A Most Eggcellent Occasion

11th of Ashan 719

The lands past the gates of Yaralon Proper. This vast area includes The Spines, The Cut, The Crags, Maiden's Refuge, Bastard's Grove, Heaven Fall and small villages.

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A Most Eggcellent Occasion


11th of Ashan 719

Today was an important day, for both Kisaik and Alaiwa. They were gathered at Kisaik's humble burrow, on the very roof of the burrow, worrying over a rather large egg. They'd gathered all sorts of kindling and ruff for the poor, fertilized bird egg, trying as best they could to simulate the conditions of it's natural birthing.

"No no no, Alaiwa! The ruff goes inside the twigs, there and there!" Kisaik ordered his squire about, trying to be kind though the lad did test him at times. Alaiwa nodded and righted his mistake, to which Kisaik gave a curt nod of his head. "Well enough I suppose!"

Kisaik made sure all of his alchemical equipment was kept well away from the egg, while it was being prepared for the hatching. He'd already heard stirrings of the bird trying to peck its way out of the shell yesterday, and sent word to Rabu that he ought to join them for the momentus occasion. While he knew that Rabu was terribly afraid of birds, Kisaik very much wanted his betrothed to be present at the birth of his ward.

Kisaik gingerly touched the shell of the egg, with his bare hand, just feeling the life that was stirring within it was exciting. It would be a grand day.

Beside the makeshift nest, a pile of meat had been put aside, which Kisaik had purchased from his friend, Praetorum. The ithecal was a good hunter, at least better than Kisaik could hope to be. The meat had set Kisaik back a bit, but it would be worth it when he fed the bird, allowing it to grow strong. He was nearly bursting with excitement at the prospect of his ward being born.

Then, out of the blue, Alaiwa asked Kisaik, "What do you think you'll name your bird, sire?"

Oh, Kisaik hadn't even thought of that...
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Re: A Most Eggcellent Occasion

“Why ya shaking s’much lil’guy” The giant Ithecal turned her head slightly to the tunawa on his shoulder. “Jus some babe won’t even be able ta move let alone do ye a lick a harm.”

“I knows.. I knows” Rabu nodded while talking a deep breath and shaking his arms about to relieve the tension he carried in his bark. “I just scared of of dem, dere flapping wings, dere sharp beaks and dose..” Rabu flexed his fingers like little talons before shaking his body about in displeasure. “Why it have to be deh birds? Why couldn’t Kisaik like..deh squirrel.”

“Cause those lil’ rodents are nothin’ but spiteful little beasts.” The corners of Vasa’s mouth turned up into a grin. “They make fer a good old crunchy snack if yah can catch the lil’ buggers.”

“What!” Rabu cried out in alarm.

Vasa let out a deep belly laugh at her tiny friends reaction. “I’m just yankin’ yah chain sprout.”

“Yanking my chain?.”

“It be an expression sprout.”


“Oh sweetie…never ye mind.”

The two were in Rabu’s carriage on route to Kisaik’s burrow. Vasa was doing a good job taking the reins of Gogo the donkey with Rabu’s careful instructions and they made good time. They arrived at the destination likely a little earlier than expected, and Vasa helped Rabu tie up Gogo while rabu found a carrot to give the hard working Donkey.

“We Have arrived!” Vasa shouted while waving her scaly tree trunk arms. She turned her massive reptilian head down to Kisaik. "You're this Kisaik that Rabu's been jabbering bout eh?" The lizard pointed to rabu on her shoulder. “I think yer lil friend may av o’bit da jitters.”

“Not dat much.” Rabu interjected meekly.

Vasa chuckled at the tunawa’s weak response. “So were the lil’ Nugget be at?” Vasa added while scanning the area with her reptilian eyes for signs of a tiny bird.
Last edited by Rabu on Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 333
One of Rabu's Mortal Born abilities involves emean creatures called Dooglewogs doing pranks and causing misfortune for the Rabu. I roll a dice every time Rabu uses his other powers and whatever it lands on will happen in the thread he's in.
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Re: A Most Eggcellent Occasion


Kisaik looked at Alaiwa, and furrowed his brow, ”Hmm. It doesn’t seem as active today as it has been… Has it been getting plenty of sun? Kept warm and comfy? Not too much sun mind, just the right amount.”

”What’s the right amount?” Alaiwa quirked his brow, ”I’ve been doing my best, barely touching the thing… I have tried a few different bird calls, but nothing seems to work…”

”Well, you lived among the Harpy Eagles for a while didn’t you? So you know very well what their call sounds like.” Kisaik crossed his arms, ”Do that call, and maybe the chick will get excited.”

”Yes Master… I’ll…”

Just then, the two tunawa heard the big Ithecal lady announcing their arrival. Kisaik jumped out of his skin nearly, and then ran out to greet them with wide, sappy smile. ”Welcome! Welcome Friend of Rabu! Welcome my betrothed!”

The tunawa knight skipped over toward Rabu, and stretched a little on his tippy toes taking his hand and kissing the back of it. ”How wonderful you could make it. The little bird has been scratching at his eggshell! I think he might be hatching at any moment!”

Kisaik then turned his attention from Rabu to Vasa. With a deep, sweeping bow, he introduced himself. ”I’m Kisaik, my noble Ithecal. It’s so wonderful to finally make your acquaintance. I would be pleased to be your friend. Any friend of Rabu is a friend of mine!”

Just then, the loud, piercing, high pitched cry of a raptor filled the air. It sounded from well above the burrow. Kisaik cringed at the sound, hoping it didn’t frighten Rabu. ”Alaiwa! Please! Rabu has just arrived. We can wake the chick later when everyone is settled.”

From the top of the burrow, where the nest was settled, Alaiwa changed from tree-talk to Xanthean, ”Sir! Master! I think it’s ready to break out!”

”Oh dear, whatever shall we call the nugget? This is a terrible inconvenience, but also very exciting! It’s almost out of it’s shell, how proud I will be to see it’s cute little feathers and beak and ruff!”

Excited from his core to the hairs of lichen sprouting from his scalp and beard, Kisaik hopped up to the top of the burrow, and began taking bits of meat out of the pile. He chewed them in his sapping mouth, masticating and readying himself for the bonding experience.

Alaiwa repeated his raptor call, but kept it quiet this time, afraid of annoying his master once more.
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Re: A Most Eggcellent Occasion

Rabu bashfully looked away as Kisaik kissed his hand in greeting. The Ithecal looked down at the display and a corner of her scaly mouth turned upwards in amusement. “You lil’ twigs are so bloody precious I can’t take it.”

“So deh egg is about to do the hatching?” Rabu lifted his eyebrows at the news, he assumed he would have some time with Kisaik and his new squire before “the event” was to occur. “I hope you not have to wait long..” He added with a forced smile, not wanted to show his discomfort at the idea of the bird using its nails to claw its way into existence.

Vasa smirked down at Rabu before addressing Kisaik. “Oi, it’s nice ta meet yah too lil sprout.” She gave an exaggerated bow followed by a deep chuckle. “be honoured ta be chums wit ya, a beast like me can’t be choosy after all.” The Ithecal rubbed her massive scaly hands together and displayed her sharp fangs in a mischievous grin. “So when we gonna eat this bird?”

“VASA!” Rabu’s eyes went wide in alarm.

“I’m only joshin’ ya sprout.” Vasa chucked down at the flustered Tunawa, clearly enjoying the rise she was getting from her tiny friend.

The sudden shriek of an avian creature rang through the skies, entering Rabu’s ears and causing him to leap nearly a foot into the air. In a flash Rabu disappeared behind Vasa’s foot, clinging to the scales on her calf muscles with his tiny shaking hands. Vasa let out a sigh and shook her head.

“Yah gonna name it Nugget?” Vasa interjected at Kisaiks statement with a raised brow and a snort of amusement. She couldn’t speak Xanthea but she new a few words in her travels.

“Sir Nugget..” Rabu chimed in with a quivering vocal range before retreating back to his hiding place.
Last edited by Rabu on Mon Sep 09, 2019 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 319
One of Rabu's Mortal Born abilities involves emean creatures called Dooglewogs doing pranks and causing misfortune for the Rabu. I roll a dice every time Rabu uses his other powers and whatever it lands on will happen in the thread he's in.
If a Grader or Mod wishes to add a misfortune as a reward that would be wonderful but please be sure that it's only temporary and isn't too disruptive or disturbing (I'm mostly going with light and silly) look on my character sheet for examples.
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Re: A Most Eggcellent Occasion


"Shur Nurgret shoundz good!" Kisaik said, smiling as he chewed the meat for his soon to be newborn bird.

Through all the hubub and commotion of the gathering, the bird started to peck at it's egg shell. As it began to break through, Alaiwa stood making softer bird calls, so as not to alarm Rabu so strongly, and Kisaik stood over the egg, chewing the meat he would feed the baby bird. Then, through the shell of the egg, breaking through a little bird appeared.
"Daaawwwr!" Kisaik said, swooning at it's cuteness. He almost forgot about the meat in his mouth, until the bird began lifting its head as if to accept its first meal. Kisaik then remembered, and was happy to oblige.

He lowered his head over the little eagle's beak, and dropped some meat that was drenched in his own tunawa sap. A nutritious and healthy meal for any avian, plus Kisaik's sap was delicious in its own right, if he said so himself.

The little bird ate up the scraps of meat hungrily, and then bleated for seconds, which Kisaik was soon to provide. Meanwhile, Alaiwa ceased his bird calls, and went over to greet Rabu and Vasa shyly, "Hello there! Kisaik has told me so much about you Rabu, and all the amazing adventures you've had with him. He really is a good master, although sometimes I worry his enthusiasm may lead him into danger here or there..."

Alaiwa smiled at Rabu, "I like your ears!"

Then at Vasa, "And your tail is quite impressive, milady."

He whispered under his breath, "Kisaik has been teaching me the art of etiquette, you see..."
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Re: A Most Eggcellent Occasion

Rabu continued to hide behind the Ithecal’s massive calf muscle while trying his best to ignore the bird calls of kisaik’s ward. After hearing Kisaik faun over the little creature Rabu did become brave enough to inch his tiny head over and slowly open his eyes to catch a peak of what all the hubub was about. What his glassy eyes saw was a gangly looking creature with a massive wrinkly head.
“So cute..” Rabu mumbled unconvincingly with a forced smile. He supposed there was some cuteness to it but he just couldn’t bring himself to see the bird in the same light as Kisaik.

Vasa rolled her eyes and snorted at Rabu’s weak compliment. The Ithecal bend down to get a closer look and smiled at the little bird.
“I can say wit out a shed o’ lie that this is the most darlin’ bird I ever set me eyes on. Most uh the ones I seen look like a screamin’ goblin Turd, not this one.”

She was taken back a bit when Kisaik suddenly emptied he contents of his mouth into the open mouth of the bird.
“oh yah taken this motherin’ bit mighty serious like I see.” Vasa said to Kisaik with a slight sour look.

Kisaiks ward had stopped his bird calls and meekly walked over to Rabu with a greeting. Rabu was thankful for the distraction and put all his focus on the tiny ward while he gushed about his master and the tales he spun.
“I’m glad he has another person looking out for him, my little peanut is always looking for trouble.” Rabu glanced up at Kisaik with loving smile while also chastising him with his pointer finger.

“Oh dank you.” Rabu said as he held the ears on the side of his head. “I like yours too.”

“Oi Thank yah lad, its great for tripin’ uglies up when they makin’ a fuss in the tavern.” Vasa chuckled while reminiscing about her many bar fights.

“Oh well you doing a good job.” Rabu added with a smile to Alaiwa.
word count: 351
One of Rabu's Mortal Born abilities involves emean creatures called Dooglewogs doing pranks and causing misfortune for the Rabu. I roll a dice every time Rabu uses his other powers and whatever it lands on will happen in the thread he's in.
If a Grader or Mod wishes to add a misfortune as a reward that would be wonderful but please be sure that it's only temporary and isn't too disruptive or disturbing (I'm mostly going with light and silly) look on my character sheet for examples.
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Re: A Most Eggcellent Occasion


"Raaaaaaaaaawk!" Knugget croaked and creaked at Rabu, as if it detected the insincerity of his words towards it. Kisaik tried to pet at the little bird, comforting it. "Ish okay, Knugget. He'll get used to you in time. Just wait I'm sure you'll be the best friends!"

Kisaik beamed up at Vasa, "Dank you! I'm sure Knugget and you will get along well. He will only get more pretty as time goes on, and he gets even stronger. I've seen his parents, they were so majestic."

Kisaik's cheeks swelled with sap as he got embarrassed, having not shared the story of how he'd gotten the egg yet with anyone. In fact, he'd eggnapped the little Knugget, from its parents, on the urging of Alaiwa. Alaiwa told him that eagles had terrible childhoods, so he sought to save him from that fate. But he didn't know for certain that it was true.

Kisaik chewed his bird's meal a bit more, then lowered the ground up meat into it's waiting mouth, before wiping it clean and deciding that the bird had enough for now. Praetorum had given him the meat necessary for the feeding of his bird, after paying him a small fortune. It was a good trade. He'd be all set until he was ready to hunt his own meat.

"Gotta seal that bond, right away, if we gonna be friends." Kisaik remarked to Vasa, at her mothering comment.

Meanwhile, Alaiwa was chatting up Rabu, to keep the tall tunawa some company while Kisaik and Vasa tended the bird. "Oh, he's more taken care of me than I him! Did you know he rescued me from the harpy eagle's nest?! He's so brave and canny. I'm sure both of you will be heroes worthy of song someday..."

Thus the celebrations and fuss carried on until dusk, when they finally moved the party inside Kisaik's burrow. Vasa and the rest were leaving, as Kisaik fell asleep beneath Knugget's beak, while Rabu and Vasa tidied up the travel wagon.

Soon enough, Kisaik was whistling in his sleep, snoring in his way.
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Re: A Most Eggcellent Occasion





Animal Husbandry: Separating natural enemies in order to protect them from each other.
Animal Husbandry: Hatching an egg
Animal Husbandry: Feeding a baby bird.
Detection: The cry of a harpy eagle
Detection: The sound of an eggshell cracking.
Etiquette: Compliments can soften another's disposition.
Socialization: Contact: Vasa: Rabu's Ithecal protector.
Socialization: Contact: Alaiwa: Kisaik's faithful squire.
Socialization: Hosting a gathering is a good way to shore up relationships.[/sptitle]

Loot: Harpy eagle hatchling
Renown: 10 for the gathering

EXP: 15


Kisaik always seems to be up to something bizarre and this time it was hatching an egg. I loved the throwbacks to other player characters as it shows just how involved Kisaik is with others. I didn’t think an egg hatching could possibly be enjoyable to read about but somehow you made it possible with your colorful dialogue and emotions. “Swelled with sap” was my favorite phrase from the thread. Enjoy your rewards.





Deception: Insincere compliments.
Detection: The cry of a harpy eagle
Discipline: Being scared by a bird's cry
Etiquette: Compliments can soften another's disposition.
Socialization: Contact: Vasa: Rabu's Ithecal protector.
Socialization: Contact: Alaiwa: Kisaik's faithful squire.
Socialization: Hosting a gathering is a good way to shore up relationships.
Stealth: Hiding behind a large ithecal's leg.

Renown: 10 for the gathering

EXP: 15


I’m starting to think that all Tunawa talk funny. I enjoyed Rabu’s naivety and how he reacted to all the teasing and jokes. I especially liked how he pretended like he liked the bird even after acting so cautious around it. I look forward to seeing how Rabu interacts with the bird in the future. Enjoy the rewards.

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