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Patrick gives Niv alcohol and she turns it into a shrine.

63rd of Zi'da 716

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Lost in Translation

63rd of Zi'da, Arc 716

The mysterious and wonderful creature Saoire had appeared before Niv bearing gifts. Four of them were placed in front of Niv, A bulky glass bottle of golden fluid, a massive ball of strange blue vines, a tiny wooden stick with a hooked end and a tall bottle filled with blood red water. Niv looked at the strange gifts with awe, takring the time to sniff them and look at them from every angle. Everything about them was an anomaly to her.
“What are deh?” Niv asked but received no answer, she looked back to see that Saoire had disappeared in a puff of mist and snow.

Niv frowned a bit but decided that she would find her own purpose for the presents. The strange fluids looked too beautiful to drink and Niv wasn’t even sure she could reach the top of the tall bottle of red. The Tunawa gazed blankly at the bottles, looking from one to the other. Niv thought back on her time in Desnind when she used to pray to the Immortals and spirits of nature, especially during the season change. Since arriving in Ne’hear Niv hadn’t prayed enough, only small prayers once in a while to keep her family back home safe. The temples of Ne’here were imposing places and full of foreign giants that might do her harm. Niv would have to make her own shines to pray at and these strange bottles of dazzling liquid seemed like prime candidates.

After encircling the two bottles with a barrier made from the odd blue vine, Niv used the twig to draw some simple designs in the dirt. Niv bit the vine free and pushed the massive wound ball to the side. Her shine could have been better but Niv still smiled to herself as she looked at her work.

The Tunawa got down on her knees, closed her eyes and began speaking her prayer in her native tongue of Xanthea.
“ Gracious Moseke, mother of the earth and Kind Ymiden, father of the flowers, Thank you for all the blessings you have given Idalos and I pray that you continue to protect Desnind and the ones I love. “ Niv bowed her head lightly in respect before continuing.
“Thank you Vhalar for blessing us with the beauty of the fall season, May you rest until the coming arc when you can paint the trees once more. I now welcome Ziell with open arms, Let the winter be peaceful and full of reflection.” Niv bowed again.

Niv continued to sit quietly and organize her thoughts.

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Last edited by Niv on Mon Jan 02, 2017 3:59 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 439
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It hadn't been that very long ago Patrick had done his shopping for the season; and managed to partake in the trend everyone seemed to enjoy. The fact that a mysterious entity by the name of Saoire wandered around delivering gifts humored him, certainly well enough to at least give it a try not long after his arrival in the city of Ne'haer. But what he got wasn't out of pure whim... well one was but the others were carefully considered to say the least. After all it wasn't every day he was picked to reward a tiny creature with gifts he bought; especially when it was one he'd never really met before.

Tinawa were myths to Patrick much like Saoire herself, but granted he'd experienced his share of the unnatural; he learned anything in this world was possible. Therefore myths had the power to exist, and even thrive in that existence. So what exactly did Tunawa like or need? That question was something he pondered for the longest time, and while he could not form a single answer; logic did allow for some creativity to settle in whereas the ideas came along. Normal items were likely far too big for such a small creature, yet even Patrick overestimated just how small they tended to be. Even so he found what he could only think were fitting gifts for his subject, and lo and behold he shortly managed to see that subject in due time.

Found while on a walk to explore the city and get a better feel of the layout; Patrick bore in mind the fact the cold had not reached it's peak. The sooner he was acquainted with both city and weather, the better off he'd be come the more frigid season. It had been mere chance that while on his walk he discovered a tiny little creature, busy with two bottles on the ground and a ball of yarn used to... wrap them? Did this creature not understand what such items were used for? He paused with a little bit of mirth to follow, his hands tucked within the pockets of his fur-lined jacket as he watched the Tunawa. "So this is the mythical wooden sprite I've heard 'bout. He guessed with a smirk on his face.

"A Tunawa? Wow! I never would've expected to see one here!" The sound of Ri'ku's voice hummed within his mind, while the fairy flew out from within his coat. She hovered in the air for a moment between him and the tiny little creature, and then swiveled her way back into the reaches of his coat. "By the Fates, it's so cold! How can she stand the weather here?"

"Beat's me." He silently answered in thought with an approach finally made, when he reached the little 'altar' she made, Patrick knelt down with an amused grin before interrupting her privacy. "Ya know when I got ya these, I thought y' would know what they were from the get go." He reasoned with a light chuckle as he looked from the gifts to the creature. "Actually ya're a bit tinier than I imagined... So I probably should've considered somethin' not so... normal sized." Indeed he probably should've reconsidered the drink and aphrodisiac period since it was a Tunawa, he hadn't any idea if their species could indulge in the same vices he did.

"Name's Patrick by the way," He offered an index finger instead of a full hand, "or ya can just call me Pat if it's easier." He wasn't sure if the minuscule creature would shake or not, so after a moment to allow whatever to happen he withdrew the finger.
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:25 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 634
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Lost in Translation

It was true that Niv found the cold weather uncomfortable; her vines felt stiff, flowers no longer bloomed from her head, Food was scarce, and snow fall would make travel difficult especially after her mount migrated. At the same time Niv’s bark was far less sensitive to the elements than tender human flesh. Trees endured the cold every year while other creatures hid in their burrows. Once things got more chilly, Niv would have to have some coping strategies in place however.

In the meantime, Niv’s focused meditation was keeping her mind off the cold. She could feel the wind fly through a nearby bush and the chirping of chipmunks as they quarrelled over the last bit of acorns. That was until her focus was broken by a man’s sudden arrival. Niv stood very still, hoping he would mistake her for a plant or doll but found no such luck.

“Ged..Go?” Niv mumbled to herself before looking up at the human who spoke to her. The tunawa stared blankly at him as she tried to understand his words, He spoke so fast that it took her a while to grasp. When she finally did, her eyes widened and she got visibly excited.
“Yew deh one dat bring meh dees tings!” Niv practically shouted with joy. “Dank yews so so much, I make deh shrine to pray to deh immortals. Make dem happy and Niv happy too.”

“Paaad..rrickah..Pad..yes yes I call yews Pad, deh calls me Niv.” She was about to bow but hesitated when she was presented with a finger. She looked at it with curiosity bfefore hesitantly pointing back at him.
“Is pointing custom of greeting wit yours people?”

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Patrick found himself quite amused by the little creature that later introduced herself to Niv, her way of understanding him and reciprocating his approach proved entertaining nonetheless. To learn that she had actually taken the gifts given to her and built her own shrine out of them; well that actually sort of confounded as well as entertained Patrick to no end. What on Idalos gave her the impression these were for worship? Had she never heard about these substances let alone seen them before? Granted she was a tiny little wooden creature, he gambled that the odds weren't entirely favorable in regards to yes.

He actually laughed a little when Niv curiously returned the attempt to greet her, a miniature finger pressed into the skin of his own for a brief moment. "Not exactly," He answered with a raised eyebrow, "usually we shake hands but uh; yours is a bit on the small side." He mused with a wry smile as he looked a little more closely at Niv, the creature did certainly take on the form of wood but in a feminine way. She was certainly tiny too; much tinier than he initially perceived. He wasn't one to judge though, even though he hadn't vividly seen nor interacted with a Tunawa before.

Fairies, Tunawa, Immortals, and magic were all fables in their own right; so the fact he's managed to interact with all in such a short span of time? Definitely a bringer of perspective. With so many things he'd been so wary of before now a constant in his life, Patrick had already found his skepticism challenged over and over again. Even so he still handled things one day at a time, often by pretending it was all just an unusual dream by the end of the day. Like Ne'haer. This whole place had been nothing but a vivid dream to him; yet so far he hadn't the decency to wake up and find himself safely back in Rharne.

"Glad t' see ya like the gifts; but uh, ya honestly don't plan on worshippin' Immortals with 'em... do ya?" He posed with an awkward grin as he looked to the two bottles, the whiskey being something he wouldn't have minded watching as... well it certainly would be funny to watch a miniature creature worship whiskey everyday, given that he practically did in his own way whenever given the chance. The Maiden's Kiss however... might be a different story.

"Please tell me you intend to save this poor thing!" Ri'ku posed as she flew out from underneath his coat towards the bottles, her glimmering form orbited the containers while Patrick pretended she wasn't visibly there.

"Hadn't thought about it well enough, what's t' save her from anyways? I kinda like the idea o' her worshipin' booze.

"Seriously?! That's no way to treat a lady of her size!"

"You're one t' talk." He mused as he made himself comfortable on the ground, although the snow admittedly froze his ass immediately. "Listen Niv, not t' burst your bubble but these aren't exactly things you'd worship Immortals with. They're personal items meant for you, to indulge in at your own expense mind you." He explained as he shifted onto his feet once more; although now he sat perched like some sort of bird instead.

"Tell ya what; why don't we go somewhere warmer and I'll it better there. It's pretty damn cold out here, colder than a witch's tit at that!" He mused with a few shivers as he offered a hand down for Niv to climb upon, should she decide to go with him and climb on; Patrick would then see to it he picked up the gifts and pocket them before heading elsewhere. Of course if she didn't wish to leave then he would withdraw the hand, and then rise to his feet so he could dip both hands into pockets for warmth.
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Feel free to move this along to a warmer location, likely a bar or someplace Patrick is bound to go. :) Golden Flask is a good choice, although it's your call if this the thread transitions to a different place or not.
Last edited by Patrick on Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:24 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 720
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Lost in Translation

“Oh I understands.” Niv replied as she retracted her hand. She didn’t sound disappointed as Niv was aware of the glaring size difference. Niv wasn’t even sure she could get a proper hold on his finger let alone his whole hand.

“I make pray teh Immortals al’reh-day..is dat bad?” Niv’s eyes strained slightly in worry as she wondered if she had preformed some kind of taboo. Since Patrick didn’t seem offended or distressed Niv tried her best not to jump to conclusions.

“Ohh yes yes I understands now” Niv nodded her head enthusiastically with a smile as she came to yet another incorrect assumption. Based on the description Pat gave, Niv could only assume he was giving her a simple beverage or hopefully a healing potion. Never in Niv’s wildest dreams would she imagine people would purposely drink something that turned them into bumbling idiots, even for fun.

Niv visibly stiffened when Pat suggested changing location. The Tunawa didn’t like the idea of going somewhere unknown, especially when it was warm there. Warmth meant fire, and fire meant misfortune. At the same time, Niv wanted friends and Pat had already proven to be generous and kind. Friendship can’t be formed without trust, and Niv knew she would have to demonstrate this to Pat.
“yes…I go with yews” Niv nodded her head shyly and hesitantly climbed onto the mans offered hand.
“Sorry Immortals, I make yews anna-dah shine.” She called to the sky as Patrick began gathering up the alcohol.

Niv crawled all the way to Pat's neck and hid under his coat to keep herself from the public eye, only peeking out slightly to see where they were heading. After a scenic walk through the city, Niv’s eyes came upon The Golden Flask, a building she only visited once but still recognized. It was a fun little place with dancers and loud talking but it was still a place Niv had to be cautious in. Niv trusted Pat, it was the others the Tunawa had to watch out for as anyone of them could be a slave trader.
“Dere’s a lot of people in dis place..” Niv whispered into Pats ear “Is dis deh warm place yews talk about?" Niv's gaze wandered to the sight of a man slumped over the bar with his mouth hanging open.
“Dat man look sick wit poison.” Niv whispered again with growing concern.

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Patrick couldn't help but laugh at her when Nymph seemed to worry about whether or not her attempt to worship was bad already, his expression formed into a look of mischief as he briefly decided to tease the little creature. "Well I dunno, I don't usually build shrines me self. Guess ye'll find out later if one comes around." He remarked with a soft wink to add as he hoped she wasn't a literal one, taking him seriously tended to be bad for others health most of the time. Still she seemed pretty receptive of his explanation with the gifts, well enough to have a basic grasp of what he'd told her at least.

Upon his presentation to provide a lift and escort to somewhere warmer, she seemed a bit hesitant at first, before she finally appeared well enough sure she could trust him. It honestly felt quite weird when he felt her climb onto his hand, the animation of living wood on his skin at least; he'd never would've believed such a small creature lived in this wide world. Tunawa were certainly a mystery to be discovered to everyone, for Patrick though that wasn't something he keenly took to mind. While curious of Niv to be sure; he was honestly more interested in a different aspect, one where he simply lived and let everything else live in tangent. Odd as that sounded it was a concept he favored well enough, interaction with strange beings did after all bring interesting stories later.

Indeed stories like the one he had now; the Tunawa and her shrine or so he noted. Definitely something worth telling later once he had more of the story to develop, since she seemed pretty apt to worship the Immortals in her own strange way. With the bottles and crotchet hook picked up; he wound the ball of yarn next and pocketed the gifts, afterwards he then headed to the usual place where he liked to hang around and typically crash. The Golden Flask proved to be his home away from home mainly, what with the nights spent drinking and staying warm here. Typically he couldn't wait to be back in Rharne where he would be home, for what it was worth the people there made dealing with the cold easier.

"Aye," He responded to Niv, "I've stayed here ever since I came from Rharne, its a busy place but it isn't that bad really. Believe it or not." As he approached the bar he greeted the bartender like he normally would, a finger held up to sign he just wanted one drink tonight. The man knew Patrick well enough by now at least, warm cider in the tankard to help alleviate the chill; his bones would certainly appreciate it. Niv seemed to mention he looked sickly from her observation, something he didn't pay much mind too as the tankard found its place on the bar. With a hand grasped on his drink he moved over to a table where he usually sat, the spot within the establishment that proved well reserved actually. The usual folk stuck closer to the bar so he found himself often close to alone back here, nobody typically bothered him unless they wanted a drinking partner for the night.

"Alright we're here." He murmured as he took a chair at the table; the contents that belonged to Niv now placed before him, while he took a sip and waited for her to find a spot to relax at next to them. "So here's the thing... Niv? Niv right?" He checked to make sure he had been correct. "This here," He pointed to the whiskey bottle, "is alcohol that ya can drink. I dunno how it'll effect you in particular, but we humans drink it t' feel better 'bout our selves mostly. It numbs the mind and dulls our senses really, makin' some act stupid of course but always bringin' good times." He waited to see if she comprehended all of that before moving on, granted she did seem pretty unfamiliar with the substance.

"This here," The finger then pointed next to the Maiden's Kiss, "is somethin' called a drug. It's another mind alterin' substance we use, though it's not the only one out there. All sorts'a drugs are crafted and sold out there, though ya gotta know the right people and keep quiet 'bout it. Most places aren't really acceptin' of this shit." He added with a finger raised to alert her of that fact, seeing as how she definitely could easily find herself trouble later. "Maiden's Kiss is what I got ya though, as I wasn't sure what other sort o' thing y' would like. What it does is uh..." He shifted back into his chair to look her up and down, eyes keenly examined her form to determine if and how she copulated.

"Okay so... have ya ever felt... needs? Like urges when ya look at some other Tunawa? Like ya could definitely go fer a quick tussle with 'em or ya just wanted to know how good they performed?" He finally inquired as he found himself in a bit of a complicated situation, as he wasn't sure how exactly Tunawa 'had fun' the same way humans did.
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Niv tilted her head slightly and tensed her eyebrows into a perplexed look as Patrick chuckled at her question. “I ask dem in next prayer” Niv responded with a nod of her head. Her voice didn’t carry much humour in it but there also wasn’t animosity. She just didn’t understand the joke and waited for it to make sense in her mind instead of ruining it by asking for an explanation.


Niv slowly crawled down Patricks arm, feeling exposed and vulnerable as she did. She felt like the entire bar was gawking at her but only the bar tender took notice and he was too busy mixing drinks to care about a Tunawa. The Tunawa found a place in front of Patrick so he could shield her from the rest of the patrons. She listened to Pat talk about alcohol but her glassy eyes would occasionally wonder to look for suspicious behaviour.

“So…humans drink dis tah numb deh head?” Niv looked back at Patrick in disbelief as she pointed to the Whisky. “but dats just silly people need head ta do tings-“ She paused and looked up to the ceiling of the bar as a thought entered her mind. “Oh wait! yews use it tah stitch deh broken head up, I gets it.” Niv chuckled at her previous misunderstanding feeling confident she now understood the proper application of Whisky. What other reason would you need to numb your head if not for medical purposes.

“Drug another word for medicine, I knowed dat.” Niv nodded her head with a smile of understanding. “Is shit also medicine? I not heard of dat word till on dis day when yews says it.” Niv felt like she was putting the pieces together on the mysterious objects Pat had given her but there was still many parts that didn’t fit together.

“Needs..Tussle…I dancer so I like..” Niv's eyes suddenly narrowed and a sly grin grew on her face as the connection was made. “yews be talk’n bout de boom boom.” Niv clapped her hands together suggestively then shook a finger at Pat. “I knows all about deh boom boom, I live in forest dere be animals havin’ deh boom boom all deh time.” Niv pointed past Pat to a crusty old man with a large red nose and a magnificent uni brow placed under his neanderthal forehead. “Dat man look like boar’s stinky part but I knows even he get deh boom boom.”
“Tunawa not have boom boom doh, we have better way to make deh bebe instead of growin’ dem in belly.” Niv stuck her belly out and used her hands to make herself seem bloated. “We grow bebe’s in ground, very much better way.”
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Last edited by Niv on Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 466
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"Er," Patrick found himself in a dumbfounded train of thought for a moment, "Oh no no. Ya got the wrong idea Sprout, see it numbs the mind but not for medical purposes. I mean it can but that's not what humans use it for, its just a substance we like t' drink t' feel good afterwards. Too much of it gives us a hangover though; nasty headaches and the like." He remarked with a wry smile on his face while Ri'ku fluttered around, he could hear her laugh in his mind as he tried to clarify better.

"Can we keep her? Please?!

"Now now, you're company enough Sparkles." Patrick had to refrain from chuckling at her disappointed sigh, his eyes mainly focused on Niv as she continued to speak. She seemed to understand 'drug' held another meaning, which wasn't too bad honestly though it... well it definitely posed a challenge to meddle with such a purely simple thing. No. Patrick just couldn't bear to do it, just the thought of spoiling the interpretation was too much. Effort would be wasted in a sense, but it also costed the simplicity this creature demonstrated. There existed black and white to some, while others found grey in their life, and then this adorable creature that somehow saw the world in color.

"Sure, shit can be a type o' medicine." He mused as the corners of his lips rose, already his gut hurt from quelling the laughter within.

"You. Are. A monster." Ri flew before his eyes and pivoted in the front of his face, an attempt to bug him while he merely brushed her off with a puff of air blown up to his hair. Next came the connection in regards to what he was getting at, the context of what he hinted at somehow given a completely different name with Niv. The boom boom? By the Fates this was too much! He couldn't contain himself anymore and quickly lost composure, an obnoxious snort rattled his nostrils as he fell into a fit of laughter.

"The boom boom?! Jesnine help this little creature; Patrick you're the worst!!"

"Ilaren's perky tits Sprout, that's gotta be the greatest shit I've ever heard!" He muttered between laughs with a few gasps for air, his mirth started to attract attention from the others apparently. Of course Patrick didn't really care if that happened, because to him they were nothing more than just people here to either eat or drink. "Oh Fates help me," He sighed shortly just before another laughing fit hit him once more.
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Niv continued to frown intensely as Patrick tried to explain but only confused the Tunawa even more. From Pat’s description, Alcohol sounded like it was a type of medicine, one that made you feel better but had a few side effects. It made Niv wonder if she was even using the correct word, was she calling her antidotes medicine when she should have been calling them Whisky or Wine? It hurt her tiny head just thinking about all the countless times she had been using the wrong term or if there was simply another things she wasn’t grasping because of the language barrier.

When Pat burst into fits of laughter, Niv began to force a laugh as well to seem like she understood what was going on. Apparently Pat had heard the greatest shit ever and it made him laugh uncontrollably. He had just told her that shit was medicine..so medicine could be heard and made you laugh if it was great but what was Ilaren's perky tit? was it shit? No, Niv could tell it was simply an odd human expression. Was shit a form of expression?

While Pat tried to control his laughter and Niv was deep in thought, the man with the unibrow and the bulbous red nose clumsily sauntered over.
“Ooy The man’s gots em one o’ those Tuna’watzits!” The man announced as he thrust his arm into Pat’s back in a forward attempt at male baonding. The man lacked the coordination of a sober man and wobbled a bit even when he wasn’t walking, his speech was also noticeably slurred.
“Tell it ta do eh funny lil’ dance!” He nudged Patrick with elbow and an unsettling grin that exposed his filthy teeth.

Niv was petrified in fear, she couldn’t seem to move her body she could only look at the man with wide fearful eyes. She wanted to run away but her legs simply wouldn’t budge.

“Ya should get yer Nil back this one here looks broken.” The drunk chuckled and moved his hand forward to nudge Niv with his fat greasy finger.
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For a while Patrick found himself unable to control his mirth, even a couple attempts to pinch his bicep did little as he tried to breathe. Niv had certainly entertained him today and most definitely did it in her own way, practically with little intent towards the matter as she'd remained completely innocent at heart. "Really now, you're muddled behavior is going to corrupt this poor thing's innocence." Ri'ku sighed as she gravitated towards Niv, naturally of course she went unnoticed due to being only visible to Patrick.

Then of course the same lard ass Niv pointed out earlier had taken an peculiar interest in Niv, probably because Pat hadn't been able to help keep himself discreet about her presence. Quite honestly he hadn't expected her being here to bring any problems of course, but with the secondary companion involved in his private affair now; well let's just say his humored mood died down upon the moment of approach.

"Uh." Patrick's smile remained although his demeanor went through a drastic change, and often did his eyes jump from Niv to this loony drunk. Niv definitely looked terrified by the man next to him, and Patrick didn't like the feeling he had either with the uninvited guest. "Maybe ya should worry 'bout yer own nil pal, and leave this little thing be 'afore somethin' drastic happens." It wasn't like Patrick to quickly become defensive over others really, quite honestly he couldn't have cared that much about Niv... but he still did care at least.

For one she was just a small creature, hardly any real match for someone their size. That and she definitely didn't seem like the fighting type, if she were then she had to be extremely talented at hiding such a trait. Aside from that however her fearful look upon the man said enough, and Patrick wasn't going to let some drunken prick think he could do whatever; especially with something far smaller than himself. When it seemed like his earlier comment to shove off wasn't heeded, Patrick then balled his hands into fists with a bit of a scowl. "Listen 'ere bub, I get the fact that seeing somethin' bigger than yer own willy is impressive; but I'll not kid around when I say that ya best leave well enough alone wit' her."

His tone grew seriously grave, and if the man were keen to heed warnings; then he'd certainly move along to leave them alone.
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