• Closed • [Zuudaria] What Slumbers Beneath.

Nir'wei and Hart, please.

4th of Ymiden 719

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[Zuudaria] What Slumbers Beneath.

Let sleeping jacadons lie.....
Life, Death
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"Alright, then," Faith said and she looked at the three of them. Hart, Saul and Carter. She had set up in the mausoleum as a "Command Central" and it showed, very much, just who Faith was. It was organised, it had maps and all sorts there. She knew that she organised things, that she needed to - in many ways it was her greatest weakness, her lack of comfort around chaos, but it was who she was and that was that. Faith had been thinking of things to do - edges to help them, and she'd had a crazy thought. A truly crazy one. So, she had asked Carter and Hart to join her and discuss it.

"Northeast from Andaris. That's Viden or Scalvoris. We need to make sure that we have people there. But I've had a thought." Carter looked at her, not saying anything simply watching. He did that a lot, Faith had noticed. He watched, he gauged. Checked to see who she was, what she was saying and doing. Like he was observing her weaknesses in case he needed to kill her later was the impression she got if she was entirely honest. But she had no time for such faffing around and so she looked at him, at them both, and she launched into what might just be the craziest idea of her life.

"Nir'wei spent arcs working in the Skye Verath Lodge in Rynmere. He knows Jacadon, Valareon, all those big flying things. I want them. All of them. On our side." That wasn't actually that unusual as an idea, but it also wasn't where she ended. "And I want the Jacadon under Rynmere on our side, too. Storm, or whatever his name is. I want them all in our hands, and not hers. Because undead Jacadon sound like a very bad thing to face." She was speaking what they knew, for Nir'wei had already left, after all. But then, she turned her attention to Carter. "I'd like you to focus, for a ten-trial, maybe, on the links between Alistair Venora and Ellasin. The memory Patrick showed me tells me that Alistair and she were - maybe are - close. She initiated Alistair." Faith's lips were so thin that they nearly weren't there at all. She looked - and felt - furious at herself. "I was owned by House Venora. Alistair told Tristan to free me. But if he was working with Ellasin the whole time..." She breathed in, pressed her fingers against each other, and then spoke again. "Damien Noth..no. Noch. Damien Noch. He was with us when we went to rescue Lady Elyna. I think, now that I have that information, that Damien is an undead. Possibly a stoneheart, or even a Lich."

Faith shook her head. "If Ellasin is part of House Venora, or the Coven has links in Rynmere. Locked down due to plague or not, there's a lot of information, and a lot of items, which could be very useful to her. Find out everything you can about the nature of this plague, of the Coven in Rynmere and links with Alistair Venora. I'm going to try and cure it. The plague. Because she's going to use it, I'm sure. If she's buying bodies from there, specifically, she's going to use it. So I want every bit of information on that plague you can get me. " To Saul, then, she turned.

"And from you, I want that poison. I can remove a necromancy spark, but we need more than just me. Use my blood if you wish, to help, it's an ability granted by Famula. But I want that poison, and as soon as possible. Can you work with Hominy, your chemistry, her alchemy?." Saul looked at her and gave a soft smile. "I can do my best," he said. Faith nodded. She considered it, for a moment, and then spoke again. She sounded tired, because she was. "Hart looks exactly like his brother, Tristan Venora. He's the Duke of .. somewhere in the Eastern Territories," Faith waved a hand, dismissively. "And he has told me, many times, that he will help me in any way he can. Hart," Faith looked at Hart then, and she knew just what she was asking.

She knew exactly what she was asking.

"I want his troops, his money, as much of his wealth and assets as you can get me. If we knew where he was, he'd give it. You know that. Mobilise them, bring them back. Preferably flying the Jacadons Nir'wei's gotten us., and with the information on the Coven and the Plague that Carter provides."

Breathing in, she smiled. "And if you boys could do that by around the tenth, that would be great. I have a plan."

 ! Message from: Aegis
Carter passes on the following information to Faith:
He discovered that some members of House Venora are helping to fund the Coven and Ellasin, though are not directly involved. This money keeps Ellasin and the Coven out of Venora lands.
He discovered that Damien Noch was caring for a child not his own.
Carter did not mention Alistair at all, and expressed confusion at Faith's mention of the name, as though he'd never heard it before that moment.

Hominy Chaste passes on the following information to Faith:
Hominy developed a poison per Faith's request, using her blood to tap into the power of her Custom Champion ability. He believes it will work to stun anyone with a Necromancy spark if ingested, injected, or inhaled. However, Hominy has discovered this poison is terribly fragile and is reduced to useless when traveling by magical or divine means. He's not been able to work that effect out, and has requested that Faith send someone both capable and reliable to pick up the poison and bring it back to her, by mundane means. Additionally, Hominy has not yet had a chance to test this poison on a necromancer above a Competent level.

4th Ymiden 719
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:58 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1030
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Re: [Zuudaria] What Slumbers Beneath.

"Speaking in Rakahi"
"Speaking in Common"
"Speaking in Common sign"
extra line here
Hart had been spending a lot of time in Zuudaria. He'd studied the maps Faith had put up, gone through a lot of the intelligence that had been coming back to them from all over the world. And, more than anything, he had been getting to know the Zuuda who often crossed into Zuudaria to give their reports.

At the moment, Hart was standing arms crossed in the mausoleum. His posture and expression made him seem almost bored, though he was not. It was just that the domain didn't bother him as it did some of the others. Hart was marked by Vri, and Pier and Pre. Though he wasn't marked by Famula, her mark would only have completed the set when it came to death.

Hart thought it peaceful in Zuudaria. Or, he thought it would have been peaceful if it wasn't for the war. As it was, Zuudaria was the only place Faith would allow them to hold meetings.

That was why they were here.

Faith spoke first about Nir'wei and Frask and Rynmere. Nir'wei had been sent to request the aid of the military. It was Hart's understanding that regardless of the military's cooperation, Nir'wei was to collect the jacadon and volareon and return them here. Knowing what Hart did of jacadon, it was not an enviable task.

Frask was to gather intel on the plague that was ravaging Rynmere. He had been the one to bring in intel not long before that the necromancers had been gathering up bodies from the plague, and that the quarantine lines around the island had been broken. Once Frask had information on the plague itself, Faith was going to try to find a cure. It was another tall order, but Faith was-- determined.

Then it was his turn.

Faith wanted him to take Tristan for all he had, and she was being persuasive about it. They both understood that Tristan would have done all that he could for her; it was what it was. Hart wondered if Faith thought he would resist, but all he said was, "I'll do it."

He loved Tristan. He did. But this was necessary. More and more reports were coming in of Ellasin's movements. She wasn't going to sit idle. Neither would they.

"I still have the clothes Tristan loaned me when I was acting as the duke of Oakleigh. I'll put them on and be ready to go whenever it's needed. And just to be clear. I'm to do whatever it takes to get support from Oakleigh, yes?" He supposed he was asking permission. He didn't think the task was as insurmountable as those Faith had assigned herself and Nir'wei, but it would still be difficult, and allowances would have to be made.

Faith also requested that they all accomplish their tasks by the 10th. They had six days, then. Hart nodded, slowly.

"I need to know how I'm going to get there," he said.
Last edited by Hart on Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 522
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Re: [Zuudaria] What Slumbers Beneath.

Let sleeping jacadons lie.....
Life, Death
The In-Between

Faith liked that Hart liked it here, and she could tell that he did. He might seem bored to others, but to her he appeared relaxed. Relaxed and calm and largely at home. Not surprising, she supposed, he and she both had blackened fingernails from Vri, after all. In many ways, she thought that he maybe felt the same as she did - that this place was a respite, a reprieve. Or, it would be if it wasn't so busy all the time at the moment. She knew what she was asking of them, and equally, she knew that she couldn't do anything else except ask. They needed that plague, they needed those jacadon. But what hurt her, almost physically hurt her, was that they needed Tristan's influence too. It was ruthless, in many ways, but Faith knew that her former owner would not hesitate and so she did what she had to do.

Looking at Hart, she nodded. "Thank you." Her voice was soft and wavered slightly as she added, "I'm sorry to ask. I truly am." As for Hart's question, Faith considered it carefully. It would be easy to say yes, do whatever you need to do, yes. But she needed to think about this. Not because of her and her instincts, but because of Tristan. "Nothing that would go against what he'd do," she said. "I have no doubt that he would, without hesitation, give everything, but there are people that he would want protected and you are one of them. Don't do anything that you think will harm your relationship with him." Her former owner, Tristan had been kinder to her than anyone else alive and she loved him. "But other than that, yes. Whatever you need to. Is there anything we can give you to add to this, to aid you?"

She considered how he'd get there and motioned to Carter. "Carter will take you but, before he does." She turned her attention back to Carter then. "Would you put your Servants' Mark on me, please? I need to be able to get to you, and you to me." He watched her for a moment and it almost seemed like he would refuse, but then he nodded his head and reached out. When he grabbed hold of her shoulder, it seemed almost harsh, but Faith felt no such thing. Her eyes lifted to him and she smiled, "Thank you," she said, but no more than that. To Saul, she gave a slight smile. "I'm going to ask the same of you, please? If you would?" Saul was much more accommodating, and he did it with a smile.

"Carter and you go through. He can take one person back to where he was, so long as the two of you are touching," Faith said, looking between the two of them. "So. Last chance. Is there anything you need or want? And here. Take this." She handed him a scroll. "Write on it, I'll see it. You know the drill." Her smile was, she hoped, reassuring. "Take care of yourself, Hart. And thank you." With that, Carter looked at Hart and raised one eyebrow as he held out a hand.

4th Ymiden 719
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Re: [Zuudaria] What Slumbers Beneath.

"Speaking in Rakahi"
"Speaking in Common"
"Speaking in Common sign"
extra line here
Faith's voice wavered when she said she was sorry, and Hart shook his head. "Don't apologize. It's not your fault. I don't mean to offend, but," he said, and when he spoke he did so carefully, "Neither do I think this war should have been asked of you."

Hart looked at Frask when the man put his hand on Faith. But she smiled at him and so Hart smiled too. He smiled in the exact same manner that Faith did.

To the both of them, Hart said, "I'll need time to prepare." He paused, still smiling at Frask. "Please."

Then he nodded to Faith, nodded to the two other Champions of Zuuda, and left to gather his supplies.

Hart didn't have much with him. He had his bag, and the simple equipment he usually carried. He brought the midnight sword, belting it to his waist on the right-hand side, along with the other rapier which he belted on the left. He considered armor and briefly thought about leaving it. But he packed it in the bag, the cheap leather armor he could afford, along with the clothes he had borrowed from Tristan so long ago, much nicer than the clothing he normally wore.

There was the echo scroll Faith had given him, and Hart rolled it up and put it in his empty waterskin, along with a short piece of sharpened charcoal. He knew about covering his mouth and nose to prevent catching ill, and so he tied a piece of cloth around his face to act as a mask against the plague.

Then he went out from the Augustin residence and, taking a moment, he concentrated on Rharne, marking it in his mind as if on a map. Studying the city a moment longer, he knew that he would be able to dreamwalk back to Rharne if need be.

Finally, he took a while to devise a plan and write down in bullets what he was going to do while in Rynmere.

With that, he returned to Zuudaria.

"I didn't think of it earlier," he said as he crossed through the last of the graveyard and into the mausoleum, "But there's a merchant family in Oakleigh that goes by Thorn. I've met one of the members of the family; I believe her grandfather is the patriarch. They run the pharmaceuticals in the Settlements, and manufacture most of those that go through Rynmere, if I'm not wrong. They also own the only major hospital in the colonies. They will have been made rich off of this plague, I'm sure." He looked at Frask. "If you want information on this illness, I would wager that they'll know best."

Handing Faith what he had written, he then went over it with more depth.

"I'm not sure where Frask is located within the kingdom," Hart started. "If he takes me through to Rynmere, I'm going to have to travel to the colonies.

"The intelligence we received said that the kingdom's been blockaded by naval lines. That will likely make traveling to the Eastern Settlement more difficult. But there are other ways to travel in the kingdom, including through the air. There will have been people traveling between the Settlements and Rynmere without the military's approval. Alternatively, there will have been people traveling between them on the military's behalf. The navy must be letting through supply ships. If there is no other option, I might be able to sign on to one of those to get across."

"Once in the Settlements, I'll go as Tristan to his Estate. There will have been someone acting as duke while Tristan's been gone, likely a lower Venora. I'll oust them if necessary.

"When I was duke, I found that a large portion of the job was paperwork; correspondence, collecting and poring over information related to current events, and managing Oakleigh's budget. As Tristan, I'll rearrange what monies and supplies I can to be sent here as aid. They will probably have to be secreted out of the kingdom, because of the blockade. If there is no other other option, I might be able to arrange for them to go through the Order of Adunih."
He glanced at Faith as if to ask permission.

Then he paused.

"Altogether, there are two ways I could go about completing this task. I could act as Tristan throughout my time in Rynmere, and try not to get caught. There are benefits to pretending to be Tristan throughout, including protecting his reputation as a duke. The main disadvantage is that the colonies don't like the Rynmeran nobility, Oakleigh has never fully accepted the kingdom's rule, and as a result of the king putting Tristan in as the duke of Oakleigh, the Settlements have been uncooperative at best and at worst, hostile.

"The other option is to act as Tristan only when necessary, and to otherwise act as myself. Once I'm in the colonies, if I use my own identity, I may be able to more readily confer with the leaders of the other settlements, along with their merchant houses. They may be more likely to cooperate if they know I'm not true nobility; from there, I can attempt to convince them that I'm trying to act to our mutual benefit.

"Either way, I'll likely have to arrange political bargains to get them to work with us. I know, for instance, that the settlements would like to be sovereign from Rynmere, save perhaps for Welles. I could therefore arrange to advocate for Oakleigh to have more political power within the kingdom on Tristan's behalf.

"I'll try to muster as much support as I can. I'll correspond with every major merchant house, every colonial leader, as well as other factions in the Settlements. Including,"
he said seriously, judging Faith's reaction, "The Qe'Dreki, any underground mage organizations, and the like. I may also be able to contact the Alliance, if they still exist, and Faction VII. I wouldn't be surprised if the colonies have been working with the rebels and bandits of Rynmere since the kingdom's conception.

"Whether or not I'm able to get the underground communities to cooperate will depend largely on what they want and if we want to work with them."

That would be Faith's decision.

"As for the echo scroll, I'll report in at least once per trial," he said. "More often than that, if I think it necessary." Which it probably would be, considering the speed at which this all had to happen.

"Should I run into trouble, I'll leave an X on the echo scroll. I'll only mark the scroll with an X if I'm in immediate danger and cannot give a full report. When and if I'm next able to give a report, I'll use the word "permit" to verify my identity.

"I've Branded Rharne, so depending on Emea's condition I'll be able to dreamwalk back. I also have my mortalborn abilities, one of which allows me to walk through walls and, temporarily, to avoid phyiscal damage. If you don't hear from me at all, assume I've been compromised."
He smiled mirthlessly.

If Faith or the others had any disagreements with what he'd said, Hart was willing to make adjustments as need be. If not, he would nod to Faith again, nod to Saul, and then, smiling at Frask just as he had before, take his hand to be escorted out.
Hart, Eastern Settlement

- arrive in the kingdom via Frask and Zuudaria
- if in Rynmere proper, travel to the Settlements
- act as Tristan to get to his Estate
- rearrange monies and supplies to be delivered from Oakleigh to the war efforts
- contact the leaders and merchant families of the Eastern Settlement
- contact, if possible, underground factions in the Eastern Settlement / Rynmere
- arrange political deals with the colonies and factions as needed [preferably without Rynmere's oversight]
- arrange to send any troops / additional supplies via secretive means
- return if possible by the 10th

echo scroll

- X means immediate danger and cannot report
- "permit" verifies identity
Just so there's a list to refer to, here's everything Hart's got:
- his bag
- the contents of his bag which include
space- 1 set of toiletries (a brush, razor, bar of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and added small space--(hand) mirror and 2 hand towels)
space- 1 tinderbox
space- 1 cooking lantern
space- 1 week's worth of dried food rations
space- 1 plate
space- 1 eating knife
space- 1 compass
space- 1 spyglass
space- 1 map of Andaris' shoreline
space- 50 ft of hemp rope
space- 1 sketchbook and black charcoals
- 1 empty waterskin
- 1 echo scroll to Faith
- a piece of cloth used as a mask
- a small waterproofed tarp
- his usual clothing
- Tristan's clothing from when Hart was duke
- basic quality leather armor
- an average+ quality rapier and sheath
- a masterwork+ quality rapier that cannot take a life (the defender sword from the Point Bank) and sheath

Hart also Branded Rharne.
OOC: This is the most Hart has ever spoken in thread. I wanted Aegis to know what Hart was planning to do in Rynmere. But I think it makes sense for Hart to explain it to Faith, as well.
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Re: [Zuudaria] What Slumbers Beneath.

Let sleeping jacadons lie.....
Life, Death
The In-Between

Faith looked at Hart in some surprise when he said that he didn't think the war should be asked of her. That whole concept was a complete anathema to Faith - and her expression was genuinely confused. "My friend Lei'lira's baby died," she said quietly. "When her ship was attacked and they all nearly lost their lives. They limped into port, starving and dehydrated. The babe had died at her breast just breaks before. She wouldn't let him go, I recall." Faith looked at Hart and her expression was beyond sorrowful. "I recognised the look in her eyes. I saw it in the mirror, and in Padraig's eyes, when we lost our daughter. It's still there, if I let it be. I was able to resurrect the baby." Faith smiled softly. There was no annoyance or anger or even vague irritation in her eyes or expression, just an earnestness to make him understand. "I was attacked, in the street, and they attempted to kidnap me when I was pregnant with our twins. They bundled me into a carriage and drove off with the intention of turning my babies into thralls while still inside me, so they would eat their way out. An experiment. I had to literally fight for my life, and that of my babies, against four men. I used my Servants Mark to pull Padraig to me, and touched one of the men - the one with the knife - giving him one of the deaths I had stored." Faith's eyes lit with delight as she said "The twins had a wonderful first birthday, not so long ago."

Gesturing around the room, she shrugged slightly. "I would have done this for her, because she asked it, before she marked me at all. But considering all that she has given me - even if I was the kind of person to see the world in such a plus and minus tally column," which she really, evidently, was not, "after all she's given me, even if I was that kind of person, how could I refuse?" Not that she would - never. The marks and blessings were not why she did it - she had served Famula loyally since she could remember and she would do so no matter what. "I suppose I'm trying to explain faith. And Faith. Both quite complex things. But, do not worry, not for a moment. It is my honour, and privilege to serve her."

But, he needed time to prepare and that was just fine, of course.

When he came back and spoke, Faith considered his words and then, she shook her head. "We have a box. Like the echo scroll, but a box. Take one with you, it's one of a few." Assuming that he took it, it would mean that he could send things, items, money - whatever he chose. That was the easier aspect of what he said, but then he gave her another option, and that was more difficult. Faith frowned in thought and then, stood and paced a little. Lifting her hand to the bridge of her nose, she pinched her nose briefly and then spoke again. "I'm going to offer a third option," she said quietly. "I just had a conversation with Tristan in my mind, and I believe that he would like it. I think he'd laugh and say that I was clever, and quite the best slave in all of Rynmere and maybe the world. Or now, these trials, he'd look at me with eyes which have become far too serious and then he'd smile a brief and beautiful smile where he looked just like he used to." Tears sprang into her eyes for a moment. "I hope he's alright."

She breathed in, allowing herself a single ragged out-breath and then she spoke. When she did, her tone was calm and business-like. "The third option is that you pretend to be him and declare Oakleigh independent. Make wild claims, suggest independent empire states, say up yours Cassander. When Tristan comes back to us, then he can either run with it, or he can blame you." He'd run with it, Faith thought - because it was the right thing. "It would cover up big moving of things, it would be a massive change, which would mean that other changes could be explained by it and, also, I think Tristan would like it. However, that is the third option and I leave it entirely to you which of those three you take. "

She heard everything he said and then she nodded. The idea with an echo scroll was a good one, but Faith knew that she had to learn from Nir'wei and what had happened to him. She couldn't just send this man into the unknown. So, she motioned to Frask. "Please, mark him? And if he calls, bring him to you." Looking at Hart, she smiled. "This way, you'll always be able to get out. Good luck," she reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "Good luck to us all."

Frask did as bid, but he looked at Faith first. "I need more detail on what you need in terms of a sample of this plague." Faith considered. "My ideal would be three corpses and two current sufferers. Arrange a time, and bring them here, I'll prepare the room to the side, once you've gone. Failing that blood, skin, hair, faeces, urine, vomit, and any pus or other fluid from both a dead victim and an alive sufferer. Also, if there are any people who are immune, then I'd like to talk to at least two, preferably four of them." Frask looked at her and sighed. "Right. Dead people or their pus. I get all the good jobs."
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Re: [Zuudaria] What Slumbers Beneath.

"Speaking in Rakahi"
"Speaking in Common"
"Speaking in Common sign"
extra line here
Faith spoke, and Hart watched her. Though his expression remained as it had been, it was difficult for him to hear of the traumas she had been through. She spoke of a friend of hers and her baby, a baby Faith had brought back to life. She spoke of her own children, what she had gone through to protect them, and of losing her daughter. Hart didn't know all of the details, but neither did he need to. "I'm sorry," he said.

He paused.

"Did you know that I have a daughter?" he asked after some deliberation. "She was born in Ashan on the 26th. Her name is Ruari." He stopped. "I haven't seen her in the four trials I've been here."

"You met Wren once. He's not my child, not like Ru. But he's still mine, if you understand. He's five years old and I don't know where he is. We lost him in Emea when it all fell. I haven't seen him, either, in the four trials since."

"It's different from Ru, because she's with her mother. Wren doesn't have a mother." Karshe was looking for Wren so that Hart could be here. "You said you brought back your friend's son. I brought back Wren and I. I was supposed to hold onto him." Because Hart was here, he was failing in that.

She had spoken about her faith and about Famula, and Hart still thought this war shouldn't have been asked of her. She was a twenty-arc-old girl who had been through too much, whose friend had died for her, and who had had no time to grieve. She had lost Nir'wei because of this war. That was another friend, gone. Faith had spoken, in Cylus, of the blood on the walls. Other people were certain to die.

But she said that it was a privilege to serve Famula in this.

A privilege.

Hart couldn't understand it. He said softly, "I would like to see my kids again."

And my brother. "I'm sure Tristan's well," he added, but only because of the tears in her eyes.

There was nothing else to do but to leave. Hart had the echo box and the echo scroll. He had his orders and he had Frask. "Expect a report later today," he said.

"Goodbye Faith."
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Re: [Zuudaria] What Slumbers Beneath.

Thread Review


Faith Augustin
Skill Points: +15 (cannot be used for magic)
Magic XP: None.

Renown: +5 (being analyzed by Carter)

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: -1 echo scroll to Hart, -1 echo box to Hart.

Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Notes: n/a.
Player Word Count: 2710 words.


Skill Points: +15 (cannot be used for magic)
Magic XP: None.

Renown: +10 (aiding in the war effort by impersonating a duke)

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: +1 echo scroll from Faith, +1 echo box from Faith.

Skill Knowledge:
  • Politics (Eastern Settlement): The political state of the Eastern Settlement
  • Tactics: Coming up with multiple plans of action
  • Tactics: Prepare appropriate equipment
  • Tactics: Understanding the risks
  • Tactics: Making hard choices
  • Intelligence: A simple code to identify oneself
  • Intelligence: Report in frequently
  • Intelligence: Pretending to be someone you're not
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • Carter Frask: Champion of Famula
  • Faith: Had a daughter who died
  • Faith: Champion of Famula
  • Faith: Famula's war general
  • Location: Zuudaria, Famula's Emean Domain
  • Zuudaria: Cannot be spied upon
  • Nir'wei: Deceased
  • Immortal mark: Zuuda
  • Zuuda: Champion Zuuda can escort one person through Zuudaria from one physical location to another
  • Zuuda (ability): Grand Servant's Mark, Exalted level
  • Zuuda (ability): Beck and Call, Champion level
Notes: n/a.
Player Word Count: 2565 words.

A tactics and planning thread, I enjoyed this read a lot because it interwove both PCs as well as including NPCs and the world around them. It would have been easy to have Hart and Faith fall to the wayside under all the tactical information, but they managed to come across in the style of their dialogue and the included descriptions of their mannerisms.

I especially enjoyed Hart's variations and planning through his dialogue. It was a lot, but I'm a fan of long-form dialogue (some books have entire chapters of pure dialogue) so it was good and kept to Hart's idioms so the character didn't get lost in it.

And of course, I approve of Faith's organization of the mausoleum as "Command Central". Both him and Faith struck me as being as serious as the tasks before them require, but also seeming very human in it - rather than cut off from their emotions, it seemed they were able to manage their emotions under the greater priority of the war at-hand. This displayed brilliantly in Faith's dialogue to Hart and the exchange about their respective children.

Great job the both of you and enjoy your rewards!

PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

Total Word Count: 5275 words.
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?p=123899#p123899

word count: 454
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