• Solo • [Treth] A Celebration of Heroes

26th of Vhalar 717

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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] A Celebration of Heroes


26th Vhalar, 717

Tei'serin smiled to herself as she rode into the village. This trial was a very special trial. It was the trial when Ne'haer celebrated their heroes. Treth had their own version of the holiday. And Tei'serin had a fun trial planned for her students. Normally, she would only be teaching the younger students at this time of the arc since the older ones were needed by their families to help take in the harvest. But since this was a very special trial. Tei'serin had approached the parents of her older students, and asked them to allow their children to go to school for the trial. Being a holiday that they wanted to celebrate themselves, most of the parents agreed.

Vhalar would be the last of the warm weather until next Ashan, and few were more aware of this fact than the children. They wanted to be outside playing, enjoying the last of the good weather while they could. It was only natural for them to feel this way, and Tei'serin's plans for the trial had taken this into consideration. They would also hopefully help to convince her students that learning could be fun. Students who enjoyed what they were learning tended to learn more in their lessons, and they usually remembered more of what they learned than students who hated school.

Rather than keep the kids locked up in the classroom as she taught them a history lesson, Tei'serin was going to use the weather to her advantage. The kids would still get a history lesson on the heroes of their village, and to a lesser extent, some of the more notable ones in Ne'haer. But it would come in the form of a treasure hunt. Stations would be set up where the children would get a series of questions. They would then have to answer each question by finding the clues and objects that represented the right answer. To complete the treasure hunt, each group of students would have to answer twenty five questions correctly. And there would be prizes and bragging rights for the first three teams who completed the treasure hunt. It would be a great way for the students to have fun while they were learning something new, and being tested on what they had learned in the last few trials. But it was also a break for her. She was looking forward to a trial of not trying to keep her students focused on their lessons when all they were interested in was playing outside. Tei'serin wasn't sure who needed the break more; her, or her students.

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Bonus experience approved by Harpy, to be given to the following character(s) involved in this thread, only upon the completion of the review, where the character(s) demonstrated celebration of the holiday, Heroes Celebration, on 26th of Vhalar, Arc 717.

Bonus Experience Upon Review Completion:
Ne'haer Holiday: Heroes Celebration
+2 Bonus Skill Points
Free Item: 1 gilded candle to either cherish or light at your leisure, the scent is that of flowery meadow in the warm Ymiden.
word count: 526
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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Re: [Treth] A Celebration of Heroes


By the time she arrived at the school, several of the parents who had volunteered to help her set up the stations were already there. Tables were set up in scattered locations all over the school yard. One was in the school itself since there wasn't enough room for it outside. Each table had a privacy screen around it so that kids who were waiting for their turn at the station wouldn't be able to see the questions the groups ahead of them were getting. The tables would each be manned by a volunteer from the village. Mr. and Mrs. Gardener had each offered to man a table as had several of the other elderly members of the village. That way, able bodied farmers wouldn't have to lose precious time in bringing in their harvests. The ones who had come to help her set up for the treasure hunt would be leaving as soon as everything was set up.

Once the tables were set up, the volunteers who had offered to man the tables got them organized the way they wanted them to be while Tei'serin and the other volunteers went out to hide the clues, and various items that the kids would need to find. Some of them were hidden in the school, and school grounds. But others were hidden throughout the village, and in the surrounding woods. This task took longer to accomplish than setting up the tables had, but with everyone working together, they still managed to get everything done before the first kids started to arrive.

Sorin was the first of Tei'serin's students to arrive at the school. He was more than a little confused as to why he had been told to go to school when most of the kids his age would be out in the fields helping their families bring in the Vhalar harvests. If anything, he had more work to do than most of the kids his age since his guardians were getting up there in arcs, and as such weren't strong enough to do much of the farm work themselves any longer. But when he asked Tei'serin what was going on, she simply smiled at him, and told him that she would explain everything once all of the students had arrived. Sorin clearly wasn't happy at the idea of having to wait, but he subsided after a few bits of good natured grumbling.

The next group of children to arrive were some of her younger students. The three girls were best friends, and they did everything together, so seeing them walk into the school yard together was no surprise to Tei'serin. In this fashion, the students arrived on their own, or in small groups until all of the children could be accounted for.

"Now will you tell me why I'm not out in the fields helping my family bring in the harvest?" Sorin asked, frustration, impatience, and confusion mingling in his tone.

The other students looked equally curious, and Tei'serin grinned as she began to speak.

"Over the last few trials, I've been busy contacting everyone's parents, and we all agreed on one thing. We agreed that you all deserve a break as thanks for all of the hard work you have done so far, and the work that will be asked of you as the season progresses. And what better way to enjoy a well deserved break than with a fun trial in the sun with your friends? With the help of these volunteers, I have created a treasure hunt for you. It will test your knowledge about the heroes of Treth and Ne'haer in a way that I hope you will enjoy, and honor the celebration of Heroes at the same time. You may even learn something about our heroes that you didn't know before."

This got a chuckle out of several of the students.

"You will start by getting into groups of two or three. It doesn't matter what age group you are in for this. You may pair up with anyone that you like."

Tei'serin waited patiently as her students sorted themselves into the required groups. She noticed that Sorin and his best friend had teamed up. That much didn't surprise her. What did surprise her was that they had included a younger girl in their group. She had moved to Treth last season, so she had not had the chance to make any friends yet. Some of her age group teased her because she was new. Tei'serin was keeping a close eye on the situation to make sure that the teasing didn't descend into outright bullying, but aside from that, all she could really do was punish the children who were teasing Mayu if she caught them in the act. And even then, she knew that that would only make it worse for the girl in the long run when the children took their displeasure in being punished out on her. It was something that most newcomers had to face, and Tei'serin knew that it would pass in time...but that didn't make it any easier for the child who was suffering through it. Tei'serin was proud of Sorin and his friend for taking Mayu under their wing. With any luck, it would put an end to the teasing she suffered at the hands of her age group.

Tei'serin had two more new students in her class as well; two sisters by the names of Keiaris, and Meiarin. At nine arcs, Keiaris was the older sister by two arcs. But the two girls were so close that they might as well have been twins instead of just sisters. They received the same kind of teasing that Mayu got, but despite their having arrived after Mayu, many of the kids had given up teasing the newest members of the class already. Tei'serin couldn't be certain why this had happened, but she believed that a large part of it was that whenever someone teased they, they simply stared at the offender with blank, emotionless eyes until they gave up and left them alone. During these times, their expressions unnerved the other children, and Tei'serin could understand why; no child should have eyes like that. Since they had only been with the class since the first of the season, Tei'serin had yet to have a chance to meet the girls' guardians. But she did know that it was a situation similar to Sorin's where their parents were unable to look after the children, so they had been sent to friends of the family who could.

Another reason why the other children might be less willing to tease the sisters than they were Mayu was that Sorin was quick to come to their aid if he saw anyone give them a hard time. Since Sorin was well liked, most of the other students weren't willing to bother anyone he wanted to protect. Keiaris and Meiarin had joined up together, and formed a team of two. Tei'serin hoped that they did well in the treasure hunt; it just might be enough to earn them some friends.

Once everyone had split into teams, Tei'serin addressed her class once more.

"There are a lot of tables scattered throughout the school and school yard. Each of those tables is a station. You may choose any station you wish to start at, but you will have to go through them all in order to complete the treasure hunt. At each station you will be asked a question about one of the heroes that we have studied. In order to answer the question, you will then have to find an object that represents the answer to the question. These objects can be found anywhere within the school, school yard, village, and the surrounding woods, so it will be something of a challenge for you to find them. Once you think you have found the right object, you must bring it back to your station. If you are correct, they will give you a clue that will tell you which station to go to next. If you are stumped, you can choose to go to another station, but once you complete that one, you must do one more and then go back to the one you got stuck at and try again. I will be standing on the stairs leading into the school house for part of the time. For the rest of it, I will be wandering around. If you can find me, you can ask me for a hint for the question you are working on if you need it. Only when you have completed each of the stations at least once will you have completed the treasure hunt. And there will be prizes for the first three teams who finish it. But the most important goal for the trial is to have fun. Are there any questions?"

word count: 1516
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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Re: [Treth] A Celebration of Heroes


There were none, so Tei'serin asked the volunteers to go to their stations. Once she had given them enough time to do just that, she gave her students the signal to start. The kids scattered. Tei'serin watched them go with a smile. Only when none of the kids were close enough to notice what she was doing did she move towards the stairs to the school house. She would remain there for the first break in case any of her students needed help with their first question, and happened to notice her waiting there. But none of the students approached her. Tei'serin hoped that this meant that none of them needed help this early into the game rather than they hadn't thought to look for her.

After the first break, she started to wander through the school yard aimlessly. She saw several of her students running around, but no one stopped to ask her for a hint. She debated heading into the woods near the school for awhile because she knew that one of the objects that answered one of the trickier questions was there, but her attention was drawn to her two newest students as they hurried past her and away from one of the stations.

Curious to see how the two girls were doing, she angled her path so that she wasn't quite following them exactly, but she was heading in the same general direction. It was enough that she would be able to keep an eye on them for a time.

"The answer has to be Alfrain, doesn't it? He's the only one I can think of that "lost his entire family in the span of a single night, and changed his path to prevent further suffering." Keiaris quoted.

"Yeah, but how can it be him? His whole family was beaten to death by bandits wielding rocks as weapons. If you're right, then the answer is a bloody rock. Somehow, I don't think that our teacher went around asking people to bleed over rocks so she would have objects for us to find..." Meiarin protested.

Tei'serin couldn't help but agree with that.

"Who else could it be, then?" Keiaris asked in frustration.

Normally Tei'serin would have waited until her students found her and asked her for a hint. But her two newest students were at a disadvantage because her lessons about the heroes of Treth and Ne'haer had started back in Ashan. Since the two girls had missed so many of the lessons that would have helped them with the treasure hunt, she felt that she owed them a bit of help.

"Perhaps you are thinking about it a little too literally." she suggested as she stepped out from behind a tree.

The two girls jumped, startled by her sudden appearance. And Tei'serin noticed how Keiaris moved quickly to stand in front of her younger sister, as if shielding her from potential danger. It was one more thing to look into when she managed to find the time to meet their guardians. It was also cause for her to move that meeting up to the top of her list of things to do.

"What do you mean, Ms. Nji'ryn?" Meiarin asked.

"Well...what if the "blood" on the rock isn't still wet?"

"You are right in the thought that no one has been injured in the creation of the objects for this treasure hunt." Tei'serin added dryly.

Meiarin thought about that for a few trills.

"So...we're looking for a rock that has been painted red?" she asked carefully.

Tei'serin didn't say anything. She had already given them as much of a hint as she was prepared to unless she was asked for one directly. Keiaris shook her head.

"Not a red rock..." she said slowly.

Keiaris turned to her younger sister.

"Blood darkens when it dries, It turns into a rusty reddish brown...and if you wait long enough, it turns almost black. So we'd need to look for a rock that's kind of the color of dried blood. I bet we can find lots of those down by the stream!"

Meiarin's eyes widened in understanding. Then she raced off towards the stream. Keiaris lingered just long enough to thank Tei'serin for her help before racing off after her sister. Satisfied that her work was done for the trill, it was time to move on.

Tei'serin continued to wander for a while before making her way back to the school house. While she was sitting on the stairs, a few of her students approached her looking for hints, but her two newest students were not among them. After a while, she started to feel restless again, so it was time to wander around some more.

The trial passed with her alternating spending time on or near the stairs of the school house, and wandering aimlessly to watch her students' progress. As it started to get dark, she made her way back to the school house. Sorin and his team were there by the time she made her way back. So were the three oldest students in her class.

Well, that's two of the winning teams. she thought as she joined them.

When they saw her, Sorin and Mayu were quick to tell her how much fun they had, and the things that they enjoyed most, or found the most difficult about the treasure hunt. Tei'serin smiled as she listened to them. Sorin was a smart kid, and so was his best friend. It didn't surprise her that they had been the first team to complete all of the stations.

Tei'serin didn't have to wait long for the third team to reach their final station with their answer. But she was surprised to see that it was Keiaris and Meiarin. Perhaps her hint had helped them more than she had originally thought it would. When they joined the other kids, their eyes were sparkling with delight, and their skin was flushed with pride as they told Sorin everything they had done. Tei'serin watched them, happy that they had enjoyed themselves as much as she had hoped they would.

When all of the students had returned, Tei'serin announced the winning teams, and told everyone what their prizes were. All three teams would get a free homework pass where they could skip their homework for a trial. The first place winners would get a trip to Ne'haer to see some of the houses of the heroes they had studied. And the remaining two teams would get books of their choice; three each for the second place team, and one each for the third place team. Once the prizes were announced, there were snacks and refreshments for everyone to enjoy. When it was time to go home, Tei'serin led her class in thanking the volunteers who had helped to make this trial possible for them. Then they were dismissed for the trial. As they left, Tei'serin could hear her students talking excitedly about the treasure hunt, and the fun that they had had. She had enjoyed her own part in it as much as the kids had. As she began the ride back home, her thoughts were already swirling with ideas for more possible events such as this one.

word count: 1244
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Re: [Treth] A Celebration of Heroes

Thread Review
This was a very cute thread and quite fun. I enjoyed it all the way through and you did a good job keeping it light, yet engaging. Well done.
Player 1
  • Skill Points - 10 (+2 for a holiday event)
  • Renown - 10
  • Skill Knowledges
    1. Agriculture: Vhalar is the time for bringing in the harvests
    2. Teaching: using holidays to make lessons interesting
    3. Teaching: use the weather to your advantage
    4. Teaching: convincing students that learning can be fun will make the lessons stick better
    5. Teaching: students need a break from time to time
    6. Teaching: teachers need a break from time to time too
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
    1. NPC: Keiaris
    2. Keiaris: is Meiarin's older sister
    3. Keiaris: is very close to her sister
    4. Keiaris: is very protective of her younger sister
    5. NPC: Meiarin
    6. Meiarin: is Keiaris's younger sister
    7. Meiarin: is very close to her sister
    8. Ne'haer Holiday: Heroes Celebration (this one as part of the holiday rewards)
    9. Heroes Celebration: is on the 26th of Vhalar
  • Items and Other Rewards
    1. 1 gilded candle to either cherish or light at your leisure, the scent is that of flowery meadow in the warm Ymiden.
Player 2
  • Skill Points -
  • Renown -
  • Skill Knowledges
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
  • Items and Other Rewards

Final Notes

If you have any questions, please PM me. Also please add the provided stamp to your review request found here and please update your CS with all of this information.

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