Thread Review
Word Count: 6,498
Total Post Count: 10
Word and Post Count for Valeria Burhan: 3,963 / 5
Word and Post Count for Tristan Venora: 2,535 / 5
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=17435&p=131018#p131025
I must say, this was a terribly enjoyable thread and I wished it would've finished. The relationship between your characters is bother incredibly wholesome and infectious. Well done, both of you.
Valeria Burhan
- Skill Points - Withheld. If you return, you must grandfather into the Wealth System to receive thread review rewards. Once you do, contact me and I will release them.
- Renown -
- Skill Knowledges
- Non-Skill Knowledges
- Items and Other Rewards
Tristan Venora
- Skill Points - 15
- Renown - 0
- Skill Knowledges
Mount (Horse): Mounting a horse
Mount (Horse): In order to get your horse to move, press your knees against its sides
Mount (Horse): Following someone
Persuasion: Tempting someone with delicious food
Persuasion: If someone is unsure, tell them that it isn't as hard as it sounds
Persuasion: If someone is afraid of horses, offer to cover the horsiest parts
Persuasion: You don't really know if you like something until you try it out
Seduction: Taking a woman into your arms and kissing her
Seduction: Telling a woman that she looks beautiful
Socialization: Giving complements - Non-Skill Knowledges
- Items and Other Rewards
Final Notes
If you have any questions, please PM me.
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