• Closed • Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go

Balthazar Please

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Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go

☠ 1st of Cylus 718☠
☠ Mood: Caustious
☠ Current Thought: Something is coming
☠ Current Theme: Bury Me Low
☠ Attire: Current Outfit

☠ Cervantez growled as the figure now stood in front of the tombstone, glaring at both mages. Getting to his feet he glanced over to where Mariatte was and saw she was out cold. This was not good at all, and they needed to get out of here fast before this....thing could do any more harm. The figure before him was grotesque yet held an air of regality about it.

Cervantez slowly inched his way over next to where his mentor laid and knelt next to her. His flaming orbs shifted to where Balthazar was and he gave the man a look of concern. Was this going to be the place where he drew his last breath? No, He would allow such a thing. The Yari in him wanted to fight, but even he was no fool, and he knew the best option now was to retreat.

And then the thing moved, as if it blinked out of existence and back again, this time standing mere feet in front of both mages. Its eyes glared red down upon both of them, and a vicious taloned claw pointed at them both. As the being spoke, the voice that came was as if it was everywhere around them, echoing whispers trailing off its words with voices both audible and disembodied. ☠

I have traversed emea, and was drawn here by the scent of magic.
it spoke, circling the group of mages like a shark circling their prey. It smelled blood, and in this case, that blood was the sparks of Mariatte, Cervantez, & Balthazar.
If you wish to beg for mercy, you waste your breath. There is no mercy in my presence, only subjugation. You will kneel before a superior being such as I, for to gaze upon me is to gaze upon devastation itself. Know me for I am Krongrah{Conquest}
it spoke, commanding in its tone and suppressive in its weight.

To say that the lothar was annoyed would be an understatement, but he knew he had to play it cool. He had no idea what this thing was, nor how to get away from it with little to no casualty. He had no choice but to keep close to his mentor. He wondered just what exactly would happen.


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            Balthazar Black
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            Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go


            1 Cylus 719 | Balthazar Black | Yaralon

            Balthazar looked to Cervantez for some hint of what plan would be the best for them. How far were they from the fracture they'd entered into? Yet that question turned out to be irrelevant as the figure before them closed the distance in the blink of an eye. Balthazar could have had that power if he hadn't shirked his Rupturing practices. Balthazar could have gotten them out of there if he had been more practiced. He would not make that mistake again, one way or another. Balthazar let the creature's words hang in the air because he expected Cervantez to say something but only found silence. Knowing the creature would likely not take kindly to silence for long, Balthazar spoke.

            Balthazar averted his eyes to the figure's feet, playing into what it had said to them. "How may we serve?" The man- or at least thing that looked like a man- had mentioned that they would kneel before him and Balthazar took that as a sign they weren't to be immediately flayed which was a good thing. However Balthazar also had a lone contingency. He could hear the call of the black flames and knew he could manipulate them but in Emea that could have resulted in hundreds of things going wrong. Still, if faced with certain death or uncertain death, Balthazar would take his chances. He had some inkling that they could trick this being because it did not seem to be all knowing. It could sense magic- perhaps the spark specifically- that much was clear, but the extent of it's other powers was unknown and therefore not exactly something Balthazar wanted to trifle with.
            word count: 288
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                      Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
                      Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
                      Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
                      Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
                      Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
                      Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.
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                      Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go

                      ☠ 1st of Cylus 718☠
                      ☠ Mood: Caustious
                      ☠ Current Thought: Something is coming
                      ☠ Current Theme: Bury Me Low
                      ☠ Attire: Current Outfit

                      ☠ It was rather clear that the mages were in no room to do much. It infuriated Cervantez to have to bow to this creature, to show weakness to submit to it, but what choice did he really have. He was outclassed in power and skill, knowing anything that lived in these rips of reality were dangerous.

                      His companion, Mr. Black had the smartest of any plan. When backed into a corner, give your enemy what they want. When the elemental mage began to inquire as to how they may serve, Cervantez decided to add to it.
                      "Just as you, we too have come far to bare witness to your return, my lord."
                      the last of his words stinging as they left his lips. As if he would serve such an abomination.

                      But If it meant living through this ordeal then he would gladly lie and make the other think as such. This thing called itself Krongrah, and seemed to want to assert its control over the mages. Cervantez could only wonder what he was getting himself into, his flaming orbs looking up finally to the figure. ☠

                      It looked to both mages, and with both of its hands raised both mages into the air without even touching them. It was as if it had gripped them by their souls....their very sparks. Its eyes glowed vibrantly, currents of power surging forth and into both beings. It was searching, measuring their worth. Both mages would feel the indiscriminate gaze of Krongrah surge through them, the pain of their souls being held by the creature, unlike anything they had experienced and unique to themselves.

                      With a loud crackling sound the emean being released them, snapping its fingers as a throne appeared and he sat in it.
                      You will suffice. Magic is an intriguing thing, and you two seem to possess some semblance of competence with your magic. Many fumble around, pretending to be gods among the mundane. I revealed such knowledge to one mage, but he went mad with power, misconstruing what I showed him to the extreme and fanatical lengths.

                      But you two, you two seem to be different, and I am pleased. Sadly however you are not ready to serve, you are not meant to serve, but lead our kind to a better future.
                      it spoke, motioning for both mages to stand.
                      I too was once a mage of great ambition, a conqueror among my kind, but my ambitions became warped overtime.


                      Last edited by Cervantez on Wed Apr 24, 2019 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 431
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                                Balthazar Black
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                                Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go


                                1 Cylus 719 | Balthazar Black | Yaralon

                                Balthazar let out a relieved breath when Cervantez joined in the lie. He almost did so too audibly. He was relieved that Cervantez had recognized that they were in no position to fight this being and he was relieved that they had not been immediately smote. However what followed was not pleasant. Balthazar suddenly felt something withing him being pulled at- his spark. Balthazar could feel Krongrah's power weeding around his spark and measuring it's worth but he didn't know what Krongrah was doing. He only felt the pain and clenched his teeth to endure it silently. As quickly as the pain came, it passed and Balthazar felt as if a great weight had been lifted off his chest. Then Krongrah spoke. Balthazar only caught the last half of the speech because his eyes were still seeking the way out for Cerv and himself. He hadn't forgotten that their deception could only last so long. Then suddenly it seemed it would not need to be a deception.

                                Krongrah said they were not ready to serve and that they were not meant to. He told them of a mage whom he'd given power- a mage who had gone mad from it. Balthazar understood that fate well. He'd watched both his mentors succumb to a greater desire for power and every day he fought his spark to ensure he wouldn't meet that end. Even now Balthazar felt a question on his tongue that he tried to keep in his mouth. Yet the words fell like sand. "Forgive me, I do not mean to speak out of turn, but you have said we are not ready- what must we do to become ready?" That was Balthazar's spark more than Balthazar. It's desire to grow in strength became his own even when he wanted nothing more than an escape.
                                word count: 320
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                                          Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
                                          Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
                                          Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
                                          Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
                                          Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
                                          Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.
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                                          Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go

                                          ☠ 1st of Cylus 718☠
                                          ☠ Mood: Cautious
                                          ☠ Current Thought: Lets get out of here
                                          ☠ Current Theme: Bury Me Low
                                          ☠ Attire: Current Outfit

                                          A brow raised on the emean figure when Balthazar asked of what they needed to become ready. Within a blink, the creature was face to face with the mage and a wicked smile etched onto his face.
                                          That is the simple part fledgling, truly it is. Before I can show you the way, you must first become one with your magic. You and your spark must become intertwined with each other, only then will you be ready to handle the truth I wish to impart.
                                          it spoke, taking its seat back on its throne.

                                          For a moment it was silent, then with a wave of his hand, all three mages were "pushed" out of its view. Before they knew it, all three mages were back within the foyer of the fracture, clearly able to see the forest of abnormal trees in the far distance.

                                          ☠ Checking himself he made sure he had the one thing he had come into the fracture for in the first place, and once he felt the bag of wells he darted over to where Mariatte was. She was coming to as he got to her. I feel as if I got hit in the head with a loud bell. she murmured as she sat up, held in the arms of her student.

                                          Cervantez looked at her then to Balthazar, giving him a look not to say anything about the emean creature. It wasn't something she really needs to worry about or pester him about.
                                          "Are you both ok?"
                                          he asked, watching as his mentor stood on her own and walked to the mouth of the fracture.

                                          I am rather fine now, thank you. I'll even better though once we get out of here, come let's not waste another moment. she advised, starting on the path that led to the mouth of the fracture. ☠


                                          word count: 332
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                                                    Balthazar Black
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                                                    Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go


                                                    1 Cylus 719 | Balthazar Black | Yaralon

                                                    And so the danger passed, leaving only questions in Balthazar's mind as he, Cervantez, and Cervantez's mentor were almost thrown from Emea. The Emean being's words echoed in Balthazar's mind about becoming intertwined with his magic. It left the question, what was the truth the Emean sought to impart? Why could they not hear it was they were? What would the changes brought on by intertwining with his spark do to him in the long run? Balthazar couldn't answer the questions himself and before he could even thing to ask Cervantez, the necromancer signaled for Balthazar to remain silent. Balthazar did so but his face soured slightly. The woman was supposedly his mentor- from what Balthazar had seen- and Cerv was keeping secrets from her.

                                                    Balthazar knew better than most how secrets could corrode the relationship between a student and their master. It was like a slow acting poison that slowly spread throughout the body, shutting down every function one at a time until there was nothing to be done but die. Balthazar nodded to Cerv when he asked if he was okay and then nodded to the woman when she suggested they leave and checked to make sure he still had his wells with him. It would have been frustrating for him to find out later that he'd forgotten them but it wouldn't be the end of the world. With his loot secured, Balthazar followed Cerv and Mariatte.
                                                    word count: 252
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                                                              Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
                                                              Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
                                                              Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
                                                              Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
                                                              Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
                                                              Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.
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                                                              Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go

                                                              ☠ 1st of Cylus 718☠
                                                              ☠ Mood: Cautious
                                                              ☠ Current Thought: Lets get out of here
                                                              ☠ Current Theme: Bury Me Low
                                                              ☠ Attire: Current Outfit

                                                              ☠ This would be an experience he would never forget, the memory having been etched into his mind for arcs to come. Once outside of the foyer, and more so out of the fracture entirely, Cervantez stopped Balthazar and waited for his mentor to be out of earshot before speaking.
                                                              "Its best she does not know of Krongrah for now, I'd hate to have to explain to her what all has happened, knowing her she'd march back in there to try and learn from that horror."
                                                              he admitted.

                                                              The necromancer patted the other on the shoulder and continued out and back to the forest, Njama rising to his feet to greet his master with a lick to the face. Turning those flaming orbs of his looked to Balthazar with a curious facial expression.
                                                              "So what do you plan to do now, surely you can't be serious in staying out here in these unforgiving wilds?"
                                                              he inquired, not sure if the man could handle the true hospitality of Yaralon's Savannah.

                                                              This one was truly an interesting mage, as he wasn't like many, he was more composed than most other mages the necromancer had met. To say that he at least felt like something could be formed between them, as mages in arms in the near future. Helping Mariatte get settled on Njama's saddle, he mounted his hound and waited for the other to speak. If he wanted, Cervantez was more than willing to give him a lift to wherever it was he would be heading next. ☠


                                                              word count: 282
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                                                                        Balthazar Black
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                                                                        Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go


                                                                        1 Cylus 719
                                                                        "I understand, but all the same, you should be mindful of the secrets you keep from your mentor. Too many and things get... strained." Balthazar advised Cervantez in their little aside so that his mentor wouldn’t hear. Balthazar had no issue keeping a secret for someone he’d just met from someone else he just met but there was more too it. He’d made the calculated decision to side with Cervantez because when the chips were down Balthazar had a feeling he’d want to call on Cerv and not the woman with him. More than that, Balthazar agreed to the deception because he felt that Cervantez was lying to protect his mentor, not advance past her.

                                                                        The necromancer mounted his large dog and Balthazar watched with an amused smile. Cervantez seemed to offer him a ride in the form of a question about whether or not Balthazar intended to remain in the wilds. "Oh the wilds are alright. I’ll survive the walk back. I learned a time ago that a long trip can be more educational than a short one. Besides I was initiated in Defiance, a walk in the woods always feels nice." Balthazar looked around at the trees as he spoke.

                                                                        Now that they were out of Emea Balthazar was beginning to adapt to the elements again. He could feel the bond restored from the twisted version he had felt in Emea. "I assume you’ll return to the city?" If they did, he might make a point to follow the mount’s tracks. A shortcut to keep him from really navigating.
                                                                        word count: 271
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                                                                                  Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
                                                                                  Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
                                                                                  Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
                                                                                  Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
                                                                                  Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
                                                                                  Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.
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                                                                                  Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go

                                                                                  ☠ 1st of Cylus 718☠
                                                                                  ☠ Mood: Cautious
                                                                                  ☠ Current Thought: Lets get out of here
                                                                                  ☠ Current Theme: Bury Me Low
                                                                                  ☠ Attire: Current Outfit

                                                                                  "Yes, I've had my fill of the wilderness for one trial."
                                                                                  he explained, smiling as he looked back to the fracture opening. He was tired, and the experience of Krongrah was far more than he had planned for. He knew fractures did not play to reality, but that was far more than he had planned for.

                                                                                  Looking to Balthazar he gave him a wave and Njama licked his face, which was a very good sign seeing how the hound didnt like other males all too much. With that Both Cervantez & Mariatte rode off into the direction of the city, leaving their new found friend behind with his wells and experience. The entire way back that creature was all that filled his mind.

                                                                                  He was trying not to let it show on his face, so he pretended that nothing was wrong, though he knew very well his mentor could see through that poor act of his. He couldnt help but wonder exactly what it meant, and why it chose them of all people to take interest in. His words still echoed in the necromancer's mind.

                                                                                  Just what did the emean creature mean when he said to "become one with your magic"? That was such a confusing thing to understanding. That was the perplexing part that would frustrate the necromancer till he could figure it out. In any case, Cervantez just wanted to get back home, this trial was rather exhausting. ☠


                                                                                  word count: 263
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                                                                                            Re: Over the hills, and through the woods, to the Fracture we shall go

                                                                                            Thread Review
                                                                                            Skill Points: +15 (cannot be used for magic).
                                                                                            Magic XP: None.

                                                                                            Renown: None.

                                                                                            Injuries/Overstepping: None.
                                                                                            Wealth Points: None.
                                                                                            Loot: +6 Ezymite wells.

                                                                                            Skill Knowledge:
                                                                                            • Detection: Knowing how to spot wells
                                                                                            • Detection: The feeling that something is wrong
                                                                                            • Detection: Someone approaches
                                                                                            • Deception: Lying to survive a grave encounter
                                                                                            • Deception: Telling them what they want to hear
                                                                                            • Acting: The Role of Servant
                                                                                            • Acting: False Fealty
                                                                                            • Investigation: Exploring a Fracture
                                                                                            • Investigation: Looking for wells in a fracture
                                                                                            • Endurance: Being expelled from a fracture
                                                                                            • Endurance: Having an emean being grip your spark
                                                                                            • Endurance: Enduring the pressure of a powerful being
                                                                                            • Socialization: Meeting new people, especially mages
                                                                                            • Socialization: Conversing with otherworldly beings
                                                                                            • Socialization: Forming a group of mages
                                                                                            Non-Skill Knowledge:
                                                                                            • none requested.
                                                                                            Notes: Within a couple posts, the date on your template reverted to 718 as the year. Please keep the dates consistent through-out the thread if you include it on every post.
                                                                                            Player Word Count: 3523 words.

                                                                                            Well, well, well...... What a nice little well-hunting expedition.

                                                                                            Good to see Mariatte playing a role in this, also. Cerv and Balthazar seemed to become friends fast, were decent with each other on their trip into the Fracture.

                                                                                            I was surprised that Balthazar went the deception route with the Emean being, and then Cerv followed along with it, but that made the tactic all the more entertaining. Good job including mentions of sparks and the quality of being mages. Bit of a mystery with Mr. Krongrah, but maybe he'll show up again.

                                                                                            Just a technical side-note, and Balthazar you corrected this part-way through the thread, but make sure you're putting paragraph breaks to split up the text-walls for easier reading.

                                                                                            Good job the both of you and enjoy your rewards!

                                                                                            PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

                                                                                            Total Word Count: 6418 words.
                                                                                            Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?p=123150#p123150

                                                                                            word count: 459
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