• Information • The House of Krome

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Velaine Krome
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The House of Krome


Independent and untameable. Those are the values that the descendants of Krome hold close to their hearts. Even after centuries passed, the family had fought tooth and nail to keep it true. Wild souls, each and everyone of them, the Kromes still struggle to conform to the demands of nobility, of etiquette and table manners. Their calloused hands were made to wrap around a weapon, their feet to lead them into battle. One might say that their arcs as noblemen and noblewomen had made them soft… So, brandish a sword and lunge at them, find out how terribly wrong one could be.

The history of House Krome is rooted in blood and battle, founded from a group of warlike earls who were too uncivilised to be among the big thinkers of Sheor. These people found their homes on the coast of what would be known as Eastern Rynmere and established a large array of coastal settlements. For centuries before the immortal war these people were plagued by infighting. While they shared traditions and beliefs they were incapable of finding peace among themselves, constantly crippling themselves and stunting growth beyond the small fishing settlements they were.

It was a vicious cycle and one that needed to be broken especially as the war broke out and the mortals of Idalos began to suffer at the hands of the immortals. One opportunist by the name of Brandt Krome, great great grandfather of Gerrard Krome, noticed their small group had been overlooked for the most part and remained safe. He saw this as a time to unite the earls under his banner and exploit the weakened and distracted Sheorans they bordered. During that time Brandt Krome was already known as the fiercest warrior across the lands. Whispers floated in the wind about the man blessed by the gods of blood and gore, granting him the strength of a dozen men. He was undefeated and every scar he did receive he displayed with pride, reminding those that opposed him how unkillable he really was.

Village by village Brandt gathered support, promising gold and power the likes of which they had never seen. He offered the earls large cuts of the spoils they would gain in return for them collecting together under his banner, which in those days was a Buck. To which he was met often with scepticism and reluctance however he was a convincing man. Charming and tactical he would often offer future marriages between their children or a position of leadership by his side. Brandt knew his kind and how to bring them around and often it was easiest to get them drunk and have a good rowdy time.

At first the groups remained independent but over time Brandt Krome was officially established as their leader and Krome established as the ruling family. United under one banner, growth was predictably rapid and soon they were ready to begin raiding the western coast of Sheor. With the raiders working together, their attacks became more coordinated, deadlier. Men clad in leather armors and furs stormed multiple towns in the darkness of the night.

Unprepared for such an attack the coast of Welles was the first to be quickly pillaged and plundered, small settlements left in ruins overnight at the hands of the newly formed union. They were brutal in their execution and leading the charge into every attack was Brandt a wild beastly fighter who was seemingly unstoppable.

True to his words, Brandt distributed the spoils between his earls fairly, rewarding those he deemed ferocious and driven during their raids. The men soon took it into heart that what he said was true, that their efforts together had got them more than they could ever imagined. By then, even the most stubborn of heads nodded in respect at the newly made leader.

While returning from these raids the fleet came across the Burhan people, living on their peaceful island homes. Unprepared for the attack the small village settlements on the shores and a few ships that were out of the protection of the stronghold were captured and any man in their way slayed.The edges were easy pickings however the stronghold was beyond anything they had tried to raid before. It was a foolish idea to attempt to assault the stronghold without a clear strategy and so the attack was a fail, casualties were taken and the Krome raiders forced to retreat with only the small amount of gold and the ships they had captured in tow.

The raiders learnt all they could from these ships and applied the knowledge to their own designs, improving their own crude ships. With the improved boats these raids would continue, being even more successful and reaching continuously further down the Western coast of Sheor. House Krome becoming vastly wealthy and a terror to the coastal territories of the empire as it quickly recovered from the immortal war and the current system and culture became clearly unsustainable.

Arcs went by and Brandt had ended up building a family. His people were loyal and dedicated to the fair ruler, willing to sacrifice their lives for him. Men and women alike found it to be a great honor to be a part of the raids. To them it was a way to keep their people fed and warm while the people of Sheor swam in their easy wealth and splendors.

Knowing this could not last, but seeing how the Western territories feared his raids, Brandt sued for a costly peace. Bathed in unimaginable gold in the deal Brandt had only one other request from the peace and that was the recognition by Sheor as a state that was free from any control they may wish to attempt to place over the raiders of Krome.

Following the peace treaty Brandt withdrew to his home town and sired children to continue his line dying not long after his third son was born. These children grew up to lead Krome through its move toward a more civilised nation. Building on trade over raiding although they continued the tradition of raiding by launching one every 5 arcs but they had to search further afield reaching down to other young weakened pockets of people following the Immortal war.
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Re: The House of Krome


The Obligations of the Wolf

Responsibilities and Duties
Krome had always been known for their lush and green forests, carpeting nearly the entirety of their land. It certainly isn’t a surprise when such resources became what they are known for. Lumber turned out to be a very profitable business and soon enough Krome shouldered the responsibility of supplying the best lumber and wooden products for all of Rynmere and even the Eastern Settlements on occasions. With the abundance of wood their hands, over the centuries Krome had mastered the skills to harness them to its fullest potential, creating steadfast structures that withstand the test of time and nature as some of the most accomplished architects and builders.

The forests also teems with an assortment of fauna unseen anywhere else in the island, both the ordinary and exceptional. Like their namesake, the people of Krome are avid hunters and deadly while shrouded in the greens of their home. The more common of animals offers another resource for the land. The highest quality of animal products all could claim its origin from Krome, ranging from game, furs, pelts until animal oils.

Of course, both resources are strictly monitored by barons and baronesses to be sure that it would be used accordingly. The Krome are strict in their laws regarding hunting and their logging industry to make sure the nature is no exploited. The people of Krome deeply revered their forests and would rarely let any outsider harvest their resources in whatever form.


Religious Significance

Familial Artefact
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Re: The House of Krome

♚ = King
♛ = Queen
♔ = Duke/Duchess
✤ = Baron/Baroness

  • Barony of Ragaeire

Andre Krome (84, Duke of Krome, biqaj male)
m. Emma Krome (nee Antler, 82, Duchess of Krome, human female)
Vanessa Krome, (64, deceased, mixed blood female)
m. Malcolm Krome (nee Vri, unknown, mortalborn male)
- _Marcus_ Krome (31, excommunicated, mixed blood male) -special permission
- _Vaughn_ Krome (27, excommunicated, mixed blood male) -special permission
Sophia Krome, (57, first in line, mixed blood female)
m. Jersey Krome (nee Fisher, 59, human male)
- Velaine Krome (21, mixed blood female)
- Zara Krome (18, deceased mixed blood female)
- Vincent Krome (NPCed, 17, mixed blood male)
- Xander Andaris (24, mixed blood male)
Journey Krome, (55, mixed blood female)
m. Morgan Krome (nee Sethon, 60 human male)
- ________ Krome (32, mixed blood female)
- Victoria Krome (NPCed, 26, mixed blood female)
- ________ Krome (24, mixed blood male)
Riki Krome, (52, mixed blood male)
m. Toni Krome (nee Woods, 54, biqaj female)
- ________ Krome (25, mixed blood female)
- ________ Krome (23, mixed blood female)
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Re: The House of Krome

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Re: The House of Krome

Summation of Territories

Allverold - Ducal Capital

Stormbreak - The Northern and Eastern County

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Re: The House of Krome

Fort Krome

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Re: The House of Krome

The Barony of Ragaeire

Location: Northern Krome
Baron/Baroness: Baron Jersey Krome and Baroness Sophia Krome
First-in-Line: Lady Titania Velaine Krome

Hidden away in northern Krome, Ragaeire is known as one of the more secluded baronies. One might say it is isolated because of its location, nestled between a row of mountains and the white cliffs of Krome. At a glance, the barony seems like a quaint charming place with lush green forests covering its entirety. The people of Rynmere, however, knows that the land houses the infamous Wisp Wood. Needless to say, Ragaeire isn’t exactly the center of trade or culture. The barony is a proud supplier of high-quality fur allover Idalos and home of the Riders of Krome, but other than that, there is probably not many reason for people to visit this part of Krome.

Villages and small towns are spread throughout the land, small pockets of civilization surrounded by wilderness. They usually aren’t big in size, considering Krome’s somewhat mediocre population. Buildings and houses aren’t flashy either, usually built with stones to protect from the harsh winds. The distance between these locations are often considerable, requiring some time traveling between the thick of trees. Roads through the Wisp Wood aren’t so easy to navigate either, which means visitors usually require a native of Ragaeire to accompany them in their travels. Those who decided that they have enough courage to enter the woods however will find that it is a wild and beautiful place, teeming with life and as vibrant as they who lived there.

The people of Ragaeire are known to be stalwart and wild – even in comparison with their Krome brethren. It will be obvious to visitors that the men and women are more at home in the forests than in bustling cities. Even their holidays could attest to that, mostly celebrated wild feasts between the trees that are best described as feral and unrestrained, usually led by the members of House Krome. Despite their love for the forests, these people also harbored a deep respect to it, refusing to take more than they needed. They avoided taking down too many trees for farmland, after all the forests has always provided everything they ever needed. Still, with various dangers prowling in the woods, Ragaeire’s citizens are usually taught how to defend themselves since a young age and learned the lay of the land without need of any map. They take pride especially in their ability to hunt and survive in their untamed land.

  • Lush forests teeming with various floras and faunas.
  • Strategically located and easy to defend.
  • Citizens are well-protected and trained to defend themselves.

  • Very minimal amount of farmlands.
  • Towns and villages are somewhat distant from one another.
  • Unpleasant myths and stories regarding the Wisp Woods.

Locations of Interest:
  • Cairnroch: Main Town and location of the Baron’s Estate
  • Aedwulf: Stronghold to the Riders of Krome
  • The Wisp Wood: Dense Forest believed to be inhabited by Wisps and Spirits



Sitting atop the peak of one of the mountains, Cairnroch is a small fortress that has acted as the reigning baron’s seat for generations. No one knew who built it, but romors say the structure had stood proud even before Gerard Krome claimed the land as his own. Convinced of the fortress’s endurance, a baron of Krome chose it to be his seat of power. As time went by, a busy town grew in its wake, slithering its way down the hill. It bustled with life and trade, enough so that one of the barons decided that protection was to be made to defend it. Stone walls were soon built around it, manned by the fiercest men and women of Krome.

Cairnroch itself is perhaps modest in comparison with most noble estates, another proof of Krome’s pragmatic and simplistic approach to life. One wouldn’t be able to find opulent ballrooms here, but warm great halls to hoast feasts instead. Commoners usually has a free access to the great hall where they might find the baron to voice their opinions, or occasionally the baron would throw parties for its people. Despite the Krome’s considerable willingness to mingle with their people, they also treasure their privacy. Eventhough perhaps it looked rather small from outside, Cairnroch actually has a rather vast underground level built into the mountain. This floor houses the bedrooms and war rooms and dining room where the reigning family can go about their day undisturbed. Not many people have access to it except for the baron’s advisors and the most trusted servants. Even more obscure were the underground routes that travel down the mountains, knowledge possessed only by members of the Krome family – a backup plan should the family needed to escape unnoticed.

Recently, Northern Krome House has been built to serve as a more personal home to the baron’s family. It is located not too far from the capital – purposefully so that the baron can travel between them with ease. However, Cairnroch still acts as the official seat of power of Ragaeire. The reigning baron and baroness are still required to come regularly to hold audiences with their people and attend councils with their most trusted advisors.

Location NPCs

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Ardan Gearailt


Race: Human
Age: 42
Title: Chancellor of Ragaeire
Skills: Politics (80), Business Management (75), Logistics (70), Negotiation (70), Intelligence (65), Etiquette (50), Blades: Longsword (50), Leadership (40), Intelligence (35)

More than twenty arcs ago, Ardan had started as Jersey’s squire before finally becoming his good friend. They both came from the same village and soon bonded over their love of blades and scuffles. Peopla had always scratched their heads when they see how these two people got along so well. Jersey had been brash and impulsive, while Ardan was solemn and thoughtful. Yet, their friendship withstood all.

When Jersey had the luck of marrying Sophia Krome and raised as baron not long after, there was no surprise in anyone’s mind when he appointed Ardan as his chancellor, his right-hand man. It was soon obvious that the Baron of Ragaeire was not cut out to lead. He cared little on the dealings and inner workings of a barony, preferring to drink and hunt. This left Ardan to pick up the slack reluctantly. He would still try to urge the man to care about the land he was leading, but it was more often brushed away.

Ardan had no quarrel with protecting Jersey’s reputation, still trying to portray him as a good leader in front of his people. Despite the man’s disappointment in his old friend, he felt bound to the honor of making sure that Ragaeire prosper.

Drako Diarmada


Race: Human
Age: 27
Title: Marshal of Ragaeire
Skills: Ranged: Short Bow (80), Blades: Longsword (75), Mount (70), Tactics (60), Field Craft (55), Leadership (50), Logistics (50), Shield: Heater (35), Unarmed Combat (30), Animal Husbandry (25), Animal Training (25)

Drako had been a fortunate boy found by the warriors of Krome when he was young in the Wisp Woods, abandoned by parents who could no longer feed him. These men took him in and raised him to be a rebellious young man. Despite being a flirt and a troublemaker, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that Drako was a born fighter, naturally skilled in the way that most people could dream only of being.

So much so that he was recruited to join the celebrated ranks of the Riders of Krome. Even amongs the best of the best, Drako’s capability still shone through and he was even hailed as a prodigy. He served briefly in the elite force that was given the honor to protect the Duke of Krome, but he served to be headstrong and free-spirited to hold the position for long. Rumors say that he was removed after seducing too many women during the parties the duke throw all the time. Despite that, his name was still often talked with respect amongs the people of Krome.

After the last marshal of Ragaeire had been hastily fired, Drako seemed like a good choice to replace him, considering his talents and records. These days the Marshal served dutifully in Ragaeire and enjoyed the freedom it offered in comparison to being the common soldier.

Reagan Uidhir


Race: Lotharro
Age: 36
Title: Master Huntsman of Ragaeire
Skills: Ranged: Bows (80), Hunting (75), Trap Making (70), Field Craft (70), Detection (65), Fishing (60), Thrown: Daggers (50), Leather Making (50), Tanning (40), Leadership (35), Logistics (30)

Born as an adventurous soul, Reagan had spent most of his early life traveling allover Idalos. His parents claimed that he went exploring the wilderness as soon as he learned to walk. He loved the treks through unfamiliar forests more than anything. The dreams of his childhood remained unchanged even as he grew older, to see every part of this marvelous world.

No one and nothing could tie him down – at least that’s what he thought. One trial, while he was traversing Ragaeire’s woods, he found himself ambushed and ravaged by a wild animal. It had happened so fast that he did not even remember what sort of creature it was. Reagan would have died had a few hunters didn’t find him and brought him to the nearest village.

There he was nursed back to health by a healer, young and pretty. Much to Reagan’s surprise he found herself falling for her as they get to know each other. He was so smitten that he considered staying in the village and marrying her. As he spent his time there, he became well-known as a skilled hunter. The previous master huntsman saw the potential in the Lotharro and managed to convince him to become an apprentice. Naturally, he took the title once his mentor retired.

As master huntsman, Reagan was tasked with leading most hunts, collecting pelts, and making sure that meat from the games can provide the people. In Krome, hunters needed permission from the master huntsman in an effort to prevent the forests’ resources to be depleted too quickly. He’s also responsible in making sure there was no illegal hunters taking advantage of Krome’s floras and faunas.

Lavena Braonain


Race: Yludih
Age: 29
Title: Spymaster of Ragaeire
Skills: Stealth (80), Deception (75), Torture (70), Interrogation (65), Intelligence (65), Disguise (55), Etiquette (50), Blades: Dagger (50), Politics (50), Forgery (45), Tactics (40)

Hiding. That’s how Lavena had spent her entire life. Born a Yludih, the woman was taught early how to blend in and go unnoticed. Her kind was ostracized for their ability and her parents tried to make sure that no one suspected them of being anything but human. They lived a relatively peaceful live in Ragaeire, for a while at least. It was ruined when their house was ransacked by notorious bandits, the VII. The Yludih family lost everything and had no one to help them.

To add to the injury, Lavena’s mother health started deteriorating. Perhaps it was the stress or perherps it was an illness, they didn’t really know since they couldn’t even afford any sort of healer. They could barely eat from day to day, much less by medicine. She tried finding work in the more sinister parts of Rynmere, didn’t give a damn about the shady jobs. Desperation came along soon enough. But Lavena refused to submit to the fates. The Yludih had always been exceptionally intelligent, but she finally decided to put it to use. Gathering thieves and conmen, Lavena started planning heists, targeting the wealthy citizens of Ragaeire. Plans so meticulous that it convinced the most infamous criminals of Rynmere to sponsor them. Unfortunately her plans never had the chance to be executed for one of the men blabbed to the guards. Of course, they were all arrested.

Instead of sending her to prison, the chancellor managed to convince the baron to spare the girl. Ardan saw the potential in her instead and recruited her to learn under the spymaster. He also gave her the nel in order to find a decent healer for her mother. His decision proved to be fruitful, for Lavena swiftly absorbed everything taught to her ambitiously. No one could tell whether her devotion came from loyalty to the chancellor or to further her own goals.

Once she gained the title of spymaster, Lavena proved herself to be invaluable to the Kromes. There was very little that she could not find out and almost nothing she couldn’t hide from the world. Despite having a number of men under her, the Yludih still preferred to do her own infiltrating and recovering, using her ability to ease her way through nearly every situation. However, to most people this deadly young woman was simply a castellan of Cairnroch, in charge of managing the day to day needs of the fortress.

Credit: Velaine Krome
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Re: The House of Krome

The Barony of

Location: Northern Krome




Locations of Interest:

Cael Memoria


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