• Mature • Standing where the grass is always greener

Tristan and Faith meet in the university.

50th of Ymiden 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Standing where the grass is always greener

The thought of a slave having any kind of control over a free man was an anathema to Faith. His owner might but she had been trained in such a way that, should she run with tales to her owner, he would not act upon it. The only information that he was interested in was that which he had instructed her to give; at any other time she was to keep quiet or ask him if she might share something with him. But then, Lord Tristan was speaking about slaves of nobles and so on and she supposed that the situation might be different for them. Or maybe not.

Then, he asked her a question and his eyes lit up in fascination as he did. Faith considered it for a very brief moment and nodded "There are, Lord Tristan, although I do not know who they are exactly. My owner has told me of them but he wishes no contact with them, therefore I have never had any. But I am aware that we must have security around us, as a corpse is a valuable commodity, yes" she explained, her expression thoughtful as she did so. "I believe that they are used for all sorts of nefarious reasons, but I am unsure what exactly. If you wish to speak to my owner, I am sure that he will know more" she said, with certainty.

And he questioned her further, with a level of fascination, about her obedience. "I have been trained as a slave since birth, Lord Tristan. The only pleasure that I am allowed is in my obedience. Anything else is not acceptable" but then he asked about what she would do if her master asked her to do certain things and she did not have to consider it "Whatever my owner, my master, instructed me to do I would do without hesitation or question. It is my job to try and meet his needs, wishes and desires without him having to take the time to voice them" she explained and she smiled at him "So I would jump and I would be who he wanted me to be. Always" she hoped that would answer his question and she lapsed into silence for a moment and then he said that he could buy her.

It was a strange moment to Faith. He said it like it was something she had a choice in, which of course she did not. So, she chose her words carefully when she answered. "You could indeed buy me, Lord Tristan, if you wished it and my owner sold me. Then I would be yours and you and I could together do whatever you wanted, needed or desired." she said, calmly and matter of factly. It wasn't a case of if or maybe for her, it was what it was. If he bought her, he would own her and she would obey him. If he didn't, then Jamal owned her and she would obey him. But Faith couldn't quite help glancing at him with a very serious expression in her silver-grey eyes and asking, quite seriously "If you bought me, what would you do with me?" she wondered, her silver-grey eyes watching him with interest.
word count: 545
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"How valuable?" Tristan wanted to know as Faith claimed that corpses were a valuable commodity and looked at her as if he were some sort of morally flexible and greedy business man that was just being confronted with a great opportunity to make some money. "A thousand golden nels? More? Less? Not that I want to break into the morgue, steal dead people and sell them. I’m not a criminal, I’m just incredibly curious", he assured her and smiled a smile that was so innocent that it almost looked fake. Tristan wasn’t (particularly) evil, but he occasionally liked to pretend that such was the case because he had a questionable sense of humour, and always playing the part of Tristan Venora, noble lord and unsuccessful artist was boring him (it wasn’t a particularly exciting part with very little potential for development beyond the very cliche).

"So you do get pleasure out of being obedient?" he wanted to know while he secretly continued to add to the list of all the things he would do if he had a slave that tried to meet all his needs, wishes and desires (what was the difference between those three things anyway? They seemed to be quite similar to him!). Buying her was becoming more and more appealing. "I’m happy for you because I don’t want you to lead a life that you don’t enjoy even though you are just a slave and don’t really have any rights. If your master ordered you to disobey, you would do so though, wouldn’t you?"

"Do you think your owner would sell you? To me?" he asked, as if the fact that it was him would make a difference while he tried to think about what the difference between wanting and desiring was again. Even though he made his money with writing plays, among other things, he couldn’t come up with the answer, no matter how hard he tried. Maybe there wasn’t any difference, and her master had just told her to say that because it sounded good. A lot of people said things just because they sounded good.

"You would have to help me with my pranks of course", he said, stating the obvious. "Doing them alone can be a little exhausting. You’d also have to carry things for me occasionally and accompagny me to my clients. You’d have to do a lot of crazy and weird things for me, but most of the time they would only be marginally dangerous. On, and you’d absolutely have to get an education even though your current master is against it. I dislike stupid slaves. If I own a slave and spend money on them, I want to be able to have an interesting conversation with them and not be frustrated every time they open their mouth!"

"So …" he continued. He stopped for a moment because it occured to him that the question he was about to ask could potentially make her uncomfortable, but then he decided to ask it anyway. He really needed to know before he made further plans. "… how much are you worth anyway?"
word count: 532
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"I am sorry, Lord Tristan, I do not know how much a corpse would be worth. My owner does not engage in such" she said with an apologetic glance at the man next to her. She knew that Jamal would never do so, never even consider such. After all, it would be an anathema to him and he would not discuss anything with anyone who tried to purchase a corpse from the undertakers. Faith would, if she were able to, give Tristan what information she had, but she had no more information to give him.

But what kind of information was he asking for next? She considered it and smiled slightly "Yes, Lord Tristan, I do. From the time I was born, I have been trained to yearn to be obedient. It is all I know" she explained. It was very true that all she knew was to be in slavery and as a worshipper of Famula, service was what she lived for. It was hard to explain to many people but Faith considered that Lord Tristan seemed to be quite aware; people often seemed to be intent on trying to make her free, trying to help her to escape but Lord Tristan was seeking to understand what her reality was, perhaps with the intention of buying himself a slave one trial, she thought. She smiled when he said that he was happy for her and she replied, most genuinely "Thank you, Lord Tristan I am grateful that you take the time to consider such. But.. If my Master ordered me to disobey, then I would always obey my Master, no matter what. My owner has instructed me to obey any free man or woman unless what they say is against what he would want, and so I strive to do" she explained.

But would Jamal sell her to him? Faith looked at him with an expression of surprise "Of course he would, Lord Tristan. He has finished my training and he has done that to prepare me for my new master. He describes it as like buying a chair, which you sand and repair in order to sell it on to another. Since it is his job to sand and repair chairs, he wants to sell me so that there is room for the next chair" she explained. That was very much how Jamal felt, she knew, and so she trusted that Tristan understood. Jamal wouldn't care who he sold her to, his job was done as long as she maintained her role as the best slave she could be.

In terms of what she would have to do were he to buy her, Faith nodded "It would be my pleasure to serve you, Lord Tristan, were you to buy me." she said and she could not help but look delighted at the thought of being allowed an education. No, actually, ordered to have one. She smiled and nodded "The more educated I am, either formally or in terms of skills, the more money I am worth." and if the question of how much she was worth made her uncomfortable, it did not show. "I believe that my owner has stated that I am currently worth 275 gold Nell, Lord Tristan. Female slaves are traditionally worth more than males, especially when they are personal slaves. Also, as I have been trained in Athart since birth and so am completely obedient with no desire for anything except to serve my owner, that adds to the value." she shrugged slightly, it was not actually something that she really gave any thoughts to. But she looked at him and smiled. In truth, Faith liked the idea of being expected to be educated, that was delightful to her, but if he bought her then she would serve him absolutely and completely. If he did not, however, then she would continue to serve Jamal absolutely and completely.

She glanced at Tristan and she wondered whether he was actually going to buy her or not. And if he did, what exactly he meant by 'crazy and weird' things that he would expect of her. "Would you like me to take you to my owner, Lord Tristan?" she asked. After all, he seemed interested in the mechanics of slavery, the undertaking business and maybe even the option to purchase her. But either way, he had expressed an interest in speaking to Jamal and so she offered to take him there.
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Thu Aug 04, 2016 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 745
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"I didn’t think of that", Tristan admitted as she informed him that she didn’t know how much a corpse would be worth because her owner didn’t engage in such. "I sometimes speak before I have really thought things through which is a bad character trait to have, I suppose, and of course I always speak too much which a lot of people don’t approve of either. But I can’t help myself in that regard. I just like listening to myself. Maybe it’s because I have a nice voice?" He smiled at her apologetically even though he probably didn’t have to apologize to her because she was just a slave and not a free person. He liked to occasionally exhibit a modicum of good manners though.

He found it hard to wrap his head around the concept of somebody that had been trained to yearn to obey from birth, and it was showing. His eyes were a little wide. He couldn’t imagine yearning to obey, not in a million arcs and not even if he were offered money. When he had to obey, he usually did so reluctantly (and often complained about it). He also didn’t know whether he should admire her master for what he had done or be a little uncomfortable, but finally decided on the former because, in the end, it was quite a feat.

He didn’t know whether he wanted to or would be able to spend entire arcs training a single slave.

"Your master must have a problem with his eyes", he remarked and shook his head. "You don’t look anything like a chair. Unless your master’s chairs move around and talk? I’ve never understood why some slavers feel the need to compare their slaves to furniture when they are really people. Does pretending that they are no different from the carpenter next door make them feel better about their job? I wouldn’t have a problem selling people, and I wouldn’t feel the need to beat about the bush." He stopped for a moment, and then he added, "I just don’t have the necessary space or the time to start such a business. I’m already busy as it is." As he had previously unfortunately realized finding room for even one slave in his little apartment would be hard, and good real estate was hard to come by (and expensive) in Andaris.

"As far as I am concerned, you are at least worth 300 gold nels", he informed her, as if he were making a great compliment (which he did, in his opinion) while he secretly wondered whether slaves ever talked about how much they had been sold for and how much they would be worth one they had had even more training. They probably didn’t have a lot of other ways in which to compare each other with seeing as they didn’t even own the clothes they were wearing.

"I would love to meet your owner and talk to him about buying you", he said, thinking that, if he wanted to buy her, he should probably do so right away before she learned more and became more expensive as a consequence. It was just then that his gaze fell on the sketches that she was carrying for him though. He sighed because he suddenly wasn’t in the mood to talk to the professor anymore (there was something else that excited him much more now), but unfortunately it was too late to postpone the meeting (and the professor wouldn’t understand why he wanted to postpone it either).

"I just have an appointment with one of my former professors coming up. Would you be willing to wait until I come back? It won’t take long. I just want to show him my sketches and ask him for his advice on something."
word count: 655
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"It could well be that, Lord Tristan, yes" she said, when he suggested that he liked to talk because he had a nice voice. "And you are absolutely within your rights to speak as much as you wish to, it is not a bad character trait it is simply part of who you are" she said, with a smile. He looked almost wide-eyed, she considered and she wondered whether he was thinking about her response to him. It was simply put the truth, but she knew that other people sometimes didn't like to hear the truth of it. Lord Tristan seemed to be very much someone who was more than happy to accept the realities of slavery and Faith thought that Lord Tristan was considering just what the reality of owning a slave was.

She smiled and shook her head, though "I believe that my owner's eyes are fine. He refers to me in that way, to remind me, himself and others that I am his property. He does not think I am a chair. But he does not want there to be any doubt that I am not a free person. And sometimes, I have been used as furniture when it pleases my owners to do so, so there is a truth there, I think" she smiled and shrugged.

When he said that she would be worth 300 nel, she gave him a most genuine and wicked smile "If you seek to buy me, perhaps you should not tell my owner that, Lord Tristan. But yes, of course I will wait." she said and she waited to see what he wanted her to do with what she was carrying and then, wherever he told her to wait that was where she did. He might, or might not notice that she waited exactly where he told her to. She did not sit (unless instructed), she stood stock still and waited.

Then, when he came back she would lead him to Kash'deel's Funeral Services and introduce him to Jamal. Jamal was more than willing to sell her and had, in fact, prepared a list in readiness for this trial. He was friendly and welcoming to Tristan, although as soon as they entered he clicked his fingers and Faith moved to kneel next to him. "What is important is that you understand what she has already been trained to do, how she will respond. I have prepared a list for this trial" he said, casually, as though it was the most sensible thing to do. "It will make life easier for you in breaking her into your ways. For example" He clicked his fingers, twice, and Faith moved over to the desk, opened the top drawer and looked at him. "The unmarked sealed envelope" he said and she picked that up from inside the drawer and moved back to him, kneeling next to him and placing the envelope into his hands so that he did not have to move. He handed that to Tristan and gestured for him to open it. "And of course, she wrote it as I dictated" he explained.
The Letter
She is fed once a trial. Usually my scraps. She is given a bowl on the floor and eats from that. She is required to kneel on the floor and not permitted to use her hands to remind her that she is no better than an animal. Command: 'Eat'
If offered food by anyone she is to refuse and explain that she is not permitted to take food from free men and women

Sleep must be commanded or she should assume that she must be awake. She has a corner of the floor where she sleeps, if it is allowed. Command: 'Sleep'.
If I am sleeping and she has not been commanded to sleep, she should either be busy in making sure that all of my needs are met by proactively seeking out things to do to ensure this, or she should be in position at the side of my bed. If I have not commanded either, she must choose which.

Position 1: Kneeling next to me, head bowed and eyes to floor. Command: 'Position' or 'Position 1'.
Position 2: Kneeling next to me, forehead touching the floor, chin touching her knees. Arms clasped behind her back. Command: 'Postion 2'.
Position 3: Standing, bent forwards with hands grasping the back of ankles. Knees straight. Command: 'Position 3'.
Position 4: Kneeling on all fours so that I might rest my feet on her. Command: 'Position 4'.

She must call everyone master or mistress unless instructed otherwise.
She speaks only when spoken to. If she wishes to speak, she waits until given permission.

Punishment is a tool to remind her of her place. It is not simply used to punish wrongdoing. She functions best when punished regularly.
She will accept punishment from any free man or woman, so long as it does not permanently mark her, without word or question.
If anyone other than I punish her, she must tell me as soon as she returns to my home and then I have her beaten
She must thank her punisher for the lesson

She responds to her name, 'slave', 'you' or whatever name she is given.
Her name was given to her by me Saun 715. Before that she had different names.

She cooks, cleans, runs the shop, She is not a very skilled cook, but she can bake bread and make a few meals effectively. She washes my clothes, sees to my every need. She will need to be told your routine in order to effectively fulfill these.
"At first" he explained "you will need to instruct her clearly. You do not need to follow any of these processes that I have used, but any changes you wish to make, you must make them clear to her. Do you have any questions?" he asked. If not, then he would prepare the paperwork and ensure that Tristan had the papers which marked him as Faith's new owner. She had no other clothing, literally just the ragged ill fitting clothes she stood in.The only possessions that she had which 'went with her' were the collar for around her neck (a black leather dog collar) and the lead which attached to the collar on one end and which was long enough to attach to his belt if he so wished it. There were also manacles for her wrists and ankles with a chain between them which could hold her in a variety of uncomfortable positions as it was adjustable
Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1110
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Standing where the grass is always greener

As Faith told him that she had been used as furniture sometimes, Tristan furrowed his brow because he wasn’t sure what to think of it. He liked decadent and slightly weird things, things that would be considered unacceptable by most even, but he didn’t know if he really wanted to sit on her. She didn’t look very comfortable, besides he’d be afraid of hurting her (he weighed more than she did), and she wouldn’t make a very good table either. She’d probably move eventually, and spill his expensive wine and break all his glasses, and then he’d have to buy new ones.

"I don’t think I would ever use you this way", he decided and shook his head. "I prefer my chairs and my tables to be made of wood, and I want my slaves to sit at the table, not be the table which makes me wonder why your master uses you like that. Is it his way of showing off his power and his wealth and trying to prove something?"

"Rest assured, I won’t let him know that I think you are too cheap",
he continued. "I’m not an idiot, although I sometimes pretend that this is the case, for a variety of reasons. Can you please give me my sketches back now?" Once she had done so, he walked away at a very brisk pace because he was probably already a little late. Of course he didn’t tell her to sit down or try to entertain herself while he was gone because he didn’t know how exactly she worked yet. He just waved at her before he disappeared around the corner and only returned three quarters of a break later.

"You are still here", he observed. He was in a good mood because the meeting had gone comparatively well, and there was a spring to his step now. "You know, you could have sat down somewhere. There are benches in front of the university. I’m not blind. I would have found you anyway." He smiled and handed the sketches back to her. Since he was going to buy her, she might as well start working for him right away.

By the time they had reached Kash’deel’s Funeral Services (after a short detour to the bank), his enthusiasm had waned somewhat. It had dawned on him that he was about to buy a slave without really having room for her. A moment later, he was back to smiling though. He would find a way to make it work.

He had expected Jamal to be somewhat reluctant to part with his slave because he, Tristan, had decided to buy her in the spur of the moment and was a little young and eccentric on top of it, but to his surprise the man was quite willing to sell her. He was also quite friendly, something that Tristan hadn’t expected either. He’d thought that undertakers were all cold and creepy, but on the other hand Tristan didn’t act like people expected a man of his status to act either, so perhaps stereotypes were just generally nonsense.

"That", he remarked as Jamal clicked his fingers, and Faith knelt down. "is quite amazing." He took the envelope and opened it, furrowing his brow a little as he did so because he didn’t know what was in it. "Oh my", he made as he skimmed over the long list of instructions (he felt quite like buying some sort of trained animal or a complicated machine at the moment). "She does theoretically know what to do with a fork and a knife though, does she? My grandmother, the Duchess Venora, would probably find the sight of a slave eating from a bowl on the floor with her mouth a little offensive."

"Not that I personally have a problem with it",
he added quickly because he was worried Jamal might decide to keep Faith if he criticized him too much. "In fact I’m quite impressed." That wasn’t even a complete lie. He was impressed, but he also thought what Jamal had done was a little excessive. He’d have to modify at least some of those rules.

He handed Jamal the money before the man could change his mind. He expected to be given clothes for Faith and other personal items, but apparently Jamal was either a bit stingy or Faith really didn’t have any other clothes in which case he would have to take her shopping soon because the slave of a noble couldn’t very well be wearing the same rags every trial.
word count: 782
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"The owners in Athart tried to ensure that I was trained for as many of my owner's predilections and preferences as possible, Lord Tristan she explained. "Before my current owner changed it, I was not permitted to speak in the first person and would have to refer to myself as 'this slave'. Each owner has their own way of expressing their power and demanding obedience, the owners in Athart taught me many of the ways which are most common so that I might serve as well as possible." she shrugged slightly and considered what he said "Owning a slave is having absolute dominion over another. It is the ultimate exercise in power. My current owner likes to show that power in particular ways, including using me as a stool or table sometimes. Other owners will have different ways to do so" No matter which it was, no matter what the preference it was her job to meet it and so she simply accepted that each were different.

But she gave him back his sketches and waited for him. When he returned,he told her that she could have gone to sit and she looked at him in some surprise. "My apologies, Lord Tristan, but my owner would not permit such behaviour" she sounded almost prim and proper as she said that, but she smiled at him gratefully. He was a kind man, it seemed and she wondered if he was serious about buying her. She had heard a number of people say that they would, usually those who did not agree with slavery and were planning on freeing her. They never had. But it was of no matter, really, she told herself. Except that Lord Tristan had said that he would demand that she got an education. That was something that she found exciting in the extreme and she could not deny the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach at the thought of him being true to his word. Education? Could it be possible? She felt the beginning of hope, the idea that perhaps she could learn and would be allowed to, encouraged to. But she did her best to push it away in case it was not true. So, she took the sketches and walked slightly behind him as he walked.

Jamal smiled when Tristan said that his click of a finger command was amazing. He nodded "When given clear directions, she is obedient and quick. I personally have one finger click to mean position one next to me, and two is action. She must work out what action I want based on the conversation. So she must always be attending to what I am saying" On whether she knew how to eat with a knife and fork, Jamal shrugged slightly. "She knows how to sit at the table and cut up my food to feed to me. She has never eaten that way to my knowledge" he said. He did not ask Faith, it did not seem to occur to him to do so.

But then, transaction done he had the papers which showed that he was the owner of the young woman kneeling next to Jamal. Faith, whilst not moving her head or looking up, wondered how it was that she was supposed to manage this. Should she say something to Jamal? But he was not interested in her and considered the deal done. "It's a pleasure doing business with you" he said to Tristan, then turned and got back to his work. Faith, quite unsure what to do, looked up at Tristan and then moved to his side.
word count: 604
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"Well, that was fast", Tristan remarked as Jamal went back to his work and looked at Faith. "You belong to me now, I suppose", he said to her, not really expecting an answer from her. He looked at the dog collar and the lead he had been given, furrowing his brow slightly as he did so and subtly shaking his head. "Will you behave if I put those away? I don’t really like the collar. It’s a little plain for my taste. I’ll have to buy you a new one before I even think about taking you for a walk like that."

The manacles though, he decided, had potential. Since Faith was already carrying his sketches, he stuffed them into a pocket of his jacket, the collar into the other one and slung the lead over his shoulders where it hung and swung back and forth as he moved. "So", he said and gestured for her to walk next to him. "What do you think about me buying you, if you have an opinion on that at all? Answer truthfully, please."

"I think I’ll also have to get you new clothes", he decided as he looked his newest possession over and made a face. He hadn’t realized how bad the state of her clothes really was. They were old and little more than rags and would probably dissolve if he tried to wash and mend them (or rather ordered her to wash and mend them, he wasn’t really good at those things and didn’t have any interest in them either). "They aren’t befitting of the slave of a noble. I know just the shop! I bought my suit there, and it’s a very fine suit, don’t you agree?"

He quickened his pace because he was quite excited to get there. He couldn’t wait to show Faith to his cousin and tell Alistair that he had a slave as well now and that his slave wasn’t wearing those weird and impractical pants, but clothes that she could actually move in!

Before too long they had reached the marketplace in the second tier of the city where almost anything could be bought if you had the money for it, food, clothes, gems, animals, even slaves. In fact one of the local slave traders had set up a stall and tried to get the passerbies to take a look at his newest wares, fresh from Athart and never owned. They looked quite nice, but Tristan wasn’t interested in them because he already had one.

He walked straight towards a clothes shop, Faith hopefully still in tow, opened the door and ushered her inside. Despite all the things she had said and the instructions he had been given and despite his previous excitement he didn’t entirely trust her to obey and not try to run when she was confronted with something potentially unpleasant yet, although he really, really wanted to.

Trust her, that is.
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"Yes, master, I will" she said, quietly. Behave, she meant. She looked at him and nodded, then as he put the manacles, the collar and her lead in his pockets, she spoke again "Would you like me to carry them, master?" she asked and if he said yes, she would wrap the collar around her arm, hang the lead over her shoulder and attach one of the manacles to her wrist, then wrap the chain and other manacles so that they were not trailing the floor. If he did not wish it, of course, she would not question any further. She moved and held the door open for him to exit, bowing her head as she waited for him to walk through. She would normally walk a little behind him but as he gestured for her to walk next to him, she did. And then he asked her a question and she looked at him thoughtfully.

"I am pleased, Master, that I am desirable as a slave and worthy of your money. I will endeavour to make sure that I am more than worth what you paid for me. And..." she paused and then spoke again, because he had told her to speak the truth "I am excited to be owned by someone who wants me to learn. I know that I should not desire anything for myself, but I do. I am nervous, unsure of what sort of a master you will be, but I will serve you to the very best I can, master" she said, earnestly watching him with her intense silver-grey eyes.

But with a quiet "Yes, Master, it is a very fine suit and you look very dashing in it" she said, earnestly, walking next to him as his pace quickened. And then, they were in the shop. The shop assistant ran forward, a middle aged human man, thing and with an early spattering of grey to his hair. "Your Lordship! So good to see you again, I trust you are well. And..." he looked at Faith and then back at Tristan with a smile. "Your Lordship has bought a new accessory, I see! Well, we need to make it appropriate to your Lordship's status, yes? Oh, we have many wonderful things that we can do with it, Your Lordship! A slave is absolutely the must-have accessory and how you present it is very much a statement about you. Please, have a seat, make yourself comfortable, Your Lordship."

And, indeed, there was a comfortable place for Tristan to sit and the shop owner stepped over and lifted Faith's chin in his hand, looking at her face, checking her hair and then he checked the size of her waist, her bust and her hips by putting his hands around, under and all over said body parts, checking them with his hands,not a tape measure. But he did it with a total lack of consideration that he was touching a human being, talking to Tristan as he did. "Your slave is scrawny, has not been fed by it's last owner. However, a slender form and we can accentuate the bust for you, Your Lordship, depending on the clothing you choose for it." he clicked his fingers and shoo'd Faith towards a changing area. She looked, first, at Tristan to make sure that he wanted her to go and when it was obvious that he did, she went into there. "I will dress your slave in a number of outfits. Your slave gives a message to those who see you, and you can consider that message as you consider the outfits, Your Lordship" he said.

And it seemed, bizarrely, that there was a whole fashion section all about 'how to dress your slave'. The shop owner showed him a selection of outfits first, asking him which he would like to see his slave dressed in. They ranged from what was fundamentally an intricate bikini, a totally see-through loose dress, through fairly normal clothing, dresses and so on (yellow and corsets were very much in fashion) right through to sackcloth and totally form covering robes. And there were accessories of all sorts, also. Collars, chains, leads, all sorts of things. "What would Your Lordship like your slave to wear for you first?" the shopkeeper asked with a smile.
word count: 727
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Tristan Venora
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Joined: Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:47 am
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Profession: Mad Scientist Socialite
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Standing where the grass is always greener

"You can carry the lead", Tristan decided because it was already getting on his nerves, hanging from his shoulder and swinging back and forth and left and right like it was. He could probably have wrapped it around his waist except that he was already wearing a belt, and the lead just didn’t look very fashionable. "I’ll keep the manacles though, and I suppose we could just throw the collar away because I’m going to get you a new one anyway. Here." He handed it to her. Apparently it was up to her to get rid of it.

"I’ll be a nice master", he assured her as she admitted that she was unsure what he would be like. "I’ll only punish you when you actually do something wrong, and I appreciate that you’ll try to become more valuable, although I doubt I’ll ever sell you." Even though he’d just owned her for a handful of trills, he already loved being a slave owner, and he practically beamed at her as she told him that he looked very dashing in his suit. He loved receiving compliments, even if the compliment in question came from a slave.

In fact he could never get enough of them.

"It’s good to see you as well!" Tristan exclaimed enthusiastically as the shop assistant greeted him. "Indeed, I’ve bought a slave", he confirmed once the man had finally ended his monologue that was almost longer than some of the monologues that Tristan made his acquaintances suffer through on a regular basis. "I wasn’t aware that they were a must-have accessory. Apparently I’m even fashionable when I’m not really trying." He laughed as he said that. He was practically brimming with excitement. He just hoped he had brought enough money to buy Faith a new wardrobe.

He sat down, leaned back and watched the man as he inspected Faith, secretly thinking that, if he were served some wine, it would be perfect. "I’ve noticed that", he said, slightly unhappy, as the man commented on Faith’s scrawny stature. "I suppose I’ll have to buy her food next and make sure she eats enough so that she can actually work."

As he noticed the look Faith gave him, he nodded curtly. She was allowed to use the changing room since he wanted her to have clothes that fit, although he wasn’t sure what he wanted her clothes to be like otherwise. Part of him wanted to dress her in a way that would shock people and part of him wanted her to wear the finest clothes that money could buy so that he could say, „I’m so rich, even my slaves are better dressed than you!“

"That dress", he decided after he had taken a look at all the outfits because he felt more like showing off his nonexistent wealth (although the bikini was also tempting – his grandmother would probably be quite outraged if he paraded his slave in front of her in that). "The yellow one and maybe a black corset to go with it – and a black collar. She’ll also need a cloak for colder trials and shoes. And a second dress, a black one so that she always has at least one clean dress, but I want her to try on the yellow dress first."
word count: 569
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