Faction Roster & Rewards
Welcome to the Faction Roster!
Here is where you will sign up or request to be a part of a faction. We have plenty of different ones here in Ne'haer and you can check them out in the wiki. Once you've signed up we will make a note or PM you for a modded thread as needed or will be notified of your approval of rewards or change in ranking. If you have any questions about a faction please direct them to the Q&A or PM your local mod directly.
Willow Rangers
Order of Adnih
Note: Please also register here.
Noble Houses
Here is where you will sign up or request to be a part of a faction. We have plenty of different ones here in Ne'haer and you can check them out in the wiki. Once you've signed up we will make a note or PM you for a modded thread as needed or will be notified of your approval of rewards or change in ranking. If you have any questions about a faction please direct them to the Q&A or PM your local mod directly.
Roster Forms
Blade of Zafra
Code: Select all
[b]Company, Platoon, Squad[/b]:
Code: Select all
[b]Crime Committed[/b]:
[b]Working off service or transitioning[/b]:
Code: Select all
[b]Company, Platoon, Squad[/b]:
Code: Select all
[b]Crime Committed[/b]:
[b]Working off service or transitioning[/b]:
Note: Please also register here.
Code: Select all
[b]Name of PC[/b]:
[b]Place where joining or previously joined[/b]:
[b]Cloak level[/b]:
Noble Houses
Code: Select all
[b]Noble Family[/b]:
[b]Relation to Family[/b]:
[b]Are you using the family bank?[/b]:
[b]What is your position within the family?[/b]:
[b]Any other information[/b]:
Rewards Forms
Order of Adunih
Code: Select all
Name of PC:
Requested Advancement / Reward: