• Mature • Standing where the grass is always greener

Tristan and Faith meet in the university.

50th of Ymiden 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"Thank you, Masterl" she replied quietly and took the lead from him. Then he decided that the collar was also to go, and she took that from him. He wanted to keep the manacles, and of course that was his right but Faith still secretly wished that he'd let her carry them. It was her job to do that, after all, not his to be weighed down by such. However, his wishes were paramount and so she said no more than that. She would dispose of the collar later, although looking at it she wondered if she might be able to make something else out of it, maybe. Something that would be useful for him. Would that be acceptable, she wondered, if he had told her to get rid of it? "May I keep it to practice my sewing skills on it, please, Master?" she asked. Better to ask, after all.

He would be a nice master? Faith listened to him further, not quite sure what he meant by that, but he explained and it sounded like nothing she had ever experienced. To be punished only if she did something wrong? That would be a completely new experience to her. But he had read the letter that she had written for Jamal, he knew that Jamal's thoughts were that she functioned better when regularly punished, whether she had committed a wrongdoing or not. How did she or should she respond to that she wondered. It was strange, with Jamal she knew the unwritten rules, but with her new master, she did not and so she was unsure of what she should do when. If she thanked him for only punishing her when she did something wrong, then she was taking an outrageous liberty, she knew, but it was rude to not respond when her master spoke to her. So, she kept it safe "I hope that you always feel that way, Master. Even if you do not sell me, my worth is kudos to you, though, so I will work as hard as I a capable" he wanted someone who could and would learn? Oh, she was more than happy there.

Inside the shop, a different assistant brought him a glass of wine, offering it to him on a tray as he and the shop owner discussed his latest purchase. "If it is properly trained, then your desire to change how it looks will be sufficient" he fawned, making sure that Tristan was well cared for as he showed him the outfits. "An excellent first choice, Your Lordship!" he declared when Tristan said that he wanted the yellow dress with a black corset. "Just one moment, Your Lordship, I will prepare it for you" he said and he stepped into the changing room that Faith had stepped into moments before.

And for all that the man was an obsequious fawning fellow, he knew his job. Whilst he had been settling Tristan in and showing him the options, one of the assistants had stripped Faith of her rags and put her in underwear before brushing her hair. The shopkeeper came in then and he put the dress on her, then the corset. The other assistant was dealing with Faith's hair and then the shopkeeper looked at her, for the first time really, and nodded. "Better. Much better. Show your master what he has bought, slave"

Faith stepped out from behind the curtain and it must be said that she looked very different. The long yellow dress was tightly held around her waist with the black leather corset which served to accentuate her tiny waist and to emphasise the curves she had, but had always had hidden by loose and ill fitting clothes. pushing up her breasts and giving her hips some sway as she walked out. Her long black hair was brushed until it shone and flowed down her back. The front of the dress was low, plunging to the top of her corset, accentuating the small and delicate collar that she wore, the lead from which dangled between her breasts. Her wrists has similar bracelets, with places to attach chains should he wish. The whole collar and chain were completely useless in terms of being secure, as scrawny as she was (although, somehow, the shopkeeper had turned scrawny to willowy) even Faith could break them. But it made the point most clearly, and the chain was long enough that he could attach it to his belt if he wished, or she could wear it clipped to the bottom of the corset, or one (or both) of the bracelets at her wrists. What the collar and chain did, without a doubt, was emphasise her slave status, marking her as property as clearly as the two brands that she had, perhaps even moreso since they were such delicate things. He had no need to worry that his slave would try to escape, they said, and in fact whether he realised it or not, it was true. She had even had a little make up applied to her face, a blush to her cheeks and a tinge of red to her lips. She looked more like the nearly 19 that she was, although she did not know her age. In the clothes that Jamal had kept her in she looked like a child, but in these she was very obviously no longer that.

"What do you think, Your Lordship?" she shopkeeper asked gleefully. Even he had to admit, he'd done a damn fine job. "Does it look more to your refined tastes, now?" he wondered, hopeful that this might promote a shopping spree from the young Lord. For her part, Faith did not speak because she thought that it would not be appropriate to do so in front of this shopkeeper, but her eyes searched out his, trying to ascertain whether he approved of this new look or not.
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Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"You just read my mind", Tristan remarked happily as another assistant brought him a glass of wine, secretly wondering whether, if he made another wish now, that wish would come true as well. Probably not, he decided since he was just the first child of the third child of the Duchess of Venora and thus not nearly important enough to catch the attention of the Immortals twice in a row. But still, he thought, I’d like to be king! just in case, and then he laughed at his own ludicrous behavior and took a sip from his glass. The wine was quite delicious, not Venora Rose of course, but it was good nevertheless.

"Oh, she is perfectly trained", he assured the shop owner, remembering the long list of rules that he had been given by Jamal. "Even if her previous master didn’t feed her properly, he did at least see to that." While the shop owner and his assistant dressed Faith, he drank some more wine because there was little else to do while he waited. As his new slave emerged from the changing area, he nearly dropped the glass that was already half empty, and his eyes widened despite his best efforts to appear indifferent and in charge of the situation like an experienced slave owner would without a doubt be.

"Ahem", he made. The moment of embarrassment didn’t last long though. He’d never been good at or particularly enjoyed being embarrassed, so he pretended that nothing had happened and sat up completely straight, as if he were a noble lord that had everything under control (which he actually was, most of the time).

"I was right", he remarked to Faith as their eyes met. "You are worth at least 300 gold nels!" In her old, ragged clothes she had looked like a child, and he’d estimated her age to be fifteen, tops, but now he could see that she was actually a woman, with the curves to match and might even be quite attractive if she gained a little weight. "Jamal owned a treasure and never knew it! I’m tempted to go back there and rub it in his face, but then he might try to get you back which I definitely don’t want to happen."

"She looks perfect", he said to the shopkeeper and wondered whether he could hire the man and his assistant to teach Faith how to do her hair and her makeup. Judging from what she had looked like before, she didn’t know a whole lot about those things. "Almost as if she were a noblewoman herself. All the people in Venora will envy me." He paused and took one final sip from his glass before he set it aside. Following that, held up a hand and spun it in a circle. "Turn around. I want to see the rest of you." While she was hopefully doing just that and being a good little slave, he turned to the shopkeeper again.

"I’ll take this dress and a similar one in black, as I mentioned before. She’ll also need two sets of work clothes so that she’ll always have at least one that’s clean."
word count: 541
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Standing where the grass is always greener

Who knew whether the random thought of 'I'd like to be king' did anything, but it certainly didn't hurt to try! However, either he was very accomplished at hiding his emotions, or the shopkeeper was a damn fine salesman. In fact, as Tristan almost dropped his glass, the salesman was just fussing over a minor detail on Faith's dress. Lucky that. But Faith had no such abilities and when Tristan told her that he had been right about her worth, she smiled in obvious pleasure. "Thank you, Master" she said, quietly. Jamal owned a treasure? Faith didn't quite know what to say to that, in truth, but then Tristan spoke again about what Jamal might do if he went back there. "He could not, Master. I am yours until you decide otherwise". She had no bad feelings against Jamal, he had completed her training and done so to the best of his abilities, thus making her a better slave for Tristan now. But she was pleased that he was happy with her appearance and that she would be the sort of accessory he wished to be seen with.

She turned around, slowly, so that he could see how she looked. The shopkeeper nodded, pleased and smiled delightedly at Tristan's praise that she looked perfect. "Indeed they will, your Lordship! Indeed they will! Now, yes, of course, a black dress, and two work dresses. Underwear, of course. And will you need anything for" just the slightest of pauses, there, but a meaningful one no doubt "ahem... night times? he asked. There was a whole array of flimsy nightgowns just for this sort of relationship - each more daring than the last.

But whatever Tristan bought, Faith was given it to carry (along with her old raggedy clothes) and toiletries and make up, if he wished it. Carrying his purchases, she held the door open for him and the shopkeeper bade him a very good trial, please do come again, etc.

Once they were outside, Faith fell into step beside him and offered him the chain, if he wanted it. If not, she attached it to the bottom of her corset "They showed me how to apply the make up, Master, in the changing room, and I will practice" she said, quietly. In truth, she already had a little skill as she had applied make up and tended the hair of a number of corpses, but she wasn't sure that he needed that sort of detail. Then, she silently waited to see where he was going now and she would follow him, either silently or speaking with him depending on what he preferred. If he started to talk she was more than happy to have a conversation but she rather thought that at this point he would want her to walk a little behind him with him holding her chain so that he could show off his latest purchase.
word count: 492
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Standing where the grass is always greener

As the shopkeeper mentioned 'night times', Tristan raised an eyebrow before he came to the decision, that yes, his new slave would probably need something to wear at night, although the thought of a girl prancing around his home in the nude was definitely not without appeal. So he added a nightgown to the list as well, a nice black one to be exact.

"You can throw your old dress away", he informed her once they had left the shop (and he had left a fortune there). „I don’t want you to ever wear it again. Unless you’d rather keep it to practice your sewing on it?“ He shrugged his shoulders since he didn’t care either way, and then he took her chain. She had offered it to him, besides he wanted to show off his new slave to all of Andaris and make sure that they knew she belonged to him.

While Faith carried a couple of bags filled with her new clothes as well as a few other things, Tristan carried exactly – nothing (unless you counted his wallet that was considerably lighter now). It didn’t occur to him to help her with them. She was a slave, carrying things for him was what she was supposed to do, besides the clothes weren’t heavy anyway.

"I’ll take you home now and show you your new bedroom", he informed her as they walked. He’d remembered that he had a storage closet that just contained a few of his sculpting supplies. Since he was going to buy a workshop anyway, Faith would be able to sleep there. He just needed to put a mattress and a chest where she could store her clothe into it.

Tristan was a noble and had grown up in a big and luxurious castle, but his current residence was much less noble. He lived in a small stone house in the center of Andaris that had an equally small garden. It had four rooms: a bedroom, a bathroom, the living room where a kitchen area could also be found and the current storage room and future second bedroom (windowless, of course). The house and the furniture were about as clean and tidy as you could expect the house of a twenty one-year old bachelor to be.

In addition to random clothes (silk and velvet, but still) Faith could see a few empty wine bottle lying around as well as a couple of unfinished work of arts (paintings, sculptures and so on, all rather abstract if you wanted to use a positive word). The moment Tristan unlocked the door and proudly announced to Faith, "This is where you’ll live from now on!" something big and black scurried across the living room floor and disappeared under a shelf from where it stared at the intruder from out of glowing yellow eyes.

It looked like a mutated giant rat at first, but if she dared to come closer, she would realize that it was just a cat (which might be just as problematic as a mutated rat if she disliked cats).

"You can just put your new clothes into the small room over there and throw the stuff that’s in it out", Tristan informed Faith. He was used to having slaves around (just not his own slaves), so was comparatively at ease and didn’t consider the situation particularly weird or awkward. "I hadn’t planned on buying anybody today, so I didn’t prepare the room properly."
word count: 589
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Standing where the grass is always greener

Whilst Master and the shop owner discussed what she would wear at night, Faith just kept her eyes down, not speaking or making eye contact but quietly standing perfectly still, hands clasped together in front of her. Then, once they were out of the shop, she nodded when he told her that she could throw out the old clothes or keep them to practice on. "I will practice on them, Master, thank you" she said, softly. And, it had to be said that she felt a tingle of pleasure and pride when he took the chain from her hand, holding her and everything about him looked proud of her. She wanted that, very much, to be what he wanted her to be and so she felt a swell of pride as he held on to the chain which showed her slave status and she walked just far enough behind him that it was obvious she was doing so, that allowed others to see the chain, the collar and that she was owned by him.

She didn't bat an eyelid at her carrying the things and him nothing - that was how it should be and it was very much what she was used to. Faith opened her eyes wide and she could not hide the surprise when he spoke to her again "Bedroom, Master?" she asked, with amazement in her eyes. "I have a place to sleep that is a room? You are very kind, Master, Jamal had me sleep on the floor in the room with the corpses" she said, softly. But was that what he meant, she wondered and she thought, as they walked and thoughts went through her head which she would discuss with him when they got.

.. home.

Her new home, now, and she looked around. It was the home of a man who lived alone, she considered and she promised herself that she would, in short measure, have it scrubbed and clean, painted and absolutely gleaming. His food would be prepared, his clothes ready for him. In brief, she would become completely irreplaceable to him in short order. Such was her plan, because that meant that she was being the absolute best slave that she could be. She was quite contentedly looking around when Master opened a door to the new bedroom and.... a creature from Hell itself scuttled out hissing and looking like it was some sort of failed necromantic experiment to .... "Is that a cat?" she asked, sounding about as horrified as she felt. She looked up at Tristan with humour dancing in her silver eyes "I was... it scared me. Evidently, sleeping with corpses is fine, but a cat is a horror." she and that infernal black hearted beast were going to be friends, she determined, because she was going to feed it. It was going to love her because otherwise it could make her life very difficult.

Either that or she could skin it. But Master probably didn't want that.

"I will prepare the room, Master. You are most kind to allow me such" she said, honestly. She spent a few moments doing as commanded, her mind reeling and then she made her way out to where Master was. "I.. may I speak with you, please?" she asked, earnestly. As and when he allowed her to speak (she waited patiently, of course) she moved forward and knelt on the floor next to where he sat. "Jamal bought me to train me. He did not teach me any skills in it, but I know that in order to be the best slave that I can be, I should bring you pleasure in all ways" if such a thought bothered her, she certainly didn't show it. "I have no training in the skills of physical pleasure, Master, and I am a virgin, so you may wish to train me or have me trained, but I would like to bring you pleasure in all ways, if you would allow it" she explained, looking at him with very earnest silver eyes.
word count: 678
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"Of course you’ll sleep in a bedroom", Tristan replied and rolled his eyes. "Where else did you expect to sleep? Outside, in front of the door?" He shook his head and silently wondered where Jamal had made her spend the night which she fortunately answered a few trills later as he doubted he would have been able to contain his curiosity much longer. "Why did he put you in the room with the corpses?" he wanted to know. "Were you supposed to protect them? Or was it some sort of punishment?" It would be interesting to sleep in a coffin, he thought, like some sort of evil necromancer, but the floor sounded much less comfortable. Besides … "They didn’t smell, did they?" he asked worriedly and shuddered. If there was one thing that he absolutely couldn’t stand, then it was bad smell. Blood on the other hand was totally fine.

"No, it’s a failed necromantic experiment that eats people’s brains", he answered as she wanted to know whether the black creature that had darted out of the storage closet was a cat and rolled his eyes for the second time in about as many bits. "Please tell me that you aren’t really afraid of cats!" he practically begged her because it really didn’t make any sense to him. In his opinion sleeping in a room full of dead and potentially smelly and rotting people that might have been killed in a violent manner was much, much worse.

While she disappeared into her new room, probably to tidy it up a bit, Tristan poured himself a drink and sat down at the kitchen table. His feet were a little sore from all the walking he had done that trial, and he was also tired and thirsty. As she approached him, he was just taking a sip. He put the glass down again though as she asked him for permission to speak – he gave her that permission of course - and looked at her and listened to her. At first he was a little confused because he had thought they had already discussed everything that needed to be discussed. He wasn’t sure what she wanted from him.

When she spoke of bringing him pleasure in all ways, he raised an eyebrow because he definitely hadn’t expected that, and he hadn’t bought her with that intention either, but then he gave her his most radiant smile. "Of course I’ll allow it", he said. He had never said no to a woman that practically offered herself to him, unless she was old or ugly which Faith definitely wasn’t. He wasn't an idiot. He was already thinking about how he would train her – or rather have her trained, he had a few acquaintances that were quite good at that kind of thing - when it occurred to him that she had not only asked to please him, but also revealed another piece of information that he had almost missed over all his excitement.

"You … you are still a virgin?" he blurted out.
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Standing where the grass is always greener

Well, it might be 'of course' she'd sleep in a bedroom to him. But she never had in all her arcs, so it was something of an amazement to her. However, when Master asked her why Jamal put her there, she thought about her answer for a moment "I believe he did it to remind me of my place in his house. Less than an animal, his dog had a bed but I did not. That was always his way when training me, Master" she said, thoughtfully. She held no anger or resentment to Jamal, at all. He was performing a function and he had finished the training which had begun in Athart. "It.. yes, Master, sometimes they did" smell, that was. Sometimes, in fact, she considered, the place stank to high heaven and she looked at him as they walked, considering that he probably didn't want stories about the very unique smell that comes from a stomach wound, for example. But that was interesting, she noted, he didn't like the idea of a bad smell. So, she stored that information away to use. His home would always smell clean and she would bring in flowers and make scented candles to ensure that there was always a subtle and pleasant smell around the place.

And once they were in that home, it was almost like he read her mind and Faith let out a chuckle as he said that the cat was a failed necromantic experiment that ate people's brains. She shook her head, though, and smiled at him "I am not afraid of cats, Master, no." although that ugly beast might not be all cat. It could be half sewer rat, she considered "I was simply startled. I am sure that we will become good friends" she said, motioning to the cat with a smile, although she was keeping skinning it as an option "Do you name your pets, Master?" not everyone did, she knew, so better to find out. He left her alone for a while and Faith could not help herself, in the room that was hers, she jumped a few times on the mattress in delight. It was actually her place to sleep! The thought of sleeping on a mattress was one which gave the young woman a real swell of emotion, like butterflies in her stomach. But she allowed herself only a brief moment of foolishness, reminded herself that what Master gave, he could take away and that none of this was hers, it was his - as was she. And that led her to take herself off to speak to him.

Kneeling there in front of him as he sat and drank wine, Faith explained what she was asking and his face showed a series of emotions. He was confused at first, she thought, maybe wondering what she was going to talk to him about, but then he looked less confused and more surprised; he hadn't expected her to say what she said, to offer what she did. But then he smiled at her and Faith felt a most complex series of emotions, the like of which she had never experienced before. She smiled back at him, though, keeping her gaze on his from the floor in front of him "Thank you, Master" she said and she meant it most wholeheartedly. If he had refused her, she didn't know what she would have done. But she watched him as he considered the situation; was he wondering about her training in the arts of physical pleasure? She thought so, but then his eyes widened and he spoke with an incredulous tone. Faith could not help the smile that she gave him, it was amused and delighted all at once "Yes, Master, I am" she said. "All of the other slaves in Athart were trained either as pleasure slaves, or given basic training in the arts of pleasure. I was never. I think it was part of the.. unique nature of my traininig" she explained. She had told him about how she was treated much more punitively and kept in isolation much more with only four owners who were the only others she had contact with. "Jamal told me that my first Master, rather than owners who train me, that person would probably appreciate my being untouched. This way you have the option to either take it yourself, or apparently many men will pay more for me as a virgin if you were to rent me to them. And apparently, I can still be trained beforehand without taking it" she shrugged slightly, not really sure, but repeating what Jamal had told her.

Standing, she moved and got some more wine for him, pouring his glass back to full and then knelt back down on the floor in front of him. "Would you like me to run you a bath, Master?" she asked, considering it carefully "Or would you rather I cooked you something? I am sorry to have to ask, rather than just know, but I will learn as quickly as I can how to meet your needs and wishes before you have them". This place was going to need a very significant clean, she knew, but she would not do that whilst Master was here, she would wait to deep clean until he was gone. But, as always, she was determined to be the best slave she could be and so she waited to see what it was that he wanted.
word count: 921
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"I think that you are better than a dog", Tristan replied as she told him why she had been forced to sleep on the floor. "I’m not particularly fond of dogs, but I love my cat of course." He’d never understand why some slave owners insisted on treating their slaves like animals or granted them even fewer rights. In his opinion a slave that could walk and talk and understand what you were saying to them (and that had hands they could touch things with!) was much better than a fur ball that spent an inappropriately long time licking its own butt and would eat the hairball the cat had coughed up, given the chance.

"Good", Tristan remarked as Faith insisted that she was not afraid of cats (he couldn’t imagine sharing his house with a slave and a cat that didn’t get along) and took a peek under the shelf where the failed necromantic experiment in question was still hiding and staring at his new slave maliciously. "His name is Mistral. A mistral is a strong wind. In my opinion that describes his temper perfectly. All the other cats fear him, and he even chased a dog away once." He smirked as he said that. It was just then that Mistral decided to do his name justice by hissing loudly.

Athart, Tristan thought, sounded like a wondrous place, a place that he really wanted to visit one trial. In his mind he envisioned a city full of beautiful and scantily clad men and women that wanted nothing more than to please their masters – and then he realized that his was probably not what Faith had really meant and that it would be too good to be true.

"No. Just no", he firmly as she mentioned the possibility of men paying for her virginity. He looked rather horrified. "Thanks for the information – but no. I don’t think I’ll do that." He shuddered at the thought of an old, rich and ugly man touching Faith everywhere with his sweaty hands and doing that with her (and probably grunting loudly while he did it and almost having a heart attack). Even if she was just a slave, she didn’t deserve to suffer such a fate.

The other thing she had mentioned had potential though. "I might send you to the House of Roses", he mused. "I have a few friends there that would be delighted to train you." He drained his glass and was surprised (and very pleased!) when Faith immediately refilled it. He doubted that any of the other Venoras had such a good slave!

"A bath would be nice", he answered. "And maybe you could prepare a light meal afterwards. You may also fill a plate for yourself." He paused for a moment, and then he added, "I appreciate your willingness to learn and meet my needs. I think the 275 nel I paid for you were the best money I’ve ever spent."
word count: 501
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RP Medals

Standing where the grass is always greener

Story 5/5
Collaboration 5/5
Structure 5/5
Fame N/A
Basic Knowledge
Jamal: Thinks you’re unworthy of education
University: Expensive
University: Students insincere in their academic pursuits
Tristan: A noble
Tristan: Former Student
Tristan: Curious
Tristan: Considers slaves as people
Tristan: Has a brother - Alistair
Alistair: Has a slave
Alistair: Wealthy
Tristan: Has a cat – Mistral
Mistral: Failed experiment in Necromancy
Philosophy: Salt looks like sugar
Specialized Knowledge
Tristan: Kind to strangers
Tristan: Boisterous sense of humour
Tristan: Tempted by Arcana
Tristan: Expects you to be educated
Tristan: Dislikes corporeal punishment

Tristan: Believes you are a Treasure
Psychology: Tristan is accepting of your sense of self
Psychology: Tristan is confident
Story 5/5
Collaboration 5/5
Structure 5/5
Fame +1 Good Deed (Buying Faith)
Basic Knowledge
Fame: There is no quick fix
Philosophy: Salt looks like sugar
Corpses are expensive
Faith: A Slave
Faith: Your Slave
Faith: Previously Slave to an Undertaker
Faith: Malnourished
Faith: Trained to perfection
Specialized Knowledge
Faith: Sent to learn about University
Faith: Candid
Faith: Observant
Faith: Punitive upbringing
Faith: Appealing
Faith: A virgin

Congratulations! You have gained:
+1 slave: Faith
+1 Letter of instructions
+1 Deed of ownership
Two dresses, black & yellow
One corset
Make up
Collar, lead and shackles
Two work dresses
(Please ensure that your ledger is up to date after your spending spree!)
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