Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

So, there's a thread for the pro-revolution side, so I'm going to post one for the anti-rebel side, whether it's recruitment or just sharing in the ideals of the current strata of Rynmere.

Firstly, I'll talk about the moral and logistical reasons as to why Rynmere's rebellion is harmful to the country as a whole, even if the next monarchs are better rulers. These are opinions that Alistair would tell you as much as I OOCly, since I'm a nerd for feudal politics and my character's mentality in terms of nobility and rulership reflect that.

1. The King is just a Child
He's fifteen. Most people don't seem to realize that. Rising up to murder or depose a young boy is morally unsound, especially if your reason is that he's young. There are bound to be young monarchs every now and then. If anything, that means they'll lead a life of experience since they began ruling at a very young age. Also, as a young person, he is presided over by a regency council - most likely - which means faces and prominent figures from all over the Kingdom advise him on matters and help him grow early. This also means that each region gets more of a say while he's young, and when he comes of age, he has a structure of powerful friends and advisors from elsewhere in the Kingdom - this can often promote staiblity.

2. Rebellion is Dangerous
Rebellion in general is dangerous, obviously. Thousands of people can and likely will die within just the revolutionary period (likely more in the aftermath), and for what? Disagreements on the current ruling monarchy that hasn't been long established? Alistair would advise revolutionaries to wait for a few years of adult rulership, at least, before they start overthrowing hierarchies. As for the aftermath as I previously mentioned, often the reigning monarchy of a post-deposed King and the political climate around it are extremely volatile. I don't think I need to go into just how chaotic Europe was for an extremely long time due to dukes and revolutionaries trying (and often succeeding) in deposing Kings, only to fail to impose a proper power structure which then results in hundreds of years of war and squabbling for the throne. The very same could happen here. And that is due to a large reason-

3. This Damages the Houses
The system of nobility is imperfect, but it is a system that has helped shepard Rynmere into being the most successful country in Idalos, utopian in comparison to most of the other regions. I know that the King himself is not of the same volume of noble blood as others have been, and I know Veljorn Burhan holds noble blood himself. However, showing that a King can be deposed merely for his undeveloped ideals and by a show of force puts into question the entire system of nobility, which could result in civil wars avast and the rise of radical ideologies. All of the noble lords from Andaris to Burhan to Venora to Warrick, etc, would also be forced to take sides against or for the crown, which throws alliances that have existed and maintained peace for centuries into utter shambles.

4. It Strains the Economy, Dramatically
Civil war is terrible for the economy. Loss of trade means reduced quality of life, famine, fear and emigration. Deaths directly by war could be in the thousands, but deaths from other things could number in the tens of thousands, which would put a dramatic dent in Rynmere's productivity and economy for many, many years to come.

5. It Reduces Freedoms
This one hardly needs to be said. Revolutionary governments are often pretty awful to their ideological opponents. Even governments that are fabled and loved by the average citizen might essentially prove wrathful and damning to those of differing ideals. For example, people who once supported the monarchy could be seen as threats that need to be eradicated.

Why divide the country so much? That's what Alistair wonders, and I'm just writing out his opinions on the matter here. If any anti-rebels wanna join the party to try to peacefully disperse this, feel free to post. : p
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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

Adding some points. Glad someone else is looking at the bigger picture.

1 - War

Do you really trust a rebel so much that you'd be willing to sacrifice the live of everyone you know for someone you've probably never met? Imagine dividing our army, made mainly to protect us, to fight against each other instead of expanding. Its not logical, and a waste of lives and money to fight each other. Even if it does not come to war, dividing us into sides only makes us weaker for outside threats. We, humanity, are the reason why the Immortals fight each other like buffoons. It is our task to advance past that, to see past race or ideology, to unite and create something beyond us. Humanity, and thus Rynmere, must be the example followed by the rest of Idalos.

2 - Tradition

Andaris has always been in charge of the Throne, and this should be no exception. Because one guy that got really good with ships points a finger at the King and calls him 'unfit' it doesn't mean we should forget our past. Lets remember that our King has Andaris blood in him, even if generations ago he lost the surname 'Andaris'. House Andaris and the Kings it spawned had brought the glory to the Kingdom, turning it from nothing more than a couple of settlements into a proper Kingdom feared and acknowledged by immortals.

3 - Puppets

Three houses support the rebels. Have you ever thought why? It is definitely not for the freedoms of the commoners, but for the pockets of those greedy enough that are willing to sacrifice the lives of many for profit. This war is nothing but a business plan, and we're definitely not included.

4 - You Kidding me?

This Veljorn guy is the captain of the U'frek Sailors, but he also calls himself The Dragon King. He can't even make his own mind as to what he wants to be. If this is a guy worth following, the free education in Andaris is not worth a copper.
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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

There was a shift in support that played out during the season, and some threads have gone unfinished, but this is currently where it stands:

Veljorn had the backing of Krome, Warrick, and an undecided Endor (who have always been swing-voters).

Veljorn was engaged to marry Lazuli Warrick, concreting the line of support to his cause (Warrick produced 50% of the countries food and is made up of the majority of the countries Skyriders, which would have given them majority over sea and air).

Veljorn instead married Zvezdana Venora (while Lazuli was taken by the king's men and tortured for information).

House Warrick and House Krome Dukes/Barons met with House Burhan leadership and stabbed him (Burhan guy lived but it was safe to say they are no longer friends).

Burhan is allied with House Venora.

Andaris and Gawyne are new best buds.

Endor is undecided (no surprises there).

And Warrick and Krome are royally pissed off and not sure if they are working together or apart.
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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

Hey Kingdom! Thanks for the information on the political landscape. That'll help A LOT as a reference point, haha. How do Ebony and Willow Venora feel about Veljorn and Zvezdana's marriage, btw? Zvezdana and the rest of Venora have a highly estranged relationship, so I imagine they might feel uncomfortable with this marriage, as it would perhaps be difficult for them to wholly support their daughter considering her history of tension with the family. I'm not sure how to RP that whole thing, honestly, so I was wondering that. xD


Also, @Peake, you da best bro. We gonna stomp these boys and girls and let them know what men and women look like.
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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

Something best discussed with Zvezdana's player. As she's stuck around the longest, I'll let her decide if there is any fallout/ how the family feel about it. I think it was a secret wedding so there is also a change they don't know yet? Will alert her to this thread :)
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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere


I guess it's safe to say that you have a Burhan joining the anti-rebellion, although she's heading back home to spy on her Uncle Veljorn for the cause.

Also, a tenuous connection between Burhan and Krome would still exist until the end of Ymiden, as Marcus Krome would expect that he and Elyna Burhan are going to be married at the start of Sa'un. However, I suspect that Zvezdana is going to interfere with this and Elyna's cover will probably be blown to smithereens. By the start of Sa'un I imagine Krome is pretty angry at Burhan!
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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

Perhaps you have forgotten Malcolm's letter to Vaughn, I shouldn think Marcus is under no illusions and after Veljorns wedding, he will probably return to the mountains.
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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

Oh very true! Will drop you a PM for details!

So safe to say krome hates Burhan....
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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

Well, the points made here by Peake and Alistair are good points. Revolution does have its repercussions. It wouldn't be war if it didn't. These repercussions will inevitably make for interesting RP down the road for all PCs playing in Rynmere. Nothing should remain utopian. It gets boring (in my opinion) that way.

Although these viewpoints are great to have and should be considered by all PCs ICly, the reality is that the players have voted for a revolution with 75% of them saying that they wanted a war. So whether or not logic shows that maybe war would not happen in the real life, it is going to happen in Rynmere. There is going to be fallout. Some people will die. I won't lie, Zvezdana has a large target on her back and could end up losing her life over fighting against the king. I am ok with that. It spices up the RP. All players are going to have to live with the repercussions of the war because that is what the majority voted for. As for the 25% that didn't want a revolution, tough luck.

As for Zvezdana's family, I highly doubt they really care. Venora is going to support the revolution because that is a possibility of a Venoran ending up on the throne. That decision will either work for them or against them, depending on how the revolution goes. It's a gamble. Her mother is probably thrilled to have her daughter married to another noble, pissed off she wasn't invited to the wedding, etc. Her father is probably indifferent. If Zvez is crowned queen, they'll probably see her as they should have seen her all along. If she is beheaded for being a traitor, it wouldn't surprise me if they disowned her at the time of revolution failure.
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Anti-Rebels in Rynmere

Edit: Oh my ... made a mistake and posted in the wrong thread! Please disregard!
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