• Solo • ~Mature~[Emea]The Pits

9th of Cylus 719

Here are all threads from before the Fall of Emea in 719 and all threads pertaining to the Fall. As of Ymiden 719 (1st June 2019), this forum is locked for new threads and is a repository for old content.

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Wald Lowca
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~Mature~[Emea]The Pits

9th of Cylus, 719

Wald had sat in this cage for what seemed like an arc, it had been where he was contained for so long now. He was captured by slavers in the tundra, their number was to great for Wald to take alone. His possessions were striped for copper, and his pack sold for silver. He was alone in this cage, they put a tarp over so he could not see the sun. He was stuck to the whims of what was to come.

Talking was going on outside of the cage, two men, they were speaking a language unknown to Wald. As he tried to listen in, the speech became more muddied. He could hear the movement of sliver, before the tarp over his cage was removed. The sun blinded Wald, and he covered his eyes from it. The sound of metal against metal screeched, as the cage opened slowly. Several large men came into the cage, dragging Wald out. It would seem Wald was sold as a slave, but to who he did not know. He assumed the man dressed in fine dress, who was still talking to one of the slavers.

Wald got dragged into a building, It was made of stone this made him uncomfortable. Though he had not the energy or resolve to have a freak out now. His family was shattered not to long ago, his mind was broken already. Though... This was not a home, the building moved down into a dungeon. A place where many people were kept, there were all kinds of races down here. One of them looked almost inhuman, he had a glowing chain around his neck. The man was grey, he was human but not at the same time. Maybe he was a mage of some kind, Wald had heard that magic users look inhuman on sight.

Wald was eventually thrown into a cage of his own, blood was dried on the walls and floor. Who ever was in here last likely died of blood loss, this was one of the signs of where he was. A Lotharro in the cage next to Wald whispered towards him, when the men left. "Welcome, Hope you don't die as fast as the last one."

Wald looked over to the Lotharro. "I don't plan to die here."

The Lotharro laughed. "Too bad for you, as you haven't the choice in the matter. You will fight, and die for entertainment."

Wald looked confused, as the Lotharro seemed cheerful. "Shouldn't you be less cheerful?"

The Lotharro shook his head. "Unlike you human, my death brings me back to my home."
word count: 443
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Re: ~Mature~[Emea]The Pits

The men came back some time later with "Food". It was a slurry of slop just enough to keep a man alive, but not enough to remove hunger from the body. Wald took the bowl and scarfed it down, it was the first thing he had eaten in some time. His body felt better, but it hungered for more. Though instead of focusing on his hunger, Wald went to the wall of his cell. He closed his eyes in preparation of what was to come. He began to slow his breathing and heart rate. Slowly shutting out the outside world, even the Lotharro's heckling was ignored in this state. Wald imagined many scenarios for the future, each one ended in hunting down those slavers, one by one. There was no doubt now, that Wald would escape and take his revenge.

A voice entered Wald's head, "Show me how you will devastate your foe, mortal." Wald head burned when the voice finished. This pain was not great, but it managed to come through Wald's meditation. Once it subsided he continued his meditation, though his thoughts wondered again he had a feeling of change. Wald started to imagine killing the Lotharro now, for all of his heckling.

In the middle of his meditation the men came forward, and pulled Wald and the Lotharro from their cells. One was pulled one way, the other the opposite. Wald still felt the Lotharro's presences for some reason, even though he was in a closed room by himself. A metal cage surrounded him, and a door above him. He knew what was to come, almost on instinct he held his hand in front of him. He felt the presence of a weapon in his hand. Though he waited for a moment, with his eyes closed.

The Floor below him started to raise as the doors open. There was a cheering crowd in a stadium. The event was to be a death match. The Lotharro was given an axe, this must of been because Wald's weapon could harm the crowd. This caused the Lotharro to laugh out, he was sure of his victory. Once he was fully out of the ground, he gripped his hand down. Pulling a bow from thin air, the Lotharro was shocked and began to run towards him with the axe. Wald moved back and simply fired his bow into the Lotharro's eye. The mass of muscle fell over onto the axe, causing blood to spill upon the ground.

The crowd was cheering, if not a little disappointed. Though the man that had bought him was in the stands, calling guards to come for Wald. With out a second thought Wald fired an arrow into the crowd, going through the throat of his "owner". After the events his head burned again, though not in pain.
word count: 478
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Re: ~Mature~[Emea]The Pits

The guards began to pour into the arena, though Wald was ready. He continued the fight, as the crowd realized the danger. Each guard that fell another took his place, as the crowd left the arena in droves. Wald began to look for a way out, the walls were to high to jump. The only way out he could see was full of guards. Though they stopped coming out, the ground of the arena opened again. The person being risen from the ground was that inhuman man, though this time he had not the chain on his neck.

The man held his hand out towards Wald, he could feel his body want to rip apart. Though he felt the power was not great enough to stop Wald. With a little pain Wald began to pull back another arrow. When he fired, the mage waved his hand a gust of air flung the arrow away. The mage began to come towards Wald, changing form in front of his eyes. He turned into a bear, Wald began to laugh though. The Mage began to swipe at Wald, as he moved out of the way of each blow. Shooting two arrows into the eyes, causing the mage to reel back. At that moment Wald pushed his body into the chest of the mage, Causing the mage to fall over. At that moment a spirit appeared next to Wald, it was a horse of pure white. It seemed to lack any want to fight Wald, though it did call to him.

Wald mounted the horse quickly, as it seemed to glide in the arena. It leaped a great distance over the wall, into the stands of the arena. This allowed Wald to escape from the building, as he began to move forward. Towards what he felt was the first slaver on the list, his mind was set on his next mortal foe.
word count: 318
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Re: ~Mature~[Emea]The Pits

Wald charged forward on his new steed. He was going to find the slavers that did this to him. The ones that destroyed his family, unknown to them they awaken a beast. One that had to connection to humanity anymore, he would hunt them down no matter how far they ran. Along the way of his escape, a being blocked his path. It was a female, very tall, long raven hair, heavily armed. Wald got ready for a fight as he tried to pull the horse to keep distance. The horse refused the order, and slowed to a trot to the woman. Wald reached out for a bow, though it would not come.

The Woman moved forward and pet the horse as if it was hers. Though it was, Wald realized who it was when he saw her deep green eyes. As soon as she was there, she disappeared from sight. As if giving her blessing on the crusade Wald was about to go on. Wald took this as acceptance of what needed to be done. Kicking the Horse to move forward and charge to the first slaver. Almost a direct path through the woods.

Wald felt that his path was laid out by fate now, and he was meant to fight for the woman. Though first he had to prove he had the resolve to finish a job. He needed to take down each of the slavers that led to this encounter. Wald saw the first slaver ahead of him, he was alone. Though instead of going for a weapon, Wald had the horse charge right into the man. Making him fall onto the ground, where the horse proceeded to stomp on his skull. This was a warhorse, and was trained to do so. Now he had a pull towards the next one, though the air around him began to grow cold.

He woke up in his tent next two his animals in the wilderness of Viden.
word count: 328
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Re: ~Mature~[Emea]The Pits

Thread Review


Wald Lowca
Skill Points: +10 (cannot be used for magic)
Magic XP: None.

Renown: None.

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • n/a
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Notes: n/a.

Oh no, Wald as prisoner and slave. But he was sure effective with that bow of his. Melee can never match a skilled range, doesn't matter how powerful one can be if ya can't land a hit. Nice to see a sort of happy (though brutal) ending to the premise, Wald on an adventure of revenge with his war horse!

Great job and enjoy your rewards!

PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

Total Word Count: 1567 words.
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?p=118849#p118849

word count: 130
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