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Emean Exploration, Part 2

Cylus 1, Arc 720

When the Mortalborn opened one of the numerous doors in the city of glass and metal that the Veil was to him, he discovered that it led to a meadow that was covered with numerous colourful, sweet-smelling flowers and that was bisected by a narrow stream. In the distance, a lush forest could be seen, and even further away there were a few low hills. Judging by how green everything was, it was late spring or early summer, at most. The sky above the lovely landscape was almost uniformly blue, with only a few small white clouds here and there, and there was a light, pleasant breeze. For a moment, the Mortalborn who had recently explored someone’s nightmare, just stood there and took in the scenery and the sights and sounds that surrounded him. Despite whatever conflicts he had with his sire Ziell, such peace did not leave him entirely unaffected.

In fact, he needed it from time to time.

When a butterfly with bright yellow wings appeared in front of him, fluttering, his eyes widened slightly, and he watched the creature for a while before it left again. There were no butterflies in Viden where he lived, and the world was always covered with snow, no matter what the time of the arc was.

After a while, he finally decided to walk on. He wanted to see if he could find the dreamer. He wanted to know what kind of mind had conjured such a place and if their entire dreamscape was like that or if the peace would be disturbed by something dark sooner or later. He followed the river and eventually reached a dirt path that led to a small village made up of thatched-roof cottages and a few pens with chicken, pigs as well as goats.

A child, a girl of no more than ten arcs of age with long, curly black hair, pale skin and bright blue eyes that wore a red dress with a white apron was standing in front of one of the cottages, looking left and right as if she were waiting for something – or for somebody.

The Mortalborn decided to stay behind one of the trees that surrounded the village and watch. For several bits, nothing happened, and then a loud bark could suddenly be heard. A large dog, an old mutt with shaggy brown fur came bounding towards the girl from the opposite direction, its tail wagging rapidly and its long, pink tongue lolling out of its mouth.

He wondered if he should intervene and stop the creature – it was unlikely that serious harm would befall someone in a dream; but then again, he had no interest in watching a child being ripped apart by a dog – when the girl suddenly knelt down on the ground and extended her arms, smiling all over her face. Apparently, he realized, she knew the animal. He decided to stay where he was.

“Oh, Teddy!” she exclaimed and wrapped her arms around the mutt who attempt to lick her face before she buried her face in its fur. Tears were running down her face. “Mummy and daddy said that you had died, but I knew that you were still alive and would come back to me! Oh, Teddy, I’ve missed you so so much! I’ll never complain when I have to go for a walk with you again! You are my best friend in the whole world!”

The Mortalborn who frowned on such sentimental behaviour more often than not found himself strangely touched by the scene in front of him, perhaps because he had rarely witnessed such pure and unadulterated joy in the waking world. There was no reason for him to linger though; the girl had been reunited with her dog that had apparently died in the waking world, at least for the duration of one night, and he would move on to the next dream, to watch and to learn, about Emea, Idalos and the nature of those that inhabited it.

word count: 678





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Re: Emean Exploration, Part 2

As he walked through the next door, he found himself in some sort of tavern, a loud rowdy place that reeked of cheap alcohol, mediocre food and sweat – and something worse. Waitresses that wore dresses that showed entirely too much cleavage walked between the tables, carrying trays with mugs of beer and other alcoholic beverages that were nearly overflowing and trying to avoid the lewd comments and touches of the men – and sometimes women – that occupied the common room.

The Mortalborn frowned barely noticeably – he could not help but look down on people that engaged in such behaviour and that were obviously lacking self-control – and his new surroundings left something to be desired as well. Over the course of the past arc or two, he had gotten used to living a life of luxury, always eating the best food and only visiting the most upscale of establishments. He was, he realized, seriously overdressed.

He took the fine coat that he was wearing in this dream off so that he was only dressed in a shirt and pants, and stayed at the very back of the tavern that was somewhat shrouded in shadows so that he would attract as little attention as possible. He had no idea what kind of effect his presence would have on someone else’s dream and if there would be any negative consequences if he decided to involve himself in the proceedings.

After a while, the people in the tavern started to talk more loudly, and the tone grew rougher. Somewhere, a glass shattered on the floor, and a man, a burly fellow with a thick, red beard abruptly jumped up, clenching his fists. “Say that again!” he threatened the man opposite of him, a somewhat scrawny kid with blonde hair, brown eyes and lots of pimples.

The kid yelled something in a language that the Mortalborn couldn’t understand, and the burly man pushed his chair aside in order to advance, fists raised, preparing to attack. Within bits, the entire tavern seemed to be fighting, the waitresses that simply dropped their trays that had still had the drinks on them included. The scrawny kid, the Mortalborn observed, seemed to fare far better than someone of his stature and looks should, and some of his moves seemed to be almost unnaturally complex and powerful. He doubted that he was such a good fighter in the waking world.

One of the patrons, a bald man in his forties whose shirt sported a dark, wet stain – probably because a drink had been spilled on it – looked in his direction, although he didn’t seem to be targeting him in particular – and the Mortalborn decided that it was time to leave again. He was confident that he could have handled him easily, there was just no point in fighting someone who was not real in his opinion. With that thought in mind, he swiftly moved towards the door, casting one last glance at the patrons before he exited. The scrawny kid was punching the burly man that was lying on the floor as well as kicking him now.
word count: 520





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Re: Emean Exploration, Part 2

The last door that he opened that night led to a swamp of sorts. The air was hot and thick with moisture, and around him were trees that were so high that he could barely see the sky anymore and that were covered with vines. Every time that he made a step, his feet sunk a few inches into the mud, and it took him some effort to pull them out again and walk on. There was a smell as well, musky and fairly unpleasant. He covered his nose with a sleeve of his coat and took a look around, furrowing his brow fractionally as he did so.

The first two dreams had made sense – a girl had been reunited with her beloved pet, at least for one night, and a boy that had likely been bullied and lost far too many fights in the waking world had finally been allowed to feel strong, but why would anybody dream of a swamp, especially a swamp that was so … empty and smelled so unpleasant? He took a look around, but he couldn’t detect any people or any signs of life at all, for that matter – the dreamer seemed to be nowhere in sight. There was only a dragonfly with shimmering wings that buzzed around some distance away from him.

He opened a portal and stepped into the Veil again quickly, shaking his head slightly as he did so. There was no point in exploring that particular dream any further, he decided. He would travel the world of dreams some more over the course of the following couple of trials, but for now he would return to Idalos. It was time for him to wake up. He had work to do. The cycle before, he had started to work on his thesis that would lead to a major breakthrough in the field of Blood Magic and most likely change the way that alchemy worked forever.
word count: 324





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Re: Emean Exploration, Part 2


Word Count: 1586
Total Post Count: 3
Word and Post Count for Player 1: 3 / 1586
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=20657&start=330#p144852

Tsk tsk, peeping on people's dreams... however, it was fun to see the different styles of dreams and how Doran assumed them to relate, or not, to the waking world. It's fun to see his exploring side in action.

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