• Closed • Sera Ba Randil

39th of Vhalar 716

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Sera Ba Randil


39th of Vhalar, Arc 716

"Luden," Alistair called to the Lotharro, who'd slept in the main room of the cabin they'd both been staying in - a room Alistair quickly made his way to after the events of minutes prior. The man rose quickly to his feet, balling his fists and readying into a stance, eyes flickering open and investigating his surroundings. "Huh?" he asked. The mage, eager to move forward, did not yet bother explaining what had been going on. Instead, with his hand extended outwards, he beckoned for the Lothar to come closer.

Complying reluctantly, Luden did so, and he took Alistair's hand.

"Alaa bana seio'forta - asa je vanya lameia togourto seis fatan," he whispered, and repeated.
"What are you saying?" the Lothar asked, eyes widened. He began to slowly pull away from the mage, who was terrifying him. Immensely.
"Naa'ha ba sei forta, Sera ba Randil, Ellasin de Dathlan, nousra a forta sei demente zothros," he said. Once, and again, and then again, for a third time.

His words materialized, it seemed like. The windows - from where they could see them - were covered now in pale hands. Creatures sliding their palms down the glass, desperate and pleading to come in. What were they? The Lothar didn't know. But he was afraid, and he trusted his gut instinct. Balling his fists once more, he threw a hard fist against the mage's face. Alistair fell to the ground, knocked unconscious, with Luden grabbing him before he hit his head on the hard wooden floor.

With that alone, the hands disappeared. The groaning ceased, and the night returned to quiet. Alistair was put to bed with leather straps around his wrists, Luden preventing him from any wild behaviors when he awoke. Truthfully, he didn't know Alistair very well, or magic. The Lothar stayed up much of the night pondering what to do - even considering killing the mage in his sleep to prevent the incursion of those things again: the Sylvithia. Unlike Alistair, Luden recognized them.

It was possible that the man had become possessed.

Trials later, when the sun rose and shined through the window, Alistair's eyes flickered open. He saw leather bindings around him and in short order began to panic, but when he rationally examined the situation he realized they didn't pose much of a threat. Using the Chasing, a form of Rupturing, he teleported the leather bindings across the room, their forms disappearing from around his hands as he rubbed his sore wrists. But why were they there in the first place? Last thing he'd remembered, Luden was asleep, and Alistair rose to try and tell him of what he'd seen in the forest. There was nothing after that.

Alistair rose to his feet, stepping into the hallway and peering through the small opening of Luden's door. He couldn't see anything inside, but continued to peer in, curious to see if the Lotharro was still there. As he searched, however, he was pressed against the door from behind. It was the Lotharro - he could tell from the strength. And the musk.

"How'd you get out of your bindings?" he asked Alistair. He didn't seem... upset that the mage managed to get out, interestingly enough. Maybe - instead - scared.

"I teleported them somewhere else," he answered frankly. "I'm not sure why I was restrained in the first place. I was hoping you'd . . . illuminate that answer for me."

"Because you went fuckin' crazy," the Lothar answered. "You grabbed my hand and started speaking some crazy shit. You invited ghosts to my bloody cabin, mage," he snarled. Alistair changed his mind - Luden did in fact seem quite angry.
word count: 624
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Sera Ba Randil


"You said some magical words, and they just started... piling on the cabin," the man told him. "It was fucked up - so fucked up. One of them even started to open the window from underneath it - I don't know how its fingers got there. But I haven't been able to sleep since," the Lothar told him. Alistair tried to be calm, despite his head being pressed firmly against a door. Luden was having a particularly sour reaction, but he could tell that the man didn't really want to hurt him. He must have - at least partially - acknowledged the possibility that this was all unintentional.

"What did I say?" he asked. The Lothar bit his lip.
"I wrote it down after," he told the mage. "It kept playing in my head. It sounded like something mad - like there was some real power behind it. It wasn't just simple speech."

"What was it?" Alistair asked. The Lotharro felt reluctant to repeat the words, so he instead released his grip on Alistair and opened the door of his room. He led the man into a seat, with a piece of parchment clearly on the surface.

Alaa bana seio'forta asa je vanya lameia togourto seis fatan. Naa'ha ba sei forta, Sera ba Randil, Ellasin de Dathlan, nousra a forta sei demente zothros.

"Ellasin de Dathlan?" he repeated. "Sera ba Randil..."
"What does it mean?" Luden asked.

"Um... nothing," he said, nonchalantly. Totally untrue, but - he didn't really need to get this man paranoid by telling him the name belonged to the most powerful mage in Idalos - let alone one globally hated - and that he had an affiliation with said mage.

Sera ba Randil was her title, in the Ancient Tongue. It meant the Witch, and that 'the' was more indicative than anything. THE Witch. The greatest of them all. Sera meant 'the greatest', from what he'd understood. The ruin in the Willow Woods that Ellasin had been seeking was named Seraas, which meant 'the greatest treasure'. It was a recurring theme in mages and magical artifacts - especially within those who actually spoke the Ancient Tongue, such as Ellasin and some of her prominent Liches. And, of course, the Seekers.

He didn't know these other words, though. Whether it was ancient tongue or something else, he was not affiliated with these languages. He knew Common and sort of Rakahi, and that was the extent. Alaa bana... a... a...

Alistair sighed. There was absolutely no way he could translate this on his own.

"So?" Luden asked. "Do you remember all this? I find it difficult to believe that you merely began a witch-y incantation on me as a slip of the tongue, or a fuckin' sleepwalking experience," he said. But that was just what it was. Sleepwalking. Alistair couldn't imagine it being anything else - but what had managed to grip him in his rest was a question that required immediate answering. He knew - right now - that he would have to go to the Witch herself. Sera ba Randil.

It had to have been the first time he'd be willingly approaching Ellasin in years, but Alistair needed to know what this meant; what had overcome him. He assured Luden that he would return by the evening before gathering his belongings and returning to the Sanctum of the Coven.
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Sera Ba Randil


Gathering his belongings in full, and keeping the parchment with the written words safely in his pouch, Alistair calmed himself and focused. He pictured the visuals of the Sanctum that preceded the chambers of the Coven, and the great dial that laid in the center of the room, open to the shadow of the sun in the day. Alistair focused his energy, fine-tuning the compression of space by connecting the lines between here and there - his memory becoming a grasp on the distance between them. With energy swelling inside of him, Alistair waved his palm before his chest, and with a loud 'boom' a tear in space was made before him. A rupture.

Stepping into the blazing doorway, he found himself before the gates of the Crypt and knocked for entrance into the halls of the Coven.

Upon being allowed inside, Alistair made his way towards Ellasin's chamber at the far end of the underground catacombs. Walking through, everything seemed quite typical. There wasn't a great disturbance among the Coven in general, but rather particularly in Alistair's life. Why that was, he didn't know. Hopefully, he thought, the woman would have some answers for him. When he arrived at her door, he knocked firmly three times to catch her attention. After a slight pause, he rose his hand to knock again, before the door opened. He could see energy latching onto the edges, opening it without Ellasin's movement necessary. It was Sovereign.

She sat before a mirror, one that appeared to bear witness to the events of a scrying portal. She was watching something - or someone - very closely. Not saying anything, not revealing her distant investigation. Just observing. Her face did not even turn to Alistair as he came in, which was quite atypical of her.

"It's Seraas en Avellach," she told him. Drawing closer, Alistair could see what was on the other side: a large, crimson gateway, one that looked almost like glass. A jewel of sorts, but larger than man. He could see energy radiating from it. "This is the Mindrender," she said. "It's the closest I've ever gotten to the prize within. Call it the gatekeeper if you will. Try as I may, I could not go further. I failed."

She said this solemnly - a voice of melancholy. Failure was never something Ellasin had taken well. She had a history of success, ousting the competition in every way. Ousting Talesin, Sect, even Sintra. Out-maneuvering everyone until the last. But to Mindrender, and to Seraas, she had failed. The artifact was free of her grasp.

"Why do you come, Alistair?" she asked, her eyes still unchanging. The reflection of the jewel ran over her irises, a crimson glow emitting from her gaze.

"Something grave has been haunting my steps for the past few days," he told her. "It began with letters that appeared to be from you. Dear Ali, generally a crass remark, followed by "E". The same way you write to me - though of course with the addition of crassness. Shortly afterward, I was sent on a task to pursue something known as the Crimson Skinbane, which I have so far been unsuccessful in doing. Instead, as I watched the forest through the window I left behind, something saw me. A wraith. A creature of paranormal ability. It hijacked my window into the forest and turned it into a door, and since then, I've felt petrified. I allegedly began an incantation late into last night, calling forth ghosts or ghastly things. I don't know what is occurring with me - I've never experienced this before." He spoke quickly, and almost out of breath. This entire thing had changed him - he was not himself in this moment. He was, instead, very timid. She noticed.

"Calm down, my dear," she commanded. "What was the incantation?"

"Alaa bana seio'forta - asa je vanya lameia togourto seis fatan. Naa'ha ba sei forta, Sera ba Randil, Ellasin de Dathlan, nousra a forta sei demente zothros," he read directly from the parchment Luden had written. The Lotharro who he'd endangered with this peculiarity. Ellasin's eyes rose, and she looked to Alistair immediately.

"That's not a good sign," she replied. "Those words... they mean, to the door of death, I shall take you. An end to your corruption we seek, eyes in terror as our claws rake you. I have seen your soullessness, your stone cold eyes; I could never mistake you. Child of the Great Witch, Ellasin Dathlande, we will break you."

The terror of the night before was not one that matched to now. He stammered back, confused. How could a wandering specter of the woods know him so well? The stone cold eyes... referring to his sociopathy. Child of the Great Witch, his bond with Ellasin. This couldn't be merely a spirit of the dead. It was more.
word count: 824
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Sera Ba Randil

  • Knowledge:
    • Luden: Providing a Sucker Punch to the Face
    • Luden: Scared of Alistair
    • Sera Ba Randil: The Witch
    • Language: Ancient Language Exposure
    • Linguinstics: Word by Word Definition
    • Haunted by Something Greater
    • Ellasin: Translated the Incantation
    Loot: None
    Injuries: A bruise will develop in the next trial or two beneath the left eye. The black eye will resolve in 6-9 trials.
    Fame: None

    Story: 5/5
    Collaboration: 0/5
    Structure: 5/5
- - -
Comments: Too bad I did not have the luxury of reading the story prior to this. It is definitely interesting and I am curious as to what is going on. Keep up the great work.

All points can be used towards Domain Magic skills.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 145
I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me.
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