• Information • City of Yithiral Lore.

Capital of the Ivorian Empire, The Sovereign Shield.

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City of Yithiral Lore.

Yithiral Lore
Welcome to Yithiral!

As the capital of the Ivorian Empire, Yithiral sits and the center of all major events, and hosts the headquarters of the five branches, or Arms, that make up the Empire's chief governing body.
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    Credit: Lore developed by Squirrel and Basilisk.
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    Re: City of Yithiral Lore.

    History of Yithiral
    Following the split of Ithecal, when the Ithecal clans scattered, only one remained in its full strength and pledged to continue their support to her - Chrysova. Though the other clans still left on the island eschewed her company, she had not lost faith in them, and so she took the few left loyal to her and drove them east to the Mouth of Ivorian, and had them build her a fortress at its highest point that could defend the island against invaders seeking to conquer her land. With her help, they formed a hierarchy of soldiers to rule as the governing body of the city, with senior soldiers acting as judges in trials and designing the laws that were then enforced. With this simplistic system and Ethelynda sat at the head, the fortress prospered and developed until it became a city whose population nearly surpassed that it houses today.

    The arrival of the first human travelers was a major turning point for the city. Many immediately distrusted them, at first leading to discrimination and many travelers being turned back at the city gates, and as the migration continued and more humanoid races made it into the city itself, many shops refused their patronage, employment and housing opportunities were practically non-existent, and many Ithecal guards turned a blind eye to Ithecal-on-human violence. This extreme mistrust pushed the migration on to different cities further inland and while extreme pressure from Ethelynda eventually led to the signing of the Humanoid Protectorate Act, a set of laws that curbed outright discrimination on all non-Ithecal species wishing to enter the city, those that did so were generally treated with mistrust and cynicism, keeping humanoid-Ithecal relations at an all-time low as constant debates on security and crime rates rang through the Euralcal judges and military leaders of the city’s government.

    These concerns became founded in reality with the coming of the Collapse. Several agents belonging to a group known as the Magentus Coterie managed to infiltrate the ranks of senior soldiers and launched an attack from the inside, managing to wipe out several of the high-ranking military officers in a sneak-attack and nearly managing to assassinate Ethelynda in the process. Even though the coup had been thwarted, without most of the high command of the city remaining, the entire population turned into turmoil. Ethelynda was unable to control the millions of panicking civilians from fleeing or rioting in the chaos, nor were the remaining high-status guards able to curb a wave of anti-humanoid attacks as Ithecal blamed both humanoids for their suspected role in the attack, and their own government for allowing it to happen by allowing them protections. One man, a private investigator named Patriam Ersalm, was able to draw the matter to a close, single-handed, by hunting down and exposing the perpetrators of the attack.

    With the backing of the Neoterak Lygurite, the elusive Ancarth Tximite and a small army of affiliated Platikar brought together under Maxius Vryst, Lygurite gathered enough of the high command to restore order by creating a new system of order separating senior military officers into different groups, known as the Arms, while setting up his own secret military police to ensure that what happened would never happen again, known as the Inquisition. With all Arms connected underneath the Imperiatim, the Integrum was formed, uniting Yithiral once more. For this, when Lygurite petitioned its ascension, even Chrysova was forced to bow under the pressure of its peers and suck up its personal humiliation, acknowledging Lygurite and ascending it to Venerakis, Lygurite Urates. A new ruling class of Yithiral was born.

    Of course, not everyone agreed with these new changes. Although Patriam held the public appeal in the palm of his hand, perhaps the most surprising complaints following the creation of the Integrum came from Max Ex Jedrek Thethis. Exalted of Ethelynda, previously a Euralcal and second-hand to the ruling Aethesti of the Ivorian Militia, now the only known Aethestium Primus, commander of the prestigious 'Invictus' First Legion, Jedrek stood as the most decorated soldier in the history of Yithiral, the then-highest standing field commander, with a flawless record and a following of elites that he'd trained with since their green days and now stood willing to follow him wherever he went. He put forward that Patriam's new governing body was stealing power from Ethelynda, removing a significant portion of her command and handing it over to his Inperiatim. As support grew, he even dared to claim that he wished to usurp Ethelynda entirely and transform her into nothing but a powerless figurehead, held on a pedestal and admired but without any true ability to control the influence of Yithiral. This provided significant trouble for Patriam; with the Integrum still young, fractures forming during its development could develop into serious problems in later arcs, or shatter the entire structure.

    Therefore, he banished Jedrek and his senior under-lieutenants, from not just Yithiral but the island of Ivorian in its entirety. Protests and claims that Patriam did not have the power to banish from the island itself - which, in truth, he did not - were quashed and hidden for the good of Yithiral's stability. In this, for the first time, Patriam faltered.

    Jedrek and his under-lieutenants left peacefully. Despite their mistrust for Patriam and his regime, Jedrek was still loyal to Ethelynda above all else. His concern for her made him reluctant to raise a hand against the city she had built and loved so dearly, and despite the fact that they still followed Patriam's orders, many of the fellow Aethestium leading the remainder of the Arm Militum were still old friends of Jedrek. Though he left peacefully and without a word of protest however, he still raised serious concern with even Ethelynda herself. When he left, he took the entire First Legion with him. 200,000 of the finest soldiers in Yithiral left on a small fleet of ships provided by Patriam, sailed out to sea, and when they were a sufficient distance from the city's highest watchtowers, he turned the fleet around and landed on the eastern fringe of Ivorian. Unknown to many, caverns and caves at the roots of the mountains outlining Ivorian could be used to re-enter the island, a hidden trick few but Jedrek himself knew. The path was incredibly dangerous, given the hidden beasts that lurked within, but though Jedrek suffered casualties, the shadow-beasts were no match for the prestigious First Legion.

    They emerged south of Ethelanum and split into two forces, one of which laid siege to the city immediately, and the other marching across the fields towards Talonir. Ethelanum's vestigial military became very quickly overwhelmed under a rapid advance, and the city defences, while normally able to defeat armies five times over the size of the First Legion's detachment, found it incredibly difficult when the force of 100,000 split itself into small elite teams, most often under 100, and spread itself over the outermost walls of the city to pressure its weakest points. Talonir, though much better prepared for a siege and given plenty of warning by the first attack, was left reeling from the first crusade into its woodland borders, and many more followed it; Jedrek, like many others, had learned of the Fool War in history books, and took its lessons to heart, attacking both relentlessly and tactfully in order to counter the scouts hidden through the upper canopies that could cripple armies with well-timed strikes and surprise raids, but still lacked the sheer numbers of the First Legion, and quickly became overwhelmed as their camps and hiding spots were trampled.

    Both cities had no choice. Once assured that the First Legion had not been sent purposefully by Yithiral, they called for Yithiral's help in repelling the invading force. Ethelanum, Talonir, Cathirus and Yithiral together signed the Ivorian Pact, and in return, Yithiral sent its full military presence into all three cities, driving out the First Legion in what is still called the bloodiest battle in the history of Ivorian. The First Legion was defeated, driven back out of both cities, Jedrek was assumed to have been killed and his forces scattered. Following the Pact, the three became the Ivorian Empire, a new nation with Yithiral as its capital.
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    Re: City of Yithiral Lore.

    Yithiral is a large coastal fortress-city that sits on the east shores of the island Ivorian. It acts as a stopping point for many boats that travel the Crescent Sea as they make longer intercontinental journeys, and its close proximity to a number of other cities along the coast, including Rynmere, Rharne, Volanta, Yaralon and Nashaki, makes it a very busy trading hub.

    However, Yithiral stands not only as the capital city of the Ivorian Empire, one of the two main Empires present in Idalos to this day, but as the bulwark that protects its three sibling cities from the outside world, as it is the only city in the Empire accessible for those outside of the island. It is the home of the Immortal Ethelynda and many of her most cherished Mortalborn sons and daughters, and is governed by the Integrum - a collection of five different "Arms" that are in charge of various day-to-day operations around the Empire, including military (Militum), education (Magister), government (Iuris), religion (Ecclasia) and intelligence (Inquirium). Everything about the city is heavily fortified to the extreme, intended to stave off massive full-scale assaults by armies several times their own size, in preparation for confrontation with Eternal Empire forces, should they ever reach the city. Military presence is heavy and constant, Militum soldiers patrol every wall and walk every street in groups, and while openly carrying weapons on the streets is perfectly legal, anyone drawing a sword from their sheath carries strict penalties and possible prison time.

    Because there is a constant influx of people from all over the world, while there are a significant number of Ithecal on the streets, the general population is wildly diverse, and there is no outright ban on any species entering the city - though this tolerance should not be mistaken for acceptance. The city has very strict laws and has a zero-tolerance policy for those that should break them, though these mostly regulate aggressive behaviour, lying, cheating and underhanded practices. It means that the streets are always surprisingly clean, especially for somewhere so crowded; doors can be left unlocked at night, dark alleyways can be walked without fear of ambush. Yithiral is, without a doubt, one of the safest cities in Idalos. At least, for those that can afford it. The lower-class slums are not afforded the same luxuries, and the disparity between the wealthy and the poor, the noble-blood and the commoner, are a great source of internal conflict and friction within the city, bringing out random and organised crime, blackmail and extortion, and many darker, lurking issues that rise from the growing cracks in the system like weeds.

    The city has abundant access to fresh food and water, both from its immediate surroundings and its booming trade, both international and with its member cities. The problems many face is being able to afford such foods - with many stores, taverns and restaurants catering exclusively to higher society, and those lower down the food chain forced to dine on whatever may be left, which isn't that bad, but isn't always that great either. Dives exist for those of a lower financial security, but such places are rarely of good repute.
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    Re: City of Yithiral Lore.

    Yithiral sits directly atop a small unnamed hill, squeezed between two massive mountains with no room on either side to get around and reach the inner portions of the island without first going directly through the city. Its curtain walls are thick, tall, multi-layered and filled with siege towers, arrow-slits and various other designs facing out into the ocean, specifically designed to halt any assault that makes it that far - and few will. Its outermost walls stand forty feet tall and are double-layered. Multiple inner walls separate the various districts of the city as well, ranging from twenty to thirty feet tall, also manned by soldiers, with iron portcullis' that can be drawn down at a moment's notice in times of emergency.

    Technically, Yithiral has three docks. The first is directly connected to the city, made of thick bleached stone and used mostly by merchant vessels and traders, leading directly to industrial warehouses. The other two are connected to a small island just beyond the mouth of Ivorian's port, which forces all traffic to split into two paths. One set of docks faces inwards, the second faces outwards, and both are almost exclusively filled with naval ships and military forces, both casually patrolling and more serious defensive warships, waiting to meet any unscheduled boats long before they reach the docks, or mobilise at the slightest hint of danger. Both openings left to reach the docks are also controlled with their own underwater gates, meaning the interior docks can be completely cut off.

    The city's sheer height and size means that it can be seen from miles away, both from land and sea. Its walls and many of the larger government buildings at the center are made of pristine white stone cut. Its roads are cobblestone and neatly arranged grey brick, and the city's streets are winding and multi-layered with many intersections and narrow branching alleyways, designed to make it difficult for besieging forces to advance. Because the city is home to so many, buildings often stack one atop another, with bridges of stone and occasionally wood branching between them and overhanging the streets below, using the curtain walls for structural support.

    Inside, the city is broken into six districts. Utheridge and Penkath sit side-by-side at the bottom of the hill, the first two districts one enters. Itherium and Thalmart sit above them, higher up the hill, with Maldar cresting the top and slipping down the rear half. Lattarsh makes up the majority of the "rear" of the city, the part facing towards the rest of the island instead of outwards. There is no one clear path that leads directly from one end of the city to the other, but there are a number of wider winding roads that can take one there - however, there are a number of border checkpoints scattered along the way, each manned with guards more than willing to stop anyone looking suspicious on their way through.
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    Re: City of Yithiral Lore.

    Placed directly on the only stretch of shore on the island Ivorian, Yithiral suffers far more than many of the other cities in the Empire due to the sporadic weather. While the tides occasionally bring with them warmer airs or cooler breezes, helping to temper the more extreme conditions throughout the seasons and bringing with them a high humidity to the air, this moisture has a tendency to run dry during the hottest and coldest times of the arc. In particular, Yithiral, like all Ivorian Empire cities, follows more of a tropical climate - shifting between periods of intense heat and intense wet.


    Starkly contrasting the previous arcs Zi'da, Cylus marks the end of the dry seasons and the beginning of the wet. The extreme cold of the season is most often compounded by an abundance of raining storms and heavy wind coming from its ports, creating heavy snowfall, freezing around the docks. Snow clogs the narrow streets and can reach several inches in height. Because of the height of most buildings in Yithiral, many are advised to stay indoors through most of Cylus, not that many people would do anything else; icicles and cascades of snow can be deadly, and easily bury those that travel alone. However, due to the abundance of torches and shelter that the city has to offer, it does not suffer so much from the darkness of the season's perpetual twilight, and work around the city, while stunted, does not grind to a complete halt.


    The growing warmth of Ashan is combined with cooling port winds to create a refreshing reprieve, most commonly mixed with small and moderate storms, heavy rainfall and sporadic shifts between sun and cloud. In the beginning of the season, growing warmth melts much of the snow into thick sludge, but is not enough to melt it completely or evaporate it, resulting in a very wet season, helpful for plants but not so much for the rest of the city's bustling infrastructure. It is still a time for thick, warm clothing, but Ashan is a season of growth and replenishment, and though many do not feel it so much within the white stone walls of the city, the air is noticeably lighter and more fragrant around these times, with glimpses of blooming flowers and growing trees. Towards the end of the season, temperatures begin to noticeably increase, leading to lighter clothes and a clearing of the air, reducing the violent weather, but keeping many of the strong breezes and temperate wind that gives a refreshing feel to much of the city. Though the planting of crops will have only just begun, this is considered a peak time for fishing, with the shores and outlying waters all around Ivorian bedecked with fish and aquatic animals of all sorts returning to their native lands fat with food reserves.


    Across Yithiral, the heat of Ymiden is something that many Ithecal relish, but most humans fear. High humidity and high temperatures given an almost swampy feel to the city, broken only briefly by short, rare, yet intense storms that batter the coast with thunderstorms and powerful rainfall. During clear days, temperatures spike to some of the highest season all arc, and clouds gather without any warning. Storms begin to lessen towards the end of the season, but during that time temperatures have been known to spike suddenly and drastically, and with humidity at a level that prevents sweating, these spikes have been known to cause serious dehydration in unprepared mammals, including humans.


    Marking the switch towards the dry seasons, Saun demolishes the soaking wet of Ymiden within its opening few days, the intense and constant glare of the twin suns in the sky expunging the moisture in the air and leaving a harsh, arid climate only briefly broken by light winds. This season is considered extremely dangerous for all races except Ithecal and possibly Qi'ora; extended periods in direct sunlight without immediate access to water can lead to rapid dehydration and severe health complications. It is in this season that many non-native plant species also suffer, causing damage to crops not continuously treated with fresh water. Even native foliage can appear shriveled and pale during this season as they struggle to weather the extreme changes in temperature.


    Still temperate and mostly dry, Vhalar is considered the least abrasive season that Yithiral faces, a quiet respite from storms, winds and danger. With the worst of the heat finished, crops that survive the brutal Saun scorching are ripe for harvesting. Vhalar is a time of many clouds but no rain, humidity remaining low and air currents slow. Days begin to grow slowly shorter, and as nights stretch, a mild cold creeps in during the later hours, hardly enough to warrant more than a scarf at its worst, but a reminder to all that the big freeze is right around the corner. Vhalar is by far the safest and most comfortable time for those outdoors, and while it marks peak time for harvesting crops, it is the least profitable for those out at sea; without wind, ships struggle to travel far, and many birds and fish begin their migratory routes shortly after the end of Saun.


    The winter of Yithiral is still mired firmly in the dry season, with little storms and a lack of snow or rain, but heavy in ice and a burning dry freeze that makes it very difficult to stay outside for long periods of time without heavy clothing to compensate. At its lowest temperatures, some have claimed to experience the air freezing in their throats. Weather becomes eerily still and quiet, the days stretch long into the night with darkness bringing even lower temperatures. Even with a lack of rain, what little moisture is left in the air quickly turns to ice, turning stairs and narrow streets into death warrants for the careless.
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    Re: City of Yithiral Lore.

    To the immediate north and south lie two of the largest shoreline mountains on the Ivorian island. The city presses against both and has multiple tunnels digging into their cores, mining for resources and building sizable military entrenchments in preparation for an extended siege or a full-out assault. Inspiration in its architecture has also been taken from Ethelanum, creating buildings almost vertically up their sides.

    To the west lies the docks, and a short boat trip away is the Isle of Makkarth, an island that bottlenecks all sea vessels entering and leaving Yithiral into one of two paths. Makkarth is a military-only island, heavily fortified with resources and its own set of two docks, one facing towards the city and another facing away. Its watchtowers and positioning make it the first line of defense for the city and gives it exclusive power over all incoming and outgoing boats attempting to migrate in and out of Yithiral, helping to keep the city as utterly secure as it is.

    Finally, to the east lies open grasslands and plains, dotted with small farms and clusters of satellite villages clustered around the two outbound gates of Yithiral. The terrain is rolling with light hills and valleys, dotted with small forests and a large number of deep underground cave systems.
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    Re: City of Yithiral Lore.

    Due to the high turnover of visitors and travellers passing in and out of the city on their way to other destinations across the Crescent Sea, these numbers represent the entire population - including those that may be temporary. Though these numbers fluctuate, the constant migration patterns of merchants and travellers at any time through the city is quite consistent, especially within Yithiral, though every single person and all of their belongings are thoroughly documented by the Arm Iuris before they are allowed to pass the front gates, and often before even that. There is no circumventing the iron-clad border patrols, and any undocumented persons suffer extremely harsh penalties, with manhunts often warranting full use of lethal force if necessary.

    Total Population: 13 million.

    Permanent Resident Population: 7 million.

    Aukari - 0.5%
    Avriel - 0.5%
    Biqaj - 4%
    Eidisi - 3%
    Ellune - 1%
    Humans - 15%
    Ithecal - 50%
    Lotharro - 2%
    Mer - 5%
    Mixed Race - 6%
    Naerikk - 0.5%
    Qi’ora - 4%
    Sev’ryn - 4%
    Tunawa - 2%
    Wisps - 1%
    Yludih - 0.5%
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    Re: City of Yithiral Lore.

    Daily Life

    There's a deeply-ingrained sense of duty to even the daily life and menial tasks of those in Yithiral. The city is expected to run at all times, at all breaks of the day, and it does with a near mechanical fluidity. Because many attempt to approach them while busy with other matters, they may mistake their chipped sentences and vague excuses for snobbery or rudeness, but in truth they are simply preoccupied. In truth, the people of Yithiral are mostly conversational and often friendly, excusing themselves as they squeeze by and trying not to intrude. Catch them alone or when finally out of work late in the afternoon and get one talking about their passion and one can find them almost bursting with a fount of information on the topic at the drop of a hat. Passion is something eagerly cherished, after all; just because everyone is working doesn't mean they shouldn't enjoy themselves.

    One fiercely prominent feature is their willingness to help. Ask for directions and anyone will tell them. Struggle to carry something and you'll almost instantly find someone offering to carry the excess. There's a sense of unity in the city, especially around the lower areas where many rely on the kindness of strangers and never find it lacking. The people of Yithiral understand more than anyone else that survival isn't about the fittest, but only the most fortunate - and therefore it is the duty of the fortunate to put their good luck to good use. It's this feature that helps the city through its toughest moments, as its people grit their jaws and carry on, as if nothing had ever happened.
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    Re: City of Yithiral Lore.


    The official and state-approved religion of Yithiral is known as the Armatae Praesidium, though many locals know it better as The Church of the Sword and Shield. A scant few hundred years old, the religion was founded during the time of the Reformation, where Ithecal struggled in the knowledge that the perfect system, created and granted to them by their god-Immortal Ethelynda, had failed, leaving them defenseless and helpless in the face of an unknown enemy. It was a time of great struggle and hardship for the people, but ultimately, it was the people themselves, in the likes of Patriam Ersalm, that brought them to strength and security once again. It was this concerted effort that led to the eventual understanding that the Immortals could not be counted upon to solve all the problems of the world - and, in worshiping them, they ignored the powers of their own bodies and wills.

    Thus, the Armatae was founded, and quickly rose to gain an official presence as one of the Arms of the Integrum, for it does not just cover the individual worship of the Ithecal spirit, but handles all matters relating to the morality of Ithecal society. While often dismissed by many of the other Arms as one of the more inferior, its members hold a very significant foothold in the Senate, monitoring the moral effectiveness of the bills that are passed and their impact on the people, advocating for their privacy, security, health and general well-being, as well as their efforts to help the poor and not discriminate between races and cultures, willingly or unwillingly. The Militum looks to them for security and strength in the soldiers, boosted by the presence of their Priest-Knights, known as Sword-Swords and Sworn-Shields, keeping the men going and inspiring them both on and off the field. Perhaps most surprising of all is the shadowy connection with the Inquiria - each group lending the services of the other. Just as the Inquiria measures the corruptions of individuals, the Armatae measures the corruption of organisations as a whole... and even though the Inquiria is said to answer to nobody but the Imperiatim themselves, there are multiple questions raised over which of the two Arms holds a higher authority... and whether or not it is because the Imperiatim are members of the Armatae Praesidium themselves.

    The Armatae's core beliefs are that the power to change and affect the world doesn't come from prayer to the Immortals, and while their power is vast, it is not absolute; the power of a person, in their individual strength, courage, determination and raw will, as well as the power of a group of people, a society, a nation, has far greater possibility. Therefore, it is important to look inward, to one's self, as their god. In times of crisis, pray not to Immortal beings and higher powers, but pray to yourself, that you might have the strength to overcome this obstacle. Train the body, train the mind, for this is your worship. Do good for others, and do good for your city and your nation, for together you become stronger. All priests and high-priests of the Armatae are most often either trained in deep meditation, some form of physical exertion or combat, or most likely a large combination of the two. Churches and temples of worship frequently offer lessons for those that feel inspired and willing to change, and welcome members from all races.

    However, the presence of those marked by Immortals is an uneasy agreement. To have the blessing of a higher being and use it in any capacity, knowingly or not, is to put reliance in a power higher than mortality, and therefore to surrender ones own powers as payment. Mages, who willingly make use of Sparks and put their faith in powers gained from unknown beings for personal gain, are looked upon with near-hostility for their flagrant discard for mortality and its benefits, not to mention their arrogance. In a city that is filled with both of these kinds, however, especially in Ethelynda's presence, marked and mages are tolerated at best. However, they can never join the ranks without renouncing their former gods.
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    Re: City of Yithiral Lore.

    Religious Sects

    Within Yithiral are a number of smaller religious sects also clinging to the older forms of religious worship, from before the Collapse and further still.

    The direct worship of Ethelynda, known as Ethelyndrism in her honour, follows a simple but direct creed of subservience and protection of Ethelynda the God-Immortal and her half-mortal offspring.

    Ikthil-Mar is a belief held by a scant few of an elder creature known only as The Father. It is little more than a fledgling belief system, but has gathered multiple small spin-off cults including The Delphic Order, The Church of Eros and the Aethlocks.

    Finally, the religious followers of Raskalarn are represented through a branch of her Imperial Altar, seeking the unification of the Ithecal people and the reconciliation with their past differences under a single collective banner of war.
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