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The Iron Hand

The Iron Hand
The Fist
The Iron Hand was named wholly in practicality. Its name describes its purpose and function without further complexity, Rynmere's military structure following a simple formula from the Kingdom's conception. At any time, there will be six standing armies. One is the open palm - the King's army - which is most often held near the City of Andaris in order to defend the Crown and capital from invasion. Then, deriving from the palm are five further armies; one from Andaris, one from Venora, one from Warrick... then one from Burhan and Endor, jointly, and one from Krome and Gawyne, jointly. These armies - all six of them - are always standing, a professional structure ensuring that the soldiers are well-fed and well-trained, and that all military infrastructure is maintained.

Then, at any time, particularly in times of war, the King may - through the Iron Accords - conscript the five armies and unite six into one, forming the Closed Fist, universally known as the Iron Hand's symbol. When the fingers draw back into the palm, and six armies become one, it is said that Rynmere can never lose a war - a momentum they can only hope to maintain.

The Fingers
The Fingers, also known as the Five Armies, are the ducal-led armies and they make up the vast majority of the Iron Hand. The Fingers are led by a Commandant, who is directed by a Duke. When the Iron Hand is united into the Fist, the Commanders will begin to answer to the Iron Commandant, the leader of the Iron Hand who serves directly underneath the King as his military councilor. When a Kingdom-wide conscription is not under effect, the ducal armies serve the will of their respective ducal ruler, acting as their enforcers. They will generally reside in their Duchy and train within one of many fortresses (or Chateau's in Venora's case) during daylight hours, cycling out as guards and city law enforcers every so often. While residing within the Duchies, members of the Iron Hand are overseen by the Monks and Priors who 'try' to hold them accountable for their own actions.

Joint Armies
Joint armies are an extremely contentious issue within ducal politics, and always have been. Since Arc 236, Gawyne and Krome, and Burhan and Endor have fought jointly together rather than carrying their own independent force. This is seen as a necessity for weaker Duchies, some of which are often barely able to field a proper garrison of guards along their cities and roads, let alone can they fend off raids, pirates or foreign invasions. As a result of the necessity of these greater forces, the two joint ducal armies remain.

The way the armies work is simple. Firstly, both Dukes have total control over whichever troops reside within their Duchy, and transfers between the two Duchies must be approved. In times of need, either of the Dukes may conscript necessary troops from the greater pool depending on their needs, and can reallocate and relocate them as they wish. In war, the two Dukes serve as generals within the force, with the Commandant acting as their advisor and ensuring the army acts cohesively despite the possibly conflicting desires of the Dukes.

If one Duke is to die in combat or by any other means, the other takes total control over the armies and is required to protect the interests and physical holdings of both Duchies. In the case of civil wars, the joint armies allow the Northern Duchies to hold their own in large scale battles, which - in many ways - acts as a deterrent, to keep the South from invading the Northern Realms.

The Iron Accords
The Iron Accords are a series of laws and treaties between the Dukes and the Crown. What they do is - essentially - allow for the King to conscript the Five Armies into the 'Closed Fist' in times of national emergency. This will typically occur amidst a ducal council meeting, with the Herald, Justicar and Iron Commandant present as well. Though the reasons for a national emergency must be cited, the King has the right to enact Iron Accord conscription laws without a vote and without consent. Typically this is done in times of war and colonization. When this does occur, the Commandants are all asked to meet with the Iron Commandant to form a cohesive strategy, and they are delegated to certain tasks among the colonial or war front.

Once the Iron Accords are enacted, Rynmere tends to carry an incredibly large military force, keeping a professional army that is typically around 1% of its given population. It must be noted, though, that historically there have been times where a King's reasoning was seen as arbitrary and tyrannical - and in such cases, Commandants loyal to their Dukes have refused to serve the Iron Commandant, remaining present with their army in their home Duchy. This is incredibly rare and is grounds for great consequence, but it has occurred.

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Re: The Iron Hand

The Five Armies

Blackwings of the Priory - Warrick
With numbers equivalent to the Inquisitors, and with the militaristic lifestyle that many of the Duchy of Warrick immerse themselves in, the Blackwings are a truly elite force and are often considered to hold the title of the strongest of the Five Armies, though the Inquisitors often contest them for this title. It can be certain, at least, that the Blackwings are always among the two greatest armies and they carry immense utility that few other armies can boast, as a result of their vastly superior Skyrider force.

The majority of all Skyriders in Rynmere come from Warrick, and there are many variations of Skyriders that exist only in Warrick. Not only do they carry a retinue of Chalissean Lions, a beast on par with the Jacadon, but they also possess other variant flying mounts with special functions. The Blackwings are known for their alchemical attacks from above, dropping bombs, poisonous clouds and even diseases among the enemies from flasks that they carry while in flight. For this reason, they will often be sent as an auxiliary vanguard when Rynmere goes to war, to deadly effect.

The Blackwings are typically adorned in black and white or grey colors, with the design and make pictured here. High ranking members wear a diverse array of dark colors, with the Commandant himself carrying silver pauldrons and a silver lion at his chest.

Thorns of the Rubicund - Venora
The Thorns are named after the 'Crown of Thorns', the legendary artifact of the House of Venora. They are led by the Saintivelle as well as the Commandant, with the Saintivelle being Venora-born warrior-spies. Considering all Saintivelle carry one of the 'thorns' of the Crown of Thorns, and thus can be instantly killed for disloyalty, the Thorns are renowned as the most loyal army in Rynmere, holding true to the Oath 'Thou Salt Not Betray'. They are known to never waiver or be routed, a force that will hold true to the last man. For this reason, despite having among the lowest numbers of any of the Five Armies, Venora is known to be a formidable force with a fierce protective instinct over their lands. The Thorns are typically comprised of Knights and Mariners, and carry a very large cavalry force known to wield finely crafted lances.

The Saintivelle, to further elaborate on them, are one of the greatest assets of Venora and are known to have extensive intelligence networks in all seven Duchies, and even the court of the Crown. They help to cement Venora as the diplomatic powerhouse of Rynmere, providing the Duke with extensive information on the prerogatives, goals, desires, schemes and scandals of other Duchies, long before they become public. They are elite and masterful in their role, capable of disguise and deception on a level truly unheard of in the Kingdom. They are, equally, Knights and serve as localized captains for the Knights-Eminent, which will be elaborated upon in the Knights-Eminent article.

The Thorns often wear crimson and silver-white colors, though the crimson tends to be a trimming or embroidery. For this reason, they are often called 'Reds' by the locals, wearing red capes and red adornments. Higher ranking members are often Saintivelle, and wear armor unique to them.

Dragonhunters of the Bay - Andaris
The Dragonhunters are known as the 'balanced' army, boasting numbers even greater than the Inquisitors and Blackwings, and with a large number of Skyriders, Mariners and Knights, though with a bias towards the latter. Though there is nothing that particularly stands out about the Dragonhunters, their vast numbers and diverse forces mean that they have exceptional potential for growth, and are a terrifying force to contend with, especially when well equipped. As the Dragonhunters typically reside within proximity of the Crown's army, they often jointly train together and are known to be an incredibly formidable force when fighting alongside one another. For this reason, they often serve as the reinforcing army for the Crown, and can generally be seen as one force in times of war, both international and civil.

The Dragonhunters often wield silver and teal shades, armored in ornate, full body steel like Knights. Their Commandant often possesses a similar scheme, but with darker blue colors and a steelblue sheen to the armor, with very opulently designed weaponry.

Inquisitors of the Seminary - Gawyne and Krome
The Inquisitors have among the highest density of foot soldiers of any army, but are known to be - arguably - the greatest within this role. Gawyne and Krome together carry a massive force, and within this force they have been known to master land formations and line tactics. The Inquisitors also have by far the largest number of Lotharro of any of the ducal armies, as their most common residence within the Kingdom is Krome and Gawyne, and they tend to join the military almost exclusively. For this reason, the Inquisitors - even the humans and biqaj - are known to be large and robust warriors, terrifying in appearance due to their immense physical training and mastery of their bodies. What cavalry they do have often sit on the backs of Gorde and the Krome Wolves, making them a dangerous and maneuverable force. The Inquisitors are often considered to be the rivals of the Blackwings, though as one fights on land and one from the skies, they are best served as allies.

Inquisitors are truly robust warriors, known for their mixture of leather and plate armor, with many olive and brown colored leather belts carrying satchels with medical supplies. The Commandant acts as and appears as a scout and strategist, generally wielding a longbow from above or at a distance and striking down at key targets.

Shades of the Ebonweald - Burhan and Endor
Known to be a truly unique army, the Shades not only carry massive numbers, but exceptional diversity and utility. They carry the largest number of Grimtide Mariners of any army, and are true masters of the rivers of Rynmere as well as the oceans surrounding the Island. As rivers run through the Kingdom and connect Burhan to the coasts of all other Duchies, the Shades are considered to be anywhere and everywhere, and despite not being known as the 'strongest' force they are often called the most terrifying. They can reinforce any point, protect any chokehold, fortify any position and supplement any army. They are excellent pirates and privateers, and can devastate any other ducal army in naval combat, and carry the most terrifying weapon of all the Duchies: the Ebonshades. The Ebonshades are an elite retinue, typically from Endor, that specializes in assassination. Rather than the Saintivelle who focus on cultural control, subversion, intelligence gathering and information brokerage, the Ebonshades utilize all of their intelligence for the purpose of assassination.

They are known to be Rynmere's best, and are among the best of the Northern Realms, though little beyond this is publicly known. Their existence is often considered to be a deterrent to other Dukes in attempting to assert power over Burhan and Endor, as the enemies of Endor are often met with a swift and untraceable death.

The Shades tend to wear medium leather armor, with a brown shade to it. Their design is incredibly unique to them, and differentiates them immediately from others. The Commandant, generally a Burhan, takes more from Burhan influences and often wears colorful silken robes atop interlocking plate mail.

Last edited by Alistair on Fri Mar 01, 2019 4:40 pm, edited 8 times in total. word count: 1241
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Re: The Iron Hand

The King's Army

The Chevaliers
The King's Army, known to most as the 'Chevaliers', are the foundational force of the Iron Hand and protect the Crown's interests throughout the Kingdom and the Eastern Settlements. Like the Dragonhunters, they are an incredibly large force, with a balanced formation suitable for a wide array of tasks. Though the Blackwings and Inquisitors are known to be the greatest ducal forces, the Chevaliers are almost always the most powerful army within the Kingdom, with the Crown conscripting some of the best warriors from the other five armies as needed. For this reason, they are considered elite, and though they may not carry the same level of specialized capability as any one Duchy, they are a jack of all trades.

During times of increased strife, Chevaliers are often detached to the seven Duchies to serve as enforcers alongside the ducal armies, monitoring the situation. They are tasked with preventing riots, rebellions and anti-noble actions, as well as anything that would undermine the authority of the Crown or the Faith. Chevaliers can also be sent to regulate the excesses of the Five Armies, if they are proven to be truly abusive to their local citizenry.

The Divisions
Like members of the ducal armies, all members of the Chevaliers are a part of either the Skyriders, Knights or Mariners. Despite typically being seen as a more 'elite' force, they carry the same respective rank as they possessed when recruited from one of the Five Armies. Some members of the Chevaliers join the Crown's army directly, with no previous military experience. These members also begin at the base rank, like everyone else.

Chevaliers can be moved into one of the Five Armies, just as the opposite is also true. This will often occur when there is a vacancy in a higher rank, and so a Chevalier - more likely to be loyal to the Crown - will be suggested by the Iron Commandant to fulfill that position. Therefore, many higher ranking officers in the ducal armies were once Chevaliers, with Venora and Endor being notable exceptions.

The Iron Commandant
It should be noted that there can only be one Iron Commandant at any time, and they act as the leader of the Chevaliers, and all of the Iron Hand if the Iron Accords have been set into motion. The Iron Commandant can either be recruited from one of the Five Commandants, or they can be chosen directly by the previous Iron Commandant from within the ranks of the Chevaliers. This individual serves as the most esteemed military general in Rynmere, as well as the direct military councilor to the King. They are also able to conscript armies from the Eastern Settlements, from the Margraves and other local nobles.

The Iron Commandant is gifted full plate armor that is enriched by the Ancestor Gods themselves. The armor was crafted with Ghost Metal by one of the Heralds of old, and while within Rynmere it appears to draw from the power of the Fates, enhancing the wearer's strength, endurance, speed and awareness by a considerable degree. Additionally, within the Kingdom the armor will slowly regenerate damage, restoring itself to its original condition within a trial - even from utter destruction. The Iron Commandant is therefore known as being among Rynmere's greatest warriors, empowered by the Seven to protect the Kingdom.
Last edited by Alistair on Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:49 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 564
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Re: The Iron Hand

The Skyrider's Constellate





xx something about mounts and gear quality.

Colonels will generally advise their local Count, and are given command of all of the soldiers within their County of their division, numbering typically between a thousand to three thousand troops, depending on the County. Meaning, if a Colonel is serving in the Eclipse of Venora, he will directly command all of the Skyriders of a lower rank than him in that County. Typically they will serve by their own discretion, but must also serve the commands of their local liege if said Count orders them. They are allowed to ignore the will of local Barons and can conscript their forces, as long as the reigning Count continues to allow them to do so.

Chevaliers of this rank - or Colonels conscripted by the Iron Accords - are normally given their own retinue of Skyriders numbering around one thousand. Though possibly lower in number, Chevaliers do not answer to local nobles, but rather only to the King, superior-ranking Chevaliers and the Iron Commandant, and therefore tend to have higher authority over their individual troops.

xx something about mounts and gear quality.

Constelliers generally do not advise the local Duke, but instead answer to the Duchy's Commandant, who is recruited from among their ranks. Like the previous ranks, they directly command all of the Skyriders beneath them, but for their entire Duchy. The Colonels act as their council, and with these vast numbers they tend to manage anywhere from three to ten thousand troops. In Warrick, where the majority of the army is made up of Skyriders, this number can become considerably higher. Constelliers can still be commanded by the Duke, though they are typically delegated tasks through the Commandant.

Chevaliers of this rank - or Constelliers conscripted by the Iron Accords - are generally given around three thousand Skyriders under their command, as there will typically be multiple Constelliers within the ranks of the Chevaliers. The same as above applies here.
Last edited by Alistair on Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:30 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 340
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Re: The Iron Hand

The Knights-Eminent


Note to self: For tangible benefits, make unique styles akin to capstones.
Ideas (from Squirrel): Bladedancer, Marauder,...
Artifacts: Battle Meditation, basically





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Re: The Iron Hand

The Grimtide Mariners





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Re: The Iron Hand


How It Works

WIP: *Create more dangerous missions with skill requirements so that skills can play some part in rank progression.
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