• Graded • [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

120th of Ashan 720

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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[Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

120th Ashan, 720

ChiChi led them out.

She led them into a room which had a large wooden table in the middle - not the deep mahogany of the rest of the place but actually just a sturdy oak, functional table. On it was laid out spelunking gear of all sorts - more than one of each kind of thing, enough for all of them. "Please, feel free to borrow zhatever you like." She spoke in a thickly accented voice, then waited while they got themselves ready before speaking again.

"Ve haff the zurst of ze jobs. Zere is a series off caves, we know zis, on zer base of ze mountain. It is not, as far as we know, mapped, so we are needed to map, yes. Ve vill need to watch for un-natural things", ChiChi's hair might, arguably, be considered unnatural. "For zings which might have changed recently, and any flora or fauna - zat is beeests and plants - which are not known. To do zat, Zee Barrron, he has gifted you thees." She handed out "Smooglenuff's Guide To The Flora & Fauna of Scalvoris: Volume 5: Faldrass" It was a fairly hefty tome which she passed out - nicely made, leather bound. If they looked inside there was information on the Flora and FaunaPlease feel free to assume the information in the Flora and Fauna threads are covered in general way. For well-known animals, it's got tracks etc, also, in diagrams. So, even if your pc can't read, it could be useful.

"We stay togedder," ChiChi said, sternly, "down zer in ze dark, we need each other. You are part of the pack, or you go now and do not speak to me again. Team. Or dead." She looked around as though daring them to leave. "Ve map. Each step of ze way, ve map. Take lightstones, torches are spares, back-ups. Anyzing, any-zing at all, you tell me. You say 'ChiChi, I see somezing!' and I will be happy. You see some-zing and you no tell me, I will be very mad."

"Now. Introduce yourzelf to ze others. Be quick, we do not really care. Do not get attached, people may die. Zhen, you ask any questions and I answer. Zhen, we go."
Group B Map
She waited to hear if there were, answered them, and then she motioned for them to follow her as she stalked, confidently, out.

It was time for them to go.

General Info

 ! Message from: Peg
Alright my lovelies. This is your "Group" post. It will be your group thread throughout the event and every post of mine here will inform you of the Group StatusGood, Alert, or Immediate danger as well as whether Basecamp is OPEN or CLOSED to you.

For this round you may post here for any questions and so on you have for ChiChi. I will either address them in a modnote or post here again, depending on the question. All of the group may assume that they have heard all questions and answers.

You may take any equipment which might reasonably be there. It is of very good (expert level) quality. What you choose to take must be listed in an OOC note at the end of your post. If you didn't say you took it - and you wouldn't normally have it - you don't got it.

Please end your post assuming you got to a cave entrance at the base of the mountain. In a group.


 ! Message from: Rules
One post maximum here.

Play to your skill level. It helps me if, when you use a skill you maybe put an OOC note or such at the bottom to tell me what your skill is. I'll check your CS, no worries, it just takes me longer.

Do not control any NPCs. They are mine.

Mod Style

I will, as usual, post secret objectives, post objectives, secret achievements etc. I've said it before, I'll say it again - this style of moderation was taught to me by one of the most talented storytellers I've ever met. His name was Crimson / Straylor, and I miss writing with him, very much. My thanks go to him.

The NPCs did it, not me.

No matter what level of risk / reward thread you're in - if you do something along the lines of walking up to an Immortal and yelling at them - you're going to get dead. The risk / reward is assuming a basic level of not-stupid from your pc. Please be aware, I'll adjust as needed.

The point of this is to have fun. Lets do that, shall we?


 ! Message from: Objectives
Must Do Objective: Speak out and introduce yourself to the group.
Must Do Objective: Get to the cave mouth at base of the mountain.
Can-Do Objective: Include an anecdote or tale (truthful or not) about yourself in your introduction for a consequence!
There are currently TWO hidden objectives in this thread.


There are currently 4 active threads. We maintain the following statistics:
Thread Status Notes
Basecamp Green Currently an exit point. You may leave the thread at this point. All PCs are free to post here.
Group A Green Link
Group B Green This thread. NPC Reaction is Neutral to all
Group C Green Link
word count: 892
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

In a lotta-da-lava, honey

Oram understood only some of what the strange woman said, as his eyes passed over the collection of equipment on the large table. He understood even less of the book that was handed to him; not even the lettering on the binding was known to him. He wondered absently, as he stowed it away, if he would be able to get anything for it.

When ChiChi had finished her thickly-accented speech, Oram looked up from the table at the group. ”I’m Oram Mednix,” he said simply. Not being used to talking to groups of strangers, he mumbled a bit. ”I’m a hunter from Scalvoris.”

He picked up one the lightstones, a yellow one, and gazed at it with a mixture of wonder and pain. ”You know, I’ve only held one of these once before in my life,” he muttered, only half-realizing he was doing so aloud. ”Dad got one for his expedition to the Golden Cliffs, showed it to me and my brother before he left. Said it would come in handy in the honey caves. It was expensive, more than we could afford, really, but he was sure he’d get it all back and then some from all the bumblebear pelts and honey amber he planned to bring in.”

He chuckled to himself. ”Big brother and I started playing catch with it like it was a ball, until Dad got mad and yelled at us. Told us some things shouldn’t be trifled with.” He stopped smiling and put the rock back down. He did not tell the others that was the last trial he and Osric saw their father alive.

Embarrassed at having shared that story, Oram fixed his gaze onto the tabletop and focused on picking out equipment. Rope, some sort of hardened hat, a tool belt of some kind. And he knew he would need light. To his dismay, he knew he would need that lightstone, or one like it. He had a battered old lantern of his own, though he could rarely afford the oil for it, but here there were bottles of lamp oil for the taking. And the lantern’s handle would hook onto the belt, which he adjusted noisily, getting it to fit around his waist as snugly as possible. Beyond that, he would watch the others to see what sorts of equipment they would select, and what they did with them. There was many an item for which the hunter knew neither name nor use, but he would take some if other people in the party did. At length, the group set out.


Oram had skirted the base of the mountain the last time he had been on Faldrass, back in Zi’da. It had loomed impressive then, but not especially menacing. Now there was noticeably more smoke spreading from its summit. And they were headed into the bowels of the volcano now. A cave mouth even blacker than the twisted stone outcropping surrounding it came into view suddenly after they clambered awhile up the rocky, ashen slopes. He stopped and drove the butt of his boar-spear into the ground, leaning on the shaft like a walking stick, as he looked around at the rest of the party, waiting to see what they, and especially the oddly-spoken ChiChi, did next.
word count: 563
Villains are powerless against story beats.
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Re: [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

Wald would follow the strange woman, guiding Ari close to him. The cat was curious about the other people with wings, though Wald kept the felines eyes straight tugging on one of his antlers. Each movement of the animal would be meet with a gentle hum of metal. The armor was a perfect fit, and did not scratch into itself, yet it would still hum with the impact of walking.

The room was finally entered, as the hunter slowly looked over who was in the group. Moving his hands slowly behind his back, Wald hooked the gauntlets into his belt behind him. The spirit wolf was following close to the hunter, though not yet going physical. Ylfa was none to trusting of those around her, but came due to Wald's insistence of helping the people. He listened closely to what ChiChi had to say, and read over the guide that was given to him keeping a close eyes on the fauna.

One of the people in the group started to introduce himself, as the man looked over the objects on the table. Oram, a hunter of the area. Then he began to get onto a story of sorts, as Wald finished up a few more animal bios.

A slow sigh came from Wald's lips, as he looked over the people gathered once more. Putting the book down onto the large cat he had brought. "I am Wald Lowca, Hunter." Wald said things simply, despite his angry looking scowl his voice spoke softly. Then he pointed to his large armored cat with wings. "This is Ari, he is a Lietajúci Pardus." Slowly the man would seem to point in mid air, as a physical form of a wolf appeared, coat white as a blizzard. "This is Ylfa." He did not continue with Ylfa's introduction, as a wolf was something commonly recognized.

Wald would relax for a moment against the wall, after his introduction. People with enough detection would notice he was counting the bodies in the room. His nose would take deep breaths of the room, taking in basic information from the room around him and those inside. He could only gather the scents from a short distance, and even then it was raw information. Needing to be processed to be understood properly. Even so, he could tell when something was nearby as long as it had a scent, or if something gets separated from the group. It would take more then a few bits to know exactly what a scent was, unless it was Ari who he was all to familiar with. Though it required an amount of his mind to focus in on.

Wald has been in the wilderness for arcs now, he has learned that a keen sense of smell is very important. Learning of many of the smells that are around him, animals, plants, even the slight change in humidity. After taking the time to take things in, he can pinpoint the location of any object with a scent in a radius. Based on his Meditation skill the radius increases, 5 meters per Tier up to 25 at GM Meditation.

Failed: Ari'sora broke the concentration by speaking directly to Wald, to low of social skills to not break concentration.
Last edited by Wald Lowca on Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 549
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Re: [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

Group B • 120 Ashan 720

Yeva was more than happy to oblige by following ChiChi to a room with a large wooden table where others in the group quickly congregated around. Immediately the maid offered the items on the table, some of which the medic recognized, having a set of the spelunking gear at home. Listening to the thickly accented words, Yeva’s face took on a look of enthralled concentration, mentally deciphering the words for her own records.

Yeva’s pencil gave off a soft scratching sound, furiously writing.

120 Vhalar 720
Faldrass, Scalvoris
I have answered Baron Smooglenuff's call for aid. He hypothesizes some sort of creature is living beneath the volcanic mountain of Faldrass. Chichi says we have worst of the jobs and we must enter a series of unrecorded caves with the mission of announcing unnatural phenomena. I am very nervous.

ChiChi mentioned a gift and Yeva's notes stopped, a childlike grin spreading across her features at the presentation of a new tome, "I love books," she whispered in excitement and to no one in particular, eyeing the leather bound cover with intellectual hunger. She had to clutch her journal to keep from reaching out too eagerly. ChiChi continued in a serious and direct manner. No nonsense.

Team or dead.

Yeva forced her face serious and nodded.

We must work together and be keen. Death is possible.

She decided to write down her teammates as her stomach fluttered... Families would need to be contacted, names remembered... Just in case.

Oram Mednix. Wald Loca. Ari (Lietajúci Pardus?)

As she looked up, a white wolf materialized out of thin air and she backpedaled, "Um, is that normal?" While initially shocked and perhaps reserved, Yeva slowly began to write Ylfa's name down with the others glancing between the two animals. Wald had brought a menagerie, it seemed. Neither creature she was remotely familiar with, making it hard not to be a bit curious. The cat in particular was beautiful, "I'm not from Scalvoris," she admitted to the group, not sure if that was a good or bad thing, "So, this is all still pretty new to me. I was born in Rharne, you see, and-" she kept her attention bouncing between the group, "Well... My name's Yeva. More recently I was in Athart... as a slave. My... my friend, Azrael, brought me here. He knows I wanted to go to University for medicine. When we younger, I fixed up his wings..." a blush was rising to her cheeks, not familiar with public speaking in the slightest. There was a fear of oversharing, "I know this will be dangerous, but I'm really happy to be here. I like helping people... And animals too, of course."

To sort of push past her introduction, Yeva gathered her supplies from the table and awkwardly tried to fasten her helmet and simultaneously flip through the manual. Not having forgotten the winged cat (wow, it was so interesting!), she had flipped towards the back for an index and tried to find the L's. She had to stop after awhile to write the names of the others and finish preparation. A light stone was slipped into the pocket of her cloak. Yeva grabbed a large, leather backpack and spelunking gear, a torch, set of matches and canteen of water. Her journal finally found its way into the bag, replaced by Smooglenuff's handbook and the map ChiChi had emphasized.

In an effort to make up for her chatty behavior and nerves, Yeva settled in the middle of the pack, unfamiliar with the weight of gear and tried not to fuss beneath its heaviness. Or maybe she was just weak? Alongside her new teammates, she trekked to the mouth of the cave and waited for the next command.
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Last edited by Yeva on Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 665
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Re: [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

120th Vhalar, 720

Location: ---

Ari'sora lingered in the mansion just long enough for the baron to answer any questions he chose to answer before following ChiChi and the others. She found herself in a room that held a huge wooden table. That table held all manner of things. Ari'sora recognized some of them because some of Ren'zar's business associates had brought them to Ren'zar's house. Lightstones and the metal spikes that you hammered into the rock as you climbed were among them. Other things she recognized from books she had read as a child. And there were still others that she couldn't even begin to figure out what they were much less what they were supposed to do.

ChiChi gave each of them a book, and when Ari'sora glanced at the title, it read Smooglenuff's Guide To The Flora & Fauna of Scalvoris: Volume 5: Faldrass. Ari'sora felt a thrill of delight. It looked like a fascinating book, and she hoped that she would have the chance to read it from cover to cover at some point. Ari'sora thanked ChiChi for the book softly and listened closely to what the maid told them.

They would be mapping a series of caves and looking for things that were...unusual. Ari'sora figured the book would be incredibly useful immediately as she had no idea what was normal plant life and wildlife for Faldrass and what was not. ChiChi warned them to stick together, and made it very clear that they were to tell her if they saw anything unusual.

"Is there anything that would be considered normal for this area that is dangerous that we should be on the look out for?" Ari'sora asked.

If there was something dangerous lurking about, they might not have a chance to consult the book to see if it was considered normal for the area after all. Fortunately, she had a short bow in case a weapon was necessary. She had been hoping to practice with it some during her trip, and she had happened to have it with her when she heard the request for help. She had also brought her snow globe with her, thinking to share it with Ryl'ryn, but they hadn't had a chance to use it yet, so she was still carrying it around with her.

"And if there is anything dangerous around here, is there anything we should know about how to deal with it?"

ChiChi had told them that they could take any equipment that they wanted, so Ari'sora looked to see what was available while she was waiting to hear the answers to her questions. She saw a large, sturdy bag that could be carried on one shoulder, so the took that. It would allow her to carry her equipment while still keeping her wings free. If they were going to be exploring dark caves, then light was essential. So the first thing she took was several lightstones and torches an
long with a flint kit to light the torches. She made sure that she left enough for each person to take more than one if they wanted to, but she wanted to be prepared. There was always the chance that a lightstone could be lost, or a torch could get wet enough that it couldn't be lit.

The next thing she considered was rope. She could fly, but if they were going to be in caves, it was possible that there wouldn't be enough room for her to fly. It was equally possible that even with their light sources, it might be too dark in the caves for her to risk flight. So she took an assortment of coiled ropes ranging in length from 50' to 500'. She also took a set of spikes that could be hammered into a rock wall to create hand and foot holds and a hammer to drive them into the rock.

She ignored the equipment that was completely unfamiliar to her, but she did take a set of spikes that could be attached to one's shoes while climbing, a tool belt that contained an assortment of tools, a sturdy shovel with a sharp point and a pick axe, both of which could be attached to her tool belt. After attaching them to her belt, Ari'sora continued to study the equipment that was available. She found a lantern and some lamp oil that she set aside for consideration. If the could manage it, she would take it, but weight was a consideration, and she already had other sources of light so if the rest of her equipment was too heavy for her to include it, she would leave it behind.

Ari'sora found a first aid kit, and decided to take it. She was able to deal with most minor injuries, and if she had help, she could assist with more severe ones. She also knew when an injury was too severe for her to try to deal with without help. With any luck, one of the others would know more about healing people than she did, and she could let them use her kit if someone got hurt badly. After a few trills thought, Ari'sora added two more first aid kits to the "maybe" pile. She found a hardened hat that looked like it would protect her head if anything, so she took that as well. Finally, she found several sturdy tarps. They were good quality ones; water proof, and strong enough that they wouldn't tear easily. They were also light enough that they wouldn't add too much extra weight. Ari'sora decided to take five. Four were for...just in case they were needed. They could be used as makeshift carry sacks if need be as long as you tied the edges into a knot so that the items put inside them wouldn't fall out. Or they could provide some warmth if they were forced to camp outside the caves for any reason. Two or more people could hold the sides and use a tarp as a make shift stretcher if they had to carry an injured person. The last tarp was just for her. She intended to wear it like a cloak if necessary. The caves they would be exploring were at the base of a volcano. That meant there might be lava in some of them. Lava was in essence, fire. And feathers were flammable...very flammable. It was her hope that if she had to explore a cave filled with lava, the tarp might shield her wings and keep them from bursting into flame if a stray spark landed on them. Since the tarps were good quality enough to be water proof, it seemed likely that they would be resistant to fire as well.

When she had sorted out all of the equipment she wanted to take into two piles, she began packing the pile of "necessary" items into her bag. There was room left over when she had finished packing them, but she closed the bag and tested its weight. It was heavy, but not so much so that she didn't think she could manage the weight. She would be carrying it for breaks, after all. Maybe even trials depending on how long it took to map the caves. Ari'sora added the two extra first aid kits, and two more hardened helmets and tested the weight again. The bag was definitely heavier. But when she glanced at the shovel and pick axe she had left out, she realized she had packed the tool belt that they would be attached to. Feeling foolish, she quickly unpacked the tool belt. Then she tested the weight of the bag again. She hesitated, the decided to add the lantern, and a generous supply of lamp oil.

By the time she had gathered up her gear, it was her turn to introduce herself.

"I'm Ari'sora, and I work at Luna's Dream in Scalvoris Town."

She felt like she should add more, but she didn't really know what else to say. Besides, ChiChi had told them that no one would really care, anyway. But as the weight of her shovel shifted, a memory sprang into the forefront of her mind.

"Did you know that a shovel can be a good makeshift weapon if you don't have anything else? When I was a child, my guardian often had his friends and business associates come over, and when they did, they often got drunk. My half sister tried to spy on them once, but she's not a good spy. She tried to get me to spy on them with her, but I refused to do it. When they caught her, one of Ren'zar's friends tried to stab her. But before he could, Ren'zar grabbed a shovel that was nearby, and knocked the man out with it. I learned later that he lived for a few trials after that, but he never woke up again. So it might be a good idea to take a shovel if you don't already have one. Even if you don't need it to dig for anything, you could use it as a weapon against anything that tries to attack us in the caves."

Having said her piece, Ari'sora turned toward the man who had introduced himself as Wald Lowca.

"Your flying cat has the same name as I do. Well...sort of, anyway. My two best friends call me Ari sometimes."

When it was time to go, Ari'sora made her way to the mouth of the cave at the base of the mountain with the others.

OOC: Ari'sora's gear includes her short bow and a quiver full of arrows for it, a large, sturdy bag, a tool belt with an assortment of tools useful to a miner, a shovel, a pick axe, three hard hats, five tarps, three first aid kits, a lantern with plenty of lamp oil, a set of spikes that could be attached to one's shoes, several torches and a flint kit to light them, Smooglenuff's Guide To The Flora & Fauna of Scalvoris: Volume 5: Faldrass, a journal, a map, several coiled ropes (3 each of 50' 100', 250', and 500'), a set of spikes used for creating hand/footholds while climbing and a hammer to drive them into the rock, a snowglobe (Saoire's Kiss: A small snow-globe that, when shattered, will instantly summon snow clouds and transform the surrounding area into a winter wonderland for the next trial. During this time the player will always find food, the cold will not find them, they will leave no tracks in the snow or scent to follow, and ice will never shatter beneath their feet. It is as if they are temporarily exempt from the dangers of winter. They can only use this item once, but the effect will last for an entire trial and cover the entire city they are in. Earned in the winter writing challenge), and any lightstones that the other PCs didn't take for themselves.

word count: 1877
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B


Kalortah followed far behind the group that went with ChiChi, when he realized that it was her he was supposed to be following. Into the room with the large wooden table on which was spread some useful equipment. Kalortah took a cursory look over everything, and shrugged. He’d need a light source, although Avriel eyes were capable of a measure of air sense, it was not quite on the level of total aerolocation. There were legends of avriel who trained their senses to such heights, but so far Kalortah had yet to meet such a one. But perhaps it would suffice to see in low light.

For now, he took up a lantern. The lantern was simple, of cast iron, with a wick and a mirror angled behind the wick, to enhance the light once it was set on fire. This selected, he hung it from his belt. He’d light it later.

Otherwise, the winged Mortalborn wore quilted leather clothing, with leather wing valance. It was a fancy outfit for such an outing, with colors of green and slashes of orange, voluminous sleeves and legs. On his feet were a pair of sturdy boots of thick leather. It was a good quality outfit, and not typical washday wear, but it was the most flame-resistant material he had to dress with, so he decided on it for the visit to Faldrass.

"Now. Introduce yourzelf to ze others. Be quick, we do not really care. Do not get attached, people may die. Zhen, you ask any questions and I answer. Zhen, we go."

Kalortah didn’t have to feign disinterest in the others. There simply wasn’t any. He yawned as each introduced himself, until a small, red-haired human woman stepped forward. He thought he knew her from somewhere, yet until he heard her voice, and saw its impression upon the air he didn’t recognize them. This was the girl that had been with him when he’d discovered the theory of the Etherstorms in Athart! Interesting, so she was brought here by her Avriel master and… friend? Kalortah scoffed at the idea that an avriel could consider a human anything more than a convenience. Perhaps he was fond of her, Kalortah almost experienced fondness for certain near-humans and humans. Yet to call one a friend? That was another level of…

Pitiful… Wretched, abominable! These were the only words he had when the dispicable half-breed entered their midst. Kalortah could not disguise his utter disgust at the sight of her. Looking like a human, yet with an avriel’s glory trailing behind them! False glory! Wretched halfriel! He wanted to spit upon her.

Yet his urge to commit violence against the wrongness of this creature was tempered by his experience with Navyri. He’d had similar thoughts toward the Naer, without knowing how formiddable she was. He couldn’t take a chance that this halfriel was every bit as strong as Navyri. So he stayed his wrath.

Instead, he inhaled sharply through his nose, half-lidding his eyes to try and meditate away his anger at the sight of the half-breed. He shook his head, and turned back toward ChiChi and the rest of the group.

So Yeva was the healer. That put her high on his priority to spare. Not because he’d met her, or had any lingering affection for her… Well she had complimented his singing… But one might as well acknowledge the sky was blue, that did not earn one loyalty!

Still, she was probably the most useful among them in his estimation. Second only in importance to himself.

When it came time for Kalortah to introduce himself, his eyes swept over the group, pointedly ignoring Ari’sora. ”I am, Kalortah Satravial. I come from Glorious Athart. And I’m…” Better than you, far more beautiful, important, Glorious. But he didn’t say any of these things. It was beneath him to state the obvious. So he went with his profession. ”I’m a minstrel, a preserver of histories. I’ve come to observe the heroics that are bound to proceed from this venture, and support the group as well as I might…”

After his introduction, he turned to ChiChi, ”Do you expect us to enter the caves? All of us? Perhaps those of us who can fly could scout the surrounding areas, and map them from the wing?” It was a shot, otherwise Kalortah would prefer to stay close to the one who was capable of treating wounds.

With a shrug, he followed the group to the base of the mountains, near where these caves were said to be.

A good leather outfit, hood, and wing valance. The most nonflammable outfit that Kalortah possesses.
A good quality blood-metal rapier with a cup hilt.
A good quality tier 6 buckler.
A mirrored lantern from the table.
A book about Flora and Fuana of Faldrass.
A small drum, strapped across his shoulder.
A poor-quality journal that Kalortah made himself. It’s got mostly blank pages.
A couple skins of water, hanging from his belt.
Sticks of graphite for writing
A Tarouz owl familiar (flying nearby though it made no appearance in this post.)

word count: 875
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

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Re: [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

Arc 720, 120th of Ashan
Darius had not been in the presence of Baron Smooglenuff long before he had left it, finding himself in a separate room with a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar faces. He sent a smile of recognition to both Oram and Yeva, both of whom he had met since returning to Scalvoris Town. The others were given a polite nod, but the bearded blond's attention was soon on ChiChi, whose thick accent ensured his concentration was on everything the maid had to say - with the exception of the occasional glance towards the Lietajúci Pardus nearby.

When the books were handed out, and Darius' dark grey eyes read the title - Smooglenuff's Guide To The Flora & Fauna of Scalvoris: Volume 5: Faldrass - he looked across to Oram. The hunter would, he assumed, be interested in such a source of information, for his interest in fauna in particular had led the pair to search for the Cylus Owl not long before. Yeva's excited response to the tome caused a grin to tease at one side of his mouth.

"I'm Darius Baer," he said in his gruff voice as others began to introduce themselves. "I grew up in Scalv Town, but have spent many trials at sea. I can climb some."

He offered a shrug. It was true that he had done a bit of climbing - sometimes in situations that could have been avoided, were it not for his own foolishness - and he could offer a spot of navigation, though he had never had to do so underground.

Darius turned at the introduction of Ylfa, and the sight of the white wolf gave him pause, but it was soon time to equip themselves for the task ahead. He watched as the others gathered items, and he was impressed by Ari'sora's hoarding, particularly her vast array of ropes.

The blond seafarer waited patiently until the others were finished before he began to take some gear for himself: a lightstone; a torch with oil and matches; a first aid kit; a 50' length of rope; a set of crampons; a set of pitons with a small climbing hammer; a pickaxe; and a helmet. At Ari'sora's prompting, he also took a shovel. He didn't intent to use it as a weapon as she'd suggested, but if there was a rockfall of any kind, it would surely be a useful tool to clear the way.

Having gathered the items into a backpack and attached what he could to a tool belt similar to the one Oram had collected, Darius felt the weight of the gear on his back and readied himself for the journey. As the group walked, he found himself behind both Yeva and Ari'sora. The former was small, and the latter had a heavy load. If either were to fall, Darius would be on hand to help them back to their feet. In the meantime, he flipped through several pages of Smooglenuff's Guide To The Flora & Fauna of Scalvoris: Volume 5: Faldrass, hoping that taking a crash course on the subject might aid the group later.

Smooglenuff's Guide To The Flora & Fauna of Scalvoris: Volume 5: Faldrass
Clothing (Tunic and leggings, leather gloves, leather boots)
Studded Leather Gambeson

Not Equipped:
Torch (with oil and matches)
First Aid Kit
Rope (50' in length)
Climbing Hammer
Map (Faldrass Caves)
Map (Hollow Sea and the waterways around the island of Scalvoris)
Waterskin (full)
word count: 594
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Re: [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

120th Ashan, 720

For most of them, ChiChi remained quiet when they selected their gear. However, at Ari'sora, she raised an eyebrow. Then, her eyebrow raised further, and finally, ChiChi spoke. "Either you very greedy, or you sink you are taking provision for all. You are not taking provision for all, take for yourself, no one more. You will be difficult enough to carry if ve need to. I am guide here. I carry provision for emergencies. You do you." Gesturing to the rope, she let out a huff. "Zat is half your weight alone. How vill ve move silent and swift, if needed?" Evidently, she thought Ari was over-packing. "And as to your qvestions. If you do not hav time to look in the book I giff you - what make you think I haff time to recite it to you?" ChiChi was not, it must be said, a cheery soul. "No more zan one of anything."

At Kalortah's question, though, ChiChi's wratch should have re-ignited - yet she held it in check, for some reason "Ve go inside. Inside ze mountain." It might appear to the casual observer that ChiChi didn't like Avriel, but she spoke differently to Kal and Ari. She seemed to have respectful dislike for Kal - and just distaste for Ari. " I expect us to enter ze caves. In zere, zere will be chasms to cross and that is vere you should fly!" To Yeva, though, she was pleasant - or more pleasant at least. "I am sorry you suffered so." Well, that might explain her reaction to the Avriel in the room - theoretically. Oram, Wald and Darius, she largely ignored.
 ! Message from: Pegasus
PLEASE NOTE: Nothing below this point happened as a situation occurred here which stalled the group. No one needs to edit their posts, I'm marking it for when things start again.
Not Happened Yet
And so, they left. This group, into the volcano itself - not going down, although as they entered the cave mouth and made their way down a long and slime-covered tunnel, they found themselves plunged into darkness and the sensation of descending was inevitably there. As they stepped in, the darkness was all-encompassing, wrapping around them like the embrace of a lover. It took a few moments for their eyes to adjust to the lights. There were a lot of things which seemed to make no sense here - the tunnel was large - they could walk three abreast - and currently quite high. Sounds echoes around them in an eerie fashion and those with animals or heightened senses could tell - there was just a strange, almost-metallic but certainly not-quite-right smell to the place. A sense of almost static charge.

Something which just made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. The tunnel stretched out before them and ChiChi led the way. There was always that feeling of there being something on the edge of their vision, something just outside the pool of light. Just beyond their vision - or any sense - which they couldn't .... quite... catch. It combined with the sensation of moving downwards, though they weren't, and also, perhaps, was added to when ChiChi pointed out. "Ve are inside ze mountain now. Above us is rock, and earth, and stone, and lava. Is nature not beautiful?"

There were things to notice here, if they had the skill and ability to do so. And for some, it seemed to be blind luckdice roll in Scalv Discord
 ! Message from: Discovery 1: All of you
It's cold here. Too cold for being inside a volcano... surely? It's the rock. The rock is cold to touch.
 ! Message from: Discovery 2: Oram
By pure luck you notice something - maybe it's the drop of water which lands on your gloves - maybe it's the way that the lightstone shines. By chance you notice that, there, in one tiny spot on the wall, there is a single trickle of blood. It's still liquid......
 ! Message from: Discovery 3: Wald
Ahead of you, you can smell burning - and freezing - sand - and plants. It is a complete cacophony of sensory input and it's rather as though ahead of you are things which simply can not (or do not) exist together.
 ! Message from: Discovery 4: Kal
You notice that the air is strange here. It's coming from to your left - which isn't possible - it's like the air is moving in directions which don't fit with your surroundings. Flying in here would be ... amazing. More than amazing, because the air currents are unlike anything you've ever seen.

That was there, as they walked. Ahead of them - they all saw that the tunnel they were in separated, dividing into two directions. "A choice!" ChiChi said, and she turned to them. "I am ze guide. You must choose a means of making ze group decision. Appoint a leader, or give votes. I do not care, but do it. Vich vay?"
Group B Map

General Info

 ! Message from: Peg
Current Group StatusGood (minus)
Basecamp is OPEN to you. This means you may leave this thread and return to basecamp if you choose.

For this round you must react to what you have discovered. You have the following options.
  1. Continue onward. If you do this you must either continue alone or work out a way of making a group decision.
  2. Explore ONE discovery in detail (please describe)
  3. Explore TWO discoveries in a more surface manner (please describe)
You may only pick ONE of those options. If you wish your team mate / group mates to know what you have found - you must tell them IC. (it is fine to share that you would do that OOC and then have others act on it - but then you MUST include that in your post....


 ! Message from: Rules
You must post at least once, but may post more than once this round if you want to. This is not a requirement.

Play to your skill level. It helps me if, when you use a skill you maybe put an OOC note or such at the bottom to tell me what your skill is. I'll check your CS, no worries, it just takes me longer.
 ! Message from: Next Post Round
Please post on or before Monday 10th February 2020
 ! Message from: Skill Note

I have your Detection skills noted as:
Oram: 00/250 = What?
Wald: 250/ 250 = Kapow!!
Yeva: 0/250 = Where?
Ari: 0/250 = Nope, not spotting it....
Kal: 26/250 - Competent
Darius: 0/250 ... nothing going on here.
Please let me know if that's wrong.
Do not control any NPCs. They are mine.

Mod Style

I will, as usual, post secret objectives, post objectives, secret achievements etc. I've said it before, I'll say it again - this style of moderation was taught to me by one of the most talented storytellers I've ever met. His name was Crimson / Straylor, and I miss writing with him, very much. My thanks go to him.

The NPCs did it, not me.

No matter what level of risk / reward thread you're in - if you do something along the lines of walking up to an Immortal and yelling at them - you're going to get dead. The risk / reward is assuming a basic level of not-stupid from your pc. Please be aware, I'll adjust as needed.

The point of this is to have fun. Lets do that, shall we?


Name Status Notes
Ari'sora Amber ChiChi does not like halfriel. Not one bit
Kal Amber + ChiChi isn't keen on Avriel - but respects them more.
All Other PCs Green Currently on positive terms with all NPCs in this location


 ! Message from: Last Round's Objectives
All Players Met This Objective: Speak out and introduce yourself to the group. :
All Players Met This Objective: Get to the cave mouth.
Oram, Yeva, and Ari'sora Met This Objective: Include an anecdote or tale (truthful or not) about yourself in your introduction for a consequence!
 ! Message from: Current Objectives
Must Do Objective: Choose one of the options in your next post
Can-Do Objective: Use a tautology to describe an aspect of your surroundings
Can-Do Objective: Include an obscure and over-the-top word in your dialogue for a consequence!
There are currently TWO hidden objectives in this thread.


There are currently 4 active threads. We maintain the following statistics:
Thread Status Notes
Basecamp Green Currently an exit point. You may leave the thread at this point. All PCs are free to post here.
Group A Green Link
Group B Green (minus.....) This thread. NPC Reaction is Neutral to all
Group C Green Link


Common isn't very good.
Dislikes half-Avriel
Dislikes slavery
Dislikes greed.
Not afraid to speak her mind.
word count: 1483
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

Wald's eyes shot open for a moment in surprise, as a female's voice was directed towards him. Looking over then down he saw the small winged figure had approached him. His golden brown eyes blinked for a moment, as he processed what she had said. From the angle the black crown around his head was clearly visible. "Oh, so it would seem." An off smile was given, as he looked over to the large cat next to him. Ari was trying to headbutt Ari'sora, the cat was curious about the wings on her back.

A quick tug was given, as Ari was pulled back. "Sorry about that, he is not used to things." Ari was not fully socialized, so this may be a test of Wald's patients. "If you do not mind, can I call you Sora?" The smile slowly opened, as fangs were clearly visible.

Wald would turn to his feline companion once again, as Ylfa moved to get a look at the other members of the group. "Do you trust this one, Master?" The wolf spoke when he got to Kalortah, who was giving nasty looks most of the meeting.

Pulling a large chain shirt from a sack, Wald gave a sigh directed towards Ylfa. "It does not matter, let it be Ylfa." Wald put on his chain mail before putting any extra equipment on Ari and his person.
 ! Message from: peg
All above has happened
Not Yet!
Wald gave a slow breath in, as they finally left that stuffy building. The smell was confusing, as the cold air chilled his throat for a moment. Before he let out a deep breath, bellowing out heat as he gave a part of his mind to regulate his temperature. It was not as harsh as Viden, but it was enough to get uncomfortable if action was needed.

Eyes slowly shifted towards ChiChi, as Wald spoke calmly to the woman. "The tunnels are... strange... Sand, plants, burning and freezing. Did we step into someone's rabbit hole?" There was a slow eye raise towards the woman, before the man began is scanning of the area. Walking close to the woman with the book, Yeva.

Wald looked to the only person he knew could write, as he pointed for Ylfa to scan the immediate area. If she ran into anything Ylfa would retreat immediately, she was not to engage in combat as was Ari. "Cold arctic like air, with the smell of burning ahead of us. Plants and sand clear on our path..." His eyes would glance over. "Despite how close we are to lava, this place is practically Ice." The hunter would speak calmly and clearly, though he would keep a watch out on the area around him.

Then ChiChi started talking about decisions, Wald would give a deep sigh as mist bellowed. Voting and appointing a leader seemed trivial and should of been done before leaving the meeting room. He would choose to keep quite, and only interfere in the group's choice if he could see danger from it.
Any time speech is italicized, this means it is in Wald's head.
Last edited by Wald Lowca on Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:26 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 527
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Re: [Faldrass] FIre-Forged Group B

Kalortah sniffed and tilted his chin ever so upward as ChiChi addressed him with fear and respect. Yes, that was as should be. He would tolerate her, so long as her deference held. Yet that could also prove detrimental, if he actually made a mistake. Would she correct his course? He thought it necessary to clear the air with her. ”ChiChi, while I appreciate that you’ve shown me proper deference, you must correct me if I step astray in there… On the air I’m in my element, in a confined cavern, less so. I will take suggestions in good humor.”
 ! Message from: peg
All above has happened
Not Yet!
Having established that ground rule, he followed the rest into the caverns, the entrance. It felt… amazing in there. Not at all what he expected. The air currents were going in nearly every direction, twisting in ways that shouldn’t have been possible in a confined space, from what Kalortah had experienced of such things. It reminded him of Aeroclast Amphitheatre in Athart, where the wind could be twisted and manipulated in such ways as to make images appear before Avriel eyes.

It was almost, beautiful, and too good to be true. Kalortah didn’t trust his senses here. There was something very off about what was going on. Still, he took a hop on the air, to test the wind, flapping his wings to stay afloat for just a few moments, and testing to see if the wind did indeed carry him a short way. He tasted the airy winds wisping through the cavernous caverns, and then folded his feathery plumage afterward to drop to the ground where the rest of the group was gathering.

When it came to choosing a leader, as ChiChi suggested, Kalortah naturally thought of himself first. In any other circumstances, under the open sky he would declare himself the natural choice. But here they were in a cavern, under the earth. More in the element of a human or lesser being. It might not be best for Kalortah to lead them, especially if it meant he was responsible for their lives. To his estimation that left choosing one that he considered most indispensable next to his own self. While everyone else might be strong of arm or senses, there was only one among them who was a healer, and with a curious mind that made for a good expedition leader. ”I vote for Yeva as our leader. Being one who’s least likely to lead us into certain death. And ChiChi must defer to her, it wouldn’t do for our group to become bicephalous. Yet, should she need help in relaying orders, I will do so for her, as the one with the greatest voice among us.”

This said, he unhooked the mirrored lantern from his belt, and held it aloft. ”Anyone have a tinderbox for lighting this thing?”
word count: 486
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

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