Making Deals With The Devil

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Making Deals With The Devil

Making Deals With The Devil
Ymiden 11 719
he afternoon had slowly approached evening time while Pat took on a second shift at the Boar, seeing as how Daveth found himself in short supply of staff on this particular Trial. It didn't help that some were recuperating from the plague that'd hit last Ashan, so naturally those who barely survived seemed slow to recuperate. That had been one of the reasons why the other barmaids couldn't arrive, since they had immediate family that needed their attention recently. In all fairness the recent events have caused quite a stir, and with the lack of fulfilled rest a prominent issue as well; anybody who was like Daveth found themselves up to their necks with problems.

People who were tired all the time didn't make the best workers for sure, and while those who were responsible for what happened in Emea worked hard; that didn't mean the attempt at fixing everything would occur overnight. Thus the bartender himself worked hard to try and make the night a little easier, so that his scaly friend would find a little easier rest come the time to shut down. "Bartender, I'd like a round of ale please." A typical run of the mill request from a rather casual tone, Patrick didn't honestly expect to know this man personally until he turned to look past his shoulder. Blonde haired and blue eyed with the same scruff on his chin, this man had indeed the air of familiarity when he grinned at the Rharnian. And with it nearly past sundown it wasn't the best time for such business... or perhaps it was. Patrick honestly never felt quite the same since what happened in Emea, knowing that he gave up a pretty important part of himself when they reached the cathedral.

By daylight he seemed to be in control well enough but once night fell, that's when he felt himself no longer the same as he once were. It was a dramatic change that hardly anybody seemed to miss, as he became dangerously impulsive without any consideration for his own actions. It was what happened to the poor mage he'd killed at the start of Ymiden, as well as the night he'd killed off Cobra and left Kar to handle the clean up alone. "One round comin' up." He managed to acknowledge well enough with a small grin, as he'd become obviously aware of who'd just graced him with their company. The blonde man smiled as he watched Patrick fill the mug, the spigot closed off as foam nearly brimmed over the rim of the container.

"Thanks," He murmured as he accepted the mug, "I've a friend joining me soon, we'll be sitting over there in the far booth." When he looked in the general direction Patrick followed the gaze, a nod in recognition given as the blonde man looked back in turn. "I think it's time we sat down and discussed some things." Patrick's stomach dropped at the sound of that, as he was well aware of what that would entail in the near future. He was finally going to be one step closer to his goal... finally on the brink of reaching the Shadow Quarter like he'd always intended. He honestly needn't say a thing in that moment as only a nod sufficed, and when the blonde man chuckled in response Pat returned to the work at hand. It'd been about several Bits later before the man rose from his stool to head over to the booth, with Kar soon taking a seat across from him moments later no less.

"Fuck!" He couldn't help but curse as he bit his lower lip in turn, loathing the fact he'd have to once more sit down with Kar. Yet just as he felt the undeniable urge to spite him, all that anxiousness which built up inside slowly began to dissipate in turn. Just as the last of the sun had likely gone down now, Pat's attitude shifted from a more composed posture into quite an unaffected and indifferent one instead. No longer did he feel the troubled conflictions that plagued his mind throughout the day, as instead it all became tomorrow's problems once his mentality crossed that border; into the 'No fucks given' zone that he dangerously tread in the later Breaks of the Trial. Thus Pat made a couple more mugs of ale, one for himself naturally, now that the other expected guest had arrived.

Finally after a few deep breaths the Rharnian turned to walk around the bar, crossing the floor as he reached the booth the two men shared. Uncaringly he took a seat on the same side as his partner in crime, since his business was obviously with the man sitting across from them.

"Nice to see you too Pat." Kar remarked as he casually drank from the mug the Rharnian placed between them.

"Yes it's very nice. Our 'problem' was finally taken out of the equation, although you left someone else to clean up your mess."

Patrick merely shrugged in response. "Something tells it all worked out for him, since he always knows how to lie his way out of situations." Kar looked a little stale at the remark, while the blonde man in particular hardly seemed amused.

"If you're going to work alongside my peers Patrick, then you're going to have to learn how to be a better friend than that. Otherwise you'll find that attitude getting you nowhere." Patrick shifted forward a little with his elbows planted on the table, his eyes intense when they stared into the blue of the man before him.

"I'll be sure to learn from the experience... For now though I'd like to reach out to these peers of yours, I've a bit of a deal I'd like to propose to them that they'd all appreciate handsomely." Kar's eyes switched from Pat to the man in front of him often, as he seemed a little nervous about where this quickly went.

"I'm well aware," the blonde murmured with a grin, "as I'm also quite aware of the deal you made with Rose. It's actually funny that you keep making these 'deals' with people, when you seem uncertain whether or not you can back them up."

"Again, it's an offer they can use quite profitably." The Rharnian smugly reminded him as he lifted his mug to take a drink. "Clearly I'm doing something right if you know about Rose already." He figured Karvon had something to do with that, since he was the other 'friend' this guy had to meet tonight. He likely informed the asshole everything about that night, as well as how Pat left him to clean and cover up the mess left behind. Rose of course was quite pissed but regardless knew what it would lead up to, as the moment had finally come where Patrick would reach those who'd been so hard to contact personally.

"I can't promise anything," the blonde man responded in turn, "but... I will hear this proposal you have to make and see."

"I'm sure there's a lot more I need to do before you and your friends consider letting me in on... well everything you've got going on at the very least. But as of late I find myself short on time and in high demand of their assistance." The blonde's casual smile lessened as he shifted against the bench, clearly a little bit more intrigued with the direction this seemed to be heading. "I'm currently caught up in a war, you might be well aware that it's the war against The Coven." Both men at the table were a little on edge just now, while Patrick hardly seemed nervous at all now that the truth was out. "I'd like to employ those in the Shadow Quarter and if they're willing, their resources would not only win the war but help earn them immense reward."

"I see..." The blonde looked down at his mug patiently with consideration, and when he looked back up to Pat his eyebrows furrowed only by a little. "So you want... what? Spies? Supplies?"

"Anything." Patrick responded without hesitation. "What we need to win is everything you're willing to pitch in, but I don't see the entire Shadow Quarter openly choosing a side in such times of war." At this Patrick couldn't help but grin and that, at least, had to have stirred curiosity in the blonde. "Makes little sense to waste resources on something you don't want to be a part of, unless that is one expects to be rewarded for what they do to pitch in. That's why I only ask for aid in regards of information, intelligence collected from all around if possible. We need agents to deliver us with intel on our enemies, while they help spread false information to mislead the ones we're fighting."

"I see..."

"As for what the reward will be..." Pat's grin faded once more as he sighed briefly. "I'm no leader by far but you can consider me an emissary, as the one who's leading the armies is none other than Faith Augustin. Whatever your friends would require to aid her efforts, you need only to ask me and I'll do my best to consort with her. We'll see to it you all receive exactly what you wish to gain from this war." Kar looked at Pat and he could tell, as it nearly became obvious, that the Rharnian was desperately trying to appeal to the man. The blonde looked questionably at Pat as he took another drink from his mug, his lower lip bit in deep thought as he appeared to consider the request laid out before him.

"Well..." He started to chuckle as he placed a few coins on the table. "This certainly went well beyond what I expected. It's been an amusing conversation boys but rest assured, I've other business to attend to before the night's over. Enjoy the rest of your drinks." He encouraged as he rose from the bench without a second thought, much less a look back at the two when he left to head out of the bar. Patrick honestly couldn't help but bite at his lower lip hard as he questioned things, such as where exactly he went wrong in trying to appeal to the blonde man.

"Are you fucking serious?! A war?! That's what this is all about?!"

"Right now that's all that matters," He muttered without looking to Kar, "otherwise we're all as good as dead if this war's lost." As he said this Patrick scooted to stand up outside the booth, the coins scooped into his hands as he started to leave Kar alone once more. Yet one thing stood out among the few pieces he'd taken, of the copper nel there was a different sort of token found among them. Had the blonde accidently taken it out? Or intentionally left it there among them? Either way Patrick had made his case and hopefully, it would cater to the syndicate group in question so that he'd have an answer sooner or later. One way or another Pat would figure it out, as either their word or their silence would speak for the organization.

"Patrick", "Follower", "NPC"
word count: 1951
"Freedom is everything."

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Re: Making Deals With The Devil



Pat, making friends in the shadow quarter... Hopefully the Shadow Quarter doesn't turn around and bite him in the you know what.


10/10 these points can't be used for domain magic








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