• Open • Drawing on Experience........

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Re: Drawing on Experience........

4th of Cylus
Arc 720

"Well," Vega said with a grin, "lets get you to the point where you can nock, draw, an' not put yer own eye out, or rip yer own fingers off." She looked at the two of them and then motioned. "Here's the thing. A bow, to be any good at all, it needs to be made for you an' your strength. This one's mine, an' it's made for me. It takes into account my strength, an' allows me to maximise that." Her bow was, in fairness, lovely. "It's like a sword, or a knife, or even a fan," she said with a smile to Genna, "If it's made for you, it's gonna be a sigh' easier to do somethin' with it. Because it fits your hand. But. An' this is important," she handed her bow to first Kas, and then Genna. "Pull it back. Jus' hold it up an' pull it back." It was weighted for her, and that meant that it was
more than difficult
for most people. Then, she handed them a bow from the practice range. Checked it first and then handed it. "Now that one," she said. This one had barely any weight in the pull at all, a child could pull it. "It's like a sword. If you've not got the strength to wield a claymore two-handed, I don't care how big it is, you ain't hittin' anyone or - at best - you're slow like treacle an' the shakin' in your arms from the exertion means that your accuracy's gone to the Beneath." She watched to make sure that they both got it. "Whereas, with that second one? Well, yeah, you can pull it back an' fire it, but it's like turnin' up to a sword fight with a twig. It's not gonna work."

So, that done and explained, she showed them where the place was in these bows to adjust for draw strength. "See there, top an' bottom. It feels like a waste o'time, if you pick up a bow an' can fire it, but it's not. Those trills will make the difference between you hittin' somethin' or not. An' if you do hit it?" she shrugged, "It might just make the difference between you hurtin' them or not." She gestured to the pair of them. "Find a bow that feels about righ' an' adjust it a bit. We're not gonna get into a good place as far as customisin' it for you is concerned, but lets maximise it. An', if you've got them, wear gloves. There's strain on the backs of your fingers, like you wouldn't believe."

Once they'd done that, she had a look and nodded. "Righ'. The temptation's gonna be to dig in. Don't. Light on yer feet, an' flexible in yer movements. It's fine bein' stood still so long as the enemy only run in straight lines" Which would be great if they ever did. "Unlike blade-work, keep your weight as static as you can, but don't lock. An' the trick, I've found, is to breathe. Cos when you do, your chest moves, so the temptation will be not to. Breathe in as you draw, an' out as you release. You'll be fine."

Moving her hand forward, she showed them, then, how to hold an arrow. "Make sure that you're not gettin' your fingers ripped off when you release, hold it like this." That said, and if they had no questions, she pointed to the target. "You got a target each. Get on with it. I'll watch you for a couple o' shots, then I'll get back to my own practice, unless you've got more questions."

Which was, of course, exactly what she would do - but she would make sure that they were confident in what they were doing first - and she'd check their stance and grip and things, helping them individually. Always with a brash voice, always with a complete lack of regard for anyone's feelings - if it was rubbish, she'd say so and tell them why. But her hands were gentle and she wouldn't mind no matter how many times they had to try.
word count: 727

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Drawing on Experience........

As was his way, as was how he'd trained himself, Kasoria shut his mouth, stilled his thoughts, and kept his ears pinned back. A master in the craft he'd chosen to learn was speaking, and regardless of the personality wrapped around it, the knowledge to be found underneath was undeniable.

Shame about the first bit, though.

"Here's the thing. A bow, to be any good at all, it needs to be made for you an' your strength. This one's mine, an' it's made for me. It takes into account my strength, an' allows me to maximise that."

Kasoria took her bow and... fucking hells. He figured that in terms of size-to-power, he was likely the strongest human in the Edge, but now he felt like a babe trying to move a boulder. Even getting the bow pulled back all the way seemed to tear at his muscles. He couldn't imagine doing that for more than half a dozen arrows. Oh, they'd fly well for a mile, true, but with accuracy? And after that? The next one was the opposite. Slack and shaky as a two-nel whore. He could pop arrows from this thing all trial, but they'd likely clatter off most armor.

"See there, top an' bottom. It feels like a waste o'time, if you pick up a bow an' can fire it, but it's not. Those trills will make the difference between you hittin' somethin' or not. An' if you do hit it? It might just make the difference between you hurtin' them or not."

Kasoria took what time he could picking out something... suitable. The longbow that Vega seeme to favor, that he'd seen handled by the other volunteers, it didn't sit right with him. Too big, bulky... too much like a longsword, which he'd always scorned in favor of his gladius. But ah, this... this shorter bow? This was more like him. Curve more pronounced at the ends, string nice and tight... could be used just as easily in a hallway or on a wall. It seemed to fit his hands and body better, too. None of the awkward weight and dimensions of the longbow.

Gloves. Shite. Knew I forgot something.

"Righ'. The temptation's gonna be to dig in. Don't. Light on yer feet, an' flexible in yer movements. It's fine bein' stood still so long as the enemy only run in straight lines."

Kasoria set his feet, and tried to remember the archers he'd seen throughout his life. Yes... leading foot with toes towards the target. Back foot at a ninety-degree angle. So he got some support back there, while still pointing his body towards the target. But he kept his weight light, off the balls of his feet. Not quite on his tiptoes, but with that inherent looseness he'd usually associate more with a sparring circle than a shooting range.

"An' the trick, I've found, is to breathe. Cos when you do, your chest moves, so the temptation will be not to. Breathe in as you draw, an' out as you release. You'll be fine."

That sounds important. Then again, it all does.

The arrow was notched and ready, but he didn't draw. There was more to be learned. He adjusted his grip as Vega showed him how. Face shorn of the casual disdain and bored contempt he usually wore when he spoke to her. If nothing else, he was a man who applied himself when a new and essential skill was in the offing. The little Etzori looked down and moved his fingers around. Then he notched again, drew back as he raised the bow...

"You got a target each. Get on with it. I'll watch you for a couple o' shots, then I'll get back to my own practice, unless you've got more questions."

Kasoria didn't have anymore. He raised the bow, closing one eye as he did so. Aiming down the arrow and resting the metal tip over the center of the target. It was a simple shooting philosophy that he'd heard before: aim small, miss small. He'd always found it somewhat ironic, since what it was really doing was teaching you not to miss the big target. He didn't aim for the head or the limbs; he aimed for the heart. A small, imaginary, pumping organ in the target. If he got close, even within half a foot, well... that was still a body shot. And he knew from experience what a cast-iron cunt it was trying to fight with wood and metal sticking out of you.

He breathed in. Tasted the cold air and ashes and smoke and cooking fires and sweat. And as he exhaled his fingers snapped out, from curled and holding to straight and loosed-

word count: 822
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Re: Drawing on Experience........

4th of Cylus
Arc 720

Was there a little bit of her that was pleased at the look on his face? By Pier and Pre's pink parts, yes of course there was. Vega grinned, winked, and motioned to the bow. "Don't let the too-many-teeth, loud gob an' lots'a freckles fool ya, Giggles," ah, yes, there it was. His new name. "Get ahold o'one that's suited to yer own pull, an' that'll be somethin' that you can work on while yer dreamin' about killin' me in my sleep." Vega's expression didn't change, she was cheery and more than a little unconcerned. Her only thought on the matter was that he'd best be quick, should he ever choose to act on his emotions. Because there'd be no second chance.

But, as seemed to be the way with this bunch of passive newbies, there was no conversation, no response to anything she said so, Vega assumed that he was happy with what he was doing and she shot him a grin. "Yer welcome. Don't get mushy, I'll get overwhelmed." And, with that, she turned around and got on with her own training. She had no time to babysit folks and, frankly, she wondered sometimes what she was doing and why. Yes, she wanted to help people, and yes, if they knew stuff that might help then it might - conceivably - help. But that wasn't hers to worry about and so, instead, Vega moved off to the side and she watched the practice that was going on with the people she did know.

Pulling her fiddle out, Vega paid attention to the different movements of people there on the battlefield. It was practice, of course, but she wanted to get a feel for it and so she lifted the instrument so that it nestled under her chin, and she began to play. There was something very instinctual about the way that Vega played the violin and the undertone of it was long and airy, like the arrows flying and the light movements, but every now and then in the notes which resonated around the training ground, there was a sudden staccato sound. Mostly, though, there was rhythmic and gentle melody which wafted through the air. Vega had learned that the thing to do was to pick out the undertone, the subtleties of movement and to try - somehow - to capture them with her music. As she played, she felt herself grow calmer, relaxing and breathing in and out to the movement of her bow. It was all new to them, what they were doing, and their presence was both discordant and unclear, lacking in rhythm and melody in a way which Vega found hard to describe - yet, as the tempo of her playing changed, it denoted an understanding on her part.

They brought energy.

Some of them, that energy was negative. Dark and unnecessary, the kind of thing which Vega would be clear really 'flibbertied her gibbet', but for others there was youthful enthusiasm, quiet determination. Some of these people were here for the right reasons and, as her fiddle-playing increased in speed and began to gather momentum, Vega unconsciously passed on her emotions to those who were in the area. Hope's Fiddle, blessed by Xiur, imparted a very slight emotional response in those who heard it and, in this moment, Vega played a song of hope and triumph. All things told, she was feeling optimistic.

OOC: Hopes fiddle is in my CS - it does what it says there. Gives out a basic sense of the emotion. Was fun thread. Thanks.

word count: 612

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: Drawing on Experience........

4 Cylus 720 | Mathias Blackwood | Storm's Edge
Mathias and Bill heard Vega playing her song on her fiddle and while they didn't pay it much attention at first, the emotion beneath the music couldn't be ignored. As Mathias charged at Bill, hoisting the target as a shield, he felt a certain hopeful confidence that this would be the time he reached Bill. When Bill charged at him with the target and Mathias began running around to try and avoid him he felt a similar confidence. All and all it was an underlying feeling that they might just make it through this nightmare that kept the two men going for as long as the song went. After a bit of practice the two of them paused to listen to Vega's playing exclusively. They disguised their listening by stretching but the facade was clear. Once they could no longer pretend they were stretching the two of them returned to practice.

"Try and hold more arrows in your hand, it might make you fire faster." Bill suggested as he moved over to the target to lift it up. Mathias shook his head.

"It might make me drop a bunch of arrows." And so he only pulled one from his quiver to nock and aim. Bill shrugged and hoisted the target. "Ready?" Mathias drew the bowstring back to his cheek. "Go."

And they were at it again.

Mathias and Bill kept at it for a while before Bill excused himself to go and see if the Lightning Knights needed any more help. Mathias lingered in the training area with his bow and the arrows to practice a little more traditionally. Things had begun to calm down- well they were as calm as they could be given the situation, and so Mathias stood a good distance from the target, firing one arrow after another towards it. Practice makes perfect. Yet after a dozen or so trips back to the target to recover his arrows and then back to his mark to fire them again, Mathias began to wish Bill had stayed a little bit longer. There was a certain excitement that accompanied the charge. It was the thrill that came with the prospect of being reached by the target (which you couldn't quite replicate without a partner or a more complex setup) that Mathias wanted to recreate, but he could not.

Ultimately that did not deter Mathias from his training. He kept at it until the tips of his fingers were raw from drawing back the bowstring and his arms were sore enough that he thought he wouldn't be able to lift another box in his lifetime. Then he slung his bow over his shoulder and went to make himself useful somewhere else. He was hoping it would be somewhere he didn't need to lift boxes.
word count: 478
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Re: Drawing on Experience........

He wasn't looking for speed, or dexterity, or even the kind of skill Mathias seemed to express so easily. He just wanted to learn how to use the fucking thing. Everything else was a bonus.

So he listened to whatever snatched advice Vega could give, and he repeated. He notched and drew and aimed and let fly. Over and over, trembling from each release rippling up and down his arms. He was half a quiver through before it started to ache, though. The old man was quietly proud of that, though he didn't show it. His eyes were fixed on the target... and how the number of arrows clustered around the center was starting to increase.

He watched his footing. His balance. His stance. All the things he knew he should mind. They all had to be separate, mechanical considerations for now. Later, with time and patience and muscle memory, they would become seamless. For now, though... he just practiced-


-smirking briefly as an arrow thudded closer to the red mark than ever, then paid for his over-confidence when-


-an arrow released too quickly pierced cloth, but not the target. Patience, he scolded himself, getting his last arrow ready. Gonna need to hold your nerve when the time comes.

He breathed in as he drew and raised the notched arrow. Only when he raised it up, did he hear the music. Had it always been playing? Why was he just noticing it? Maybe his senses were only just expanding beyond his patch of dirt and grime, so deep was his focus. Maybe the other sounds of an entire citadel being raised and repaired blotted it out. But it made his frown... it didn't seem that way. He only heard it, when he listened for it. Until then, it had been part of the world, and him, for he was no less a part.

Kasoria flicked a look over his shoulder and saw the redhead, sawing at the strings with a passion that belied the firmness on her face. The sound rose and fell like a dancer, music seeming to move through the air with grace, not simple, booming, screeching waves. All around Vega, others were listening. Stopping their efforts to enjoy a moment or two before moving on. Kasoria waited until he had got a sense of the tune. Some ballad or tale, he assumed. Whatever it was... he liked it.

Pretty fucking fine, I'll give her that. Shame about the rest of the bitch.

The Raggedy Man turned back to the target, drawing as he did so and inhaled sharply-

-held it, world becoming minutely sharper in that moment as he aimed down the arrow, and when the tip wobbled over the target-



Kasoria smiled again, and enjoyed the sensation a little longer. Not quite a bulls-eye, but good enough to stop a man. His quiver was empty and his arm was tired... but judging by the sun, the trial was only half-done. The Raggedy Man sat down and took a cup of water from one of the healers going around, making sure no-one was drying themselves out, even in this cold. Exertion and labor could sap a man's waters no matter what the season. The Etzori nodded his thanks and took a hefty gulp.

Plenty of time to practice. But until then, he listened. Pipe and baccy came to his hands with ease, and a light was found from another volunteer. Kasoria sat back against the stone with the burning bowl sizzling in front of his face. He listened and wondered what words went with the melody.
word count: 612
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Re: Drawing on Experience........

Cylus 720

Gennadiya had listened as Vega had given the necessary instructions for how to use the bow. She tested the bow at Vega’s request and then moved on to test different bows and their strengths to find one that worked for her. After the first couple test she paused and took the offered advice and pulled out a pair of gloves. Gennadiya had once played with her father’s violin stings and been snapped by then when she caused it to twang and remembered the sting. These strings would really hurt when they rebounded back.

Eventually Genna found one that seemed to work with her strength. She notched it like she had been instructed and pulled the bow back and only got about half back before it slipped out of her fingers and the arrow feel rather pathetically to the ground. Even with the gloves her fingers could feel the pressure and the sting that came though greatly muted. Genna didn’t really react to the total failure of her first shot. She reached down and picked up her practice arrow and then renotched the arrow. She took a firmer grip of the string and pull back.

This time the arrow just slipped out as all of her focus was on the pulling the string back. This time the string had come all the way back, but Genna wasn’t yet used to the different parts of doing this correctly. So she returned the string back to the starting position and tried again. This time she held both the string and arrow correctly and then aiming at the target and keeping her stance flexible she released the arrow with a twange.

The arrow sailed almost all of the way to the target, but didn’t make it. Genna remembered when she had first picked up the warfan, it had taken time to master the basics and so Genna breathed deeply and then pulled arrow back and took another practice shot.

She paused after her second shot and looked over as Vega began to play for them. Genna could feel the mood around her lighten up if a warm blanket had been wrapped around all of them. The young healer raised an eyebrow put didn’t say anything as she then returned her focus on her archery. She raised the bow and then working to make it one movement pulled back on the bowstring and fired again. This time the arrow made it all of the way across the field and shallowly embedded it into the target. She felt a small little smile spread across her face as she saw some minor progress.

"Genna", "NPC"
word count: 446
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Re: Drawing on Experience........


Bow x 2
Teaching x 4
Fiddle x 2

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: +5
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Ranged (Short Bow) x5
Strength x2
Socialization x2

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: +5
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Ranged (Short bow) x 4
Running x 2
Strength x 2

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: +5
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Ranged: bow x 6
Detection x2

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: +5
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15


Acrobatics: Mounting another person's shoulders.
Thrown Combat (Sword): Throw the sword through a snapshot portal for extra velocity
Thrown Combat (Sword): Using a person as a target.
Thrown Combat (Sword): The posterior isn't generally a deadly target area, however painful.
Thrown Combat (Sword): Shadow Shard is a good projectile, all things considered.
Thrown Combat (Sword): Taking aim from a mount.

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: +5
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 15
- - -
Comments: Well, this was an interesting training thread!

Threads with so many participants can be confusing sometimes, but I think that you all did a good job!

I love Vega! She never fails to entertain me, and her swearwords and the nicknames that she gives people are incredibly creative!

She’s also brave for calling her Immortal father a sperm-makin’ idiot though - and she is a good teacher!

Kisaik was funny as always. He reminds me of a tiny knight. I like his mount’s name, by the way!

I thought that Kasoria already knew everything that there is to know about combat, so I was quite surprised to see him in the role of a student for a change. I found it interesting that he seems to have a problem with Vega!

Gennadiya seems like a very calm and level-headed woman, and reasonable as well. It’s always good to know how to use a weapon – especially one that doesn’t require you to get close to your enemy!

I like that Mathias used his magic to inspect his bow. Transmutation is certainly a very useful domain!

Good job, and enjoy your rewards!
word count: 372





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