79th Ymiden 719
Time of Day/Night: 3rd Break
Weapons: Blood Steel Seaxes
Armor: Masterwork, silk Gambeson
Weapons: Blood Steel Seaxes
Armor: Masterwork, silk Gambeson
Injuries: Uninjured
Illness: Healthy
Illness: Healthy
Rorom stood looking out from the starboard rail of the Bed of Nels. It'd been a long and winding journey from Ivorian to the Etzori Passage and finally around to Ne'haer, where he lingered a while before embarking for Raelia. He'd made berth in a port village near Etzori territory early on, only briefly to let the men recuperate from the harsh conditions they'd had to sail through. Then, once the dead weight was thrown out and new blood entered the crew, he made directly for Ne’haer, not stopping for Rhakros or any other port. He wouldn't let the men take a full rest until they were at the port of Raelia.
He had only a few days in Ne’haer to recuperate and recruit for crewmates to his ships, before setting off once more.
After another long trip around the rest of the continent, Rorom finally reached the port of Raelia.
The grand port of Raelia stood before the Bed of Nels, with traffic going in and out steadily through the before morning hours. He smelled the salt air of the unfamiliar city, before lifting a large swordfish they'd caught. It was the finest catch he'd made on the way from the east, and so thought to make tribute to placate Chrien as well as her folk who swam these waters. The large swordfish was slashed in the sides before being dumped gently overboard, along with a bounty of freshly caught fish for the rest of the local mer to gorge on.
Once that offering was made, he went for the port side of the Bed of Nels and flipped a few golden coins overboard, to honor U'frek's protection on the voyage. It was a time tested ritual, and through all of Rorom's travels, he hadn't lost a ship to disaster or violence yet.
That done, he made for the ship's wheel, up the stairs and to the top of the cabin. "Drop fore sails. Ready the gangplank. We're for Raelia."
So saying, Rorom began steering the Bed of Nels into harbor, followed closely by The Lucky Bird. Fortuna flew overhead, and then alighted to the deck beside Rorom, quacking loudly at him.
"Almost there, Fortuna..." Rorom said absently.
The ship steadily approached the harbor, passing by the seagates. Qylios' Tower was already visible, from miles out to sea, shining a beacon for all to know where Raelia was. Beside it, the dual temples of Chrien and U'frek. Rorom had seen many cities since leaving this place, but still none really compared to the beauty of the Ne'haer, and her dark sister city of Raelia. Charmadarst might forgive him, for being very biased toward the home of the Biqaj as opposed to Raelia, though the latter might have more commercial opportunities.
"Curl the sails! Slow as she goes!" Rorom shouted at the crew. He threw a look over his shoulder, to watch as the Lucky Bird followed, with it's crew of three aboard and busying themselves for their own efforts to find harbor.
With a final slowdown, the Bed of Nels slided next to a long pier, which attached to the steep Wharves that stood ahead and to the city.
Rorom went down to where his crew laid down the gangplank, having a couple of them haul down a chest full of loot to divide the spoils of their journey, for those who’d be departing. While he hadn't sold the silks yet, the voucher promised their worth would be sufficient to make payment for the crewmen. More than enough, really.
The men seemed pleased enough with their take, the dozen or so of them accepting a couple of golden nels for their troubles. Of course, they'd also have a share of the trade of the silks, provided they returned for duty whenever Rorom set out again. But for now, it was Rorom's business to see the silk's carried out to the Harbormaster's Warehouse.
There he arranged for the silks to be taken out of his hold in the Bed of Nels.
Afterward, he went to the nearest tavern to shake off the barnacles and sea salt of travel. He arrived at a dockside establishment that was loud and warm and welcoming.
Knowledge Tracker
Seafaring: Steering a schooner into harbor.
Navigation: Finding a tavern in Raelia Harbor.
Business Management: Always pay your hirelings.
Business Management: Honor your obligations to your employees.
Navigation: Finding a tavern in Raelia Harbor.
Business Management: Always pay your hirelings.
Business Management: Honor your obligations to your employees.