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15th of Ashan 719

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Attention, Students!

15th of Ashan 719

It was their first trial being reunited with Alistair, after an arc and a half, they had finally found him. And even though Fridgar had made terrible mistakes, mistakes that would affect them forever, Alistair was willing to forgive them and forget. What was more, Alistair had said farewell to his boyfriend, the one that he'd used to fill the void while they were believed to be dead. While they were still apprehensive about accepting that Alistair had been with other people in their absence, they couldn't blame him. After all, Fridgar had laid with another while they had lost Alistair, and while Fridgar had let it destroy themselves, Alistair didn't seem to care... Which was almost concerning. At that moment, though, they didn't care. They were content just to lay beside Alistair.

While they didn't enjoy sleeping and could quite easily avoid such a thing if they felt like it, tonight was a special occasion. As they laid there beneath the covers, with Alistair wrapped in their arms, their ties to their totems began to fade, as though they weren't there. Of course, Fridgar couldn't take their family with them into the dream. Only Fridgar's soul would ever ascend to Emea. It was a place where they were not a 'we', but a 'me'. And so, the flowing river that was sleep carried him off, the thoughts and feelings of all their totems became increasingly distant. He was alone suddenly. This was often the point that disturbed him, jolted him back to consciousness to fill his head with the members of his family again, but not tonight. He let himself drift, knowing that he wasn't alone with Alistair in his arms.

It was an ordinary Friday, everyone was excited to go home for the weekend and waste time doing whatever. For Fridgar, he couldn't wait to go home to work on his basket weaving technique. As he opened his eyes, he found himself much closer to the ground than normal, all the walls were so high, a flight of nearby stairs seemed ridiculously high. The young Lothar blinked, then looked around. There were other children everywhere, all wearing strange uniforms that they hadn't seen before, complete with blazers and slacks of burgundy hue with darker ties which stood out on white shirts. They were stood in some kind of giant hallway, lined with doors. Right behind them was a turn to the left and right. Following the right path were a series of stairs that lead to the younger children's classrooms and the main assembly room for all students, for whenever their overlords sought to gather them.

To the left, there was nothing much to speak of. A single classroom, his classroom, and a large wooden door, which they were not allowed to go in. It was filled with chemicals and cleaning supplies that they had been told were dangerous. It wasn't even locked however, they were just told not to do it, and they obeyed. Fridgar turned to face behind him again and along the hallway he was currently stood in. Children of all shapes and sizes were lining the hall. There were some Biqaj, some Ithecal, some Tunawa, even some Mer too. He looked down upon himself to see that he was also dressed in the same uniform as everyone else. This was a school, but Fridgar had never been to school. The entire image was forged from rumors and things he had been told in passing.

He was standing at some sort of water fountain. It was made of marble and had a cupid at the top, which was spitting water into a basin. It seemed out of place indoors and would likely look better as the centerpiece of a grand garden, but Fridgar had been told that schools had water fountains for people to drink from, and his head had filled in the rest. Stood on the other side of the fountain was his friend, to which, Fridgar smiled. "It's the last break of school! I can't wait to work on my basket!" Fridgar said with an excited smile. By the immortals did he love weaving baskets. He was good at it too, sometrial he wanted to develop a secret basket weaving technique and become a successful basket store owner.

Then a bell rang from all around them with no discernable source, and Fridgar immediately knew it was time to go to class. He dipped his hands in the water fountain and drank from his cupped palms, then wiped his hands dry in his blazer. One could take Fridgar out of the wild and put him in a suit, but they could not take the wild out of Fridgar. "Come on, let's go! It's the last lesson!" With that, Fridgar grabbed his arm and pulled him along, but when they turned to the left, a voice boomed around them from nowhere, just like the sound of the bell. "ATTENTION, STUDENTS!" It said with a mid-pitched masculine tone that startled the young Lothar. "WE'RE OFFERING A PRIZE TO WHOEVER CAN FIND AND KILL THE GHOST. THE PRIZE CONSISTS OF ANYTHING FROM THE SCHOOL INVENTORY, INCLUDING BASKET WEAVING SUPPLIES. HAPPY HUNTING!"

Fridgar blinked suddenly. A ghost? In school? Kill it? They turned back to their friend with a grin. "Fuck class! Let's go kill the ghost!" Suddenly, they were alone in the hall, all the other kids had disappeared.

word count: 926
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Re: Attention, Students!

Patrick had gotten a little too good at finding random dreams to dive within, most times it felt like second nature to just slip into the world of dreams; when sleep finally claimed his body and mind for rest. He almost didn't even realize he'd done fallen asleep in his bed, until he opened his eyes to realize he wasn't back in his room. No. He was... small? "Oh, lame." He remarked to himself with an peeved expression, all while looking at his grubby small hands. What on Idalos was this supposed to mean? He found out soon enough, as other kids ran amok to and fro the courtyard and into the building ahead.

He remained stationary next to some fountain in what had to be the most weirdest fashion, probably some university uniform that everyone here had to wear or something. "So... schooling then." He figured as he removed the burgundy jacket and tied it around his waist, the tie being his next immediate thing to remove or at least loosen afterwards. Now he looked more out of place, which was the way he liked it come to think of it. All the other kids here wore the same thing, so why even bother blending in when it accosted him personal freedom.

Then he was greeted by a friend or so he was called, and suddenly Patrick somehow felt familiar with seeing this individual. For a child he still appeared large and bulky, and while the name escaped him there definitely existed an air of familiarity! But... why the basket weaving? "You know they probably don't clean that." He remarked with sarcasm found in his tone, his arms crossed while he watched Fridgar drink from the fountain. He sounded so eager to deal with their last session, whatever that would be, but Patrick on the other hand immediately considered ditching; for no particular reason of course. Then came the announcement...

"Ghost hunting?" What kind of school promoted ghost hunting anyways?! It then dawned on him that Dominek was still a ghost, and while he looked frantically to make sure... no sign of his older brother lurked around. "Whew..." The tension immediately lessened in his frame, as he dipped a hand in his pocket to find a pouch rested within. What's this? Pebbles? Little perfectly round metallic pebbles resided within, and just as soon as he observed that he noticed what they were for. On the wrist of his right arm was a weird little gizmo of some kind, a gauntlet strapped with belts and a metal frame over the wrist. There was even a small band with a piece of leather woven at the center, which meant that this had to be some kind of slingshot or something! Immediately his eyes glinted with delight at the sight of it, and suddenly he felt excited about hunting this ghost on the grounds.

"Psh, you don't have to tell me twice! Where do you think that damn thing's hiding though?" He wondered curiously as they were now alone within the hall. "I mean we've got the entire school grounds to search." If Fridgar had any ideas then Patrick was certainly willing to listen, since ghost busting would beat sitting around in a room listening to a lecture the rest of his day.

"Pat", "NPC"
word count: 561
"Freedom is everything."

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Fridgar's friend was cool. He never wore his blazer and always wore his tie loose so that he stood out, Fridgar admired his courage, for he feared the rulers of their overlords. Under the haze of the dream, the sleeping Lothar couldn't even begin to recognize the true identity of his friend, or the fact that they had dreamed together once before. In this false world, Fridgar was a relatively normal child with the most peculiar obsession of basket weaving. But, because this was the dreamscape, even the slightest suggestion could turn the whole dream upside down and unleash chaos.

Thus, when Patrick said that they didn't clean the water fountain, he looked at him with a furrowed brow and concerned eyes, as if to ask 'what do you mean' with a look. When he looked back to the water fountain, however, the whole thing was manky and grimy. The once-smooth marble of the fountain was yellowed with years of water stains, the water was brown and thick, rich with putrid granules of god-knows-what. Fridgar's eyes widened in bewilderment as a frog leaped from the murky brown water and splashed in his hand. "I piss in that water," it said, to which Fridgar screamed and threw it down the hall. Fridgar began to cough and lurched over, trying to force the filthy water from his gut. It was no use, they had ingested it.

"Well," Fridgar said as he straightened up, then licked his sleeve, "at least if I get sick, I can stay home and work on my basket." Fridgar was suddenly smiling again, quite comfortable with the thought of becoming sick.

Then the announcement came through, and the happy bubbly child was even more excited. If he got sick and had new basket weaving supplies, then he could spend all of tomorrow trying them out. "We have to find that ghost!" Fridgar said, then looked around the corner. Unsurprisingly, there were no ghosts. "Damn," The young Lothar said in a frustrated grunt. They hadn't even considered how strange it was that they were being made to hunt a ghost in an environment meant for children, or was it that they didn't care? Either way, something about Fridgar's subconscious forwent the idea that something was off about this and he remained in the dream.

As he turned back to face his friend, his eyebrows rose at the acquisition on his wrist. "AUGH!!" Fridgar yelled as he saw it, then covered his mouth promptly. "You brought a wrist-rocket to school?!" Fridgar was almost vibrating with excitement. "...Can I have a turn?" He asked. But then came the question of where the ghost could be. The boy crossed his arms and held his chin with his index finger and thumb while he thought. Where would a ghost be hiding? Fridgar's mind wandered, looking over all the school's facilities in his head. The yard? No, that was where all the kids would go. The assembly room? Too open. The classroom? Again, too many kids, teachers too. What about the storeroom opposite the classroom? They weren't allowed in there, that would be the perfect place to hide.

Just seconds after Fridgar had thought that, the store room's door rattled with a ghostly "OoooOOooooOOOh." Fridgar slapped his hands together in excitement. "I knew it!" The boy shouted in triumph, then walked around the corner to where the storeroom was. "I think it's in here!" Fridgar said, then motioned for his friend to come closer. Very carefully, Fridgar gripped the door handle and pulled it back a little. All was still in the room until a blue-skinned, blue-haired girl with white eyes ran at the gap in the door. She looked exactly like a pale Eidisi, but Fridgar recognized her as the ghost. "Wagh!" he screamed as he shut the door hard. There was no impact on the other side, everything was still beyond the door. Fridgar looked to Patrick while he bit his lip with wide eyes. "...What do we do?"

word count: 685
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
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Re: Attention, Students!

Patrick honestly had to try and not seem amused by the Fridgar's innate need to heave, albeit the sudden if not dramatic change of the water fountain caught him off guard. Had the power of his imagination really the capacity to influence the reality around him? The thought already disturbed him more than it should, because if a mere implication could alter one minor thread of the dream; then imagine what he could accomplish by pure whim alone.

"So let's go find it." Patrick encouraged casually as he still observed the gauntlet on his arm, he had to admit it was definitely a cool little gimmick in his possession. What did the little Fridgar call it? A wrist-rocket? Patrick couldn't help but appear a little stubborn, maybe even selfish, when he'd been asked for a turn with the gauntlet. "Hmm... maybe." The contemplative frown however quickly turned into an eager grin. "Let's get that spector first! Once it's gone then we'll see!"

It wasn't like he couldn't let Fridgar use it afterwards right? For now though he needed it, if they were about to go ghostbusting anyways. Besides Frid had his own little gimmicks didn't he? Or was he really intent on using just crafting needles to do the deed? Patrick watched as his buddy seemed to contemplate, and eventually decide on where to first look for this ghost. Suddenly just as he seemed about ready to pick a place, a soft wail seemed came from the storeroom they weren't allowed near. Immediately Pat's own skill tingled with paranoia of what they'd face, but Fridgar already showed excitement upon the potential of discovery.

"You really think a ghost would hide in a dump like the storeroom?" Patrick remarked now that they'd approached the door, sure enough it started to rattle before them and the poor Rharnian felt goosebumps on his skin! "Okay, you might be right..." And from the looks of it Fridgar was going to surprise the entity, so while he reached to open the door Patrick already rolled up his sleeve and armed the gauntlet with one of his pellets. He aimed right for the center of the doorway so that, once opened, he'd have a shot lined up for anything that moved!

Imagine though... that when Fridgar opened the damned door, they'd find no ghost haunting the confines of that room. Patrick's fierce eyes widened at the sight of an Eidisi girl, who he almost took for a ghost much like Fridgar did before shutting the door. The look of surprise on the girl's eyes before she was sealed inside once more! Patrick couldn't help but feel badly over them startling her, bad enough to where he already disarmed the pellet from his gauntlet. "I don't think that's a ghost Frid." Slowly Patrick opened the door to reveal her once more, and it became obvious that the little pale girl hid herself away.

Her head buried in between her arms and knees, the little Rharnian already knew what she'd been doing. It became increasingly obvious as she looked up at them sheepishly, her blue eyes a tinted purple at their corners as they appeared glassy. "Why are you hiding in a closet? Is there a reason why you're crying?" Not that it was an issue on Pat's own behalf, he cried a lot too as a little boy but never here. Never around those he didn't want to appear vulnerable to.

"Pat", "NPC"
word count: 602
"Freedom is everything."

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In response to Fridgar's request to use the weapon, his friend seemed hesitant, but offered the chance after they'd found the ghost. Fridgar was almost vibrating with excitement, bouncing on his heels at just the thought. Patrick's hesitance had flown over his head, and he failed to realize that he might never really get a turn of the wrist-rocket.

When they set out to find the ghost, Patrick doubted him. Typically so; he didn't know that Fridgar was an expert ghost hunter, after all. "You doubt my ghost finding ability?" Fridgar asked with a frown and a quirk of his brow. "I am a Jeger! The finest hunters of Uthaldria, in all of idalos!" He boasted. "If anyone can find a ghost, it's me!" To validate their point, the ghost rattled the door. Okay, you might be right, Patrick said, and Fridgar grinned from ear to ear. "Told you so," he said.

Amidst the fight with the ghost, however, Fridgar had failed to even think that this might not be the ghost. In their mind, this was absolute, without the possibility of failure, she was definitely the ghost, it was fact. She was a construct of the Lothar's mind, of his dream, and the world around him was built on his perceptions, influenced by his subconscious. She might have appeared as an Eidisi, but Fridgar had never really seen a ghost in the waking world, and they imagined such beings would look a lot like Eidis for some reason. Thus, the ghost took the shape and visage of one.

The small Lothar blinked when his friend's courage shone through. Was it courage or stupidity? "What are you talking about?! That was the ghost, didn't you see it?!" The Lothar was very expressive with his arms while explaining; flailing all over the place as if it made him more convincing. "Remember, I'm-" His bragging was cut short as Patrick opened the door regardless of Fridgar's warning, and he covered his mouth in horror. The Lothar prepared his knife, ready to rush in and cut the monster's throat, but she didn't attack. She was just sitting there with her head in her knees, sobbing.

Fridgar stared confused, for this wasn't supposed to happen.

The girl lifted her watery, white eyes to Patrick, almost confused. "A-aren't you going to kill me?" She asked as she sniffled and rubbed her eyes. "I'm the ghost you're trying to kill, after all... That's why I'm hiding, that's why I'm crying." She said as she managed to compose herself, then stared intently at him, ready to act at the drop of a dime.

"SEE! SHE'S THE GHOST!" Fridgar yelled once he'd been validated even further. He brandished his knife and pointed it at the girl. "She needs to die, Patrick! Step aside!" Fridgar needed those basket weaving materials, and nothing was going to get in his way!

word count: 504
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
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Re: Attention, Students!

Patrick honestly felt a minor sense of moral affliction in regards to seeing this little thing, maybe it was because the way she wept when she openly admitted to such a thing. Her? A ghost? He just didn't see it when he looked at her, even if she possessed one or two qualities; they seemed more fitting to the fact she were something else just as well. Thus he didn't move out of the way, not for some damn 'basket weaving' material this kid wanted. "Look you can forget it okay! I'm not gonna hurt some little girl while she's crying." While he couldn't see her the girl did in fact sound a little astounded, likely because this had been the first time someone actually stood up for her.

However it looked as though the Jeger hunter or whoever he was wouldn't be having it, and so when he grew agitated by the angered stare Pat shot at him; the Rharnian found himself easily tossed aside by the kid. It wasn't so surprising since he was after all lighter in comparison, Patrick always tended to be a scrawny kid after all which made the effort rather easy. What he didn't expect was the fact the dream itself had become unstable somehow, and right as he crashed onto the floor of that hallway; the planks underneath him immediately gave way into something below. Or rather nothing. Fridgar as Patrick knew him beheld a moment of confusion as he might've seen something entirely different happen, but for Patrick the experience was almost surreal when he felt himself fall through.

Down into a black space that awaited below the dream in which he somehow slipped out of. Patrick honestly didn't know what to think or expect at this point, normally when he slipped into another's dream this never happened after all. As he saw the hole in which he fell through slowly dissipate into the darkness, he truly felt a sense of horror in awe knowing that he'd lost himself just now. Where had he gone? Normally those quick falling sensations would awaken him, but this went beyond that by all means. He reached out hoping to grapple for something, anything, that might allow him to latch onto it so that he'd stop this ceaseless falling. But nothing seemed to exist.

"This is still Emea, I can still get out of this!" He just needed to think of something, anything to help him awaken from this state of sleep he'd fallen trapped in. He thought of the possibility of just letting things pan out, but waiting that long felt both risky and terrifying for him. So what if he tried to dive into another dream instead? Or maybe not just a dream... but dive in general? It wasn't a bad idea when he considered it, because the shock one might feel after hitting something so sudden that it overwhelms the senses. Like a body of cold water perhaps, if he were to dive into that then maybe that'd awaken him. He had to give it a try, this was after a dreamscape he remained lost within. Thus the Rharnian turned over to where he felt the rush of air flow past him, his eyes closed as he shielded his head with his arms during his descent into something unknown.

The Rharnian pictured a body of water waiting to catch him below, anything between a lake or an ocean would serve purpose at this rate; and it needed to be incredibly cold the moment he felt the impact. He held onto that thought especially as the air suddenly felt moist and chill, until finally he felt his entire upper body slam straight into a wet surface. It not only alarmed but seriously stung him as he quickly became swallowed by the presence, a frigid wet substance surely swallowing him as he sank below the surface. Not a moment after he felt the initial shock of plummeting within the Rharnain jumped out of his skin, realizing that he'd made it back into the waking world still safely in his bed. He breathed a sigh of relief afterwards, wondering what exactly went wrong and how that transition came about so suddenly.

"Pat", "NPC"
word count: 724
"Freedom is everything."

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Re: Attention, Students!

You two toed the line very carefully when it came to the dreamscape.

Needless to say, I'm impressed. Neither of you relied on modern conventions, and seemed happy enough to write things though the perspective of your characters. It's a parallel that runs directly along the idea of a contemporary school, but fogged up by the nature of Emea.

Enjoy your rewards.





Understand that all criticisms are done in good faith. It would be a greater disrespect to not say anything in the face of problems. Please contact me through this account's inbox if you wish to further communicate on the matter of improvement, or if you feel as though anything is unduly harsh.



Dreamwalking: "Diving" Into Other's Dreams
Dreamwalking: Creating Ways To Help You Wake Up


Understand that all criticisms are done in good faith. It would be a greater disrespect to not say anything in the face of problems. Please contact me through this account's inbox if you wish to further communicate on the matter of improvement, or if you feel as though anything is unduly harsh.
word count: 200
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