• Solo • [Treth] Planting Trial

41st of Ashan 718

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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] Planting Trial

41st Ashan, 718

This seems to be becoming a habit. Tei'serin mused ruefully.

"This" was the fact that she was sitting at her desk in the school house struggling to stay awake while she waited for her students to arrive. Ei'ryl was a very early riser. They were starting to fall into a schedule now, and that helped. Schedules were good. Schedules kept Tei'serin sane.

She got up when Ei'ryl woke up. After changing her diaper if it needed to be changed, she fed her daughter. Then she made breakfast for her mother and siblings. If Thorin or one of his men were there, she made something for them, too. By then, the others were usually ready to get up, so she got dressed, and played with her daughter for a while. Then she ate with her family, before going into the village.

It was usually breaks before Sorin, Keiaris, and Meiarin would have to leave to get to school on time, so she left them to get a start on their chores, finish up any last minute homework they might have, or spend time just relaxing before school. Her mother took care of Ei'ryl while she was gone. When it was time to feed Ei'ryl, her mother either gave her a bottle, or brought her into the village so that Tei'serin could feed her. If the latter was the case, her mother would watch the class while she was feeding her daughter. Once school was over for the trial, it was back time to take care of her daughter. Her mother made dinner for everyone. Soon after dinner was over, if there were no "visitors" that needed seeing to, it was time to go to bed so that they could start over fresh with the new trial.

Tei'serin blinked sleepily at the book she had brought with her. The kids would be coming in another break or so, and she need to be more awake than she was in order to face a class full of children who were excited about the festival.

Avocado oil comes from the fruit of the avocado tree. It is ideal for treating irritable skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, and it helps with older, mature skin that has thinned with age. Since it is thicker than many other types of carrier oils, it is a good carrier oil for massages. If need be, it can be thinned with another carrier oil such as olive oil or sweet almond oil.

Grapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes. It can be used for both cooking and cosmetics as well as a carrier oil for essential oils. It also has antiseptic properties and is a mild astringent, making it a good carrier oil for acne-prone skin or oily skin. And unlike some oils, it is not greasy.

Moringa oil is extracted from the seeds of the Moringa Oleifera tree. The Moringa Oleifera tree is also known as the drumstick or horseradish tree. This oil is very good for helping with skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it good for helping to ease the pain of arthritis. When combined with the right essential oil, this benefit extends to easing other kinds of joint pain as well. Moringa oil is also able to help reduce the inflammation in scars, and speed up their healing process.

Apricot kernel oil is extracted from the kernels or seeds of apricots. It is a light, gentle oil that has a slight nutty aroma. This oil has properties and uses that are similar to sweet almond oil. It can be used as a massage oil because it makes the skin soft and supple, and does not leave any greasy residue behind. Apricot kernel oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Since it isn't greasy, this oil is good for use on dry, irritated, or sensitive skin.

Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor bean plant. By itself, this oil is good for treating constipation, ailments of the skin, and improving the health of your hair. Using castor oil to dilute essential oils that have similar effects will enhance the effects of the essential oil, making your remedy even stronger. Castor oil is a natural anti-inflammatory which makes it great for easing the pain of aching joints and muscles. Rubbing a few drops into the afflicted area once every seven trials or so will allow the anti-inflammatory components in the oil to reduce the swelling and inflammation. This oil is also good for healing skin infections, and treating sunburns.

Tei'serin blinked sleepily when she realized how light it was getting. Knowing that the children would arrive soon, she put out the candle she had been using to read by, and put her book away. She stood, and stretched a few times before going out to wait for her students.

Tei'serin watched as all of the children gathered in the school yard. This trial was a special one for the village. She didn't know how they did things in the city, but the Plantation Festival was a big trial for Treth. And how could it be anything but a big deal for a village full of farmers? Since it was such a special occasion, Tei'serin had a treat in store for her class. Instead of classes as usual, Tei'serin was going to take the kids out to a nearby farm to help them with their planting. Tei'serin wasn't sure how much "help" the younger children were going to be, but it would be a day spent outside doing something "real," not cooped up in a stuffy classroom learning about things that had happened long ago, and far away as one of her older students had put it. Sorin, like many of the older children was restless now that Cylus was over. Even in this rain, he wanted to be outside rather than cooped up indoors.

It would be a treat for the kids; a break from endless lessons, and a chance to get outside after the icy cold of Cylus. The "reward" they had been promised in the form of pies and cookies wouldn't hurt either. At the same time, it would be a learning experience for them. In a few arcs, many of her students would be working on their parents' farms full time, or even trying to work farms of their own. Learning as much as they could now would help to prepare them for their future. Tei'serin knew that she would enjoy the experience as well. She had learned a lot last arc when she had helped one of the local farmers with his orchard. And while she didn't grow much on her own farm, she liked the idea of being able to produce more of the things she and her family needed to survive.

When all of the children had arrived, she took attendance quickly.

"Is everyone ready to go?"

The resounding "yes" made Tei'serin grin at her students. She checked the letter she had been given with the directions to the farm, then turned back to her kids.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Off Topic
Bonus experience approved by Jade, to be given to the following character(s) involved in this thread, only upon the completion of the review, where the character(s) demonstrated celebration of the holiday, Plantation Festival, on Ashan 41st, Arc 718. The details of this this holiday include: As the season reaches the warmer periods, this festival is held to plant crops and start the production of plants again. Farmers will prepare a trial or two before, then start work on the 41st Trial of Ashan - with the goal of planting all the crops they can.

Bonus Experience Upon Review Completion:
Ne'haer Holiday: Plantation Festival
+2 Bonus Skill Points
Free Item: 1/3 Acre of land for harvesting crops or caring for farm animals given to you by the farmer you help, should you wish to use it now or later. This land cannot be sold or given away and may only be used for agricultural purposes.
word count: 1383
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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Re: [Treth] Planting Trial


Getting to the farm they were going to be working on was something of an adventure in and of itself. The kids talked excitedly among themselves as they walked. Some of the younger ones ran around wildly as they gave in to their excitement. Keiaris and Meiarin were among them, and Tei'serin couldn't help but smile at their antics. Sorin, on the other hand tried to do what he could to keep some of the more rambunctious kids in line. Tei'serin was pretty certain that he was only doing so because the faster they got to the farm, the faster they could get the trial's work over with. And the faster they did that, the sooner they would get their promised reward. Tei'serin didn't mind, though. Whatever his reasons might be, help was help...and as tired as she felt these trials, she would take whatever help she could get.

When they reached the farm they would be working at, Tei'serin was quickly greeted by a middle aged woman who introduced herself as Tarin. She thanked them for coming, explaining that ever since her husband had died last Cylus, she had been hard pressed to keep up with all of the work that needed to be done in order to keep her farm running smoothly. Since her only son had never come home from the war back in 716, she was all alone. So when she had heard that Tei'serin was looking for a farm for her class to volunteer at for the trial, she jumped at the chance to ask them to come.

It didn't take long for Tarin to take charge, and put them all to work. Her most pressing need was to get her corn fields planted, so they started with that. Tarin had already plowed the field in anticipation of their arrival, so all that was left to do was to plant the seeds, and water the field. Since Tei'serin's own limited experience with crops was with tending her own orchards, it was Tarin who had to teach the class what to do. Tei'serin was as much of a student as her kids were when it came to planting crops.

After a brief lesson, it was time to get to work. Tarin's explanation of what to do was reinforced by watching her work. And it wasn't long before Tei'serin and her class were working right alongside Tarin. Tei'serin tried to answer the questions that her students had, but a single lesson in planting corn paled when compared to a lifetime of farming. So it was Tarin that answered most of their questions as they worked.

Once they finished planting the field of corn, they moved on to an apple orchard that needed some work. Tei'serin was on much firmer ground here, so she pointed out the apple blossoms, explaining that it was only after they fell off that the apples themselves would begin to grow. These trees were mature ones that had been bearing fruit crops for several arcs, so their main task was to water the orchard. But there were some seedlings that needed to be transplanted to a new orchard. Some of the latter needed to be prepared for travel because they were going to be a wedding gift for the son of one of Tarin's friends.

The kids threw themselves into their work eagerly. Sorin, Hardin, and some of their friends challenged the older students that they could water more trees in a shorter period of time than the older kids could. Keiaris and Meiarin heard their brother, and begged to help his team. Sorin agreed, but Tei'serin could tell by his expression that he thought that the girls would be more of a hindrance than a help.

Tei'serin kept a watchful eye on them as she did her own work. In her experience, contests such as this one could go very wrong if someone got too competitive for their own good. But she was pleasantly surprised. Keiaris and Meiarin helped by taking over the task of filling buckets with water so that the boys, who were stronger, and had longer legs than they did could focus on getting the water out to the trees that needed it. In this manner, they worked out a system that allowed them to keep up with the older students they had challenged. But the older students still had the advantage of size and strength on their side. So in the end, the two teams tied.

word count: 769
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Re: [Treth] Planting Trial


Before they knew it, the sun was starting to set. Tei'serin called her students over to her, and they came laughing, sweating, and grinning as they talked about everything they had done. She took a trill to congratulate herself for putting together a good practical lesson for her students. From their expressions, and what they were talking about, she could tell that they had learned a great deal about farming, and that they had had fun doing so.

"The first thing I want to say is that you all did a wonderful job. Tarin tells me that she is very happy with the work that you all did." Tei'serin began.

"And if you ever want to come back and volunteer again, I would love to have the help. I wouldn't be able to pay for for your work, but if any of you decide that you are willing to help out once in a while, I will make sure to have treats for you when you're done."

This statement brought cheers, and promises that they would come back sometimes when their own chores permitted it. Tei'serin continued to talk to her students. She and Tarin answered any questions that they had, and quizzed them on some of the things that they had learned. This gave the parents time to get the pies and cookies they had made for the kids set up on a table where everyone could help themselves. Each of the students' mothers had brought her child's favorite treat in to share with the rest of the class.

When the treat buffet was ready for the kids, Dae'nira approached the group to let them know that everything had been set up. Tei'serin dismissed her class, and watched in amusement as the kids cheered in unison, and raced towards the treat table.

"They're a good group of kids, aren't they?" Dae'nira questioned softly.

Tei'serin nodded.

"Yes, they are. Now that they know that Tarin could really use the help, a lot of them will come back to help out some more when they have the time to do so."

Dae'nira turned to her daughter, and watched her for a few trills.

"You really like teaching, don't you"

"I do. The kids...they're so innocent. They have a joy...a love for life that you rarely see in adults. And they love to learn. Even the older ones do. You can see this light in their eyes when they're learning about something that they're interested in. Seeing these kids each trial...giving the tools that they need to build the futures they want for themselves...there's nothing else in all the world like the feeling that gives me. It really helps me a lot. To be honest, I don't who benefits from me teaching them more; the kids, or me."

Dae'nira nodded. Tei'serin knew that her mother understood what she meant. The innocence and joy in her students were a light in her life that helped to keep the pain and darkness that was her life under Thorin's rule from overwhelming her. Dae'nira understood because she faced that same darkness herself.

"Well, why don't you let me keep an eye on the kids for a while. Mrs. Gardener is watching Ei'ryl, and I'm sure that your daughter is looking for dinner right about now."

The mention of her daughter brought a smile to Tei'serin's face. She nodded, and thanked her mother for being willing to help out before she headed off to find her daughter.

word count: 613
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Re: [Treth] Planting Trial



Name: Tei'serin Nji'ryn



Caregiving: schedules keep mothers who are raising infants sane

Medicine; Carrier Oil: Avocado oil comes from the fruit of the avocado tree. It is ideal for treating irritable skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, and it helps with older, mature skin that has thinned with age. Since it is thicker than many other types of carrier oils, it is a good carrier oil for massages. If need be, it can be thinned with another carrier oil such as olive oil or sweet almond oil.

Medicine; Carrier Oil: Grapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes. It can be used for both cooking and cosmetics as well as a carrier oil for essential oils. It also has antiseptic properties and is a mild astringent, making it a good carrier oil for acne-prone skin or oily skin. And unlike some oils, it is not greasy.

Medicine; Carrier Oil: Moringa oil is extracted from the seeds of the Moringa Oleifera tree. The Moringa Oleifera tree is also known as the drumstick or horseradish tree. This oil is very good for helping with skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it good for helping to ease the pain of arthritis. When combined with the right essential oil, this benefit extends to easing other kinds of joint pain as well. Moringa oil is also able to help reduce the inflammation in scars, and speed up their healing process.

Medicine; Carrier Oil: Apricot kernel oil is extracted from the kernels or seeds of apricots. It is a light, gentle oil that has a slight nutty aroma. This oil has properties and uses that are similar to sweet almond oil. It can be used as a massage oil because it makes the skin soft and supple, and does not leave any greasy residue behind. Apricot kernel oil has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Since it isn't greasy, this oil is good for use on dry, irritated, or sensitive skin.

Medicine; Carrier Oil: Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor bean plant. By itself, this oil is good for treating constipation, ailments of the skin, and improving the health of your hair. Using castor oil to dilute essential oils that have similar effects will enhance the effects of the essential oil, making your remedy even stronger. Castor oil is a natural anti-inflammatory which makes it great for easing the pain of aching joints and muscles. Rubbing a few drops into the afflicted area once every seven trials or so will allow the anti-inflammatory components in the oil to reduce the swelling and inflammation. This oil is also good for healing skin infections, and treating sunburns.

Non Skill Knowledges

NPC: Tarin
Tarin: is a middle aged farmer
Tarin: her husband died last Cylus
Tarin: lost her only son in the war in 716

Loot: Free Item: 1/3 Acre of land for harvesting crops or caring for farm animals given to you by the farmer you help, should you wish to use it now or later. This land cannot be sold or given away and may only be used for agricultural purposes.
Injuries: NA
Renown: 5
Magic XP: NA

Points: 12
- - -

As always a knowledgeable and interesting read, I always feel like I'm in the classroom too! Tei'serins threads have a peaceful feel whenever she's teaching the kids, and I enjoyed this one. Have fun with your rewards and land :)

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM or ping me in Discord. Thanks!

**Made by the magnificent Kes
word count: 625
ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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