but they were good natured. "We need you. We need you, an' every person in this village. Because they're not jus' attackin' Storm's Edge." As a few of the younger people looked around, Vega chuckled. "You dweebs. I don't mean they're here. I mean, they're just attackin' Storm's Edge first. So lets make a stand there. Every one o' us, lets stand firm an' help each other. If what you can do is chop firewood, or sew blankets, or run errands, then lets do that all together. An' lets do it not for Storm's Edge, nor Mistral Village. Not even for Rharne," Vega said with a smile.

"Lets do this for ourselves. For all of us. Together." She said. And then she turned and was about to go into the Inn but she saw a woman coming out. "Heya," she said, walking over. "I've seen you at Storm's Edge, haven't I?" She offered a hand and a wide smile. "Vega Lei'nox. Nice to meet ya. What're you doin' here?"

Maybe, Vega thought as she looked at Yrmellyn, there was hope to be had here after all.
word count: 674

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Call for reinforcements #2 Mistral Village

8 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Mistral Village
Mathias found himself walking down long rows of neatly stacked lumber. He'd asked one of the workers to get the foreman for him and had been wandering the rows while he waited. There were a few other commoners looking to purchase lumber from the yard but that wasn't why Mathias had come. He was more interested in the workers than in the other commoners. Storm's Edge needed skilled laborers, not more mouths to feed. Mathias pulled his glove off of his right hand, as he has done at every pile of wood since he walked in, and ran it along the long wooden beam he was walking beside. He felt his ether surge through his body as an understanding came to his mind. The pile in front of him was ash wood. It wasn't as strong as the oak wood three rows back had been but it was stronger than the pine wood near the entrance. He didn't intend to buy it. He intended to convince the foreman to commit a few workers to Storm's Edge and he was hoping that meant they'd bring wood.

Eventually a man in approached Mathias and stood with his arms crossed. "You wanted to talk to the foreman?" Mathias turned to face him- it was a large man who smelled like wood chips. His hair was cut short and he had the beginnings of a beard on his face. He wore comfortable clothes, ones he could clearly work in. Mathias didn't know what to make of his appearance but the crossed arms gave him a feeling that the man was not interested in discussion.

"I did." Mathias replied simply. He didn't know how to approach his request but the foreman said nothing more to him. He stood there waiting for Mathias to make his cause known and Mathias realized he would have to come up with something fast. "I was hoping you could spare some workers and some wood for the Lightning Knights at Storm's Edge. They need wood and good men to help with the repairs."

"How much are you paying?" The foreman asked, his tone unflinching, his response had been readied before Mathias spoke.

"I can't offer any nels now but I'm sure that you can come to an agreement with the Lightning Knights." Mathias had learned from his time with Kasoria that lying about payment could be effective but soured things in the long run so he was trying to be more honest. Unfortunately the foreman was interested in nels, not free labor.

"If the knights didn't send you with nels to pay me I doubt they'll be willing to pay me once me and the workers get up to that ruin."

"It's really not a ruin yet-"

"Then you'll get along fine without us fixing it." The foreman said before uncrossing his arms and beginning to walk away. Mathias walked after him- moving quickly to keep pace with the larger man.

"Are you sure about that?" Mathias only really had one card to play here. At least it was the only card that came to mind. "If you're wrong and Storm's Edge falls then the flameborn will run over this village next. Whats a little free labor when it ensures that you and yours get to see the next season?" It was a compelling enough argument for Mathias to join up but not the foreman who displayed a measure of indifference.

"Storm's Edge has held for arcs, it won't fall now. Llaren would protect us from-"

"You haven't seen the walls, you haven't seen the beasts coming for us. I have." A thin lie as he'd only actually seen a weird frog like creature with glowing teeth "If they come for Storm's Edge again and we haven't been able to finish the repairs..." Mathias let the foreman figure out what fate he alluded too. "If you won't send your men and supply at least go see it for yourself. If you think Storm's Edge will hold with out you, verify it. Because I assure you it will not." The foreman stopped and shifted his weight on his feet. Then he turned to Mathias.

"Fine. I'll ride for Storm's Edge tomorrow and see the situation for myself."

*** *** ***

Mathias was feeling good about his small victory and so he'd decided to celebrate at a tavern. He'd asked a few locals for directions to a good one and eventually arrived at the most popular tavern in town. Mathias assumed it had to be so because upon arrival he was reunited with Vega and another familiar face, Yrmellyn. "Small world, Cole, how are you?" Mathias introduced himself to the group with that before turning to Vega. "I had some luck with the foreman of the lumber mill but not as much as I'd hoped. How have you been, Vega?"
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Re: Call for reinforcements #2 Mistral Village


”Yrmellyn Cole.”

Yrmellyn shook hands with Vega Lei’nox with the enthusiasm of a lone partisan under pressure meeting a comrade in arms. Not that Yrmellyn herself was well-armed or an able fighter but she had seen Vega in action at Storm’s Edge. The woman was a skilled fighter and her straightforward manners appealed to Yrmellyn. Vega's accented common was a little bit special. But, Yrmellyn had no troubles understanding it. (She had spent a lot of time in other cities, like Ne'haer with its big biqaj population. and her friend and partner in life, Ha'zel, was from Desnind. )

“I was at Storm’s Edge, yes. Saw you there too. Now I’m a travelling recruiter trying to rally reinforcements for the keep.”

She was about to ask Vega about her errand in Mistral Village. But, at this point, somebody Yrmellyn already knew approached her and Vega. It was Mathias! He had shared the lookout work in the tower with her a few trials ago. Yrmellyn was happy to see him.

“Mathias! I’m trying to recruit people for Storm’s Edge,” she told him.

She watched the pair. Should she embark on a long story about her own campaign around the whole Rharne region? Or would it be better to first ask them about their plans? She settled for a middle way.

“I’m going to Rharne City after Mistral Village. I’m born and raised there and have been living in Earth Quarter for arcs. There’s a lot of crafters and labourers living there... so, I may be able to rally some of those. Warriors ... I have a contact in the lightning knights, a childhood friend of mine, but it’s been a long time and ... I don’t know.”

She wanted to smile, but the smile didn’t seem to want to obey her. Yrmellyn’s face stayed serious. Why had she even wanted to smile? She didn’t know, because there wasn’t anything fun with Storm’s Edge’s situation. The threats to the whole region were no joke. At the moment the defenders of Storm's Edge were too few and too much of the labour fell on the knights at the keep. Meanwhile, an army of burning monstrosities bided their time. Sooner or later it would be time for the next attack. Not only that. Now they also had "frog-monsters" attacking them from the inside.

It went without saying that it would also be good with more knights and other skilled fighters. It was the same with workers and crafters for maintenance and repairs. But. how could she reach out to so many people?

“And you? What're your plans? ” Yrmellyn looked at Vega and Mathias. “They told me to try and find you and collaborate with you, if possible.”
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Re: Call for reinforcements #2 Mistral Village

Some time after this
"Nice to meet you, Yrmellyn Cole," Vega said with a grin. Vega tended to have a ready smile - or a deep frown. Those were her go-to facial expressions, she knew - in fairness they represented her go-to emotional states, too. When Yrmellyn said that she was here rallying support, Vega nodded. "We're passin' through, tryin' to gather as many supplies as we can," she said - and then she gestured to the teens and young adults around her. "My husband an' I were here a couple of arcs ago - when there was the attack here? We helped out." With a cheeky expression on her face, Vega gestured to a few of the younger ones. "This lot were mostly still sprouts an' hatchlings then, but some of them got a bit bigger, so I thought I'd rope them in. I've seen first hand how helpful they are. My plan was to get them to go, an' get their parents along, too. There's a lot o' stout backs an' big hearts here, an' I'm hopeful that we'll be able to get all the help we can."

Mathias joined them, and Vega listened to what he had to say. Successful, but not as much luck as he'd hoped? Vega nodded. "We'll go back an' talk to him again, if you like?" She was more than happy to bully, cajole, sweet talk or do whatever was needed. At Yrmellyn's explanation of where she came from, though, Vega's expression lightened and she explained, "my husband's from Rharne. His mother an' step-father own a farm jus' outside. Creede, his Papa's name is. Jonas Creede. He sold up an arc or so ago, though, after missus Creede died. He travels with us now. I'm half biqaj, an' so Arlo an' I spend a lot of our time travellin', but Rharne's home, you know?"

As for the Lightning Knights, Vega frowned slightly. Then, she held out a hand. On it was a ring with the sigil of the Lightning Knights. "This was given to me, an' my Arlo's got one the same, when we helped the Lightning Knights oust a traitor an' we fought to protect the marketplace. If you don't get any luck out of your contact, ask to speak to Knight Guardian Farran. He's an old bloke, looks like a grizzly bear an' he's all frowny an' brusque, but he's good people. Tell him Vega Lei'nox, the obnoxious redhead he gave this ring to, asks if please they'd send help." She shrugged slightly. "I don't know if it will help - but it should."

As for what next, Vega considered. "Well, our plan is to get supplies. As many as we can. But what we can do, while we're doin' it, is to try an' get folks to be recruiters for people, too. To help you. An', if you get people who say they can't help, because of this or that, but they'd like to if they could? Get them to donate supplies?" Vega shrugged slightly, not sure if what she was saying made sense. She thought it did. "That way, we're helpin' each other, but not trippin' over each other, too. Whatcha think?" She looked between the two of them. "An' I reckon, while we're here, I'm gonna spend money on wood an' stuff. An' if I can get a guilt-discount, then all to the good."

word count: 594

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Call for reinforcements #2 Mistral Village

8 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Mistral Village
"That's great, we'll need the help." Mathias said to Yrmellyn when she mentioned she was recruiting people to help at Storm's Edge. They needed any and all help they could get so it was good to know that multiple people were working on the recruitment drive, not just Mathias and Vega while they were on the supply run. Mathias stood and listened to Vega and Yrmellyn talk without interjecting anything immediately. When Vega asked if they should go back and talk to the foreman of the mill Mathias nodded.

"You could probably convince him to send more supplies. I was only able to get him to agree to go and look at Storm's Edge for himself." Mathias explained his partial success more explicitly to soften the blow that he hadn't been able to recruit a whole workforce for them. As Mathias listened to Vega and Yrmellyn discussing the connections they had in Rharne, it made Mathias feel more like an outsider than he already was. He was the only one to blame though. He'd made an intentional effort not to form connections because he never knew when he would have to leave. He'd left too many people behind to want to build friendships he'd have to abandon here... but at Storm's Edge there was a certain energy that brought everyone together.


People could set aside their differences for the sake of survival. You could become friends with individuals you never would have spoken with if you didn't need to. Mathias and Vega weren't necessarily friends, but they were a damn sight closer now than they'd been when they met. If they'd met the way they had anywhere but Storm's Edge it would have likely been the last time Mathias interacted with the fiery red head, but Storm's Edge kept them in proximity and necessity kept them cooperative.

When Vega proposed the game plan on how to get the individuals to offer either their physical support or supplies, Mathias nodded to her. He wasn't quite persuasive enough to think that he could get someone to willingly part with supplies for free, but he knew from his experience with the foreman that by stressing the danger they were all in, you could get results. "Wood would be good." Mathias agreed with Vega.
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Re: Call for reinforcements #2 Mistral Village


Yrmellyn agreed with Vega on everything except one detail. She wasn’t taking the ring Vega offered to let her use. She shook her head and apologized, but she couldn't do it that way.

This was a bit embarrassing but she wanted to be honest with them. The risk for the knights accusing her of theft was no a joke for a woman who was an artist with a shady past and also a registered mage. It was a long time since she had been a courtesan. It was even longer time since she had been a “dust quarter girl”. But, law enforcement could have a good memory sometimes. Yrmellyn explained that she felt that the ring was a too personal belonging. The knights might see the ring as proof of her collaboration with Vega. But they might also suspect that Yrmellyn had stolen it. ..

For the same reason, she never took on to take care of and guard other people’s valuables.

Yrmellyn found it better to visit the man and tell him that Vega Lei’nox had referred her to him. But, if he was a good knight he would probably not take Yrmellyn’s words at face value even if she would show the ring. He would investigate for himself. Then he would find Vega and speak to her all the same. Or, it might be better to let Vega call for reinforcements from the knights as her contact seemed to be the most reliable.

“He knows you and trusts you. It’s better that you contact the knights. I will work with other people, not so prominent but useful nonetheless. Crafters, for example. ”

Otherwise, she was fine with the plan Vega had suggested. "It's a sound plan! I will encourage people to contribute with supplies as well as work and combat power. "

While they spoke to each other Yrmellyn glanced at Mathias. He was very silent. It was possible that he didn’t want to interrupt them. It could be that simple. But, she recalled what he had told her when they had been working together in the tower. He wasn’t from Rharne. He had lived there for a while as he had found work and housing. She guessed that he might not have so many contacts there yet. The people at his job ought to know him though? Colleagues? Yrmellyn had told him that she was an artist, but Mathias hadn’t said anything about his own work.

“You could ask the people at your job Mathias, “she said in a cheery tone. “And your neighbours, people you use to speak to in the taverns, so on.” She didn’t know anything about him. But, she figured that he had colleagues and neighbours. He might have some buddies and some tavern girls who liked him and would help out spreading the call.

She would come with them and speak to that foreman if they felt that it was necessary. Yrmellyn left it up to Vega and Mathias to decide that. If she would tag along she would take part in the persuasion attempts. Otherwise, she would focus her efforts on other people in the village.
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Re: Call for reinforcements #2 Mistral Village

Some time after this
Vega understood - or believed she did - Yrmellyn's viewpoint. In the same situation, would she take the ring? Probably not, she had to admit. Still, she looked at Yrmellyn and nodded. "Fair enough. Look, I never learned readin' an' writin' as a child," she said and there was a raising of colour in her cheeks which told of her feelings about that, "But if you'd like, I'll write him. My handwritin' looks like a five arc old dipped a spider in the ink well an' let it scuttle all over the page, but I can write a few things what'll make sure he knows it's me." That offer made, she left it at that - whether Yrmellyn took her up on the offer or not, that wasn't really the point as far as Vega was concerned - what was important was that she made the offer and then Yrmellyn could take it or leave it. Vega had no issues either way, but she knew that she'd done her best.

If, of course, Yrmellyn agreed, then Vega would write the note in her child-like handwriting. It was not well-written and a number of the letters were backwards, with the spelling often phonetic, but it's meaning and message were clear. But equally, "if you want to ignore the Knights, an' I'll hassle them, that's fine with me too. I can be gobby for three people on a good day, so it'll be ok." Vega gave a good natured smile.

As for Mathias, she considered it and nodded. "RIght, if he's goin' to Storm's Edge, then that's two thirds of the battle won. Now, we jus' wittle him down, like a piece of wood." That was fine, as far as she was concerned. "We'll get him to agree to take stuff with him, an' to bill the Lightning Knights if needs be. An' then, we'll jus' add things. It'll be fine. I do it when I want to get my own way with my husband, an' it always works." Vega was completely shameless, it had to be said. "Start small an' build up. We'll do that."

In relation to what they did next, Vega nodded. "Why don't you two go an' persuade that bloke a bit more, an' I'll go see Granny here. She's this elderly matriarch, an' she pinched my cheek an' lived, so she's got to be a good sort," Vega smiled slightly, "an' she's got more sway in this place than jus' about anyone else. So, that makes sense, I think. You reckon?" Vega knew that she was loud and brash and largely that she didn't exactly fit in for most social situations - she was also a loud and demanding taskmaster. Maybe, she thought, sometimes it would be better if she just kept quiet.

Unfortunately, she knew just how likely that was to happen so, instead, she agreed to meet back up with them here in a short while, and they could get on with gathering the resources - be they material or mortal - that they needed.
word count: 533

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Call for reinforcements #2 Mistral Village

8 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Mistral Village
Mathias's eyes fell to the ground when Yrmellyn said he could ask people he knew from his job. Unfortunately it wasn't an option and he didn't know how to express that. The people who paid him to do what he did generally did not want to be seen in contact with him again after the job was done. Then again he'd taken some more mundane jobs. He'd cleared rats out of the sewers... though he killed someone while doing it so maybe that employer wasn't an option either. He frequented taverns so perhaps he could go to one and try and recruit people from there? Yet he was currently standing outside of a tavern that Yrmellyn had already worked so he would need to wait for them to reach another city before he could try his hand there.

"Well with the two of you to help me I'm sure he'll be a bit more receptive to the message." Mathias said in response to Vega when the topic seemed to turn to getting the foreman to send more aid. Mathias appreciated the analogy Vega had made because whittling was one of his pass-times, not that he'd had any time to practice it while he'd been at Storm's Edge. Everything he did there had been more rigidly defined. Go do this, go do that, repair this, fix that, go watch for beasts up there, go put out fires there. No free time to stop and breath aside from the literal time taken to stop and breath. On top of that Mathias had lost his whittling knife so he needed a replacement before he could really lean back into that hobby.

Then Vega suggested that he and Yrmellyn go by themselves while she went to find someone called Granny. An old woman? How would that benefit them? Yet Mathias had learned by now not to question Vega's methods. He was sure she knew what she was doing and Yrmellyn would probably have enough persuasive edge to help Mathias succeed this time anyhow. "Alright, we'll meet you back here when we are done."
word count: 370
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Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:43 am
Race: Mortal Born
Profession: Alchemist
Renown: 1192
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10

Re: Call for reinforcements #2


Persuasion x 6
Tactics x2

PC: Vega Lei’nox

Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: +5 for recruiting in Mistral Village
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Transmutation: Identifying different types of wood
Transmutation: Identifying the flaws in wood stock
Negotiation x 4
Tactics x 2

Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: +5 for recruiting in Mistral Village
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Leadership x 4
Tactics x2

Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: +5 for recruiting in Mistral Village
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15

- - -
Comments: Yrmellyn’s approach is reasonable. It’s best to start on a small scale, especially if you are doing something that you have never done before. I was quite impressed by how she recruited those people.

Vega’s posts were entertaining to read, as well. She seems more serious in this thread, but she’s still obviously Vega, if you know what I mean. Her personality shines through, no matter what she does.

I like how much Mathias’ magic seems to be a part of him. His dialogue with the foreman was interesting to read, and he did a good job when it comes to persuading him in my opinion.

I quite enjoyed this meeting of three rather different PCs with a common goal, and I look forward to reading more threads about this event.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 238





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Ring of Reversal
Ring of Immunity
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