• Graded • The rare and special art

Thera and Yrmellyn meet at the art fair in Nehaer

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Yrmellyn Cole
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The rare and special art

The rare and special art

Trial 35 of Saun Arc 717 in the Art Fair at the market place of Ne'haer

The painter Yrmellyn Cole went to the art fair in Ne’haer this day in the end of Saun 717. Despite the hurricane that had hit Ne'haer less than ten days earlier the fair hadn't been cancelled, which spoke volumes about the people of the city. It seemed to take more than a natural disaster to make them change their plans for going out to have some fun.

Yrmellyn was mostly aiming to just look at the art and handicraft exhibited there, but maybe she would also be able to make some good bargains. She wasn’t a big spender though and would be perfectly happy with just having a good time. Then again, if something special and rare would catch the painter’s attention it might be hard for her to resist it, should the price be reasonable.

The atmosphere of fairs was always lively and exited. There were a lot of interesting things for a painter to watch and think of as motifs, as well as the chance of meeting new people and getting friends and acquaintances in the city. Immortals knew Yrmellyn Cole could need a friend or more. She was able to get by on her own when needed, but it was tough to never have anybody else than herself to rely on.

However...it was no surprise that few were looking to learn to know an unknown painter on her way into her early thirties, without any powerful connections, wealth or other things people find useful enough to buy their friendship for a while. Yrmellyn wasn’t interested in buying and selling friendship though. She wasn’t one of those who think of friendship as a businesslike exchange, worth something only as long as they can profit on it. Totally other values than profit guided how she sometimes bonded with other people. One aspect was her devotion to the immortal Vhalar, the keeper of oaths. Yrmellyn Cole might come off as an irresponsible and reckless artist, wacky even, as artist sometimes may be. It was definitely true that she had such traits, but this wasn’t all she was. There was more to her, which only those would see who stood by her when it counted, just like she stood by them.

Rare and special are the people who wouldn’t sacrifice a friend in order to gain favors for themselves...the fleeting thought arose, went through her mind and faded out again. Special and rare they are...

The first thing the painter did was of course to buy a pint of “art fair mead” which was a brew said to be special for this art market and only available today. The recipe was secret, but nonetheless the signs at the mead stall said that market mead contained “rare spices from faraway lands” and was very exotic indeed. It came with a “fairy pewter cup” with a lid on hinges. The price was higher than for normal Ne’haer mead. People who had already been ripped off in this market in past arcs and were able to bring their own cups got a discount. Yrmellyn had to buy both cup and mead, but the blatant scam just amused her. In her opinion it was part of the attractions at a fair to play along and waste money on at least one exotic joke.

Holding the mead cup in her right hand she continued into the marketplace. There were stalls everywhere and it didn’t seem like anybody had tried to give directions for where and how to put them up. It looked randomized. Yrmellyn liked this. She was no fan of meticulously well-ordered events and preferred somewhat chaotic happenings, like this fair. Content with the atmosphere she looked around. People of all ages and social standings were milling around between the stalls. There were well dressed wealthy matrons with maids in tow, carrying baskets and parcels. There were sailors and soldiers accompanied by servants who had been given - or taken - a trial off work in order to have some fun. There were children of course, running around laughing and shouting, more often than not with cookies in their hands. Yrmellyn suddenly wondered if this meant the children weren’t in school this day, or if they had skipped it...

After walking around for a while she found her way to a less crowded part of the market place. The art and handicraft displayed there was decorative and well made, but seemed more practical and useful compared to some of the spectacular and entertaining things displayed in the more popular stalls. Yrmellyn stopped to look at the weapons in a stall where a number of swords and daggers were for sale. Some of them were elaborate and embellished than others, other of simplistic design, but all of them were more than average beautiful. They were the work of master, no doubt.

“Can I help you?”

It was one of the two young men who were working in the stall. The painter could hear a streak of polite doubt in his tone. Obviously he had just needed to look at the painter once in order to classify her as a person who wasn’t likely to engage in combat. Yrmellyn smiled, shook her head and moved on. The young man shouted the name of the firm and the address of their workshop after her, just in case.

In next stall they had shoes and boots for sale. Although Yrmellyn didn’t think of footwear as art, she supposed it could be called artistic handicraft. The wares weren’t your usual average boots and shoes. Who would for example ever find use for a pair of brown and golden boots with lacing and heels...actually, those weren’t bad, and for an artist like herself they could be right. Yrmellyn tried them on but they weren’t the right size. She was told to come to the shoemaker’s shop a few days later. If the boots would still be unsold they could adjust so they became just right for her.

The painter continued her stroll. By now she had imbibed a good amount of art fair mead, this lovely mysterious brew that didn’t make her feel tipsy at all, just in a good mood and sort of...inspired. She stopped to take one more swig of it.

The sound of a voice from the stall nearby made her turn to the right. When she lowered the cup and looked up a big red sea-dragon filled her vision, swimming in a wild and wavy ocean. For a fraction of a trill Yrmellyn stared at it in shock and disbelief. That kind of beast didn't even exist. If was a creature of fantasy and tales. Nonetheless it seemed real.

Then the lid of the pewter cup moved on the hinges and fell down with a small metallic click. The sound woke the painter up from her stupefied staring. It was just a painted sign she was looking at. A man of uncertain age, with brown hair and a cheerful face stood behind a table full of navigation tools, some devices that were unknown to her and ...paper with pictures on? Being a painter she was always drawn to all kinds of pictures, so Yrmellyn took a step closer.

The picture of the red sea-dragon swam in its painted blue ocean.

The man in the stall smiled.

“Welcome” he said in a jovial but soft-spoken tone. His voice was deep and clear, a pleasure to listen to. “Welcome to Chapmans’s Charts and Miraculous Maps!”
Last edited by Yrmellyn Cole on Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:19 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 1295
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Thera Nji'Ryn
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The rare and special art

Thera strolled along the boisterous fair pathways. The clammer of salesmen and women echoed, all of them trying to catch her attention, as they did for every passerby. The natives and tourists were clearly distinguished, as Thera was absolutely a tourist. Her eyes shone with excitement at all of the colors and patterns leaping from the individual stands. There were people selling paints, originals and copies. There were people selling maps, land and sea. There were those selling food and drinks, several of which caught the eccentric girl's rarely treated eye. She wasn't a spender, but the smells that coupled with her already active appetite were torturous.

She sighed, remembering the purpose of her venture into the art fair. Maps. Thera knew she couldn't afford to buy a new map, but if she looked at enough, she might be able to add some more detail to the map she already had. Anything else that happened to occur at the fair was completely up to chance.

The fair was quite crowded, as Thera expected. People weren't the most polite, but that was the same everywhere. People had things to do and places to be. Children were running amok. Though they definitely should have been in school, Thera loved that they were absorbing their youth. Children deserved freedom and fun adventures, and an art fair was the absolutely perfect place to do so.

The girl continued through the fair, eyes scanning over several signs and pieces of art. One caught her attention...

The sign of a red sea dragon in a painted ocean. Not only was it unique, but art of the sea was always something that interested Thera. She made her way through the crowd over to the table underneath the red dragon sign. The table was covered in an organized chaos with pictures and navigation tools of all types. Finally, she thought to herself, a small smile creeping onto her lips.

Another girl was already there. She held a cup in her hand, while admiring the artwork on the table. The man behind the table seemed like a genuinely happy person. He introduced the stand as, "Chapman's Charts and Miraculous Maps." Catchy name.

Thera looked through the maps, working to memorize at least a few aspects of some of them. She glanced at the other woman out of the corner of her eye. "Do you read these kinds of charts?" She asked.
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Yrmellyn Cole
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The rare and special art

The man in the stall was eyeing Yrmellyn the way a skilled salesman eyes a purse of money. He seemed to not be above giving potential spenders some extra encouragement in the shape of hot eyes and come hither smiles. The painter gave him a brilliant and shallowly charming courtesan smile from her past, just to feel that she could still have some fun, even if it was only in jest. The salesman answered with a smile so wide that it could have reminded some people with knowledge about fish about a shark smelling blood.

The painter made a small shrug, with her left shoulder only, as she didn’t want to spill the mead.

This silent interaction didn’t exactly stop, but it faded into the background when a third person joined them at the stall. She was a dark haired young woman and to judge from her appearance she was a full blooded biqaj. Yrmellyn who was taller than average for a human woman found herself facing a girl of her own height, or even slightly taller, dressed mostly in shades of blues and black. The girl wasn’t looking particularly meek either. She stood like a person who feels their own authority, thought the painter, who had lots of practice noticing the small details that made people special.

An interesting person. I wonder who she is. The way she browses the maps seems purposeful, like she is looking for something specific.

The painter answered promptly when the girl asked her if she could read these kinds of charts.

”Sort of.”

Yrmellyn looked at the newcomer over the rim of her cup of art fair mead. She felt benevolent and was happy to find company for her investigation of the interesting wares for sale. It was always good to have a fellow customer to discuss with. It lowered the risk for becoming easy prey for smart salespeople. Those could make unashamed attempts to speak up the value of their offers to ridiculous levels. Well. People had to live, so the painter didn’t blame them. She wasn’t against commercial tricks. Immortal’s knew she used them herself once in a while. Yrmellyn just didn’t want to be totally ripped off by charlatans.

Right now she had actually felt interested enough in what she saw in the stall to ponder how much room she had for impulse purchases.

Well. Nearly no room at all, her better self told her firmly. She ought to remember that she was trying to put her roots down here in Ne’haer and lead a somewhat less chaotic life, now when she had ended up...yeah, anyways, it was best to try to invest her money in the right stuff.

The man in the stall seemed about to say something, but didn’t.

“Some of these maps are a bit hard to read though" Yrmellyn continued. " I mean, there’s more decorations than roads on some of them and there’s empty zones with monsters in, especially around the borders. From an art point of view those are excellent, but it’s hard to know if they would fill any function in practice. What do you think?”

She took a swig of the mead. While she waited for the girl to answer she introduced herself. “By the way. My name’s Yrmellyn Cole.”
Last edited by Yrmellyn Cole on Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:51 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 561
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Thera Nji'Ryn
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The rare and special art

"Thera Nji'Ryn," Thera responded, nodding her head to Yrmellyn.

The other girl was right. The maps seemed to be more for the purpose of display and intrigue than actual use. A real sailor would be able to tell the difference, which was exactly what the biqaj were. A biqaj would be fairly easily recognizable, as most don't really try to blend in with the crowd. The man in the stall certainly did not seem to be overly thrilled with having a sea-born girl possibly drive away a potential buyer, but Thera paid him almost no attention.

She looked the girl up and down with no subtlety. It wasn't like Thera had anything to be ashamed for in doing so. Bringing her attention back to the maps and the stall with the slightly top arrogant man behind it, she ran her fingers along the maps and pictures, taking in the shading, the age, even the smell, then glanced up at the man. "Interesting stock you have." The man regained his ear-to-ear grin, thinking perhaps the girl wasn't as knowledgeable as he originally thought.

Again, she looked at the maps, her eyes studying them intensely.

She stepped a bit too close to the girl for typical comfort. "I think you have a good eye," she said. "Take another look, though." She crouched closer to the maps and moved her fingers along the paper and over the lines. "It's been recently altered. If you look closely enough, you'll see that the roads were put on much more recently than the monsters. And..." She glared at the man behind the stand, whose eyes had regained the poorly hidden unnerved look. Thera scratched slightly at the empty zone near one of the monsters, and flakes of cheap paint came off, revealing what could be a seafarer's map. "This map is outdated, but it once warned sailors of places to keep away from."

Thera studied the map, trying to ignore the roads and focus on the monsters' locations. Could be important to add to her own.

"Like I said, interesting stock and well done for decoration. Just not really what you would want when sailing through treacherous waters."
Last edited by Thera Nji'Ryn on Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:16 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 372
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The rare and special art

So. These maps are perhaps not so useful..." said Yrmellyn to Thera. "I take it you have experience of navigation then? What would you require of a chart or map in order to find it useful for real?"

At this point the man in the stall intervened.

"Hey, hey, hey...take it easy with the maps please, miss sailing expert" he said to Thera. "Not that I mind a pretty lady like yourself browsing the charts and maps of this humble stall, but I don't want them destroyed. There's something named editing my dear, and this means that when the knowledge about the terrain evolves over time, the maps need to be edited accordingly. It's not like our knowledge about the world is constant. Not even the world itself is constant! When I learn new things, I add them, and when I discover faults, I correct them. The lay of the land is constantly changing, so to speak."

His smiled at them as he deftly reached out and snatched the maps from Thera's hands. He put them away out of reach. It wasn't possible for the girl to continue the inspection of them.

"I'm not going to charge you for the repairs of the maps you damaged. The customer is always right. In particular when they are beautiful girls. Just don't do it again, darling. Now, as you seem to be looking for something of exquisite quality, can I perhaps help you by showing you some more advanced maps and sea charts you may find more useful for yourself? Perhaps some interesting navigation tools? By the way, name's Grant Chapman, world explorer, cartographer and more."

"I was mostly looking at the artwork." Yrmellyn smiled back and shrugged. "It's interesting that the maps actually differ from reality for real too, not only when it comes to the fantasy monsters and other decorations on them. Maps are models of reality, but both the picture and the motif itself are in constant change. I have never thought of it that way before, Mister Chapman, but now I'm feeling intrigued. If what you say is true it would mean that we can never know for sure exactly where we are or where the roads will take us, if they even exist."

"Aaah...allow me to say you seem like a kindred spirit, Miss Cole! Yes, I know your name. I apologize for overhearing your conversation and introductions, but it was inevitable. Now. You have some really good points there. Couldn't have said it better myself, except I don't know why you assume that it's "fantasy monsters". I assure you that everything on my maps is built on real stories, not just taken out of the blue for the sake of decoration."


"Yes! I could tell you a whole lot of things..." Grant Chapman glanced at Thera. "Well, I'm not sure if my other customers would appreciate it. My more imaginative work is not for all, Miss Cole, but perhaps you'll want to come over to my place some evening and watch my rare and special maps?"


Yrmellyn wasn't sure of what to say. Was the man just offering her the equivalent to "watching the etchings" or was he serious about showing her rare and special art she might never again get a chance to see? She avoided to answer at once, by turning to Thera again. "I still want to know what you think is required of a good chart or map" she said. "And please feel free to ask for more service and have a closer look at the wares here in the stall if you like. You don't need to think of me. I'm only watching."

She swallowed yet another swig of art fair mead.
Last edited by Yrmellyn Cole on Sat Dec 01, 2018 8:00 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 644
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The rare and special art

The man, Grant Chapman, reacted quite defensively to Thera scratching at the maps. It made sense. After all, she really was technically damaging his property. Regardless, the Biqaj girl just didn't care what he had to say. She was a little put off by his excuse for 'editing' the maps, but she was a traditionalist. If maps like that needed to be updated, make a new map. She only edited her own map because she was yet to have the ability to purchase a new, more accurate one.

"I do," she said, her voice uncharacteristically quiet. "Have navigational experience, that is. My father taught me everything. When it comes to maps, I want originality. When you take an old map and edit it," her words clearly indirectly mocking the man, "you are bound to make some kind of mistake. Constructing new maps allows the land - or sea - to be travelled and observed many times by many eyes. Makes the new maps more accurate."

She went back to examining the charts behind Chapman, all while listening to the conversation about the creative process of designing a map. Thera enjoyed listening to them speak. She was never the most skilled at drawing, so she had come up with her own designs that told her what creatures and obstacles were where. It was a different kind of creativity. Still, the back and forth between Chapman and Yrmellyn was educational, to say the least. They both definitely knew what they were talking about.

Straightening her stance, she turned to Yrmellan. "I actually agree with Mister Chapman," she said, giving the man credit to even her own surprise. Thera enjoyed being just as shocked as everyone else by what she said. "These designs are anything but fantasy. When I look for maps, I take into consideration the sea or the land design, but what most stands out is the accuracy of placement for creatures and obstacles, especially any marks of powerful currents." Now facing Chapman, Thera eyed the navigational tools, skimming for anything that immediately caught her eye.

There was something in an open box in the back of his stall. It was a translucent orange-gold color and about a quarter of the size of her palm in a flawed rectangular shape.

"In the back of your stand," she said, squinting her eyes. "Is that... Is that sphalerite?"
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Yrmellyn Cole
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The rare and special art

“I don’t know if it’s a sphalerite!” Grant Chapman seemed to forget Yrmellyn. He gave Thera his full attention now. “But I would really want to know!”

“It seems like you have some knowledgeable about gemstones, Miss Nji’ryn. Many people wouldn’t even be able guess that it might be a sphalerite by just looking at it from a distance like you just did. Most don’t even know what a sphalerite is! It’s actually surprising, because gemstones can be very valuable. Finding them can make people rich over a night. If they just knew enough about gemstones and where to find them...and if they are able to travel to the right places of course, and deal with the potentially dangerous beings lurking nearby!”

Chapman seemed to be in his element now. The whole man emanated enthusiasm. Without waiting for an answer he spun around and grabbed a map from the inner part of the stall, the rectangular gemstone and an intricate tool that was unknown to Yrmellyn.

After thinking a little bit about the mapmaker’s offer, Yrmellyn had started to think that she might actually want to visit his place and have a closer looks at the maps he had referred to as his more imaginative work. Right now ... she had a closer look at Chapman himself ... his looks weren't sleek, but of the somewhat rougher kind. A man, not a boy. She found him quite appealing. She took another swig of mead and gazed at him over the rim of her mug.

“I don’t know what a sphalerite is” she confessed, eager to be included in the conversation again.

“I’m afraid I’m in no way an expert in gemstones” said Chapman, briefly meeting her intense gaze. “I wish I could enlighten you Miss Cole, but alas. Let’s ask Miss Nji’ryn! Can you please tell us about sphalerites?” He put the rectangular stone on the table, right in front of Thera. “I would also be grateful if you can have a look at this and tell me what you think of it. Do you think it is a sphalerite?”

He looked at Thera expectantly. While he waited for her answer he started to carefully roll up the map he had grabbed. It was fairly small and practical of size and Yrmellyn with her experience as artist could tell that the ink wasn’t aged. She couldn’t see any signs of “edits” on this map. It looked clean and brand new, not used like the maps Thera had complained at.

“Brand new!” Chapman announced in a tone like he was revealing a major miracle. “This is indeed a map that shows the front end of today’s knowledge about the waters along the coastline from Ne’haer to Bayward. Powerful currents and some dangerous creatures are included, as far as they are known today.”

“Oh?” Yrmellyn didn’t know what to say so she drank more art fair mead (the cup was big). To be honest she felt a little bit tipsy, but this wasn’t a problem for a woman from the alcohol imbued city of Rharne. She smiled at Chapman. She really was starting to take interest in him. His offer to show her more maps some evening was perhaps not so bad. “I don’t know so much about maps” she told him. ”But I guess it’s useful to know where the dangerous creatures and powerful currents can be found...so you can avoid them.”

“For sure! Or ... so you can seek them out!”

He turned to Thera again. “Well, what do you say, Miss? Is that a sphalerite? And what about this map?” He pointed at the new map. “Are you familiar with the waters between Ne’haer and Bayward? Do you find the map accurate? Travelers who made observations have contributed to it with their newest knowledge, like for instance the information that a new kind of creature has made its home in a cave a bit north of Bayward. It’s described as a multi-tentacle amphibian, as you can see on the picture here. ”

There was indeed a picture of an odd being on the map. Chapman pointed at it. “According to the latest news, gemstones and precious metals has been observed in the cave. A treasure. This wasn’t on the maps of the old, but as you said Miss Nji’ryn, new times, new maps, more truth and better accuracy!”

“A multi-tentacle amphibian?” Yrmellyn felt perplexed. “Does it guard the treasure?”

“How could I know? It’s a multi-tentacle amphibian. Immortals know what it's doing there. By the way, have you considered my offer to show you more maps some evening Miss Cole?”

“Well, yes, I have to say it seems interesting, but right now I’m curious about what sphalerites are.”

Chapman nodded. “Yes! Please tell us Miss Nji’ryn. Sorry for the interruption. I have no control over Miss Cole I'm afraid. So. What is a sphalerite, do we have a sphalerite here on the table, and do you think this brand new map is more accurate than those you have dismissed and what about the amphibian and the treasure?”

They both waited for Thera’s answer. Yrmellyn took one more swig of art fair mead. A glance at the red sea-dragon on the banner of the stall confirmed her former impression that the creature seemed to be swimming happily in its painted ocean.
Last edited by Yrmellyn Cole on Sat Dec 01, 2018 8:08 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 924
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The rare and special art

All of the questions came as a surprise to Thera, who thought Yrmellyn and Chapman had much more to talk about than what she could add. She was actually astonished that the man didn't know what he was selling, especially when it came to gemstones! As he said, they can make someone quite rich quite quickly.

Still, he was correct in addressing the risks that came with finding the valuable gemstones. Nothing wonderful came to anyone free of charge.

Chapman's enthusiasm could have been felt by someone on the opposite side of the art fair, and Thera enjoyed seeing the man suddenly light up. She hadn't intended for him to get so excited, but it was nice to meet someone with a shared love of gemstones. He brought over a map, the stone, and a tool that Thera was positive she had seen before; she just couldn't remember what it was exactly.

Yrmellyn's confession was admirable. Most people who didn't know something tended to nod along and add vague comments every now and then to act as though they knew what was being discussed. It was refreshing to meet someone who was actually comfortable enough with herself to admit she was unsure. "A sphalerite is a type of gem that is way too rare," Thera said. "I've only seen a few in my time, but they're absolutely stunning. Oh, and it's Thera, please."

Chapman placed the stone for Thera to examine, and the girl was bursting with excitement. Gems were a fascination of hers, and she absolutely loved coming across those she had never seen before.

"Unfortunately, I'm not exactly an expert either. All I can tell you is what my parents taught me."

She ran her fingers along the gem, her flashing eyes taking in each little detail. Thera heard Chapman started to discuss the new map with Yrmellyn, so she stole a glance at it. If the map had been edited, it was a masterful job, so it was safe to assume the piece was original. This caught her attention more, as she preferred to study original maps. The energy Yrmellyn was giving towards Chapman was possibly the most interesting part of the whole ordeal. If she wasn't mistaken, Thera swore Yrmellyn was attracted to the mapmaker. The Biqaj girl looked at the salesman with a slightly puzzled expression, trying to pinpoint exactly what the seemingly sophisticated woman would see in a man as rough around the edges as Chapman.

Thera brought her attention back to the gemstone, carefully picking it up. Surely a gem of that size would be worth something that Thera almost certainly didn't have. She held it in the sunlight and smiled, her eyes flashing gold for the briefest moment. "I'm familiar enough with those waters," she said in a flat voice, most of her attention on the gem. "To my knowledge, this is sphalerite. The color is the first clue, as the pale orange-gold is relatively unique. Of course that can be replicated, but it isn't an easy feat. Plus..." Thera held the gemstone in the sunlight and turned it with slight movements, creating the signature "fire" (a show of light refracting in the stone to look almost like a kaleidoscope) that the sphalerite displayed under light. "The gem, itself, is actually quite fragile, so it's practically useless to anyone who isn't a collector. Still, I must say that it's a beautiful specimen."

Giving off the energy of an over-excited child, Thera forced herself to put the gemstone back on the table. She looked at the map Chapman had laid out, memorizing the placement of the strange amphibious creature. A treasure, she thought, suddenly excited by the thought of an adventure. If there really is a treasure, I could finally get my father's ship back. She shook the thought from her mind. It was an exciting notion, but the realistic aspect was faulty.

"I'm definitely more impressed with this map," Thera said with a smile. "I'd like to hear more about this story, though. I've never heard of the creature, nor the treasure. My father sailed all over the world, but he never shared with me any stories of such a being. What have you heard?"
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Yrmellyn Cole
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The rare and special art

Yrmellyn made a mental note to remember that a sphalerite is a rare type of gem. She didn’t know a thing about gemstones, but it was interesting and she hoped to learn more. The conversation between Chapman and the biqaj seemed to gain more energy by the trill. The biqaj dropped the titles and told the man to call her Thera. The salesman obliged at once: “Please call me Grant, Thera!”

The painter watched Thera run her fingers over the gem and then hold it up in the sunlight while she spoke about it. “So a sphalerite is fragile” she commented as she didn’t’ want to be left out now when the others had become so excited. “And the color is pale gold orange. It’s beautiful. And by the way, you may say Yrmellyn.”

The seller nodded and smiled. He winked at her. Then he turned to the biqaj again.

“I’m happy to hear this Thera. I had been told it was a sphalerite, but I was worried that the chap who gave it to me had scammed me.” Grant Chapman smiled benevolently at Thera. “You see, I accepted this gem as payment for some special and rare navigation tools. Long story. But the man who bought them of me sure had a tale or two to tell about his recent adventures along the coast. It enabled me to make this totally up to date map, not old and edited, but brand new and modern and with the very latest findings noted on it. I would say this map, though very no nonsense, is on the front end of the cartography. However...I hesitated to believe in the treasure and the sea monster, but now when I know that it truly was a sphalerite that man gave me I feel more convinced that the other things he said were true too.”

Grant Chapman stopped there for a moment and watched Thera in a hesitant manner, like he was trying to make up his mind. “I haven’t wanted to approach the wrong kind of people with this” he said finally.

“I was told that the sphalerite comes from the treasure in the cave and the sailor had put it in his pocket and been on his way to pick up more, when a monster with many tentacles had risen from the part of the cave that was under water. He had to drop what he had in his hands, draw his cutlass and fight his way out. Then he fled by boat, with the sphalerite as his only bounty. It irked him that he had to leave the treasure behind, but he found his life more valuable than gold and gems. He hardly thought he would go back, as involving more people in a search for a treasure always comes with the risk of treachery. Unfortunately he didn’t know many good and honest people, he told me...and this was what worried me afterwards. He seemed shady. What kind of person would pay for navigation tools with a gem of much higher value and tell me he distrusted people so much that he found it better to lose a fortune than go for it in their company?”

Grant Chapman was definitely not the tongue tied kind of personality. Yrmellyn listened to the tale with increasing interest. “I guess he found a first class navigation tool more valuable” Chapman answered his own question. “It could actually be a bit tricky to sell a gem of this size without being asked lots of questions and drawing attention.”

This was something Yrmellyn understood, due to having grown up in the bad quarter of Rharne. “Yes” she interjected, “that is true. It can be really dangerous to let a certain kind of people know that you own something of value. If you have unexpected luck and find yourself in possession of a valuable, it can sometimes be best to spend it on something while you can. Tools are always valuable, so maybe it was a good deal for him.”

Grant Chapman smiled at Yrmellyn. “Yes! Definitely! I only deal in the best tools, of very high accuracy, for people who know how important it is with accuracy. If you use bad navigation tools you can end up most anywhere, to your own surprise. High quality tools will take you to your goal. This sextant for example...”

He picked up the tool he had put on the counter.

“I suspect that you already know what a sextant is, Thera, but I will tell Yrmellyn about it. A sextant is used in order to measure distances and find out positions, in navigation. Well, I don’t want to brag too much about my wares, but please have closer look and tell me what you think of the quality. ”

He handed Thera the sextant and waited for her to examine it and tell him her opinion.

“What do you mean Thera” asked Yrmellyn in response to other things the biqaj had mentioned like in passing by. “You speak about your parents as knowledgeable people who sailed all over the world and taught you many things. I guess you can sail then! Are your parents living here in Ne’haer? "

But the young woman was obviously in a hurry and had already started to walk away from the stall, without answering the question. Perhaps she hadn't been as interested in the navigation instruments and maps as she had seemed to be at first. Yrmellyn couldn't know. She looked at the painted dragon again. It really seemed very alive, although it was just a picture.

One more swig of mead!

Wheeeee ...

"Now when the other lady has left, I want to propose something else" said Chapman in a lower voice. "I will stay at the market for a while, but if you want to visit me in the evening you could help me to have a look at a more intriguing collection of maps. I would even pay for it. You can find me in my wagon ..."

He gave her the direction for how to find his ... wagon ... and even drew a small map for her on a scrap of parchment. Yrmellyn nodded dizzily, put the map in one of her pockets and strolled away in a good mood. Perhaps she would visit the mapmaker in the evening? She hadn't decided yet. She would see later ...
word count: 1075
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Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:54 pm
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Re: The rare and special art


Name: Yrmellyn Cole


Investigation: Strolling around to investigate stalls at fair
Investigation: Supporting others in an investigation by asking them questions
Socialization: Silent interaction by using body language
Discipline: Resisting the temptation of impulse shopping
Socialization: Striking up a conversation with a stranger
Socialization: Avoiding to answer one person by answering someone else instead
____________ Hold for extra knowledge if the player requests it.
____________ Hold for extra knowledge if the player requests it.
____________ Hold for extra knowledge if the player requests it.
____________ Hold for extra knowledge if the player requests it.

Maps are merely models of reality
Maps must be edited when the world or the knowledge about it changes
Gemstone: Sphalerite is a valuable pale golden gemstone
Gemstone: Hard to identify just by looking at it
Gemstone: Sphalerite is fragile
Tools: Sextant, a navigation tool
Grant Chapman, a far from tongue-tied mapmaker

Loot: Directions to Grant Chapman's place. And a simple pewter goblet.
Injuries: Nah, Yrmellyn can hold her mead.
Renown: N/A

Points: 15
- - -

First thing to mention, you applied for only six skill knowledges, when you're entitled to 8 + every post after the third you make, bringing your total up to 10 knowledges for this thread. If you want more skill knowledge, let me know and I'll revise this review.

This was an amusing read.

The way Yrmellyn's narrative ebbs and flows and everything is perceived through an artist's lens is refreshing. You have a very flowery style that lends itself to voluminous prose. It's never too much though. The NPC was very vibrant and interesting as well, the way he sold his map with rare jewels and promising more if one followed the maps to their destination. I suspect he was little more than a confidence-man though, but who cares as long as the pictures on the maps are pretty?

Thera's part was interesting as well, bringing much more to the thread in the way of no-nonsense appraisal of the maps in question, and making Chapman have to sing for a chance at a sale.

This thread had an intriguing direction to it, it's a shame Thera disappeared, but you closed it out very gracefully with your last post. I wouldn't have known it was abandoned if you hadn't said so. It for all I can tell like a complete thread. I would've liked to see a follow-up where they investigate the guy's treasure map, but alas. Yrmellyn will have to satisfy herself with Chapman's directional note. Hopefully he's a better host than he is a cartographer and gemologist.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!

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