• Solo • Bundles of Joy

59th of Ashan 719

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Bundles of Joy


59th Ashan, 719

Cats prefer to find a safe, private place to give birth. It helps them to feel safe during the birthing process. They also like to be alone when they give birth, so do not be surprises if your cat disappears for a trial or two before showing up in an unused corner somewhere, with their litter. If you feel that you need to know where your cat is in case she has difficulty with the birth, try looking in small out of the way places. Under the bed, in closets that aren't used much, up in the hay loft if you have a barn...all of these places are possible locations your cat may find worthy nesting places to give birth in.

Ari'sora looked up from the book she had borrowed from the library. Part of her did want to know where Shadow had decided to have her litter. But she respected her friend too much to ask, or to go looking for potential places where she might hide. Shadow wasn't like a normal cat, after all. She could talk, and if she needed help once she went into labor, Ari'sora trusted that she would call for her. With that comforting thought in mind, Ari'sora set her book aside, and turned her attention to a different book.

This one was about archery, and more specifically, the shortbow. To her surprise, Ari'sora had found that she truly liked learning about her chosen weapon. There was something almost soothing in the act of drawing and releasing a bow. And while she knew it would be different if she ever had to fight, simple target practice was proving to be very calming in some ways.

There are many different kinds of arrowheads. Two of the more common types are bodkin heads, and broadhead arrowheads. Bodkin heads are simple spikes made of metal of various shapes. These arrowheads are designed to pierce armor. Broadhead arrowheads are usually either triangular or leaf-shaped and have sharpened edges. They are commonly used for hunting.

Ari'sora paused in her reading to take some notes on the different types of arrowheads. It was something she had never even considered before. Did the type of arrowhead on an arrow affect the cost to buy it? Was there a particular type of arrow that was good in every situation, or would she have to keep a supply of several different kinds with her whenever she wanted to use her bow? Ari'sora jotted her questions down along with her notes so that she would remember them and be able to ask Simone the next time she saw her teacher. Then she went back to her reading.

Bowstrings can be made out of silk, plant materials such as flax, or hemp, or animal parts such as guts, sinews, or rawhide.

That was more food for thought. Ari'sora stared at the words on the page as she wondered what type of material made the best kind of bowstring, and if different materials were good in different situations the same way different arrowheads were.

"I'm home! Did you miss me?"

Ari'sora winced as her sister announced her arrival in a loud voice. Rin'saia had just settled in for her nap, and she was hoping to go out and get some target practice in for a break or two. That wouldn't be possible if Mi'zuri woke her daughter up with all of that shouting. Once Rin'saia woke up from her nap, she wouldn't be going back to sleep again until it was her bedtime...no matter how long or short her nap was.

When Mi'zuri entered the living room, Ari'sora welcomed her home quietly.

"Rin'saia's asleep." she rebuked softly.

Mi'zuri's eyes widened in dismay.

"Sorry about that. I'll be quieter, I promise."

Ari'sora waited for a few bits to see if Rin'saia had woken up, but when she didn't start crying, she figured she was safe.

"Do you mind watching Rin'saia for a break or two? I was hoping to get some shortbow practice in while she was asleep. I won't be gone too long, and with any luck, she will be asleep the whole time I'm gone."

"As long as it's just for a few breaks, I would be happy to. I have plans later this evening though, so don't stop at the library, or Scholar's Nook on your way back, okay?"

Ari'sora laughed.

"I won't, I promise. If I did, I would probably get caught up in something interesting, and be gone until they close for the trial."

"And you'd feel the need to bring back half the books they have when they did kick you out." Mi'zuri teased.

"You might be right about that. Oh, by the way. Do you remember that I told you that I took up shortbow lessons as well as my sword lessons?"

Ari'sora nodded.

"Well I learned something in class totrial...the hard way. Whatever you do, don't ever dry fire a bow."

"What does dry fire mean?"

"Oh, sorry. That means releasing a string without an arrow nocked. And I mean it. Don't do it. Ever. If you do, releasing the string without an arrow nocked transfers energy back to the limbs instead of the arrow. And that...is bad. When I tried it, the bow I was borrowing flew apart, and Simone had a fit. She told me that I was lucky that I didn't injure anyone nearby with my idiocy."

Ari'sora's eyes widened.

"I'll keep that in mind." she promised.

Since her sister was willing to babysit, Ari'sora set aside the book she had been reading, and got the bow that one of their neighbors had let her borrow. She wasn't sure how good it was, since it was his first attempt at making a bow since he had graduated from being an apprentice at his uncle's shop, but it would hopefully work for target practice.

"I'll be back in a break or two."

With that, she made her way to the field where Simone had some targets set up for her classes.

Last edited by Rei'sari on Wed Apr 24, 2019 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1059
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Bundles of Joy


When Ari'sora arrived in the training field, she was in luck. No one else was around, which was exactly what she had been hoping for; with no one else there, there wouldn't be anyone to see just how bad she was at this. Although she had improved a little in her lessons with Simone, she was still only able to successfully nock an arrow three times out of every ten. If she was lucky. And only occasionally did she manage it three times in a row. The other parts of the process were proving equally elusive to master.

But Ari'sora was determined. When she wanted something badly enough, she pursued it with all of the passion of a dog with a bone. And she wanted to learn this. So she began by nocking her arrow one thousand times. The same exact set of movements. Over, and over, and over. She didn't allow herself to get frustrated when she failed...and she failed many times. But as she continued with the task she set herself, things began to change. She managed to nock her arrow successfully. It was still slow going, and she had to think only of what she was doing, she progress was progress all the same. By the time she reached a thousand, she was able to nock an arrow twice in a row reliably. Doing it three times in a row wasn't a sure thing, but it was starting to become more common. And a couple of times, she managed to bock her arrow correctly five times in a row.

Once she was finished with that set, she began to put everything together. Nock the arrow. Draw and anchor the bow. Take aim. And repeat. The entire process took her several bits, but sheer repetition paid off. By the end of a break or so, she was definitely making progress. It wasn't much, but it was enough to keep her encouraged that she would be able to run through the sequence of steps quickly and correctly one hundred percent of the time...eventually.

Ari'sora knew that she needed to get back home soon, but as a reward for her efforts, she decided to allow herself to actually shoot the bow once. So she eyed the target for a few bits, trying to get a feel for how far away it was. Then she nocked her arrow. When she was confident that she had done that correctly, she drew and anchored her bow. She looked at the target with both eyes open to aim...then released the string. The arrow flew.

It missed, of course. But Ari'sora had expected it to. She didn't let it get her down. And as she went to fetch her arrow, she reminded herself that she had made progress. Then she renewed her vow to keep trying, and headed home.

word count: 486
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Bundles of Joy


When Ari'sora got home, the first thing she did was ask if Shadow was okay, and if she needed anything. Her friend had made herself scarce since last night. And while Shadow had said she was okay, and she did trust her friend to let her know if she needed help...she had never gone this long without seeing her since they first met in the maze.

I'm fine, Ari. But I have someone I would like you to meet.

That simple sentence froze Ari'sora in her tracks. Someone? Did that mean that Shadow had given birth to her kittens already? Ari'sora wasn't certain what else it could mean, but she didn't want to assume anything.

Okay. Where are you?

In the clump of tall grass behind the cottage.

Ari'sora knew where Shadow was talking about. Along the back wall of the cottage, there was a good sized clump of tall grass that was sheltered from the wind on one side because it was up against the cottage. She quickly retraced her steps out the door, and made her way out back.

I'm here, Shadow. she called once she was standing in front of the place Shadow had asked her to go.

Go ahead and look through the grass. I've got a nest of sorts hidden in the center.

So that's where her friend had gotten to. Ari'sora did as she was told, and her eyes widened when she saw the black cat curled up around three tiny kittens. As she watched, Shadow uncurled a bit so that Ari'sora could get a better look.

They're beautiful, Shadow. Do they have names yet?

No, not yet. I will know what their names are once they're older, and I have a better idea of their personalities. They may even name themselves.

Ari'sora nodded.

Is there anything I can do to help?

You can help me move them inside if that's okay? I wanted to give birth to them out here because it's quieter, but now that they're, they will be safer inside.

Ari'sora was happy to help, and promised to do anything Shadow needed her to. Between the two of them, they began the process of getting the three newborn kittens inside and safely tucked away into a new nest.

word count: 397
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Bundles of Joy

Thread Review


Skill Points: +10 (cannot be used for magic)
Magic XP: None

Renown: None

Injuries/Overstepping: None
Wealth Points: None
Loot: None

Skill Knowledges:
  • Animal Husbandry; Cat: cats like to find a private place to make a nest for their kittens, and be alone while they give birth
  • Ranged Combat; Shortbow: bowstrings can be made out of silk, flax, hemp, animal guts, animal sinews, or rawhide
  • Ranged Combat; Shortbow: a bow should never be “dry fired.” Releasing a string without an arrow nocked transfers energy back to the limbs instead of the arrow; the bow can fly apart, and injure anyone nearby.
  • Ranged Combat; Shortbow: there are many different kinds of arrowheads
  • Ranged Combat; Shortbow: bodkin heads are simple spikes made of metal of various shapes; they are designed to pierce armor
  • Ranged Combat; Shortbow: broadhead arrowheads are usually either triangular or leaf-shaped and have sharpened edges; they are commonly used for hunting
Non-Skill Knowledges:
  • none requested
Notes: n/a.

I like how studious Ari'sora is. Her and her sister's relationship is a nice way for Ari'sora to act as teacher for someone, while also learning herself. The combination with her archery training and the plot concerning the cats interweaves well together. I'm glad the labor went well for Shadow. I wonder what the kitten names will end up being!

Great job and enjoy your rewards!

PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

Total Word Count: 1,963 words.
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word count: 262
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