• Solo • [University of Rynmere] Knife Club

Dagger training in Rynmere U.

1st of Cylus 718

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Vincent Krome
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[University of Rynmere] Knife Club

1st trial of Cylus Arc 718

Jack North arrived at the University, right on time for the open day it was having. He signed the forms with a swift flourish, putting himself in the category for dagger lessons.

PC Name: Vincent Krome (He x'ed down Jack North as his alias.)
Sports Club Class 1 (-20gn): Daggers
Any other relevant information about your PC and the Club? Stabbity

His head was clean shaven, minus a few nicks here or there where the razor met his scalp. Meanwhile, he'd let his beard grow out over the past few seasons. It wasn't by any means as bushy as a full grown man's might be, but it was impressive enough given his tender age.

He wore simple clothes, woolen shirt and trousers with knee boots of leather. Fastened to his belt was the blunt short sword he carried everywhere in its scabbard.

His new look of shaven head and full beard gave him an air of age that belied his youth. These features accentuated the hard angles of his face, lending him a leaner and more severe look.

He wasn't here for the academic open day, but more interested in the so-called sports clubs. These physical fitness clubs ran alongside the more scholastic pursuits of the University.

He arrived through the snow, into the building proper. There he received directions from a snooty receptionist, that he ought to go to the courtyard. It was in the rear of the building, past a very long corridor.

When he reached it, Jack found that the staff had shoveled the snow in neat snowbanks to the side. Torches illuminated the area, filling it with a deep warm glow despite the cold dark above. Covering the ground, dark grasses with cobbled stones for feet to find easy balance.

A crowd of prospective members were also gathered there. One would presume to learn the dagger, or some other fighting style. It seemed the open day had produced a good amount of interest. Jack had every expectation that they would drop out once the prices hiked the next few days. He shrugged at the thought. He still had some pocket change to blow on this class.

"Alright, people. Let's get you set up in the right group. Everyone seeking armed combat training, start with the blades on the far end of the courtyard. I want another line for shield users to arrange next to them. And finally daggers in the middle line. Archery students should line up to the far side of these groups. Any unarmed students, follow me to the indoors."

It seemed every group had their teachers arranged at the head of these lines. Jack tried to discern who among his own throng was the instructor. When it became clear that nobody knew, he cast about, wondering when he would arrive.

Finally, after a quarter of a break, by the time everyone else had engaged in their lessons, a woman entered. She came bursting into the courtyard, muttering loud apologies, clutching her head. Jack smirked, as he recognized the signs of a bad hangover.

"Alright..." She said, giving herself a moment to breathe. "My name is Thabita Dower. I'll be your instructor for dagger fighting." She squinted her eyes while taking in the line of students. Jack noticed her wince as the clashing of blunted iron implements all around. He couldn't keep the smile from his face and the snickering that followed.

"Problem, Snickers?"
Last edited by Vincent Krome on Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:03 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 585
Rynmere: Jack North; Rharne: Robin Faulk, Tom Puddleton, Ruwayd al-Karim

Things about Vincent

Krome Accent, Short (5'2"), Often carries either a bindle or a large bag/satchel.
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Vincent Krome
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[University of Rynmere] Knife Club

"Uhm..." Jack hesitated for a moment, disarmed by the sudden attention, and a drink or two he'd had that very morning.

He didn't have time to come up with a clever retort. The woman Thabita closed the distance between them, and had a blade against his neck. Before he could even get a hand near his dagger, she spoke. "One inch closer to the handle of that dagger, and I'll shove this blade down your throat." He choked on his own breath. "Also stop breathing so loud."

So saying, she pushed him to the ground then turned to walk away. Thabita shook her head, taking a skin from her belt then drinking down whatever was in it. Jack couldn't tell if he'd just found his soul mate or an arch enemy.

He rose from the ground as she began her introduction. Meanwhile, the rest of the classes were dividing among their own sections. They departed for their own training areas soon after, leaving the dagger trainees.

"First lesson, there will be no throwing of gauntlets in fights, generally speaking. Most melee engagements proceed with one side having an automatic advantage." She grinned at Jack, then turned to meet the eyes of everyone else. "What you'll learn here, will see to it that you strive for the advantage in every encounter. Part of that, is perceiving hostility, and responding to preemptive reactions. If somebody wants you dead, they won't wait for consent to get under your guard and pit their strength against yours."

"Dirty tricks are the watch phrase of knife fighting. But there are techniques outside of the cheap tricks and seizing initiative. Techniques that I designed to compliment the seizing of initiative."

So began the lessons in earnest. She had them running simple exercises. These exercises centered around the development of speed and agility. She included some wrestling conditioning as well for good measure.

By the time they finished doing fast laps around the snow-covered pavement, Jack was out of breath. He very nearly slid when she called a halt, and would have collided with a snowbank.

"Alright gang, time to put your conditioning to the test. The rest of your pair up with each other. I'm going to give our Snickering Slowpoke a remedial lesson while you all busy yourselves."

Jack couldn't hide the grin that surfaced, moving his forearm to cover his amusement. He tried to straighten his expression when it fell and he faced his instructor. He failed in miserable fashion.

"Ready Snickering?" He almost replied, but then remembered her initial lessons. She threw him a wooden practice dagger. Jack caught it in midair, but before he could get a handle she was on him again, drawing hers and then placing the blade against the muscles of his swordarm. "Guess not. Listen, you need to wake up here. This is not adult daycare I'm running. If you fail to perform to my expectations here, I won't allow you to enter the rolls for the fighting league later on..."
word count: 514
Rynmere: Jack North; Rharne: Robin Faulk, Tom Puddleton, Ruwayd al-Karim

Things about Vincent

Krome Accent, Short (5'2"), Often carries either a bindle or a large bag/satchel.
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[University of Rynmere] Knife Club

Vincent found himself one of the least apt pupil, which didn't surprise him all that much. His father had often intimated that he was dense when he was younger. His own personal experience had borne that concept forward when he tried to apply himself to the organizational structure that existed outside of the nobility of Rynmere. There was a certain heirarchy and culture to the thief dens, opium dens, and slave pits where the least desireable of society plied their various trades. It had taken some time for him to pick these intricacies up when he'd left home for the last time.

But learn he did. When it came time for it, his motivation was largely social in nature. He wanted to fit in with his new buddies at the lowtown bars, pubs, and taverns. And similarly, even here in the fighting circle, he had certain motivations that drove him. The desire to get more acquainted with Thabita Dower, and make a proper duchess of her.

He took her lesson to it's immediate conclusion, and drew his blade. Her wooden practice dagger was at his throat before he could lay a finger on its handle. She shook her head. No words from here, but a smile from her mouth.

She returned her dagger to its resting place at her side, then crossed her arms. Without waiting, he reached again for his dagger, but again she was faster. He growled for the futility of it all. "How am I supposed to learn when you keep doing that?"

"I'm in the process of teaching you, but you aren't learning so well." She allowed herself a coy chuckle. "I wonder how long it'll take for you to learn."

So saying he reached for his dagger and once more was beaten to the punch.

Vincent grumbled his discontent. If it were possible, he could've sworn her grin grew wider with every one of his failures.

Finally, he extended his hands to his sides. She mimicked him, as if to mock his every move. He bent them at the elbows, putting his hands on his hips, then extended them from his body, reaching forward and backward.

He got an idea. He would not allow the woman to get the jump on him again.

Slowly, he stepped forward, anticipating that she would follow his movements with her own. Sure enough, she stepped forward. He met her step for step, and they began dancing in synchronicity. There would be no second chance this time, he knew. She stepped into his circle, and without waiting he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into what he presumed would be an unwelcome kiss. To his surprise, she met it with enthusiasm, and before he could lift his dagger to nick her cheek, he felt the familiar sensation of splintery wood on the nape of his neck.
word count: 485
Rynmere: Jack North; Rharne: Robin Faulk, Tom Puddleton, Ruwayd al-Karim

Things about Vincent

Krome Accent, Short (5'2"), Often carries either a bindle or a large bag/satchel.
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Vincent Krome
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Re: [University of Rynmere] Knife Club


Vincent was barely aware of the hard point of her wooden knife at the back of his neck. His attention was far more focused on the kiss that she'd drawn him into. That was really unfair, that she was willing to let him kiss her. He thought this was a tango, a chase, a give and take of romantic posturing. But she'd gone and proven herself a, "Sly little Mort." He muttered as they broke off the kiss. She crossed her legs as she stepped back, grinning widely at his apparent discomfort, for all his bravado in going for the kiss and then being embarassed when it actually happened.

"This is the last lesson for the day." She smiled, "Commit to every action and advance. Envision victory as if it's already yours. And dont..."

She leapt forward and into his arms, which he grunted as he caught her small frame, "Let them get the jump on you." Her throat bubbled in laughter as he threw he tossed her down on the ground, before going ahead to join her on the floor of the training grounds.

They spent a good while drinking, laughing and loving into the night. It was and would probably become one of Vincent's favorite memories to hang onto, when coin was low and his tankard dry. He would certainly remember.... wait what was that easy mort's name again? Damnit.
word count: 237
Rynmere: Jack North; Rharne: Robin Faulk, Tom Puddleton, Ruwayd al-Karim

Things about Vincent

Krome Accent, Short (5'2"), Often carries either a bindle or a large bag/satchel.
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Re: [University of Rynmere] Knife Club

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Hello my friend. Alas, the thread isn't in the CS and Vincent is retried, so I can't give you a review today. Should you decide to activate this account in the future, please fix the thread list in the CS and submit this thread again to the new review queue.


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Re: [University of Rynmere] Knife Club


[*]Acrobatics: Falling is the first lesson
[*]Acrobatics: Sprains are the second lesson.
[*]Acrobatics: Every bruise is a lesson.
[*]Acrobatics: Losing your footing is yet another lesson.
[*]Tactics: Knife Club (1/2)
[*]Tactics: Knife Club (2/2)

Loot: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 5, for training in public.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: This was a fairly straightforward training thread, but I enjoyed reading it, nevertheless.

The ending surprised me. I hadn’t thought she would kiss him back – and spend the night with him!

I wonder why Vincent Krome calls himself Jack North though …

Anyway, enjoy your rewards!
word count: 103





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