Desnind Co-Ord 2.0

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Desnind Co-Ord 2.0

Desnind Co-ordination Thread

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Re: Desnind Co-Ord 2.0

Above Ground

The city of Desnind is not called the City in the Trees because one or two shops on the ground level are grafted into the trunks of large trees. No, Desnind is a city in the canopies. Desnind is a city that has grown with the Makubwa Lori. It is a city whose borders were decided not by the Sev’ryn peoples, but by foreigners, attempting to outline the regions Desnind itself occupied, by outsiders attempting to fit the nature of Desnind into a preconceived notion of what a ‘city’ had to be.

To the Sev’ryn people, Desnind holds no borders. It is synonymous with the forest, and with Moseke’s influence.

It was decided by people without Sev’ryn blood or spiritual brethren that the areas of densest population, the areas with the highest concentration of buildings or businesses, was Desnind. Those who hold themselves to be a bit more traditional may not conform to this definition, but most have been conditioned by convention, and now believe that the Ïtọju marks the entrance to the city of Desnind, when in reality the Ïtọju are simply one of a scarce few locations in Desnind wherein someone may ascend or descend to the larger parts of Desnind; the parts held between the trees.

Much like Desnind’s borders, to say that Desnind has ‘layers’, although technically correct, is a misnomer. Layers suggest that one particular part of Desnind is higher or more important than another, and that is untrue. In truth, the Sev’ryn people began building Desnind in the Dabi Aṣayan, or ‘Lifefull’ trees. These trees grow for as long as they are kept alive, never reaching a maximum width or height, and instead perpetually increasing with age. As such, the oldest parts of Desnind still exist, closer to the top canopy than those structures that might be newer. Desnind’s structure is not layered based on importance, but by chronology, the newest structures forever being kept the closest to the ground, with the exception of passageways to the upper portions to the city, which are also kept closer to the ground, hence their rarity, only four existing. The Ïtọju, an Eastern Climb, a Western Climb, and a Northern Climb. This is not a rule, however, simply what typically occurs. There are, like most trends in Desnind, common exceptions to this rule.

Desnind’s city, in truth, is not a collection of dirt roads and beaten paths. It is an impressive architectural accomplishment, accomplishing a city whose buildings can be built on diagonal stilts secured to adjacent trunks, complex systems of bridges made from hemp rope and wood, and the security of the Dabi Aṣayan.

Desnind’s layers are not easily defined; the city climbs and descends as necessary. It is a safe assumption, however, that the majority of the city is held mid-level between the ground and the canopy ceiling. The higher one climbs, the more they would find the city age, perhaps noting the distinct changes in appearance as one can clearly see the stylistic changes between methods of architectural creation which are no longer utilized.

One could live their entire life above the ground and never need touch the ground. While the same can be said of the inverse, and living on the ground is more typically common, if one desired to experience Desnind, they would be sorely remiss to not experience the city above the leaves.

Credit: Astronomy

word count: 581
Signature credit to Banshee!
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Re: Desnind Co-Ord 2.0

Sädudä Kanna/Byth’ni Kanna (Sick land/Bad land)
In here I work with the information from the current lore. Choice of names for the plague zone is offered for 2 reasons - 1. We can stick only to the name Bad lands; 2. We can have the outskirts of Bad lands called Sick land with Bad lands being at the heart or vice versa.

It is well known in the history of the Sevir how they came to be and the ordeal their ancestors had to withstand. They cannot forget. Not because they don’t want to, but because they continue to battle the threat to this day.

After Lissira released plague so powerful, it stained the lands in putrid stench and a haze of green poison that slowly drove nearly every living thing mad and Moseke saved her people, the plague remained. Ailing the forest and the creatures that lived on its sickly grounds, Moseke put wards in place to ensure it would not happen or spread again. Many were sacrificed in that divide, many perished for the survival of others. The souls of those dead are said to still roam the lands trying to find their way to the beyond. But like any illness, if not treated, the plague grew stronger and found ways how to beat the Immortal.

With centuries of time the wards eventually began to be breached. The Sevir would lay awake at night unable to sleep as the wind carried crazed howling and stench of the decay. The era of comfortable safety was over. It was time to heal that which was suffering to ensure a peaceful continuation of the Sevir civilization.

No one really knew how far the Sädudä Kanna/Byth’ni Kanna stretched. Many expeditions were sent out to explore. Some returned, some did not and from the disjointed reports of all who went, a conclusion was reached. Sädudä Kanna/Byth’ni Kanna stretched as far as the southern sands and ‘burnt’. Shrivelled up and dead, the diseased land was reported to be halted as in the absence of life in the sands even death had nothing more to take.

Now, burning the forest to prevent the disease from taking life was not an option and experiments of lining the border with sand did not work either. Many a trials were spent to find a solution until the Aik of Cikakken stepped forward. Having faced various illnesses in people, some of which suspected to be Lissira’s doing, they thought to extend their expertise on their beloved forest. The best of Dabi Mẹẹdọgun gathered and began their attempts on success.

The Sevir learned the hard way of the toxicity of Sädudä Kanna/Byth’ni Kanna and many died for it. Whoever stepped on the spoiled ground was immediately attacked. If it was not by a crazed animal then their body or mind would start to deteriorate at rates individual to each person. Many wondered why there was a difference and why was it that the Cazav members were unaffected? There were many hypotheses. The most prevalent one suggested that the speed of the plague affecting the body or mind was connected to the goodness, or purity, of one’s spirit. The plague fed on the good and the better the person, the more appetising they were and the disease would work twice as hard to corrupt them. At first, the Cikkaken worked to create a concoction that would protect the Sevir and others to remain in the diseased area for longer in order to cleanse it. Yet, no potion was strong enough to render any subject completely immune and it appeared that each potion needed to be almost as individual as the effects of the plague.

Through another series of trials and errors, the faction realised a few things - Graft magic and Sevrath mark seem to deliver the best results. But what they found even more mind boggling was the fact that those who would have been consumed by the plague the fastest, were also the strongest against the disease itself as if their pure spirit was the ultimate energy for power against it.

Having established a rudimentary processes for cleansing, a decision was reached to form a group of volunteers. It is for those who have either the magic or the blessing, or both. They are encouraged to join and trained in ways how to extract or destroy the sickness in the land, how to stay safe. Volunteers are schooled in techniques which seem to help prepare for cleansing (like meditation) as well as basics of self-defence in case of a beast attack. As to date, a more scientific approach to finding a cure to the land plague is yet to be carried out so that it is not as taxing on the volunteers.

There are still expeditions sent into the Sädudä Kanna/Byth’ni Kanna equipped with the potion, ammunition and prayers. Those who manage to return speak of 'hotspots'. Locations so bizarre and unrealistic that are supposed concentrate the disease and send it out to the surrounding areas. Those who believe suggest that destroying these hotspots could clear larger sizes of land faster rather than slowly pushing against the borders as the Sevir are doing now. Alas, others are doubtful. After all, the Sevir from these expeditions returned from the plagued land half mad. So who would take their word for it or dared to venture so far to prove their truths?

Another series of rumours suggest that the plague has made its way into the healthy part of the Makubwa Lori. Calm, peaceful and welcoming on the outside, its disguise falls once someone steps past a border. The plague attacks immediately - maliciously, without mercy and quicker than in the Sädudä Kanna/Byth’ni Kanna proper. However, that’s all this is at the moment...a rumour. There has yet some evidence found.

However, the Sevir don't seem to be alone in their fight against the diseased land. Around a similar time that the Sevir began to proactively heal the forest, sightings of a strange creature occurred. Never seen before, many created stories about their origin. Some believe this creature has always been present but ignored because no one dared to go near Sädudä Kanna/Byth’ni Kanna. Others argue that it is the vessel for the spirits of those who died behind the wards. Whatever the reason, the fickle ally of the Sevir is one that is now also classed as an apex predator of the Lori - Motsin.

Motsin seems to be the only other creature, aside from Grafters and Sevrath marked, able to cleanse the forest, feeding on the pollution. Alas, the Motsin is lethal to anything and anyone polluted. There is little protection one can have against it. Attempts on capturing it, training it and using it against the plague have all but failed at the all early stages of pursuit.

Credit: Returner
Note: Motsin to be developed. The group of volunteers to be developed.

word count: 1182
I shall give you hunger, and pain, and sleepless nights. Also beauty, and satisfactions known to few, and glimpses of the heavenly life. None of these you shall have continually, and of their coming and going you shall not be foretold. ~ Howard Lindsay
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Re: Desnind Co-Ord 2.0

Motsin's secrets

1. Competent Resistance will help slow the effect of Motsin but unless supported with a distraction, player may fall prey.
2. Expert Resistance may be able to fight back the Motsin albeit with very slow movements.

3. Master Resistance is able to resist the Motsin's influence.

4. Competent Meditation will not be picked as the first course by Motsin.

5. Expert Meditation may be able to distract Motsin.

6. Master Meditation can communicate with Motsin and remain safe.

7. Motsin does not always use a corpse of the person it consumed to birth new Motsin. Sometimes it just leaves it there fully in tact and the dead person then falls prey to a different predator.

8. Motsin will only ever lose its cool when they see a Cazav member. They will suck everything out of them - soul, life and even the muscle matter before tearing the body to shreds.

word count: 153
I shall give you hunger, and pain, and sleepless nights. Also beauty, and satisfactions known to few, and glimpses of the heavenly life. None of these you shall have continually, and of their coming and going you shall not be foretold. ~ Howard Lindsay
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Re: Desnind Co-Ord 2.0

The Aik Volunteers
Never Go Alone

The 'Never Go Alone' motto has only recently started gaining that status. It refers to the way the volunteers organize themselves, always in groups, but it also refers to the manner in which a man, animal or nature itself perishes - never alone, always in the presence of companion or even Moseke herself and other Immortals.

As the name of the group suggests, all of them are members of their own accord and decision and the group is partly managed by the Aik branch. No one gets conscripted into service and members are free to come and go as they like. However, there are some 'standards' so to speak for admission. Given the nature and the aim of this group, no everyone may be allowed to join. Since the Aik Volunteers deal with cleansing the forest which has been magically and by other means poisoned, a gardener from an oak next door may not possess all the necessary abilities to be of much help during the cleansing stage. However, a gardener from oak next door with a blessing...that's a different story.

The Aik Volunteers accept anyone with a blessing beneficial to the cause (Moseke's being the most favoured). Yet, recently, given the troubles, the group has been running into, with hesitation they started accepting mages as well, but those are strictly observed.

Thankfully, everyone is aware of the dangers that lie along the border with the Sick Lands and training is organized for new members. It lasts about half a seasons and during those trials, new members gain the following knowledge - basics of survival in the forest, self-defence, basic bits of knowledge on the dangers they are most likely to face (eg Cazav, Motsin)*

This training is provided by two branches of the Cikakken. The Aik who teach volunteers first aid, which plants in the forest with help them heal and survive and which will kill them. The Näfäkä then teach the volunteers basics of self-defence and survival in the forest. It is not uncommon for either branch members to join the Volunteers alongside their normal duties.

After the initial training, volunteers are grouped together. It is unlikely that members of these groups of volunteers will move freely amongst each other. They tend to stick together as they get to know each other and learn to rely on one another. However, a 'Regroup' may be called if necessary.

Regroup happens if volunteers from one group disappear and that particular group is no longer seen safe to travel to the Plague zone on its own. On occasions, volunteers will drop off as they realize that it may not be up their alley for whatever reason. Or a volunteer may die or disappear whilst in the Plague zone helping. When a Regroup is called, all volunteers gather and the smaller body gets redistributed amongst the larger ones. So far, Regroup has been necessary only a few times.

Despite the organization from the Aik branch, there are no ranks amongst the volunteers, just jobs and tasks they need to complete together as a team with one clear purpose and aim in mind. However, when an excursion to the Bad Lands happen, each group would be headed by an Aik.

* some of these knowledges may be awarded upon joining the Volunteers, some may need to be gained IC
word count: 567
I shall give you hunger, and pain, and sleepless nights. Also beauty, and satisfactions known to few, and glimpses of the heavenly life. None of these you shall have continually, and of their coming and going you shall not be foretold. ~ Howard Lindsay
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Re: Desnind Co-Ord 2.0

The Beetle
Name: The Beetle
Quick Facts: Is captured and cooked for a sweet candy
Height: 2 inches
Width: 2.5 inches
Length: 8 inches
Weight: Up to two pounds
Native to: Desnind
Locations: It has been spread throughout Idalos due to its delicious and sugar candy.
Appearance: The Beetle looks like any normal beetle of the same size, save for the red carapace.
Habitat: Any and all foliage, this insect has spread and can spread pretty much anywhere with some form of vegetation. It is not a picky eater, and the flavor of the cooked candy only depends on the amount of sunlight the beetle is exposed to, not on what it eats or where it lives.
Lifespan and Development: The females of the species lay eggs that develop over the course of a Season. It doesn’t matter whether the Season is short like Cylus, or long like Vhalar, it takes one full Season for the eggs to develop and then hatch. They go through no other transformations upon birth, and look nearly identical to the full grown adult versions, save for the size. Over the next twenty trials this insect goes through a rapid growth phase and by the end of those trials has reached its full size and maturity. This Beetles can live for three Cycles before perishing.
Diet: These Beetles are purely herbivores, dining on any and all plant life they can find. Some consider them pests as they are indiscriminate between crops and forests. Anything with vegetation growth, Tunawa included, have been on a Beetles food list before.
Temperament: Friendly though voracious eaters, some people even keep them as pets.
Abilities: There are no special abilities of the Beetle necessarily. People have found that these insects, when cooked, turn into a rather sweet sugary candy. The layers of flavor are dependent upon the temperature, and length of cooking, but no matter how they are cooked, the end result is some type of sweet chewy candy.

word count: 331
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Re: Desnind Co-Ord 2.0


Description: Citizens of Desnind have heard rumours of its existence, but none has seen it. Hidden deep within the Bad Lands, no one but the Cazav have ventured to that destination. Those who dared to explore rarely came back and when they did, they were half crazed from the poison of the bad lands, or what they witnessed within.

Hence, the population only has limited information strung together from the disjointed counts of the few. Halls of blood. Skeletons with flesh rotting on the bones and growing diseases. The maniacal laughter of the Cazav as they inflicted harm upon their subjects be that a person or an animal. The wails of the victims. It was all too gruesome and so the Sevir don’t often speak of it or are willing to discuss it.

The Favourite
Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Title: Believed to be the current leader of the Cazav
Moderation Type: Moderated only
Able/Willing to Mentor?: Yes
Skills able/willing to Mentor in: Cryptography (mentor), Intelligence, Interrogation, Torture (mentor), Leadership, Strength
Description: The Favourite is only mentioned by a few survivors and always with immediate frightful trembling and refusal to say much more than necessary as if speak the word itself could summon her. Her description varies but there is a generic consensus on her appearance. She is believed to be the leader of the Cazav and many theorize that she is favoured by Lissira. Some even dare think she may be Lissira’s champion.

Credit: Returner

Race: Sev’ryn
Age: 69 arcs, 1 Ashan, 750 Arc
Title: Cazav Follower
Moderation Type: Self
Able/Willing to Mentor?: Yes
Skills able/willing to Mentor in: Deception, Disguise, Forgery, Chemistry, Mixology, Poisons
Description: Ad’Riel used to be a valued member for the Desnind community. No one really knows what happened or why it happened. One day, something in his mind just shifted and he was found experimenting on fellow citizen. Experiments most disturbing that he was casted out. That’s probably how he found his way to the Cazav. Since then he was spotted a few times back in Desnind. He is clearly connected with one occurence in particular when he was accused of trying to release a disease inside the capitol. He managed to escape before being apprehended however.

Credit: Returner

Note: This location is open to PCs but as it is still undiscovered, please PM a moderator for details.
Credits to: Returner

word count: 411
I shall give you hunger, and pain, and sleepless nights. Also beauty, and satisfactions known to few, and glimpses of the heavenly life. None of these you shall have continually, and of their coming and going you shall not be foretold. ~ Howard Lindsay
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Re: Desnind Co-Ord 2.0

The Rapids


Description: The Rapids are part of Toṣïbẹẹrẹ Whakamātao river where children are allowed to go without supervision but never alone. That gives way to many games and dangerous dares. The Rapids are nearby that usually visited spot, some fifteen bits from Desnind. On the outside they appear like larger cascades that the river is so known for. Once stepped into however, strong undercurrents often take the footing and tear the venturers into its depths. Children are cautioned about them and not even the predators or fleeing prey take a passage through this part.

Yet, many youngsters make it a dare, a challenge or pure folly to brave the Rapids. With stone slick and footing near impossible to maintain, only those skilled in swimming stand a chance of making it across unharmed. Others are risking bruises. Or in worst cases cracked skulls and drowning. It is not uncommon to hear of incident at the Rapids at least a few times in an arc.

Also, when Cylus and freezing colds arrive in the region, the Rapids are the only that do not frost over. Some say its the quickly moving water preventing the weather to make it still. However, each arc it makes a spectacle to behold as from underneath a sheet of ice water pummels down and where it hits the ice at the bottom, it creates smooth forzen waves as if the sea has stopped in its tide. Arguable, it is the only time the rapids are safe for no child wants to freeze to death.

Credit: Returner
word count: 263
I shall give you hunger, and pain, and sleepless nights. Also beauty, and satisfactions known to few, and glimpses of the heavenly life. None of these you shall have continually, and of their coming and going you shall not be foretold. ~ Howard Lindsay
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