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Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4824
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Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Faith Augustin
Vital Statistics
Age: 20 (21 on 1st Saun 719)

Race: Human

Languages Spoken: Fluent in Common, Basic in Avriel

Faction:Order of the Adunih, Gold Cloak with Hood
Faction:Isonomia, Founder

~ Famula (Champion)
~ Vri (Adored)
~ Moseke (Adored)
~ Ymiden (Favored)
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Tue Feb 05, 2019 2:19 pm, edited 156 times in total. word count: 45
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4824
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Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Skill Name Points Total (x/250) Skill Level
Alchemy 39/250 Competent
Animal Husbandry 75/250 Competent
Appraisal 1 Novice
Baking 250/ 250 Grandmaster
Business Management 250 Master
Candlemaking 10[RB] Novice
Caregiving 250 Master
Combat: Brawling: Unarmed 157/250 Master
Combat: Blades (Short Sword / Gladius) 155/250 Master
Combat: Ranged: Crossbow 85/251 Expert
Cooking 106 (FT) + 3 (Zuuda)+3 (Renown) Grandmaster
Cosmetology 250/250 Master
Design: (Fashion) 25/250 Novice
Detection 262/250 + 3 Bellinos+3 (Renown)+ 6 Bellinos GrandMaster
Disguise 14 Novice
Discipline 250/250 Master
Dreamwalking 51/100 NA
Endurance 250/250 Master
Etiquette 154/251 Master
Gardening 250/250 Master
Intelligence 170/250 Master
Investigation 85/250 Expert
Leadership 250/250 Master
Logistics 250/250 Master
Mathematics 5 Novice
Medicine 265/250 3 (Sevrath Favored) 6 (Sevrath Adored) +6 (Renown) Grandmaster
Meditation 15/250 Novice
Negotiation 60/250 Competent
Painting 5 Novice
Persuasion 250/250 Master
Poisons 10 Novice
Politics 250/250 Master
Psychology(20+ ) 105/250 Expert
Research 250/250 Master
Sculpting 5 Novice
Seduction 15 Novice
Sewing 265/250) +6 (Renown) Grandmaster
Singing 150/250 Expert
Socialization 55/251 Competent
Sociology 27/251 Competent
Stealth 1 Novice
Strength 75/250 Competent
Surgery (20+ ) 265/250 + 6 Zuuda (Adored), + 9 Zuuda (Exalted) Grandmaster
Teaching(20+ ) 188/251 Master
Textile Production 25/250 Novice
Woodworking 159 Master
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Tue Mar 05, 2019 11:06 am, edited 185 times in total. word count: 223
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
Approved Character
Posts: 4824
Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
Character Sheet
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Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Skill Point Ledger
Previous Threads & Spent Points
All Previous Threads
Thread Title Adjustment Total
I can't make head nor tails of it!+15 15
Taking Stock +15 30
Tea with Faith +15 45
[Feeling Grey +15 60
Healing Hurts+15 75
Uneventful Shopping Trip +15 90
Fractured Family +15 105
The Augustin Experience + 15 120
Family Bonding +15 135
Horribly Unprepared +15 150
A very (very) small problem +15 165
After Effects +15 180
Hungry for Justice +20 200
Where Least Expected +20 220
Remembrance +15 235
A Meeting +15 250
Nightmare from the Past +15 265
Babies, Wolves, Slaves, Barriers +15 280
Nighttime Terrors +15 295
Getting Down to Business +10 305
Secrets and Lies +15 320
Mutual Refraction +15 335
So, it begins with a step +10 345
Me, myself, not I +10 355
Full Circle +15 370
Take These Broken Wings +10 380
I'm Pregnant +15 395
Lessons in life and love +10 405
Council Meeting Ashan718 pt1 +20 425
Persuasion -134291
Cosmetology -169 122
Intelligence -122 Nil
Joining A Charity +15 15
Diverging Paths +15 30
I don't know where, I'm confused about how as well +15 45
Putting a Pin in it +10 55
Decisive Strike +10 65
Pray for the Weak +10 75
Supper Time! +15 90
Castle of Glass +20 110
Tired of Sleeping 10 120
Everyone's Job 10 130
Seeking help 15 145
Raiders of the Lost Arc 15 160
Dressing Up For The Occassion 15 175
Treatment Overview 15 190
The Dragon and the Rabbit 15 205
Harvesting Leaves & Twigs 15 220
Battered & Bruised 15 235
Alchemy Adjunct or Adverse to Medicine 15 250
Two Arcs Later 15 265
Illuminations 15 280
Finding Fei15295
My Dear Marina 15 310
Soul Reason 10 320
The Show Must Go On 10 330
When The Dust Settles 10 340
Quite the Pickle 15 355
The New World15 370
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:26 pm, edited 627 times in total. word count: 319
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4824
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Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Knowledge: Skills

A- C

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► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

Animal Husbandry
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Animal Training
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Business Management
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► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

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Combat: Axe/ Bludgeon
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Combat: Bladed Weapons
► Show Spoiler
Combat: Unarmed
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Combat: Ranged
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► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

D- F

► Show Spoiler
Design Fashion
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Design: Interior
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Design: Landscaping
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► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

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G - I

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► Show Spoiler
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► Show Spoiler

J - L

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

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M - O

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Mount (7)
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Navigation (6)
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

P - R

Painting (2)
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► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Poisons (6)
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► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

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► Show Spoiler

S - U

Sculpting (8)
► Show Spoiler
Seafaring (1)
► Show Spoiler
Seduction (14)
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► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

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► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

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► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Textile Production
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V - X

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

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Y, Z

► Show Spoiler
Y = none
Z = none
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:43 pm, edited 556 times in total. word count: 16112
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
Approved Character
Posts: 4824
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Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Wealth, Items & Housing
Wealth Ledger
Link Adjustment Outcome
Initial Approval Tier 10 (Wage 23 WP x Season) 344WP


Overview of what she owns:
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Detail of where it came from:
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Sewing Stuff
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Slave stuff, used to make birthday gift for Padraig. No longer owned.
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Nice Jewelry!
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Supplies for Campaigns / Survival Stuff
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1 x sample of Moseke's Moss here


2 x Gardening Books
Advanced Medical Texts x 10 (Encyclopedia)
Seven Books a birthday gift. 2 x wine making, 3 x books on Immortal History, 2 x Agriculture
20 x books searching for Pad. These consist of:
~ 5 x books on Immortals - including information on marks
~ 5 x books on Magic ~ specifically items and what might negate / block magic
~ 5 x books on Geography / Oceanography
~ 5 x books on Legends of Unusual Incidents, especially on oceans.
20 x books also while searching for Pad. These consist of:
~ 5 x books on the Originals
~ 5 x books on the Great Shattering
~ 10 x books on stories and folklore to do with uncharted oceans and the Eastern seas.
Collection of Books
Collection of books on necromancy and Famula, detailing experiments on twins and other vile-ness including Two Halves of the Same Soul, Famula, Defier or Savior from Death, Putting the Man in Necromancy, Journal 1: My Failures, Journal 2: My Successes


Gathered on Faldrass
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For her 1st & 7th birthday
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Birthdays from 8 - 19!
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Approved here from here Renown Rewards
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Faith and Padraig live in Rharne in a large house on the shores of Lake Lovalus, set in 5 acres of land.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:54 pm, edited 310 times in total. word count: 2096
Life, Death and the In-Between .
User avatar
Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4824
Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Marked by Ymiden
Vinyza: Favored of Ymiden

Links & Info
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Favoured Abilities

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Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:38 am, edited 205 times in total. word count: 184
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4824
Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2016 12:12 pm
Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Marked by Famula
Zuuda: Famula's Champion

Links & Info
Champion Level Quests
Another One Bites the Dust: DONE
PSF Ticket and Approval
Everybody's Job ~ Faith begins to see the illness which is hitting the Dust Quarter.
Soul Reason ~ Faith investigates the cause and starts to come to some very uncomfortable conclusions.
What is dead, may never die ~ Faith sorts through the memories of 14 deaths to find the answers she needs
The Alchemist, The Necromancer & The (ex)Slave ~ the finale.
When The Dust Settles ~ the aftermath.
Finding Fei
Hammer To Fall
1. Here we stand, here we fall: Faith and Pad have a conversation about what's happened with Qit, how they're going to have to deal with it. They go into research mode etc.
2. History won't care at all: Solo where Faith researches necromancy in more detail.
3. Make the bed, light the light. We do a dream thread where Famula (or PB, if that's easier but since it's a dream, can I dream her?) walks them through moments in history, showing them Ellasin (flashbacks to threads where she's appeared etc etc)
4. Lady Mercy won't be home tonight: They wake up in the middle of the night and start the plotting / tactical considerations. They set up defenses in the house and etc etc.
5. You don't waste no time at all: Solo where Faith shores up the defences of Isonomia and the Order of the Adunih.
6. Don't hear the bell, but you answer the call: Solo where she does the same for Augustin's boutique - bit of a challenge with a shop!
7. It comes to you as to us all: An attack by a concerted force is beaten back by Pad and Faith - Faith uses her Famula / Vri marks and experiences the death of one of the thralls, which shows her where Ellasin is.
8. Hammer to Fall: we go, we kick her skanky far-too-pretty-to-be-a-necromancer ass.

Favored Abilities

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Custom Champion Abilities

Necromancers' Bane
With this ability the Zuuda is able to pull the necromancy spark from a necromancer. This applies only to a necromancer who is unconscious or in a passive / trance state.. The act of doing this involves engaging in a battle of wills with the necromancer and the Zuuda pays a heavy price. As the necromancy spark is taken from the mage, all those souls who have been entrapped or harmed by the necromancer are finally set free and the Zuuda will become an anchor for them all, until he or she is able to take the time to help each one to pass over. If the Zuuda should lose the battle of wills, then the necromancer repels their attack. If repelled by the necromancer, she's still facing the necromancer and is wide open, since she's just been concentrating on that. So, it causes her to have to focus and, if the necromancer wins the battle of wills, then she's dazed for a few minutes after. This can be used once a season. Approved here

Zuuda Knowledge

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Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:32 pm, edited 241 times in total. word count: 6530
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Marked by Moseke
Sevrath: Adored of Moseke

Links & Info
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Favoured Abilities

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Adored Abilities

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Sevrath Knowledge

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Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Mon Feb 04, 2019 8:57 pm, edited 140 times in total. word count: 1789
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Marked by Vri
Bellinos: Adored of Vri

Links & Info
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Favored Abilities

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Adored Abilities

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Bellinos Knowledge

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Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:12 pm, edited 116 times in total. word count: 2713
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Faith Augustin Champion
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Posts: 4824
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Race: Human
Profession: Fanatical Philanthropist
Renown: 2270
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10


Thread List: Current Cycle

1st: Order from Chaos 1: Ignorance is Bliss ~ Head of the Order of the Adunih comes to Rharne.
3rd: Order from Chaos 2: Defining the Problem ~ starting to come up with ideas. With Gennadiya.
7th: Puppies, Pegasus, Padraig and Potatoes ~ Nir'wei... just.. Nir'wei.
10th: The sound of silence ~ Qit'ria dies. Faith gets feisty.
10th: Here we stand, here we fall ~ fallout from Qit's death
10th: History won't care at all
10th Make the bed, light the light.
11th Lady Mercy won't be home tonight: They wake up in the middle of the night and start the plotting / tactical considerations. They set up defenses in the house and etc etc.
11th You don't waste no time at all: Solo where Faith shores up the defences of Isonomia and the Order of the Adunih.
12th Don't hear the bell, but you answer the call: Solo where she does the same for Augustin's boutique - bit of a challenge with a shop!
14th It comes to you as to us all: An attack by a concerted force is beaten back by Pad and Faith - Faith uses her Famula / Vri marks and experiences the death of one of the thralls, which shows her where Ellasin is.
14th Hammer to Fall: we go, we kick her skanky far-too-pretty-to-be-a-necromancer ass.
29th: Crossing the Threshold ~ Qit and Luther need Ghost-Nanny.

1st: For All The Good ~ with Patrick
12th: Loose Ends ~ with Nir'wei and Lynessa.
39th: A Plague of Our Making ~ Ember Plague #1
To Do!

Finding Fei

~~ PSF~~
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The First Shard
1. Raiders of the Lost Arc Done, last season
Having gone into research mode, Pad and Faith find, the journal of a crazy scientist in the university who lost an entire year (arc... do you see what I did there? ).... of his life when he was kidnapped by the tribe and saw the glowing stone. They go talk to him, get a whole load of tall tales. He tells them about the "Ruins of Fei" in the Jungle, where there is a skull-shaped stone.

2. Professor Augustin & the Temple of Doom Last season
They follow crazy science guy's directions, find themselves unutterably lost (very well equipped, but no idea how to actually survive - this will be a major challenge for them - and might be the end of the last thread, as well as the beginning of this one). They neither of them have any field craft and are, in fact, both notoriously bad at it. This thread will see them find (fall into, who knows) the ruins of an old temple which they think is where they're going - it's not, but it's full of traps and stuff. Lots of tests of field craft, ingenuity etc.

3. The Last Crusade
In the Temple Ruins, they find a "map room" - Pad works out where they actually are (Faith'll never manage it) - having solved a puzzle about the height of a staff and the headpiece and the sunlight thing. They find the tribe and they go there - Tribe recognises Faith as Famula-marked and Vri marked, she's got a death diri and they worship those, so the tribe explain their sacred stone is lost - Pad and Faith get sent on a "crusade" to find the stone.

4. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
In "Cursed Woods" location in the Scaltoth Jungle (we'll write these up as we go, etc) - they go into the woods and fight their way through a whole bunch of very gnarly monsters who, in numbers and strength will be a real challenge to the pair. They'll have to fight their way to a sacred well where they find the Sacred Stone and, huzzah... the shard.
Order of the Adunih

~~ PSF ~~
Thread 1: - Order from Chaos 1 Faith (as head of Isonomia and head of the Order in Rharne) approaches the head of the Order of the Adunih suggesting an alliance. She would also suggest that the Order needs to adopt a much more "global" viewpoint - more joined up etc etc. Sharing resources, skills etc. An Order in every town. She discovers that the Order is in a shambles, basically and is what it seems to be - each Order outpost is on it's own. Faith isn't the type to stand by and accept that, she'll step forward. In places like Rhakros, Rynmere (when everything's done), the sight of a Cloak needs to be synonymous globally with healing etc.

Thread 2: - Faith finds the extent of what she's taken on here. There are incomplete / non-existent records, no supply lines etc etc.

Thread 3: - Once she's got a clear idea of what needs doing, Faith gets started. First, she sends out a letter to all existing Outposts. This includes the mission statement for the faction / what they do etc. It also includes clear guidelines on when to promote. This will be an IC "backbone" for the OOC write up of the cloaks etc.

Thread 4: - Set up of Rharne Order as the HQ for the order globally. This will involve setting it up more firmly - I'll write up some more NPCs etc. The Order will also need to look at supply lines etc. Which Rharne having a Portal Stone will help with. So, she'll try and negotiate the use of that.

Thread 5: - Setting up the Teaching School. That's going to be tricky, but between the Order and Isonomia - and Faith and Pad both still are professors of Scalvoris University, tasked with spreading knowledge and technology. The aim will be to build this place up as a teaching and research center. She'll go to Scalv and try and get them on board, provide funding, steal some staff etc.

Thread 6: - She'll send letters to all cities (I'll write them only to places with mods, in fairness) who don't have an Order and work out a schedule for getting one there. She'll travel if needs be. That will also allow me to get a clear idea of who is where etc. I'll also update and keep the central record thread more clear. Obviously, I'll also keep finances etc, too.
Hammer to Fall
~~ PSF
1. Here we stand, here we fall: Faith and Pad have a conversation about what's happened with Qit, how they're going to have to deal with it. They go into research mode etc.
2. History won't care at all: Solo where Faith researches necromancy in more detail.
3. Make the bed, light the light. We do a dream thread where Famula (or PB, if that's easier but since it's a dream, can I dream her?) walks them through moments in history, showing them Ellasin (flashbacks to threads where she's appeared etc etc)
4. Lady Mercy won't be home tonight: They wake up in the middle of the night and start the plotting / tactical considerations. They set up defenses in the house and etc etc.
5. You don't waste no time at all: Solo where Faith shores up the defences of Isonomia and the Order of the Adunih.
6. Don't hear the bell, but you answer the call: Solo where she does the same for Augustin's boutique - bit of a challenge with a shop!
7. It comes to you as to us all: An attack by a concerted force is beaten back by Pad and Faith - Faith uses her Famula / Vri marks and experiences the death of one of the thralls, which shows her where Ellasin is.
8. Hammer to Fall: we go, we kick her skanky far-too-pretty-to-be-a-necromancer ass.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:29 pm, edited 91 times in total. word count: 1732
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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