17 Vhalar 719 | Ulric and Arthur | The Valkyrie's Roost
Though Arthur had nothing but regret and fear for his friend running through his mind as he saw the ether begin seeping forth in it's refracted glory from the Aborgator. Magic would hurt Ulric and whether or not the specter realized that, his living companion did. Ulric held his sword in a mid guard- this time by choice as he watched the Aborgator's etheric show. He was so focused on what might come next that he did not realize he was still holding Kasoria's training sword in the air with his tendril. Honestly Ulric had forgotten the toy existed once he began swinging his own training longsword at Kasoria. Everything else had been lost to the heat of the moment. He would hear about the steps but he didn't remember seeing them. He just remembered the feeling of the impact ratting up his arms and the light that had appeared so suddenly.
The Raggedy Man's words nearly fell on deaf ears as Ulric had seen the man spring to action mid sentence before and was instead trying to focus on Kasoria's movements but hearing "Good job" was certainly a surprise. Ulric's suspicious mind quickly wrote it off as a distraction or an attempt to save face. Perhaps even it was merely the Hound's effort to calm himself so he didn't knock the ghost's head off with a stick. Then Kas reached out to his floating sword and Ulric felt the ether begin to squeeze his tendril so he let go. A more curious ghost might have tried to syphon the ether but Ulric was not interested in testing theories at the moment. He released the sword and the tendrils that had been holding it dissipated.
Ulric had no intention of further trickery until the Abrogator's ether hardened into a mirror like-armor around his body and then his blade. Ulric's manifested body tensed and his feet seemed to loose some of their opacity as Ulric prepared to manifest a tendril to defend himself. He'd come a far way in materializing his body and was more confident in his ability to defend with a tendril than with a longsword- and Kas would certainly put that theory to the test.
When Vorund's Hound began his charge Ulric could feel his body bounding left and right with the more experienced swordsman but the rhythm, while present, was unnoticed by the specter who only thought to swipe his training sword to the right to protect his face from Kasoria's before the Raggedy Man moved behind Ulric. Ulric turned as quickly as he could, bringing his blade around to block Kasoria's- at least that had been his intention when he began turning. Half way through his turn the sharp pain of the training sword smacking into his leg returned and Ulric endured it to bring his longsword the rest of the way around to cleave down at Kasoria- but the Raggedy Man was prepared for it again.
Ulric's longsword slammed into the shield and when it shattered and the energy fired back out at Ulric, his blade was ripped from his hands by force ad hurled across the room. Yet the disarming was the worst of the backlash which came from Ulric's desperate strike and would have been quickly remedied when Ulric reached his hand out to summon his longsword back if not for one thing. Arthur intervened.
As Ulric's longsword came flying back through the air towards him, Arthur caught it and held firmly while Ulric tugged on the tendril to try and pull it from Arthur."I think you've had enough." Arthur said with no judgement or anger, but merely concern for his spectral friend. Ulric walked over and pulled the training sword away from Arthur. Ulric didn't notice his limp, or how heavy the training blade felt in his hurt arms, or how brutally out of his depth he was, but Arthur did. Arthur was the reason which held Ulric together.
"I'm fine." Ulric said as he turned back to Kasoria. Arthur put a hand on Ulric's materialized shoulder and the specter shook him off so Arthur- devoid of options, looked to Kasoria.