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Niv flies into Adam and the two get to know each other

2nd of Zi'da 716

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What's your Poison? (Adam)

2nd of Zi'da, 716

Patcha the sulphur crested cockatoo was an excellent companion for Niv and helped her fly around to nearly everywhere in the city. A joyful little fellow who was more than happy enough receiving only tiny seeds and berries for his essential services. The problem was that Niv had been using these services a little too much and needed to find another way to get around. Not a replacement by any means, but a way of taking the pressure off.

Niv knew Patcha was the jealous type, after the incident that occurred when another cockatoo took a shine to Niv. The squabble that ensued that trial was embarrassing to say the least but in time all was more or less forgiven after Patcha had shown enough remorse. It wasn’t forgotten though, and Niv knew she couldn’t ask another bird for help, she would have to be independent.

Having lived amongst birds and flying squirrels, Niv felt she understood simple aerodynamics pretty well. All she really needed was some kind of cape and maybe some feathers and she was good to go. In the early morning breaks, Niv searched the city for some kind of scrap fabric she could make into a suitable cape. Niv wasn’t sure how long she’d been walking but it already felt like her legs would fall off once she had made it to the city. When she saw a pile of furniture and other objects in front of a house her eyes widened with hope. Despite the pain she pushed her legs to go even faster and was overjoyed when she came across a tattered quilt that was thrown over a broken rocking chair.

Niv looked to the sky and thanked the immortals with a smile before eagerly claiming her bounty. She got to work forcefully tearing off a piece of faded purple fabric as neatly as she could muster. After she was done harvesting, Niv tied two ends together around her neck and skipped away with a wide grin.

Feathers were always an easy find, birds were practically throwing them away whenever they got the chance. While Niv thought it was a bit careless of them, she wasn’t going to complain since she found many uses for the waste. On her way back to the trees she found a small brown feather and a white speckled one of similar size just sitting on the ground with no owner in sight.

Not being the most patient of Tunawa, Niv slipped the feathers into her hair and practically pounced onto the nearest tree the second she got out of the city. Niv evoked the spirit of the squirrel and moved up the tree as quickly as she could. The key to tree climbing was to keep looking forward for the next piece of bark to grab on to. Niv often fell even when she was following this rule but falling would happen a lot less if her focus was maintained.

Having reached a branch high enough that a dog would look like an ant, Niv was done climbing.
“You are the wind, you are the great owl, the mighty eagle, The sly bat,” Niv chanted to herself as she held two ends of the cape with a feather in each hand. “Now is the time to…FLY!” Niv leapt forward and let the wind catch under her cape. It was more accurate to call it gliding or even falling with style but Niv’s mouth was still open wide with glee regardless.

Her expression quickly shifted as soon as she spotted a man standing in her line of trajectory. She tried to flap her tiny feathers in order to turn or gain elevation, but it did nothing. Niv let out a loud bird squawk that she hoped would allow the man to step out of the way but she was likely too late.
Last edited by Niv on Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:52 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 655
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Adam Michaels
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What's your Poison? (Adam)

Once again Adam found himself entertaining the idea of using poisons to get an edge on those who may attempt to harm him. And he found himself rather enthused digging around the brush looking for poisonous plants to play around with in the forest. He just wanted to dabble in something toxic, really put the element of danger in his otherwise lacking sword play so there he was searching.

But then just as he turned out of the corner of his eye this kill murdering frenzy bird came swooping in to lay waste to his ridiculous good looks no doubt. The fiend flapped it's feathers in fury as it finally collided into the side of his face, thankfully his charisma proved to be to powerful a thing to be simply absolved as it bounced off him like a crumpled up paper airplane.

Adam aghast went for the handle of his sword, until he realized that what smacked and bounced off him was actually not an eyeball chomping danger bird rather a tiny shrub person.

Horror was changed by a moment of what the fuck is this crazy shit. He knew the dangers associated with empathy, was this a hallucination? Was this it? Had he finally lost his rocker and gone off the deep end, thoughts spiraled out of control in his mind as he tried to make sense of this abominable mess of person and vegetable ohhh if the vegans could see this creature.

"Hail ye, foul beast.
Stay there, lest ye wish to taste the tip of my D."

Adam jerked his rapiers handle trying to emphasize his level of surprise and seriousness of his situation as he was extremely wary of weird shit like this because we'll more often than not it's those strange moments in life that get you killed real good.
word count: 308
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What's your Poison? (Adam)

Niv’s eyes clutched tightly to prepare for the inevitable impact as she flew into the man’s face like a hard slap. The mans cheek was a formidable advisory that took the surprise tunawa assault as if it were nothing. Niv simply bounced off the man and fell to the ground in shambles. she hit the dirt silently but the man noticed her tiny frame below him almost instantly. She may have been plant like in appearance but she was still a striking oddity in the eyes of a human.

In his alarm the man pointed a long shiny stick at Niv and started shouting in a threatening tone. With the Tunawa’s poor understanding of the common tongue she interpreted that the man wanted hail to fall on her for being a smelly beast, but offered her the taste of some food if she stayed still. She had a hunch this was not what the frightened man intended to say or at least she hoped so. Humans were strange after all.

“I not mean to make yews hurt” Niv stopped to slowly bend down and grab too ends of the scrap fabric and flap them about. “I want teh fly like bird, see.” She tried her best to make eye contact knowing that humans took this as a sign of trust and understanding. When contact was made, she forced the corners of her mouth up into a smile.

“Niv.” The tunawa beat a fist against her chest. “Wat I call yews?”
In the Animal world names were meaningless but to the tall folk they were very important in starting any relationship. Even if they were to become enemies, Niv felt it necessary to know who she was addressing. Once introductions were over Niv dove right into questioning.

“What…taste the tip-of-meh-deh mean? is it eh poison?” Her head tilted and her left eyebrow raised as she looked up at the man for answers. She stopped to smell her arm and frowned at what she sensed. “it cure foul stench of beast…is that why yews offer it teh meh…cause I smell not good?”
word count: 359
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What's your Poison? (Adam)

His cheek still stung from the impact with a familiar lick of peppery burn that brought him back to when he encountered Sabine. Might as well call his cheek Ole Iron Side, as it met open palm slaps of women scorned in droves. But he remembered Sabines knuckles a bit more, he called her a prostitute of the noble houses and got a knuckle sandwich.

His eyes squinted befuddled by the shinanigans of this talking shrubbery. Adam did not know how to handle such a thing that fell from the sky's, although he was unsure of the critter and it's intentions he listened to it as he continued to brandish his dainty blade.

It appeared as if the the creature that named itself Niv, was just as confused as Adam. And all he wanted to do was find some poisons.

Ah I see, accident not attack.
No no you don't smell bad.
I Adam was Startled.
I am looking for poison plants to make antidotes, cures.

Although nothing was further from the truth he would put a pleasant spin on as he spoke slow, he wanted to seduce Nivs better nature if it had one to help coax this plant person to cough up some much needed assistance to procure toxic roots berries and leaves.

Do you know of said plants?

He raised a brow and waited for its response as he lowered the fabled Long D and reluctantly sheathed his steel. It was a shame he couldn't stick his rapier in everything, but sometimes diplomacy faired better then vulgar penatration.

When he did this he tried to drink this new race in, to get a feel for it. He wasn't sure what to make of such a exotic race.
word count: 295
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What's your Poison? (Adam)

“oh yews wish fer deh poison plants! yews follow Niv I lead you teh poisons in deh forest!” Niv practically sprang up in excitement at the prospect of finding poisons. Looking for poison was always a fun way to past the time and it was even for a good cause. Niv’s fraction, The order of Aliduh was always on the look out for poisons and their antidotes so Niv could collect some for herself as well.

“We needs teh be quiet like deh tiny wittle mouse doh. We not want teh bring fear to deh forest, The forest not share secrets if afraid.” Niv whispered just loud enough for it to carry to Adam but petered out quickly. The tunawa threw the scrap fabric around her like a warriors cape and threw a fist up in the air as if to say onward. She boldly but carefully moved along the forest floor, looking for any signs of fungal growths or herbs that might be deadly if in the wrong hands.

An old stump good in the tunawa’s path, it had fallen between two thick trees but Niv could had a good feeling of what lay beyond. Niv practically punched onto the old darkened wood in order to climb it. She grasped onto the coarse bark firmly upon landing, using what little strength she could find in her tiny arms to pull herself up. when she got to the top she found that the other side was practically covered in all kinds of fungus. though sadly nothing that seemed poisonous.
She did however spot a parasitic mushroom sprouting from a dead ant and wasted no time in feasting upon it.

“oh sorry, not poisonous..jus tasty” Niv said as she finished devouring the ants entire head. She quickly stuffed as much as she could of the ant’s torso into her mouth and held the legs in a bundle for later.

Niv looked past the stump into a vast opening in the trees, there was quite a bit of greenery and it gave Niv hope that she would find something salvageable. Using her vantage point she squinted her eyes and looked for anything that caught her interest. A patch of white flowers was first to catch her attention, after a brief moment of inspection she smiled.

“dat my friend is wat deh call Hemlock, if eaten it cause person to not move den slowly wither away” Niv pointed to her discovery, and looked up at Adam to see if he could find what she was pointing at. “It very important teh have deh cure for dat if someone eat dey root thinking it like carrot. Carrots are good, Hemlock not good.” Niv shook her head to emphasize her warning.


Niv continued to point out all the different poisons she knew of, which wasn’t much more than what she had already pointed out. Niv was fairly knowledgable on the subject but even she wasn’t an expert and had to rely on what was available. Niv felt satisfied knowing she had helped the strange man and went back to learning to fly, confident that her second attempt would be better.
word count: 531
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RP Medals



What's your Poison? (Adam)

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 5/5
Structure: 5/5

These point CAN NOT be spent on magic.

Acting: Forcing a smile
PC: Adam
Adam: Looking to make poison
Blades: Shiny sticks
Climbing: Keep looking forward for the next grip
Climbing: Evoking the spirit of the squirrel
Climbing: Falling happens often
Climbing: Digging in your grip
Construction: Making a glider
Endurance: Keep going when your legs hurt
Flying: Using a glider
Flying: Falling with style
Flying: Flapping feathers that aren't yours doesn't help
Flying: Bracing for impact
Fieldcraft: Feathers are easy to find
Medicine: It's good to always have a cure
Patch: A good flying companion
Patch: Gets jelous easy
Poison: Look carefully for poison plants
Poison: Some things aren't deadly, just tasty
Poison: Hemlock
Poison: Hemlock: Makes people stop moving and slowly wither
Poison: Hemlock: Roots like carrots
Stealth: Quiet as a mouse

Loot: None

Loss: None

Injury: A couple bruises, nothing to serious.

Fame: +1 for helping someone

Devotion: None

Comments: This was a lovely little thread to read. Niv is so adorable, such a sweet and innocent character. I'm sad that Adam left.
If he comes back and wants the grade he can PM me.

If you have any comments or concerns please feel free to shoot me a PM.

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 3/5
Structure: 5/5

These point CAN NOT be spent on magic.

Poison: Look carefully for poison plants
Poison: Some things aren't deadly, just tasty
Poison: Hemlock
Poison: Hemlock: Makes people stop moving and slowly wither
Poison: Hemlock: Roots like carrots

Loot: N/A

Loss: N/A

Injury: N/A

Fame: N/A

Devotion: N/A

Comments: Here you go dear. Unfortunately I couldn't give you full points on collaboration since you only did two posts. I wasn't exactly sure what knowledge's you wanted so I just gave you what I could find. If you have any concerns feel free to get a hold of me!
word count: 336
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