The Ghost Blunderer

The Daily Haunt in the Ghost Burho

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The Ghost Blunderer

The Ghost Blunderer

87 Ashan, arc 719

He had to admit, this whole business of "Sand Flea" was wearing on his patience. In his world, you helped those who were up against a foe beyond their capability. Sure, if they got stupid drunk and made an annoyance of themselves, they could be said to have brought it on themselves. But that had not been the case last Saun, when the shadow creatures had poured fourth from their little two-dimensional hideaways and started taking bites out of the shadows of the three-dimensional mortals minding their own business. Those bites reflected on the three-dimensional world with lethal effect and a strangely celebratory mayhem had ensued.

Eddrick still had his little snatcher, named 'Shade' appropriately enough. The 'pet' status of this little holdover from that event, formed entirely of shadow, stood as testament to the success of his attempts to reason with the creatures. But all that was cast aside now, in lieu of derision over having aided some avriel mix against a snatcher the size of a house. These damned Yaris actually scorned him for doing what he thought all soldiers would do without hesitation; combine efforts against a common enemy.

The resounding and repeating cries of "Sand Flea", that had met his ears since his return, however, had given strong indication that he was alone in this conviction. It appeared that these mercenaries would prefer that he'd stood by and simply watched the one-winged defender be stricken down for lack of support. Had these idiots truly intended that there was some unspoken obligation to allow themselves to be defeated one-by-one, when they could prevail without loss by fighting together?

'Yup...looks that way.' he grumbled to himself as he continued to meet with self-satisfied mockery for his efforts to find the Ghost Burho. It did not help that his one out was the equally consistent offers of duels to assuage his "hurt feelings", as they so often described what HE considered good sense. He knew these duels were usually to the death, and he was here on the Empire's business and was not about to let his pride be the hook by which he'd be reeled into some idiotic death match.

He turned now and then, nearly giving in to the impulse to invite the callers to enjoy intercourse with themselves. But always managed to catch himself with a smile and a shake of the head, as he pressed on to another gauntlet of ridicule.

There was not much of the city he had not travelled by the time he found the Ghost Burho, other than those areas inaccessible to someone with only a silver circle. It did not surprise him to find indications that what few directions he had been given with seeming good intent had actually served to "herd" him through town so all could enjoy heaping insult upon his weary brow. He could only hope that his shame had satisfied his detractors for the duration of his visit.

Finally, before him stood the domicile he'd been promised. 'A last slap in the face.' he mused sorely as the decrepit structure seemed to sag further with each new visual angle. 'Ghost Burho indeed...I am given the rotting corpse of a house.' he chuckled to himself as he entered. 'Perhaps the rats will be killed when it collapses.'

With that he laid out his bedroll. There was a bed, such as it was. But bedbugs were not the most disgusting thing he could imagine to have soaked into the linen. Hearing various degrees of skittering and chittering, he decided to sleep in the main room instead.

He took a moment first to assemble the floor-stand perch for his hawk, "Arrow", giving the long, low whistle that let the bird know it was free to fend for itself. With the windows all boarded and the door blocked into its jam with what appeared to have been intended to be identified as a table of some sort, the predator should have free reign over any household rat and mouse population.

Perhaps the place would have more appeal in the morning.
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Re: The Ghost Blunderer


It was still showing only the dull grey of pre-dawn when Eddrick awoke. It was not terribly uncommon for him to wake early, but something seemed..."off" that he couldn't quite place. The floor creaked beneath him as he rose slowly from his bedroll, lifting the blanket up as he went.

'Arrow', his hawk had abandoned its perch from the night before to take up a new roost on the moth-eaten remains of the room's draperies, the rod sagging beneath his added weight to suggest either dry rot or complete rust. Normally Eddrick would figure it was just an instinctive desire for raised visibility, but Arrow was clearly agitated; his feathers were ruffed and he paced along the rod making an odd warbling noise that suggested an intruder.

From a sitting position, the bandit kept the blanket in place as he turned his body to see if there was something behind him. He saw nothing, but also experienced the sense of some unseen presence. There was no breeze, but there was a peculiar tug on the blanket at the same moment that Arrow screeched with alarm.

Eddrick whirled back around to see the blanket billow in a vague outline of a human. It was fair to say that his numerous experiences with having ghosts and other undead in his face - including one particularly horrific ordeal in a crashed prison wagon besieged by dozens of animated corpses, arms and mouths reaching and slavering hungrily toward him - had made him rather immune to the horror most people felt when confronted by a ghastly form of rot and hunger.

But for a reason of which he was not yet aware, Eddrick was even more indifferent than usual. As the cadaverous face burst forth from the blanket, yawning ghoulishly in a silent, oozing scream, Eddrick calmly but decisively leaned into the image, folding the blanket back across his legs, and temporarily stymieing the ghost's intent to finish passing through the fabric.

The now annoyed look on the entity's face turned swiftly to alarm as Eddrick folded the blanket a second time, from left to right. He then flipped it back for a third fold before hopping off the cot to head out the door with the blanket, intending to throw it into the dirt. The ghost meanwhile, was struggling to reorient its ectoplasmic structure free of the threefold reversal of facings which confused its sense of which direction to convey towards.

As Eddrick threw open the door, he immediately locked eyes with the grim and unwelcomed figure of an animated corpse, which immediately diverted from its original course to close the distance with him in the iconic hunched and shambling gait.

"Awww....Great...fucking...Grandmother..." Eddrick muttered as he scowled. He loosened his belt and began to jog towards the approaching ghoul. At the last moment before closing with the creature, he shook out the blanket and jumped up, to bring the fabric down and envelope the physical being with the ghost-infused blanket.

He had no idea if the ghost felt any disgust with its proximity to this rotting, risen, dead thing, nor did he care. He quickly wrapped the now blanket-shrouded figure in what degree of bear-hug he could manage with one arm. He pulled the loosened belt free now and with his considerable experience in chain type weapons, flung the belt around the wrapped figure, caught the flung end in his other hand and cinched it tight, as the conveyed ghost now pulled free of the undead clusterfuck.

There were a number of torches set conveniently into sconces, through the courtesy of whatever Yaralon department served the citizen's road-illuminating interests. Eddrick whistled a light ditty as he ambled over to grab one, and returned to ignite the blanket-wrapped horror as the ghost stared in what looked to him to be simple astonishment. He walked past the ghost with dulled interest to step briefly into the house.

He came back out with a single bronze bracer on his right arm. He sat on the stoop, whistling, as he watched the flaming monster thrash about in circles, slamming into various extensions of various structures, clearly unfamiliar with the traditional 'Stop, Drop and Roll' technique to employ when one found themself alight.

"What? He a friend of yours?" he asked the spirit rhetorically. The ghost's ectoplasmic jaw dropped for a moment, shutting in uncertainty as Eddrick eased over and patted the empty spot on the porch beside him. Eddrick displayed the bronze bracer briefly then took it off and set it nearby, waving a hand over it to suggest that he was willing to leave it there, if....

The ghost's gaze narrowed, but it approached slowly as the fire in the street slowly sagged into a burning, unmoving heap. It sat beside the bandit, who was only now beginning to wonder why he'd remained SO cool during this little confrontation. In keeping with the very frame of mind he wondered about, he shrugged and held out the other hand.

"Hello, I'm Eddrick. I'll make you a deal; you don't fuck with me, I'll do you the same. Okay? As you can see, I do have some experience with such things." he cast a thumb in the direction of the fire, "But unlike him, I think you were just trying to scare me off." The ghost made hesitant and insubstantial contact with Eddrick's hand and pulled it back quickly.

Smirking inwardly, the bandit gestured again toward the burning heap and continued, "I obviously need a new blanket and belt. I'm going to go into town now and get them, but when I get back, I'm willing to talk about it, if you want. If not, that's fine too, but no more tricks."

He did not wait for an answer, but stood up with a long, groaning stretch, went inside to retrieve his hawk and finish dressing. He returned with a nod to the nonplussed ghost, and clomped back out to walk, whistling, up the road.
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Re: The Ghost Blunderer


The walk into the nearest market was much the same as the trial before, with a number of taunts greeting him as he passed by. For the most part, he just whistled his way past, going to the trouble of an occasional shrug to some of the more insistent annoyances. He knew that if he was actually challenged, he would have to respond with an accommodating duel. He was certainly willing to do this if he had to, but figured it was best to just let the townspeople and mercenaries have their fun at his expense.

Some of those merc groups that the Rhakriis had spanked hard down in the Hotlands, had been among those that had spiced his previous departure from Yaralon with these same catcalls and insults. He thought back to the satisfaction he had felt with his recent victories over such men, and wondered again why he was feeling no particular reaction to their peers now.

But he found that, though it was curious, it didn't bother him enough to dwell on. In fact, there was a deeper part of his mind finding genuine hope that this approach might be something he could make use of in the future. He knew it was not natural; that there was some cause for it. But he'd rather take advantage of it by not giving a shit, than fight it, just to have cause to get into unnecessary fights.

He found a mercantile shop and paid for a new blanket; the merchant eyeing the passersby to see if anyone looked to be taking offense at him selling his goods to the "Sand Flea". A few folks snorted in varying degrees of disdain, but there were no openly hostile reactions. A few blocks up the way was a combined leatherworker and blacksmith, with belts that blended both their talents. Eddrick inspected several buckles, wanting to be sure he wore nothing indicative of any membership or affiliation with anyone.

All good things have to come to an end though...

"What do you think you're doing here, Sand Flea?" came a gruff voice from out in the square, a noticeable addition of verbal bile being added to the last two words. It was followed by the sound of hurried feet, the direction suggested a large circle being formed for the impending spectacle. Eddrick paid the grinning merchant for the belt, and took a moment to run it through the loops on his leggings.

"I asked you a question, Sand Flea!" came the follow-up snarl, which lacked the emphasis on the insulting label, but was still of greater overall volume.

Eddrick turned to face the black-garbed adversary, his wide-armed stance suggesting a strong hope for a reason to fly into action, sword and shield already battle-ready. "Oh..." Eddrick answered with a tone completely void of rancor or sarcasm, "I thought it was fairly obvious, but if you really haven't figured it out yet, I was buying a belt. See?" he reached down to clutch the buckle, angling it back and forth to make it more noticeable. Some of the onlookers chuckled as the opposing mercenary scowled in escalating anger.

"Do you need a closer look?" Eddrick asked, taking a few steps forward with what was surely assumed by everyone present to be mockingly feigned cooperation. He suddenly felt just bit of his normal level of snark beginning to return, "Maybe while you're down there looking, you could do me a favor." He winked to add certainty to what he was suggesting, and the chuckling turned to open guffaws.

"I CHALLENGE YOU, SAND FLEA!" the man roared, as much to drown out the laughing now blatantly directed his way, as to try to intimidate the bandit before him.

"Well, I don't know how much prestige you hope to gain by challenging someone so openly loathed as myself." Eddrick reasoned, with a hint of mockery, "You must really be on the low end of the prestige tables around here to have to stoop to this, eh? Besides..." Eddrick prompted by throwing open his arms to show his new belt, void of any additions, "...New belt...I haven't had time to go back home and belt on any weapons. I'm unarmed."

A triumphant sneer graced his opponents face. "Well, that's not my problem then, is it." A few of the crowd grumbled at the imbalance of such a contest, but it was considered to be every man's own fault if he went around unarmed. Many shrugs greeted Eddrick's statement. He added one of his own, then spun around to grab two of the Blacksmith's unused hammers, one for each hand.

"You're not even holding them right!" his enemy roared in amusement. Eddrick said nothing. It was true, he held them unconventionally; with the metal "work" end tucked against the little finger side of his palms, the handle jutting from the thumb side like a club. One of the smiths back at the Rhakrii stronghold had pointed this hold out to him.

Though it lacked the impact of swinging the weighted end normally, that was a clumsy, and slow-to-redirect method of attack. The way he held them now, the actual metal "work" end served as a counter-weight, providing far quicker moves and versatility.

One last shrug preceded the unavoidable duel, "Live and learn, I guess." Eddrick chuckled, "Unless you're dead, or an idiot...Or in your case..." No further comments could be heard over the rabid scream of anger that heralded the man's charge.
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Re: The Ghost Blunderer


The first several swings the mercenary made with his sword were as data that Eddrick filed for the immediate future. The swings were consistently at mid-torso level, and followed through to a vulnerable degree. This would have been less of an issue had the man made any corrections to his feet. He seemed instead to wait to finish the momentum of his swing before making any noteworthy footing adjustments. Honestly, it was such bad form that Eddrick thought it might be feigned to lure him in.

'Well...One way to find out...' he thought with a mental shrug. Timing his move to the now-predictable moment, and level, of his adversary's swing, he stepped into its range, spinning to meet it with the handles of his blacksmith hammers forming an X. The sword shaved a curl off a good portion of the upper handle before slamming to a stop where they crossed. Eddrick had to admit to decent amount of wrist-rattling impact, but snickered at the sudden crestfallen look on the man's face as he realized that his blade was lodged firmly in the fire-hardened wood of the lower handle.

What's more, as Eddrick simply dropped the upper one, to take hold of the lower one, now snugly gripping the blade, with both hands, he now had enough leverage on the blade to easily overpower the grip the mercenary had on its hilt. As he turned it back and forth, easing it slowly out of the man's grip, Eddrick was ready to respond to the logical shield slam that should be coming from the enemy's other arm. Once he felt his adversary's balance adjustment, he took advantage of his efforts to pull his sword free of the wooden handle by running with, and into, the momentum of his pull. This had the triple benefits of allowing additional trills to spin the sword hilt free of his hold completely, as well as spinning the man off balance and diminishing the impact of the shield.

There was actually some genuine relief that the man showed enough wit to direct the edge of the shield at him with his swing. The bandit stepped inside of the optimum target point, letting go of the hammer's handle with his right hand, to hook it around the arm with the shield. He still took a decent bruise to his ribs, but nothing that would put him out of action. Moments later, the man roared in mistaken triumph as he freed the sword from being stuck in the wood. It came as a result of a supreme pull, that brought the sword way back in what would be decent, but off-balance, position to make a mighty swing at an opponent a step or two away.

What his apparent notion of impending victory did not take into account was both that Eddrick was inside of his sword's effective sphere of action, AND, more importantly, that the right side of his head was wide open to the now-equally-unhindered blacksmith hammer that Eddrick now held in the conventional manner. The bandit's left-handed swing with the hammer dented the man's light helm inward, in such a way as to guarantee a broken cheekbone, along with a number of teeth. His eyes rolled back for a moment as he took several staggering steps toward the crowd, which was still sporting a collective grimace at the impact.

He swayed on his feet, as the sword dropped from twitching fingers. Was the shield not strapped to his other arm, it would have hit the dirt as well. Eddrick walked up to him casually, switched the hammer to his right hand, and added a symmetrically dented look to the other side of the helm, with a strike that finally snapped the cracked, half-chopped handle in two. The mercenary fell like timber at Eddrick's feet as the crowd cheered, "Sand Flea! Sand Flea! Sand Flea!"

Maybe it wasn't such a bad nickname after all....

The situation was not entirely resolved however. An idea came Eddrick's to mind just then; one that might just revert him to low status again. During his last visit, he had learned that such duels are fought to the death. Looking at the crowd now, he could see they were not of a mind to grant an exception. While this was a compliment, he had a different need.

He reached down and brought the sword and shield over to the blacksmith, both to pay for the damaged hammers, and to use to purchase a large wheelbarrow. There were mostly curious looks at first, but it turned somewhat ugly as demands to "Finish him!" erupted from the onlookers when Eddrick started loading the defeated merc into the wheelbarrow.

When the unconscious body was more or less fully in the wheelbarrow, Eddrick turned to give waves requesting patience. "I will, I will. I promise! But I need this idiot to let a ghost I've met possess him, so I can get some information out of him. Come on, I'm not about to let the thing possess ME. When I'm done, I promise I'll bring him back and finish him off, Okay?"

There was no truly affirmative response though, and the cheers of "Sand Flea" turned back to catcalls and hisses as Eddrick wheeled the limp merc back toward the Ghost Burho.
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Re: The Ghost Blunderer


The usual calls of "Sand Flea" had a more "What in Brelt'ek's balls...?" theme to them as Eddrick wheeled the comatose body of the beaten mercenary back the Ghost Burho. The ghost was waiting, with an expression on its hazy face that did not differ greatly from those of the living. Eddrick explained to his temporary landlord that they could get things worked out between them much more quickly and easily if it possessed the body in the wheelbarrow.

The ghost only took a moment to consider before nodding its ethereal head and sliding its way slowly into the heaped form. It was slow going at first, but soon enough the body was easing its way up from where Eddrick had dumped it in the road. It was not long before the two were discussing a variety of things. Eddrick had already introduced himself, so the Mercenary reciprocated with the name Sovik Brentille.

Small talk soon led to more important things, not the least of which was why Sovik lingered in this place, instead of moving on. That choice of words was a fortunate accident on Eddrick's part, as the ghost interpreted in more in a "moving out" definition. It stated that it could not leave the house unpaid; that it had a mark to cover on a loan that it knew was seriously in arrears. He claimed to have spent "...quite some time..." trying to amass the necessary nels to satisfy the mark holder.

Eddrick asked to see how much it had gathered thus far. Now many folks might have figured Eddrick to be planning a grab-and-dash with the money. And in fairness, the thought did cross his mind. But there was something worth much more than the 72 nels he was somewhat disappointed to see in the pouch that Sovik held. The look on his face told Eddrick that this pouch, and the housing security it represented was the focus of what kept this entity locked here. It was no surprise that 72 nels had not been enough thus far.

Eddrick had only just come from a prior incident involving a ghost, and he suspected that he had a proposal that would benefit them both, possibly to the point of Mr. Brentille's happy return to the....whatever it was....realm that awaited dis-obsessed(?) ghosts. He placed his metaphorical cards on the table for consideration...

"I need someone with gold circle status to take a peek in the contract charter registry, to see if there are any current faction signings, going to the Hotlands, to fight on the side of Nashaki. I will pay your mark if you will do this for me." he stated plainly. The expression ran a fast pendulum of extremity from realization, to sheer joy, and then dropping to misery, as the mercenary voice explained the emotional gamut.

"That is a generous offer, truly, sir. I'd be more than happy to take you up on it. My family could safely move back in. But I don't see how it could work. The registry will be guarded. And besides, I don't have a gold circle."

Eddrick's arm, already lying in anticipated position, lifted only from the elbow to point out a detail the ghost clearly had missed. "No, but he does." The bandit's finger pointed at the plainly visible gold circle on the mercenary forearm. The ghost looked in a puzzled scowl that changed swiftly to understanding, and the grin of camaraderie that forms bonds between successful schemers. "Don't discount the effectiveness of a good distraction, Sovik. And...not to be insensitive, but, well....You don't exactly have to worry about being killed."

The ghost gave a sigh suggesting sympathy for the live body he would be dragging to its doom this way. Eddrick donned a hard look in response as he explained one last detail. "This shithead challenged me to a duel, and lost. It's why he arrived in a wheelbarrow. I'm already taking crap from folks for not killing him then and there, so if he dies on this mission, it's all to the good."
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Re: The Ghost Blunderer


The now-possessed mercenary joined Eddrick once again for a wheelbarrow walk into one of the more office-heavy parts of town. It did not take long to find an office bearing the function of accommodating those seeking to establish and confirm mercenary contracts and their details. As agreed before they left, Sovik got out and leaned against Eddrick now, to convey a facade of drunkenness. They staggered up the stairs, with Eddrick contributing the expected encouraging remarks, "There you go, big guy....One more step....yeah, here's the door....okay, yeah....I'll get it for you....Yeah...right...step back first.....out of the way.....okay, I've got it now...No no...straight ahead." adding a few exasperated sighs for color.

He made the offer to help his friend up the inner stairs to the registry office, but did not press it when a pair of guards insisted on doing it. Waiting until Sovik had entered the room, Eddrick made eye contact with a different official-looking fellow and stated, as if just remembering, that he needed to pay a final installment on a dwelling place while he was here. He "accidentally" kicked a mostly-empty spittoon, sending it clanging and clattering loudly across the floor, as he stumbled to the desk.

Adding apology to the waning noise, he managed to effectively drown out the man's response that this desk had nothing to do with housing. The loud clump of his nel bag, and the subsequent spilling of ten or twenty's worth of coin kept up the distraction, as he dropped to a squat, cursing loudly over the follow-up insistence that this was not the housing office. He stood back up to add the retrieved coins to his bag, as he noticed the guards at the top of the stairs, outside of the registry office, looking down with sour expressions.

Now he clearly stated his intent to pay, and was just as clearly answered, for the third time, a detail that did not fail to be pointed out, that "This is not the housing office!"

Eddrick stared uncomprehendingly for a moment, then sighed angrily, "Well, then give me back my money." The man seemed only too eager to comply as he slid the bag back across the desk top. Eddrick's eyes narrowed as he delayed picking up the bag. "...ALL of it, If. You. Please..." he growled.

A loud debate over the quantity of money that had been in the bag in the first place, versus how much was there now, versus how competently either man had counted what was now spilled all over the desk ensued. Regardless of the status of the official involved, a dispute over money was taken very seriously in Yaralon. But things were compounded chaotically when it was realized Eddrick did not have a gold circle and had no business in this building in the first place. Now the guards descended in swift fashion, demanding to know what was going on.

Eddrick erupted in accusations of thievery, citing the rule as nothing more than a mechanism to deny him his rightful money. A moment later, explanations and debates aside, he and his "rightful money" were unceremoniously dumped on the stairs to roll into the street. A few spare nels were spat upon by the guards, and flicked at his face, offered as "interest". He could only hope that he'd given Sovik the time he needed to slip to a different room and examine the Hotlands War-related contracts.

Short bits after his own ejection from the premises, Sovik followed suit, having gained a few sword wounds in the process. They snarled at Eddrick to "...get him out of here or you'll get the same..."

Mercs ambled past glancing acknowledgements at him, and murmuring amused comments about his upcoming burial. Eddrick retrieved the wheelbarrow and helped the possessed body into it. A different merc passed, decorating his stride with a noteworthy double-take. "Oh, so you finally got around to winning that fight, eh, Sand Flea? Better bring the body back to the Market Square and get that recognized. There was talk of running you out of town."

When the mercenary passed by, Eddrick waited just a few trills and then advised Sovik to dispossess the body. It slumped with just a slightly more convincing "dead-weight" quality now. Sovik asked Eddrick if he'd paid the housing bill yet. The assurance that he would be doing that next was received with understandable skepticism as the bandit reminded the ghost that the act in the registry was never meant to make the actual payment; that it needed to be done in the actual Housing office.

Eddrick asked him if he'd gotten the information he wanted. Sovik's ghostly head tilted just a bit in assessment. "When you pay my housing bill, I will answer that."

Chuckling and nodding his head, Eddrick waved off any need for further explanation. He looked around absently, "Fair enough...So, uh....where IS the Housing office?"
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Re: The Ghost Blunderer


Leading the way, the ghost Sovik followed his obsessed memories to the office that had denied his family the safety they'd earned through his servitude decades earlier. Eddrick followed along, not giving much thought to what interest may have accrued in the interval.

Though the ghost may have intimidated most people with the glare of pure hatred he cast in the direction of the woman currently occupying the seat of housing power, she was not to be moved by Eddrick's shock and outrage.

"Eleven....HUNDRED....nel?? For THAT place?" he suddenly felt Sovik's angry glare turn his way. "I', uhh...well could...uhh, be expected." He stammered to find some neutral wording. "No doubt, if the city would have honored it's reciprocal obligation to keep it worth the ridiculous lien you are charging, that would be ONE thing...Why I could buy a NEW house for that!"

"Indeed you could." the woman responded smoothly, turning to pull out some sketched brochures, "And I happen to have some fine bar-..."

"NO!" Sovik snorted angrily.He was even more immovable than the woman, "That was NOT the deal, Eddrick! I held up MY end of the bargain. You would not presume to violate a in Yaralon...would you?"

For all its obsession over the particulars of some past aspect of its life, the ghost still maintained a ready understanding of the city's current overall culture. Eddrick was trapped and he knew it. He was already on thin ice over the questionable resolution of his duel. He could ill afford to have something like this deteriorate his standing further.

The scowl on his face was so profound from emotional inner pressure that it felt like it might stick that way. Right now, he could use a bit of that emotional syphoning Sovik had done to him earlier. With supreme effort, he relaxed his expression to one of resignation. "You are giving me EVERY LAST DETAIL, Sovik. We agree on THAT point, Yes!?" he managed to choke out without too much venom.

He caught the look exchanged between the ghost and the woman, as he counted out the money, and knew he'd managed to once again achieve "brunt" status. His eyes rolled accordingly as he waved Sovik to follow him out the door, his load lightened by over a thousand nel. "Alright then, you bastard. What did you learn?"

His hands began to roll in the classic "get to the point" manner, as the ghost recited his difficulties finding the exact file with what Eddrick was looking for.
Clearly enjoying Eddrick's impatience, the ghost drolled on about how most of the "Nashaki" files were in a state of "completion", indicating no contracts in progress.

Eventually though, his sport being satisfactory, he explained that when he'd flipped the "Nashaki" folder's cover back in place, he'd caught the "Naval" file behind it and seen "Nashaki" on some papers there, with mentions of travel via the Crescent Docks. He'd seen no less than seven different shipping contracts with similar details, with mentions of no fewer than 500 mercenaries on each one, as listed "cargo".

But the guards had returned and found the door blocked by then. He'd looked at as many as he could before they'd burst in and made short work of the mercenary body he was inhabiting. The patsy had lived just long enough to be dumped in the wheelbarrow, whereupon Sovik had lifted himself free of the corpse.

Eddrick was absolutely energized. The money was forgotten. Twice...three times...TEN times the money would have been a bargain! He had argued the necessity of taking out the docks seasons earlier, in a conference in the fortress he'd helped the Empire take from Nashaki forces. He'd felt then that the importance of the docks had been dismissed. He would not let that be the case again.

He knew it was clear across the Hotlands from the nearest Imperial base. He knew the exposure and effort that would be required to mount an Imperial operation over a target they would be logistically unable to keep occupied. But he also knew that it was the one strategic target that could be eliminated regardless of those details. And he was already forming a plan to do it. He knew that departure dates were not that soon. But it also only took 8 to 10 trials to make that journey. Timing would be essential.

He thanked Sovik profoundly, expressing sincere regret that he had to leave immediately. He wished him well for the future, hoping to see him again sometime, either alive or dead. But he needed to get word to Korlasir as soon as possible.
word count: 800
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Posts: 856
Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2018 11:17 pm
Race: Immortal
Profession: Degenerate Elite
Renown: 570
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Wealth Tier: Tier 10





Re: The Ghost Blunderer



It's refreshing to see an old-fashioned solo thread, full length without any breaks in the narrative. This was well written as well.

The Sand Flea is quite a character, he just needs to be more careful about not carrying a weapon with him while out in public in Yaralon. People are more likely to call him Sand Whore for being easy pickings for a proposal. When he was in the shop, I was concerned he might take a weapon from a bystander, which would've resulted in wedding bells in the future. I almost thought I might have to switch over and mod bomb you, but thankfully Eddrick had the agency to grab a couple of hammers instead for the duel.

This was a fun adventure regardless. Another fish out of water in Yaralon always makes for an enterintaining read, but Eddrick handled himself well for not respecting their customs and norms.

I hope to catch more of his exploits.


Skill-based Knowledges:
Detection: Lack of emotions may indicate a ghost
Discipline: Don't let mockery drag you into a duel
Falconry: Low whistle after perching for permissive status
Intimidation: Bronze items show a ghost you mean business
UC (Brawling): Whip and cinch a belt around the enemy
UC (Brawling): Counter-weight hold on smithing hammers
Non-skill Knowledges:
Convey: repeated folding of an item will keep a ghost stuck inside
Possession: Easier on an unconscious target
Yaralon Culture: Duels are always to the death
Yaralon Locations: Contracts, Housing and Markets
Yaralon Location: Ghost Burho
Yaralon Politics: Gold Circle Status opens all doors


Vital information


a few bruises



Wealth Points

- 1 wp


10/10 These points cannot be used for domain magic.
word count: 291

Fleshbound Tome~
Arcane Apprentice
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